Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


  • Found an alliance.
  • This is just my opinion, but if you find bugs in a champ that's more than a year old and isn't game breaking, you should just change the champ's ability description to match the existing behavior and move on. They have done it in the past. If Kabam just adds one line in their next patch notes saying "fixed Rintrah's…
  • Agreed, it's not reasonable to not compensate for a communication error stating that a communication channel nobody knows about was used to convey the issue and therefore nothing is owed to the playerbase. We all know that player retention is a problem in this game, but such tactics is only making the few remaining players…
  • I agree, if Kabam isn't going to give RDTs then giving Zemo a tune up would be the best course of action. Increasing his damage output in short-medium fights would definitely help. Maybe replacing his 50% passive deaccelerate with a 100% passive slow would speed his ramp up and make him a reliable option that people could…
  • If Kabam had done this I don't think this many people would be demanding rank down tickets either. A lot of people (me included) took Zemo up after his balance update thinking that would be the final state of his kit. If his root was under scrutiny at the time and Kabam had mentioned the Trello ticket in their update I…
  • I disagree, he never had the damage output or the raw stats to make it at the top of the skill class to begin with. His main appeal was his ability to lock down opponents in certain matchups like Claire Voyant and Rintrah, but even that was taken away in his balance update when his armor up was converted into a passive.…
  • He was broken just like Zemo when he was first released. It was very difficult for someone stuck in a Doom cycle to break out. Heck, that's the reason he was one of the four horsemen of the Abyss. But over the years Kabam has introduced nodes and champions that make it harder to Doom cycle and that's why he does not seem…
  • Yeah you're just trolling. I already explained why the Zemo lock is not "obviously too OP and gonna get nerfed" because the Doom Cycle exists which can lock opponents down in a similar way. Nobody is a dumb*** for taking up their Zemo for just the lock mechanic. It could've easily been an intended rotation.
  • It is impossible to do at lower ranks because the combat power rate increase from higher ranks is necessary for Zemo to perform that lock.
  • I just pointed out the Zemo lock being similar to the Doom cycle to show how there is precedent for some kind of lock rotation to exist in the game. Kabam has every right to take it away if they want, but nobody can look at the Zemo lock and say it's 100% obviously a bug when the Doom cycle exists in the game. I'm just…
  • I know you're passionate but it would be helpful to stay on root lock topic. At least nerfing the Clair Voyant matchup was done through the appropriate channels in the balance update. Champs are expected to have such changes and while I also agree that those changes don't really seem necessary on Zemo, at least they were…
  • My point is that given how the Doom cycle is working as intended and how there are a lot of people who took up Doom just because they love his cycle, and given that Zemo's kit is mediocre at best without the root lock, it does not seem out of the ordinary for people to take up Zemo for the sole purpose of his root lock…
  • First of all, I thought you said you were done. Second, like I said Kabam could still counter Zemo in a variety of ways without nerfing the root lock. They could have champions that are root immune, or they could have champions/nodes that could reduce opponent's combat power rate while rooted, or champions/nodes that steal…
  • How is the root lock mechanic any different from the Doom cycle? The Doom cycle essentially allows people to push champions to an SP3 and but never let them throw it, it has been in the game for ages and it is performing as intended, why is it so obvious that the root lock is a bug when we have the Doom cycle performing as…
  • I was trying to fix the block quotes and it removed my comment.
  • Nobody is manipulating, forcing and belittling you. I'm just dumbing down your big paragraph into a single sentence, that's basically what you are saying without actually saying it. And if you agree to disagree, then stop fueling the side of the decision that 99.9999% of this community would be unhappy with.
  • So basically you have no actual reasoning. You're not backing your argument with anything other than "I don't like RDTs because it hurts my head when I think about them" and "I don't want to hurt my head in the future when I think about them".
  • He's not taking shots at your account you genius, he's pointing out that you're shouting the loudest when you have the least to gain in this situation. Another reason why you are a troll.
  • Again, you keep repeating that without explaining why you have a problem with it. The precedent has been set already, you can't change that no matter how much you want. If your reasoning is just "It's my opinion, I feel like it" that's precisely why people call you a troll and nobody takes you seriously.
  • Nobody is calling you a troll because your view isn't aligning with other people. People are calling you a troll because you keep repeating the same talking points over and over again with no substance behind it despite numerous different perspectives being put in front of you. It's always the same "I just don't feel like…
  • I've read through almost all of your replies and the only thing you've said throughout this entire thread is basically "I don't agree with RDT" or "RDT bad" or "I just feel RDTs shouldn't be the precedent" with nothing to back your statements. Going on and on like this with no reasoning or substance behind your argument…
  • How does it matter if someone ranked Zemo for prestige or not? Zemo's prestige is not being altered so this is a non-issue.
  • Also, how can we look at this balancing update and trust the data Kabam used to balance those champions when they admit to missing this bug? What if all their numbers were skewed by this bug? What if majority of the cases Zemo was finishing fights faster than he was supposed to because of this bug preventing rooted…
  • So does your balance update timeline mean nothing to you? You posted Zemo's balance update with no indication of the root mechanic being bugged. I ranked up my Zemo because your balance update said Zemo was performing "as expected" in most matchups and the only changes were a cap to his fury stack and his armor up turning…
  • Yeah but you're saying you find the arguments for not giving them out such as Zemo's playstyle not changing as "valid" arguments, when RDTs are a win-win for both players who play his root locks playstyle and don't play his root lock playstyle, since it's the player's choice to rank down the champ or keep them as is. If…
  • But that's the point right? There are definitely people like myself who took him up specifically because there was no indication after his balance update post that his root lock is unintentional/a bug. If everyone gets RDTs then it's a win win, whoever plays him the same way can keep him ranked up and whoever ranked him up…
  • Naa bro you still shouldn't get RDTs according to some people in this post, cuz it's your fault for not being able to see 2 years into the the future or not gaining omnipotence lol.
  • You sound like you have the critical thinking capacity of a 2 year old. Kabam specifically designed the balancing update program to communicate any sort of change that could happen to the functioning of the champ, including core mechanics. I saw no mention in their Zemo balancing update that the ability for champions to…
  • I ranked up my Zemo just last week with a generic 3-4 gem and pumped 200 sig stones into him specifically because I saw the changes he was supposed to get in the balancing program, saw what else he is capable of doing, and concluded that his ability to root lock in certain matchups is quite useful and took him up. If Kabam…