I phone 6. Australia based. Also down atm...
This post makes zero sense... everybody be on here whinging about champs not being strong enough... why the heck would you suggest nerfing the few who can actually make it through some of the harder challenges? nerf posts must exclusively be written by people without those champs... instead of crying you don’t have them;…
Getting in is even worse than not getting in atm... the lag in the last few days is at almost unplayable levels... their lack of response coupled with their unwillingness to take responsibility for this is getting annoying... if I was a paying player; I wouldn’t be threatening to spend less - I’d be reporting them to the…
I can see it in mine... still not getting it... you know you can just get them for free, right?!
Actually, he’s immune to everything... the whole can’t die thing is pretty handy. Haha.
It would appear that most people use this forum to complain rather than help... shame really...
Someone gets a 4* on their FIRST crystal pull - someone still finds reason to **** all over it... kudos, nexus... nob!
The fact the you guys ‘flag’ anything you don’t like just proves my point... entitled little children who complain about everything that doesn’t suit them... shame the community who plays this game isn’t as great as the game itself...
Share it - please - I agree - let kabam know... but then move along... and they have responded - they have moved convos on this very subject OUT of the ‘bugs’ part of this forum... that means he isn’t bugged... so you’ve had your say - there doesn’t need to be 500,000 topics about this same thing. This is sentry - like it…
Not trolling. Just sick of people’s whinging!!! Oh, Kabam - Ice Phoenix is too hard make her weaker! Oh, Kabam why don’t I get a full catalyst everytime I complete x quest? Oh, Kabam you’re game went down for an hour I want 100,000 5*shards! Stop complaining and play the damn game ffs!!! Kabam - if you read this - thanks…
Then I too am curious to know what it means... haha... anyone?
While you’re at it Kabam can you give my archangel some regen? Maybe even an incerate nullify? Also add in a secret 4th special that takes off 100% enemy health? Then when you’ve done that I have some laundry that needs doing and a lawn that could use some mowing? Lol.
I think they mean that those nodes also power another node somewhere on the map...? I’ve only noticed it on one map before and wondered the same thing... I could be wrong though :).
I went from 148 credits to 503 credits within 24 hrs when I saw this; mostly arena + event quest completion... didn’t spend a cent of real money... plus I got the t1a for event completions too... ripper deal...
Or - just type in your native language - kabam have said they will translate yeah?
These 30 champs would all be rad additions - no particular order... Emma Frost Mr. Sinister Omega Red Blob Onslaught ANY Fantastic 4 Apocalypse Sabretooth Jean Grey Lady Deathstrike Gladiator Polaris Dr Doom Jubilee Namor Shadow King Galactus Silver Surfer Quicksilver Kitty Pride Arcade Mystique Kazaar Red Skull Nimrod (or…
I knew who he was... couldn’t care less if he’s not as OP as the comics... coz it’s still a fun game ffs!!!!!! Why do so many forget what this actually is??
Don’t rock the boat hubris... if you point out flaws in their logic they think you’re just a troll... 🤣🤣... Can’t show a different perspective to people who think they ‘deserve’ something... I mean gosh - they play the game so it should be entirely up to them how it looks... not the creators 😂😂😂
Hahahaha. So many intitled butt hurt people... disappointment is the difference between expectation and reality - stop ‘expecting’ things to meet your deluded idea of what a ‘champ’ should look like or how they should measure up... and use whatever word you want - it’s still the same... he’s not broken - your idea of what…
You said sentry was sub par... par, by its definition, is a tangible and definable number... I’m curious to know what ‘par’ your using to measure these champs? Have kabam given you some insights into it? Because whether or not you knew ‘x’ champ before their release in the game is irrelevant; you’ve got an expectation that…
Also, not sure how my humility has come into question... doesn’t everyone try get better at the game - isn’t that the point? Or do you hope that the characters will do all the work for you? I’ll take arrogant over lazy and incompetent any day...
Sure - he’s a bad champ... we’ve all established this and I’m not arguing... I’m just pointing out the uselessness of most people’s arguments and suggesting we accept it and move on... It’s done.. he’s made... either get him and use him or don’t... there are PLENTY of other champs to use...
The only ‘par’ he is sub is your own.. lol... you’ve created an idea in your own head of what he should be like... he isn’t... move on; that’s my point...
That’s my point, ryuichi - they can’t... it would be impossible... so people complaining about it makes no sense... otherwise I’ll just wait for a 3* reed Richards to make its way into the game and do a solo clean out of act 5... see what I’m saying?
I think that’s why sentry was never accepted by anyone over the age of 12... they already made a superman, Armand is right; Hyperion... so when sentry came in to the pic he pretty much just got laughed out...
I’m not arguing whether or not he’s good or bad... I’m just pointing out the ridiculousness of comparing him to sentry in the comics... same same but different... people just need to accept it and move on... I don’t sit and **** when my Phoenix gets done by ant man... I just get better at the game...
Also, seeing as we’re playing semantics; there would be a very small handful of non metal champs that could take out magneto... if any at all - given he’s able to control magnetic fields that surrounds planets, stars, people, even the sun... guy could hurl mars at hulk with a flick of wrist if he wanted to.
I used those as examples... but thanks for the semantics... my point is still the same...
I hear what everybody is saying, but; let me play devils... err kabam’s... advocate; by using the logic that he is stronger than x character in the comics so he should be stronger than x character in the game you make the whole game virtually impossible to play... hear me out. Wolvie/Ironman/ultron (anyone with so much as…
Lol @ sentry being strongest in marvel universe...