Priyampatwa1 ★
Sugar pill / Decay
Same here
What about bug issue Coming I'm in gold 5 But I finished vaibreniam 1
I want my 1000 elders marks 12500 trophy tokens every season I get 25000 trophy tokens and 2200 elders marks This season I get half of size amount of 5 victory track
I don't think I can complete this season vaibranim 1 I'm in gold 5 my all seasons going to end reaching vaibreniam 1 I not have so much time to climb platinum then diamond then vaibreniam This is bed for me now I'm hopeless and worried about this
I seen that I cutting that
My alliance win one war then lose next war tactic war need placement if you lose the you lost your tactic we are doing losing wining losing wining what the..
Im not eligible sec 1 to 4 zoon rewards why?
I think this month is not good for everyone I'm going to unstall game then reinstall and finish Thronbraker event quest in one time then what happens in updating issue I don't care
There's nothing for paragons and valiants players Last year is good this year sucks
Game name: Priyam~51 Device And Model: Redmi7A Device Operating System: Android 10 Cellular and wifi: both Game Version: 43.1.0 Issue: Game update not updating
this month is making people disappointed and hoopless I am not understand way they are making these wrost events.
This after open game 5 minutes ago
I try both I can't send screen shot
I use android phone radmi7A
I like it I think I. Play one time