Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th



  • FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★

    Not sure why people keep attacking one another, If you ignore the trolls, they will move on. Just block or hide and move on. They show up in every thread when people ignore their silly and trolling comments in other threads. We have a few hours and we can get in and try it and move past it. The damage has been done, people are leaving after seasons, big names are stepping back and none of that will change Kabams views. The community is toxic, with both kabam and each other and it just sucks the life out of you, the forum and the game.

    Awesome point and good advice, in the sea of mcoc fourms there lurks all kinds of sea life and the occasional sea monkey..if you don’t feed the sea monkeys they eventually pass on, but if fed they will devour your heart and soul.
  • Ch1efsterCh1efster Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    DrZola said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    DrZola said:

    Putting all the personal attacks and posturing aside, there’s actually a decent point buried in the last page or two:

    What actually is the point of an Elder’s Bane title?

    Perhaps I’ve forgotten what we got for it, but I remember it necessitated a multiple of the work and effort required for achieving the title of Uncollected. Other than signifying that we explored all of Act 5 (which means multiple cheapshot Collector passes, not just one) and was among several good rewards, it was just another empty title to go on the shelf, unless my recollection fails me.

    Dr. Zola

    Yes Sir, you are correct. The titel did not give us any advantage like Uncollected did, it was basically just a title.
    That gets me to my point: let’s assume that Kabam wants people to play their game more, not less. More play means more time in-game means more potential for revenue. More revenue means more content, champs, longevity, etc. None of us wants the game to close up shop tomorrow.

    Elder’s Bane should be a stepping stone that moves players closer to “endgame of endgames” or whatever Act 6 is supposed to be. But it doesn’t—it comes with an infusion of cats and rankup materials that are only useful if you have champs worth a rankup.

    At some level, the title is akin to a Fortnite skin you can’t even put on your champ. It’s vapor, and when I step back, I think that’s where a lot of this has gone awry. Periodic rewards attuned to Elder’s Bane recipients and designed to prep rosters for the rigors of Act 6 should have been part of the process.

    Understandably, the team likely makes new content decisions on more of an ad hoc basis than they’d like us to know. Act 5 titles probably weren’t envisioned with Variant and the Maze and Act 6 in mind.

    But...ret-cons are a core part of comics. If the gate is set in stone, it’s certainly not too late to ret-con a title to assuage some of the soreness in the community.

    Dr. Zola
    Totally agree with you on the Elders Bane perks. Never could see why there were perks associated with Uncollected, but nothing for Elders Bane even though it was 100x harder to achieve than Uncollected. They really should add an in between point of Uncollected and Cavalier perks. They added lower tier perks, so we know they can add another one.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    Days without another response from kabam I guess they are just going to wait and see what happens with act 6
  • DarthHaasDarthHaas Member Posts: 385 ★★
    Dshu said:

    Days without another response from kabam I guess they are just going to wait and see what happens with act 6

    They kinda did respond awhile back. It was just nothing anyone wanted to hear. I doubt they would just state the same thing again.

  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    DarthHaas said:

    Dshu said:

    Days without another response from kabam I guess they are just going to wait and see what happens with act 6

    They kinda did respond awhile back. It was just nothing anyone wanted to hear. I doubt they would just state the same thing again.

    Last response I saw was they were removing negative posts. Did I miss a response?
  • redm4nredm4n Member Posts: 48
    At this point, around 24 hours to go. Someone should start a #gatekabamswallet
  • DarthHaasDarthHaas Member Posts: 385 ★★
    Dshu said:

    DarthHaas said:

    Dshu said:

    Days without another response from kabam I guess they are just going to wait and see what happens with act 6

    They kinda did respond awhile back. It was just nothing anyone wanted to hear. I doubt they would just state the same thing again.

    Last response I saw was they were removing negative posts. Did I miss a response?
    It was the one before that. The really long one for justification. It caused more of an uproar so they prob just like.... ok we answered and let’s let it drop

  • CrkwestCrkwest Member Posts: 433 ★★★
    I still have hope that it will come out tomorrow and we'll all be surprised that they have revoked the decision
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,451 ★★★★★
    Ch1efster said:

    DrZola said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    DrZola said:

    Putting all the personal attacks and posturing aside, there’s actually a decent point buried in the last page or two:

    What actually is the point of an Elder’s Bane title?

    Perhaps I’ve forgotten what we got for it, but I remember it necessitated a multiple of the work and effort required for achieving the title of Uncollected. Other than signifying that we explored all of Act 5 (which means multiple cheapshot Collector passes, not just one) and was among several good rewards, it was just another empty title to go on the shelf, unless my recollection fails me.

    Dr. Zola

    Yes Sir, you are correct. The titel did not give us any advantage like Uncollected did, it was basically just a title.
    That gets me to my point: let’s assume that Kabam wants people to play their game more, not less. More play means more time in-game means more potential for revenue. More revenue means more content, champs, longevity, etc. None of us wants the game to close up shop tomorrow.

    Elder’s Bane should be a stepping stone that moves players closer to “endgame of endgames” or whatever Act 6 is supposed to be. But it doesn’t—it comes with an infusion of cats and rankup materials that are only useful if you have champs worth a rankup.

    At some level, the title is akin to a Fortnite skin you can’t even put on your champ. It’s vapor, and when I step back, I think that’s where a lot of this has gone awry. Periodic rewards attuned to Elder’s Bane recipients and designed to prep rosters for the rigors of Act 6 should have been part of the process.

    Understandably, the team likely makes new content decisions on more of an ad hoc basis than they’d like us to know. Act 5 titles probably weren’t envisioned with Variant and the Maze and Act 6 in mind.

    But...ret-cons are a core part of comics. If the gate is set in stone, it’s certainly not too late to ret-con a title to assuage some of the soreness in the community.

    Dr. Zola
    Totally agree with you on the Elders Bane perks. Never could see why there were perks associated with Uncollected, but nothing for Elders Bane even though it was 100x harder to achieve than Uncollected. They really should add an in between point of Uncollected and Cavalier perks. They added lower tier perks, so we know they can add another one.
    That’s why I don’t consider it a big reach—it baffles me why the team wouldn’t seize the opportunity to engage this segment of the community. If titles are now going to mean something for progress across the board, a title for exploring Act 5 ought to carry significance. Players who have done so have different requisites and arguably greater commitment compared with someone who is only Uncollected.

    Again, all of this is premised on the assumption they want this demographic to continue being engaged with their game.

    Dr. Zola
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,451 ★★★★★
    Re: my comment above...

    Let me clarify something lest a moderator misunderstand it and cite me for being catty.

    What I mean is this: I’m willing to accept that I and players similarly situated to me may not be the target audience for the game right now for perfectly legitimate reasons.

    Offers (excluding holiday and annual events) often get derided as either targeted at noobs or whales. It’s not silly to think that content might take a similar route.

    If I’m not generating revenue like a newer player scaling the vertical part of the experience curve or the endgame player pushing the vanguard, there’s not a lot of economic incentive to target me with meaningful offers or content.

    There are countless approaches that explore this and related concepts in business theory (think basic market segmentation as expressed via BCG 2x2’s, for example, or related concepts like product life cycles). So maybe I’m the Summoner equivalent of the iPhone 5, fit only to be put out to pasture in exchange for newer models.

    So that’s the point of the last line in my previous post. Didn’t want it to be misconstrued.

    Dr. Zola
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  • project314project314 Member Posts: 67
    I feel that this could have gone more smoothly had it been a give and take, and not just taking away.

    With the champion requirements, our rosters have essentially been nerfed. Without my 4* Ghost Rider, I don’t have the trinity anymore. Without my 4* Black Bolt and with him not being available as a 5*, good luck reacquiring that Inhumans synergy. The Unholy Trinity? I only have them as 4* champs, and while they’re perfectly capable of taking on content, they’ll be locked out of this.

    What could have been given to the community to make things more balanced perhaps?
    How about a planned retooling of all year 1 and 2 champions to make them relevant to the upcoming challenges of Act 6? The Contest evolves, that’s great. But the contestants should as well. You want to introduce content that’s fitting for 2019? Bring our champions to the year 2019. The original Iron Man, released today, wouldn’t be released as is. Reworks of Luke Cage, Red Hulk, Venom, Carnage, Gamora, She-Hulk and Spider-Gwen show this. They’re much more complex and actually relevant now.

    If that’s too much to ask for, then riddle me this: why are you making us jump through these hoops?
  • PeacockJazzPeacockJazz Member Posts: 120

    I feel that this could have gone more smoothly had it been a give and take, and not just taking away.

    With the champion requirements, our rosters have essentially been nerfed. Without my 4* Ghost Rider, I don’t have the trinity anymore. Without my 4* Black Bolt and with him not being available as a 5*, good luck reacquiring that Inhumans synergy. The Unholy Trinity? I only have them as 4* champs, and while they’re perfectly capable of taking on content, they’ll be locked out of this.

    Where was all of this outrage when Variant came out? You can't use your favorite synergies or even certain champs that counter what you are forced to face. Variant has specific gates to make it more challenging. Act 6 is also going to have specific gates to make it more challenging. The fun is figuring out new strategies to get through with what you have or doing what you can in the game to try to get what you need. Sure there is lots of disappointment in bad RNG but that is what makes the good RNG all the more satisfying.
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  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    SSJ4 said:

    I recommend everyone go check out lagacy’s channel for some of this. Lots of hard fights indeed and it a shame we can’t use our 4* champions(looks possible with skill).

    Lots of fights seem to require specific counter as the quest has map 7 nodes now combine that with the 4* ban it’s not gonna be a good time
  • PjangoPjango Member Posts: 4
    Will auto evade champs be effected by "No Retreat"? Or is it only dexterity and manual dash backs. Just curious for tomorrow.
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  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019

    I feel that this could have gone more smoothly had it been a give and take, and not just taking away.

    With the champion requirements, our rosters have essentially been nerfed. Without my 4* Ghost Rider, I don’t have the trinity anymore. Without my 4* Black Bolt and with him not being available as a 5*, good luck reacquiring that Inhumans synergy. The Unholy Trinity? I only have them as 4* champs, and while they’re perfectly capable of taking on content, they’ll be locked out of this.

    Where was all of this outrage when Variant came out? You can't use your favorite synergies or even certain champs that counter what you are forced to face. Variant has specific gates to make it more challenging. Act 6 is also going to have specific gates to make it more challenging. The fun is figuring out new strategies to get through with what you have or doing what you can in the game to try to get what you need. Sure there is lots of disappointment in bad RNG but that is what makes the good RNG all the more satisfying.
    Variant was fun cus it made you stop and look at some lesser used champs in those classes. For example gambit was really good for power reserve.

    Limiting it to 5* and 6* just screws over those that fill the voids in their 5*/6* roster wth 4*s.

    For variant chapter 3 i know that Gulk is pretty useful, now I got and ranked up a 4* Gulk when I did a little arena for him a while back. Not long after I pulled the 5* version, but seeing as a 5* 3/45 is basically the same as a 4* 5/50, I’ve never invested catalysts into the 5* because what’s the point? But now, Just to do possibly a couple of paths im gonna have to invest resources into that 5* just to put him at basically the same level as my 5/50. That’s not challenging, that’s just really annoying because the only difference is likely 10-20 hits.

    There’s the difference between class gates and * gates.
  • CFreeCFree Member Posts: 491 ★★
    Pjango said:

    Will auto evade champs be effected by "No Retreat"? Or is it only dexterity and manual dash backs. Just curious for tomorrow.

    The description says “dashes back,” which should be manual.
  • CFreeCFree Member Posts: 491 ★★
    AndiYTDE said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    Hey All,

    I wanted to drop one more note in here on something unrelated to the Champion Restrictions. We've just granted a very small group of Content Creators early access to Act 6 Chapter 1 Quest 1. The purpose of this is so that they can make educational videos for you all on what you can expect in that first Quest before it is even live.

    These Creators will be playing on their own account, with their own resources and team. They have not had any resources granted to them, and they will not be eligible for the Legends rewards from Chapter 1.

    We'll be sharing out their content with you all as they release it closer to the release of Act 6 Ch1.

    Well... were are the videos that shall help us prepare for Act 6? Only 3 days to go, I have not found a single video
    Once again: Less than 30 hours until the release of Act 6. Where are the educational videos? Was this a lie to our face?
    Did you see the Lagacy review?
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Pjango said:

    Will auto evade champs be effected by "No Retreat"? Or is it only dexterity and manual dash backs. Just curious for tomorrow.

    If you take a look at Lagacy's video right here, you'll see him take that node on! He starts off with a Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced) that repeatedly evades Elektra's attacks on his own, not causing No Retreat to activate.
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