Tru100 ★★
Annihulk and mystic Gambit?
No. Definitely not the generics. If you’re feeling frivolous then maybe the tech, but generally speaking there’s better champs to put those stones in. The damage u get from warlock’s degen doesn’t scale all the great.
Are we supposed to be running the same legendary fights 4 times? I started doing epic in week 2 because I presumed we wouldn’t repeat the same fights, but now I think I’m mistaken.
Still confused. So if you completed the legendary quests this week, will we run them again next week? Or will the charges now only allow you to do the lower difficulties? Hey all, I want to clear up some of the confusion around this event: We put in a lot of effort to make this version of Trials more player-friendly: * All…
Dupe helps a lot, where the utility comes from.
Dr. Strange. I can’t believe the program has gone this long without addressing how far he’s fallen behind in the mystic class. Expecting Magneto-caliber buff whenever it does happen.
Agreed 100%. Hopefully an update is in the works or this puts it on the fast track.
Agree w this. More passive w Herc, Ghost. More aggressive w Quake, or if u back yourself against the wall. Don’t cooperate w timers. Hate you, stupid AI!
Kingpin solves a lot of problems
Changes for me, but Do not go gentle is always annoying. Not a fan of stunning reflect in war.
Don’t think you’re speaking for “the community” - but I’m guessing some version of this happens ever war season that gets cut off. I understand some frustration, but not sure why it would be their responsibility if you join an alliance towards end of the season.
I’m not seeing the payoff. Doesn’t feel fun for me. Button placement has totally ruined the side quest. Would much rather see energy/resources/bandwidth be applied to making game stable, or buff champs, or almost anything else tbh. If anything, maybe make it a pre-fight type feature so some of us can opt out or ignore it.
KP just has a lot more going on than Elsa. Elsa shrugs non-damaging debuffs, KP shrugs them all w Hood. KP has constant regen if u run willpower. Unstoppable on heavy and sp2 for can’t stop won’t stop nodes. Long stun on his sp3, elsa sp3 is sorta weak. His sp1 defense has weakness and AAR, Elsa does incinerate or cold…
Kingpin or Wags, depending on needs/roster
Just chiming in to report: same here. Alliance went from gold 1 to gold 2 from the war that shouldn’t have counted. Disappointing.
what’s anti-baiting?
Kingpin Mole man Falcon
Not for nothing, but an even better way to incentivize not hoarding crystals would be to make those gold offers they did a couple months ago or so a more regular occurrence. Everyone pops all their gold, PLUS they’ll wanna do content and grind arena more to get more gold. It’s like I have thousands of the arena boost…
Come on, this is not a legit debate. OP conceded he’s not good at the game, plus unawares of the encyclopedias of previous discussion on the very same topic, which anyone can search and look up. Let’s not rehash old outdated arguments when there’s fresh monthly EQ changes to protest.
I appreciate the analysis from OP. And I also think DNA and some others make good counterpoints. Which is why this community is great. With this buff in particular there’s a new mechanic, perfect release, and we have to see how that plays. We’ve seen good and bad on this front. But to DNA’s point, if the window to activate…
I think Super Skrull was designed as a cosmic Doom stopper, or at least slower-downer. He’s shock and incinerate immune, so neutralizes Doom’s primary damage mechanics. Those who don’t have Doom aren’t necessarily at a disadvantage for this quest. I stand w the other Diablo-mongers (Diablo-holics?) in this thread. This…
15 is a lot tho, esp from same class. She’d prob be a top 5-8 cosmic, maybe on par w CMM. It’s not just damage dealers in the mutant class, it’s the overlap of utility. Apoc and White Mags can handle tenacity/masochism type problems. Colossus for immunities. Prof X, Apoc for evade. And I rarely find myself saying I need…
Not just you. It’s dumb. The old rationale of “preserving game economy” etc. is stale and dated as well. The main caveat here probably is that there are 20-30 more impactful bugs/dumb things that require attention before looking at variant rank-up gem economy. I think I have 2-3 of these 2017 champs left to rank up, so…
Come on. We’re already bug detectors. Now it’s mandatory to immediately recognize bugs and wait for them to be resolved? Clearly the idea of playing bug-free game has become very novel concept over last few months. Yes, we could all prob find more productive things to do w our time. But does Kabam want that? I don’t think…
I would have sworn this went hand in hand w the dex/parry bug. In that sense it feels like AI knows we have to intercept more, or generally trend in that direction more. More anecdotally, the AI seems a little more finely tuned to each champ’s mechanics. If you have a champ who phases, the AI will wait that out, then get…
I think you’re giving them to much benefit of the doubt here. As you say at the end, this seemed obvious to you (and presumably others), but somehow we’re supposed to find it credible that Kabam just “learned” this through this Guilly buff experience? The most glaring counterpoint to this is the Hercules community choice…
I’m interested in this Purgatiry lesson. Tell me more. I’m going w Diablo,. He still has stigma from years of being Diablo, but now is top 2 mystic w suicides, top 3-5 without. His utility is spot on for meta right now.
I think this related to the beta opt-in features. If u have the post-fight stats screen it can trigger this. If u turn it off u should be good. Also it’s a visual bug so u don’t actually lose the fight (per another thread on same subject)