Been demoted from leader? <MERGED THREADS>



  • CynchoticCynchotic Member Posts: 186
    I have people acting all kinds of crazy here, and NOTHING I can do about it! FIX THIS ALREADY OR SHUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,479 Guardian
    They had put a temporary hold on kicking alliance members while the worked on the leader swap bug
  • GhepburniiiGhepburniii Member Posts: 16
    Ok, so I've been reading a lot, and from what I understand, apparently, KABAM, will demoted the leader and/or creator of an alliance to member and place any random player as leader, if such leader/creator is idle for a period of time, so, we are not allowed to have a life, family and/or a job? are we supposed to be connected 24/7/365? Well it comes as no surprise, since, to me and maybe a lot of gamers, this game is runned by and administered by machines. SMH.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,269
    The Ability to Kick Alliance Members has now been restored. Thank you all for your patience.

    As mentioned earlier, some of you have extenuating circumstances that cannot be handles automatically, but please reach out to our Support team if you feel that you need more assistance.
  • SmileySE19_SmileySE19_ Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2019

    @Kabam Miike i have suffered from this bug aswell ive been leader of my alliance for over 4 years now and i log on one day and im not leader anymore can this be sorted out asap please i cant believe this has happened ..

  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,247 Guardian

    @Kabam Miike i have suffered from this bug aswell ive been leader of my alliance for over 4 years now and i log on one day and im not leader anymore can this be sorted out asap please i cant believe this has happened ..

    @SmileySE19_ , Above problem was a very brief but widespread issue that occurred for only about 1 or 2 days way back in October.

    Your situation is probably because of an extended absence, whereby being gone longer that (30-60 days ??) will result in Kabam algorithm for promoting an active officer to Leader, instead of keeping an inactive leader in place.
    Used to be something Officers could request of Kabam, but they have made the process automatic for all alliances now (actually was implemented around that same October timeframe).

    So either this widespread October bug happened to your alliance back in October, but you never realized it until now (although, they had supposedly re-promoted all affected Leaders at that time). Or you had been inactive too long after then, whereby the automatic demotion would have occurred to you since that time.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    @SmileySE19_ Your extended absence apparently has resulted in you getting swapped out. At least judging by what was said above. You can try to send in a support ticket, but that may not have any effect anymore. Truth is, they can't help you here regardless of the bug that occurred was back in October. Can't hurt to try to contact Support. Just be prepared for this to be permanent. You can also try to contact the current leader and ask them if they'd be willing to give it back.
  • SmileySE19_SmileySE19_ Member Posts: 21

    @Kabam Miike i have suffered from this bug aswell ive been leader of my alliance for over 4 years now and i log on one day and im not leader anymore can this be sorted out asap please i cant believe this has happened ..

  • SmileySE19_SmileySE19_ Member Posts: 21

    @SmileySE19_ Your extended absence apparently has resulted in you getting swapped out. At least judging by what was said above. You can try to send in a support ticket, but that may not have any effect anymore. Truth is, they can't help you here regardless of the bug that occurred was back in October. Can't hurt to try to contact Support. Just be prepared for this to be permanent. You can also try to contact the current leader and ask them if they'd be willing to give it back.

    This is a joke ive been a leader for my alliance for years and i get removed without warning because ive had a daughter thats messed up ive put tons of money into the game and played it for days on end i find this very unfair i had made most of my alliance members aware of my absence and so other people had taken a break at the same time from the game so my alliance was not active the person that is leader now is a random not someone that was in my alliance for ages i left it open the last time i was on the game so randoms joined if i would had known that i could get removed i would have never opened it so now im having to beg back for my own alliance from some that i dont even know 😡😡😡
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,247 Guardian

    This is a joke ive been a leader for my alliance for years and i get removed without warning because ive had a daughter thats messed up ive put tons of money into the game and played it for days on end i find this very unfair i had made most of my alliance members aware of my absence and so other people had taken a break at the same time from the game so my alliance was not active the person that is leader now is a random not someone that was in my alliance for ages i left it open the last time i was on the game so randoms joined if i would had known that i could get removed i would have never opened it so now im having to beg back for my own alliance from some that i dont even know 😡😡😡

    If you and all your officers had gone inactive for some months, and left you ally set to OPEN, then basically you were leaving your ally in a bad situation in that even if others would have joined they would not have been able to do 2 of the most major Alliance stuff (AQ and AW).

    And in fact, your alliance profile shows that the last time you had even competed in any AW Seasons was way back in Season 1 (we are now in Season 14).

    Even if the new automatic method of replacing inactive Leaders was not recently implemented, Kabam has always allowed active members/officers to petition to replace inactive Leaders with next-in-line active people. And in your case, maybe there were no officers who had been active either, and so they dug into normal Members of your ally to promote as Leader.

    Just contact the current leader, and ask him to re-promote you. And if that doesn’t work then contact all the other members who are still around that were with you, and ask them to contact current Leader too (and threaten to all leave if he doesn’t). It’s not as if your Alliance has built up a good War Rating that would need to be rebuilt in a new alliance. And even if your ally has some money in the Treasury that would be lost by starting over, you are far away from even needing to be spending anything from Treasury to start any higher level AQ anyways.
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