beyonder8421 ★★★
Oh ok, didn't think "hero" was literal :p I wish they didn't do this as "hero" and "villain" are often not enough to differentiate these champions. It's not easy to notice at simple sight that I am looking at heroes (most of them have been villains at a certain point). In any case, not a bug then.
Yes, but it is still better than when I started 4 years ago. The Gwenpool goes to the movies event gave me 5 four stars and I duped one of them. That roster is more than enough to do 100% acts 1, 2 and 3. (Should work on act 4, but I need to rank them up and tier 2 catalysts are not as easy to get as 4 years ago). Also,…
Another benefit of starting over: You don't have to fight a Blade every 2 minutes.
I get what you are saying. The only thing left for me is to finish the LOL (did one path). But the lagging is preventing me to try it again. And I do not want to get more items because they will expire before I can use them. So it is mostly over for my main account. 10 days ago, I started a new account and, surprise, the…
If the servers are not stable, they shouldn't have a feature like dungeons (or at least, do not put a timer on it).
ok, seems like it is going down again. I recommend to call it a night
mmm i was in a dungeon, i think the time wasn't up yet... but now it seems like i never started it
seems up right now
They should replace the loading screen with a slideshow. To make it more interesting.
same here, was in the dungeon... will i get the participation points?
Just started a new game on Samsung note 8. Everything worked fine. Love the new intro. Not too thrilled about the change in act 1 (newer champions).I think the original champions were good to fight for beginners.
Well, I look at the bright side of this... at least the conversation about compensation is over. I am obviously not compensated, and wasn't expecting to be. I call this my Summoner Appreciation Last Week. Just waiting to claim a few calendar rewards and I will put this account in the freezer. Maybe in the future this game…
You managed to not tag all of them.
Thanos could only beat Galactus using the infinity gauntlet. Otherwise Galactus is too powerful.
Playing this game is basically gambling, so I wouldn't recommend it to a kid, or a loved one.
I left alliances altogether when they announced War Seasons. I don't find that game mode fun to play, and it puts too much pressure on everyone. I think the original idea was ok. But both AQ and AW require too much time from players. I am not planning on playing in alliances again because of this (I am also planning on…
The final boss will be Wasp.
You guys thought that those visual glitches where one champion gets into another was just a bug. But it was an homage!
It has a lot to do with the amount of time you have to dedicate to it to truly progress. So you spend a lot of time doing just one thing, but while doing that thing, you get certain freebies that are luck-dependant. You have good luck sometimes, and you become a gambler. They start releasing content you could beat if you…
She is awesome, allows you to chain basic hits with heavy hits, very easily. Does a lot of damage. I have her unduped at rank 3 (5 star). Has good synergies as well. And her second special can do heavy damage to regen. I saw a video by one of the whales, that timed the amount of hits he had to do to defeat ROL Wolverine…
They will never reward full 2 stars in quickmatches. Basic 2 stars perhaps, but it would make signature abilities stones for 2 stars redundant. I would love to have that, but they will think it is too much free stuff.
You don't need to read that text to know this. The moment the company decides to go out of business, all the money spent will be gone. That's the thing with digital goods.
I did the math for this crystal a while back. I do not recommend it unless you are needing a 4 star punisher. Otherwise is the same with the caveat that you have less chances at something good (opening more crystals can give you the max reward for units or gold, while opening just one will give you the least or the max).
Only two things can happen: 1) They announce compensation and everyone hates it. 2) They announce compensation and everyone forgets about the ongoing bugs in the game. In both cases we lose. :p
I fixed it in my tablet. 1) I left my alliance. 2) Never joined another alliance. 3) Never had another persisting notification issue. I am pretty sure this fixes it.
I would say sparky, as it seems the only one you have duped is Ms. Marvel. Sparky can still do a lot of damage. My suggestion would be, try to do hard content with these champions, and compare results to see which one you feel more comfortable with.
I didn't receive those, and I cannot even remember what they were. So my guess is I wasn't affected. I think you had to be in an alliance to play those, and I wasn't. I was playing the side quests though, but I think those had a different name.