6-Stars Discussion Thread



  • Dr_ARCHerDr_ARCHer Member Posts: 127
    I am a whale (maybe a small one). Almost all my 4* champs are obtained from buying featured heroes crystals and not from grinding. Reason why I buy the featured hero crystals is because duping a max 4* champ will give me the shards to the 5* champs. This is also why I will buy the 4* offers.

    With the introduction of the 6* champs, 5* champs is only second best. What is the point of buying featured hero champs and 4* crystals when they only give me a chance to get shards for the second best heroes and not the best? This is precisely why I don't buy any 3* offers.

  • Marlboro_845Marlboro_845 Member Posts: 89
    We're going to have same champs in one AQ or AW attack teams
  • MAKMAK Member Posts: 4
    "I wouldn't say "all of a sudden". This is still at least 5 months away, and the way that 5-Stars didn't make 4-Stars obsolete, these won't be making them obsolete very soon either."

    Kabam mike said this, and the fact that he said "very soon" means there is a time frame one day when they will be obsolete, just not "very soon" after. So the answer actually is yes, 4 stars will become obsolete at the end of 2018 going into 2019 otherwise the answer would've been, no. Not at all, ever... :(
  • Zeke_the_XbotZeke_the_Xbot Member Posts: 456 ★★★
    So my issue with this whole announcement is the fact that you can even announce this so far in advance and as many said already you can't even max a 5* champion yet. The biggest issue is in regards to that there is no time table given to us for when to expect that to happen, yet we are given a time table for 6* champions to show up and become playable??.?.

    I just don't understand how can you timeline a new champion tier but not an existing tiers progression?
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    MAK wrote: »
    "I wouldn't say "all of a sudden". This is still at least 5 months away, and the way that 5-Stars didn't make 4-Stars obsolete, these won't be making them obsolete very soon either."

    Kabam mike said this, and the fact that he said "very soon" means there is a time frame one day when they will be obsolete, just not "very soon" after. So the answer actually is yes, 4 stars will become obsolete at the end of 2018 going into 2019 otherwise the answer would've been, no. Not at all, ever... :(

    That's a huge stretch of the words there.
  • ZappZapp Member Posts: 69
    "WhaleMilker27 approves"

    Also: Damn they really are out of ideas.
  • edited August 2017
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  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    MAK wrote: »
    "I wouldn't say "all of a sudden". This is still at least 5 months away, and the way that 5-Stars didn't make 4-Stars obsolete, these won't be making them obsolete very soon either."

    For 90% of players it takes them 5 months to save enough T4C to r5 a 4*.

    You think in 5 months Kabam will thow out enough resources that enough people can catch up to where the introduction of 6*s makes sense? Not even close!

    They're a year too soon with this. They should delay 6*s a year, throw out t4b and t4c and 5* shards, introduce t5bs and then in late 2018 start introducing 6*s at the earliest. You can't force progression. The only people benefiting from 6*s are the top 0.5%.
  • TeriGaandMeKadduTeriGaandMeKaddu Member Posts: 54
    you said, "It’s important for us to create new content and new ways that these players can continue to progress in the game."

    You created new content but it's not creativity, you'r basically just presenting same old idea every year. I don't see any difference between a 5* r4 magik and 4* r5 magik. Apart from fact that r4 magik throws more damage and takes less damage than r5. Other than that everything is just copy paste. Synergy, looks, fight style, special animations, ability, sig ability, everything is same. Is that creative? Same is going to be for the six star toons. Who told you that players enjoy progress? What majority of player base enjoys is your creativity and progress is just a byproduct. Bring multiple new events and challenges, make new changes that makes us use entire roaster in alliance events and not just 15-20 champs or events that can be passed only by certain rank and rarity 3* champs. examples are many but these are the changes we want to see and not your 6* gimmick. And who are "these players"? why would they through open their wallet to your non creative stuff? or are they in some sort of inception where they only see more and more power? Request to take this to your developer team and think again.
  • NemesioNemesio Member Posts: 134
    6 star champs......the makes me wonder, why aren't Wolverine, Scarlet Witch or cap ww2 available as 5-Stars? What is the logic behind that? are you going to release them through 5 star arenas?
  • MCOCforgottenMCOCforgotten Member Posts: 2
    You're cool deleting my comment even though I didnt break any of the post rules. Fix your game first! Make all the necessary pieces to rank 5 a 5 star 2nd, and make 5 stars more readily accessible before you get ahead of yourselves.

    I'm coming to terms with the fact that you're not going back from six stars, but why can you focus on content quality first?
  • BossyBuilderBossyBuilder Member Posts: 137
    This announcement is a punch in the gut.

    I've been playing for over two years and have been an officer in the same alliance for almost all of that time. Most of us don't spend money on the game, some do, and we progress at a reasonable pace. We're definitely not whales, but we have some strong champs and can compete against some of the most challenging game content. I play patiently, carefully planning who to rank based on the content I want to take on, or how it might mesh in our war defense, and of course, who I like playing with. But every time something like this comes along, it diminishes the value of all that hard work, in my opinion, and here's why:

    Simply making the same champs more powerful by introducing 6* versions doesn't make the game more fun. It pulls the rug out from under the squad I've been carefully curating and puts me in the position of SAVING my resources. I am emphasizing this point because I believe the constant grind and saving leaves many of us who are not whales disappointed by the returns because we don't get as much of an opportunity to enjoy what we've been building before we have to dive right back into the grind. (that was a long sentence) Why use those valuable t4cc to max out a 4* Gwenpool when more powerful champs are "coming", and who knows if or when those resources will be more available. And cool, I got a 2* Vulture...he's a fun champ but I will NEVER use a 2* Vulture. So we wait, and we save, and dole out meager upgrades to our squad, hoping to get lucky. Does this economy sound familiar? It should. It's very frustrating.

    I believe the answer isn't more powerful champs, but more content opportunities to play with the champs we love to use. I've said before in other posts that Kabam should focus on fixing the bugs in the game and stop generating content, but what I mean by that is first, fix the bugs, then second, create new content. Adding new heroes are great and we love it! Give us the opportunity to enjoy using them with fun content and slow down the power progression. Stop dragging the power carrot out beyond our reach. You're making our old and less powerful heroes sad.
    Since you have dodged the question so for with these generic answers, ill spell it out for ya... WHAT ABOUT THE T2 ALPHA CATALYSTS?! YOU ARE MAKING THOSE MORE READILY AVAILABLE, CORRECT? I don't care about t5 basics that won't be used for a long while anyway.
  • Super_fighter1Super_fighter1 Member Posts: 48
    edited August 2017
    Seriously, kabam can't even fix most issues in time and they want to give out 6* right off the bat.
  • namelessnameless Member Posts: 31
    Either way it goes 6* will be coming and so will more ridiculous content. Just get your **** and prepare!
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    There is no difference at all between a 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6* magik. Same character, same abilities, same look, same everything. Why do we have to dump our rosters in the trash every year over an arbitrary number?

    It's like a buying a TV with a self destruct button that goes off every year and we have to buy another for more money that does the same thing.

    This game is a never ending treadmill. Doesn't matter if you have 3*, 4*, 5*s or 6*s. If you have a 3*s you're going up against 3* AW teams. If you have 5*s you're going up against 5*s teams. And every year your work gets dumped in the trash and the difficulty proportionately rises.

    So it's the same game regardless of what level you are. It doesn't take much ingenuity to print out the same t shirts every year and give it a slightly different name.
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  • edited August 2017
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  • AnfwilksAnfwilks Member Posts: 18
    Why the hell are you guys releasing 6* champs before tier 5 basic catalysts.

    Absolutely ridiculous
  • KoperBoyKoperBoy Member Posts: 210 ★★
    I'm not sure why people are so upset about this. It's going to be a while before they're playable, and 5*'s will be Maxed before. The game has to evolve to continue. It's just as important to add new challenges for top Players as it is for the middle and lower ones. It's not as drastic as it seems.

    You can't expect other people being ok with this if you are. Don't project your views of the game on others. I'm upset, because I invested lots of time and resources into obtaining three rank 4 5* champs that will soon feel inferior against AQ, AW and story opponents because of challenger rating.
  • K4H_Mr_RedK4H_Mr_Red Member Posts: 14
    Seriously though, if you wanted a better reaction from the community, you first should have introduced your plan to max out 5*'s or even tell us how you intend to release more t2's. Most of us players who have been playing for over 2 years+ are just spinning our wheels. We have so many useless champs that just sit at 3/30. Now, you introduce 6*'s? It's so confusing to this community how Kabam practices business....
  • K4H_Mr_RedK4H_Mr_Red Member Posts: 14
    Seriously though, if you wanted a better reaction from the community, you first should have introduced your plan to max out 5*'s or even tell us how you intend to release more t2's. Most of us players who have been playing for over 2 years+ are just spinning our wheels. We have so many useless champs that just sit at 3/30. Now, you introduce 6*'s? It's so confusing to this community how Kabam practices business....
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    edited August 2017
    The game isn't as static as you make it out to be in your scenarios.

    On the one hand, you contend that 4* arenas will still be a major attraction because there will be droves of players who will knock themselves out for 4* featured and basic champs.

    And on the other hand, you note that players are getting 5*'s now faster than players ever did previously--and, given Miike's statements, will get them even faster going forward.

    In a game with story quests evolving toward 5* content and with 5* shards more available and necessary--and with 6* opponents on the horizon--I don't think you can credibly say that the 4* will be anything other than an afterthought in short measure. Sure, if you haven't beaten Kang or Thanos, then maybe the 4* is your ticket. But those guys aren't putting up 17M for 4* champs, not to mention putting up cash for 4* featured crystals.

    Dr. Zola
  • I'm not sure if it has been asked yet, but is the calendar and 200 units the only way to get these grandmaster crystals? Or are they going to be more opportunities in the future where we get them similar to the way we get 3* or 4* shards?
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★
    I think a better idea is add a rank 6 to 5 stars. We really dont need 6*s. I mean for harder content you guys can just boost the opponents 1000% or whatever is needed to reach the 6* level.
  • rjancaszrjancasz Member Posts: 29
    @Kabam Miike you are clearly reading these posts and yet continue to stay silent on the numerous comments about the lack of rank resources like T4B, T1A and gold...should the community assume that is on purpose and that the game team is limiting these resources intentionally? Why should players get excited about and invest in 6* when there is a glaring issue with rank resources right now, which will only get worse when 6* are released? Increasing the availability of T4C is pointless without increasing the resources that go along with T4C to rank 4* and 5* (and eventually 6*). While increasing or removing the cap on the number of T4C we can keep in our inventory is a good start, it is not enough.
  • Neroa65Neroa65 Member Posts: 302 ★★
    Okay ignoring the obvious about rank up items, let me at least ask something that I've been maybe not so seriously curious about.

    What will 6-star champion frame/border/design look like?
    4-stars are golden, 5-stars are larva-ish like etc. So what will the 6-stars come with?

    Also, 5-stars have this unique +15 extra levels per rank (4/55, 5/65). How will it be for the 6-star Champions?
  • Neroa65Neroa65 Member Posts: 302 ★★
    Okay ignoring the obvious about rank up items, let me at least ask something that I've been maybe not so seriously curious about.

    What will 6-star champion frame/border/design look like?
    4-stars are golden, 5-stars are larva-ish like etc. So what will the 6-stars come with?

    Also, 5-stars have this unique +15 extra levels per rank (4/55, 5/65). How will it be for the 6-star Champions?
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    People are whining so much like their AW full of 3 stars will be maxed out 6 stars tomorrow.

    Even if it was, so what? You lose and drop down to a level you can handle. The people throwing the biggest fits probably won't even see a 6 star opponent until they have high-level 5 stars of their own.

    Entry-level and intermediate players are making out like bandits with all the changes to rewards.

    The initial 6 stars will be just like the initial 5 stars. Someone having an unduped Magneto or Black Panther in their profile but not use them ever because they suck compared to a level 99 5/50 4 star.

    Actually, for a lot of us, we still have that initial "sucky" 5*, along with quite a few other "sucky" 5*'s sitting either on our profile or just off it over a year later. And that's the issue--with the exception of the very top players with multiple R4 featureds and those blessed by the RNG genie, many players haven't developed their 5* rosters beyond what was necessary because their options were plain bad. Throwing yet another tier of champs into the mix (regardless of all the Kabam "promises" to make materials more available/ purchasable) before the materials to develop the old roster are even available vitiates significant effort and appears desperate and ridiculous on the part of the game team.

    Dr. Zola
  • ThawnimThawnim Member Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    Can we make some changes to the energy required to complete Act 4 and Act 5? Or at least offer some energy refills at a discount again?
    For newer players these changes will force them to choose between completing monthly special events or going for those story quests.
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