15.0 Alliance Wars Update Discussion Thread



  • nuggznuggz Member Posts: 124
    Looking for one member that has these champs

    Ironman, sim, iron patriot, Netflix daredevil, colossus

    All at 5/50 equivalent or greater for defense placement diversity

    Remember we only need ONE player that fits that bill.
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★
    Ebbtide wrote: »
    Immunity Boost is rejecting Power Drains. Immunity ignores debuffs, but Power Drain is not a Debuff. Is this intentional?

    Power drain has never been a debuff its a passive effect
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    Chances are that each AW cycle will have some sort of adjustment made afterwards, and it will go through many iterations before things get settled.

    If they do issue RDTs, it would only be after they choose a final iteration to be the new War standard, and only if it involves a combination of Alliance-wide diversity WITHOUT bringing back Defender Kill points, meaning that Diversity somehow remains the key War-winning stat.
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    Amonthir wrote: »
    Chances are that each AW cycle will have some sort of adjustment made afterwards, and it will go through many iterations before things get settled.

    If they do issue RDTs, it would only be after they choose a final iteration to be the new War standard, and only if it involves a combination of Alliance-wide diversity WITHOUT bringing back Defender Kill points, meaning that Diversity somehow remains the key War-winning stat.

    Makes it sound like a forced beta.
  • Carlos1Carlos1 Member Posts: 1
    Kabam literally broke war and it's annoying me to the point I don't want to play. Even the leader in my alliance is thinking of quitting. Smdh
  • King_turd123King_turd123 Member Posts: 156
    R4GE wrote: »
    This may have been mentioned already, but there is almost 50 pages now to look through.

    While timers for energy was dropped, does it seem full exploration takes much longer to finish vs old map with longer energy timers?

    I assumed that was intentionally done, it was said the map would increase by 50%, and the timers only decreased by 33%, from 90 mins to 60 mins.
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    R4GE wrote: »
    Amonthir wrote: »
    Chances are that each AW cycle will have some sort of adjustment made afterwards, and it will go through many iterations before things get settled.

    If they do issue RDTs, it would only be after they choose a final iteration to be the new War standard, and only if it involves a combination of Alliance-wide diversity WITHOUT bringing back Defender Kill points, meaning that Diversity somehow remains the key War-winning stat.

    Makes it sound like a forced beta.

    Well.... Yanno. But it honestly feels like their Beta test team either failed hard, or their supervisors failed hard in their reception of the team's feedback, so it is unfortunately going to be up to us to live-test War over the course of the next few weeks.
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    R4GE wrote: »
    This may have been mentioned already, but there is almost 50 pages now to look through.

    While timers for energy was dropped, does it seem full exploration takes much longer to finish vs old map with longer energy timers?

    I assumed that was intentionally done, it was said the map would increase by 50%, and the timers only decreased by 33%, from 90 mins to 60 mins.
    It just created some confusion on my end. When first mentioned timers would decrease I thought "cool, can finish aw faster." Turned out not to be the case and now AW seems to last even longer. Wasn't really sure what the actual intent was at first. Now, it seems obvious since the map is just bigger and requires more energy. Sadly, just feels like another version of AQ. Partially because of that
  • RajhpRajhp Member Posts: 27
    Not playing current war because
    Even if we do 100% with diversity we cant win because of hero rating.
    As always opponent alliance is over powered which sucks with new war systems.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Anyone else having strike back delaying the power gain?
  • PhaoPhao Member Posts: 10

    If we lose this AW because of you stupid scoring system, I'll be really pissed off. No defenders and no boss placed. We have placed everything and we will not score anything but exploration points. This just plain stupid of you, Kabam, get you **** together...
  • 1haunted_memory1haunted_memory Member Posts: 804 ★★★
    sounds like a rant, rants are not allowed on forum so I have been told/warned
  • RajhpRajhp Member Posts: 27
    Not playing current war because Even if we do 100 % with diversity we cant win because of the hero rating.
  • bdawg923bdawg923 Member Posts: 764 ★★★★
    So bad. They need to up the difficulty and remove this diversity bs. Tier 2 feels like tier 18 now
  • EL_Rojo44EL_Rojo44 Member Posts: 18
    Very very frustrating... 100% with 3 boss kills.. then lose because you placed 3 more duped champs than they did... Only Kabam can screw up something that wasnt broken.. i`m all for the new map but why change the nodes and scoring system?
  • King_turd123King_turd123 Member Posts: 156
    sounds like a rant, rants are not allowed on forum so I have been told/warned

    Nope it's definitely feedback (of the valued variery, that's their favorite! )
  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    Phao wrote: »

    If we lose this AW because of you stupid scoring system, I'll be really pissed off. No defenders and no boss placed. We have placed everything and we will not score anything but exploration points. This just plain stupid of you, Kabam, get you **** together...

    That looks like just a shell, you should be fine to win that one.
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★
    Phao wrote: »

    If we lose this AW because of you stupid scoring system, I'll be really pissed off. No defenders and no boss placed. We have placed everything and we will not score anything but exploration points. This just plain stupid of you, Kabam, get you **** together...

    They have 5 people....I'd be angry if they somehow won but they obviously can't win.....

    Unless your alliance gets hit by a meteor enjoy the easy win.
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    If you lose that AW, you deserve it.
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    chunkyb wrote: »
    The only two acceptable fixes are scrapping diversity or passing out rank downs

    The ONLY acceptable fix is removing defender diversity.

    Giving rank down tickets doesn't do anything. In the long run, you get screwed 10x over even with a rank down tickets.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    Phao wrote: »

    If we lose this AW because of you stupid scoring system, I'll be really pissed off. No defenders and no boss placed. We have placed everything and we will not score anything but exploration points. This just plain stupid of you, Kabam, get you **** together...

    There is no way you could lose that war unless you don't move enough to get the required exploration percentage. You are facing a shell alliance who are intentionally losing to drop tiers.

    Even during the first week of this new system, you couldn't have lost, the zero defender stategy require 100% exploration. All you need to do now is run the map with a 1* and use your energy up. Boring as hell but impossible to lose, so just enjoy your free shards.
  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    theblueman wrote: »
    Guys haven't you figured it out yet? It all about the $$$, pure and simple..no defender kills assures that..just do like our alliance does, stick to aq..rewards are better anyway

    not really ... we just 100%'d all 3 BG's in which opponents had 4/55 duped Dorm's as bosses ... with no item use.
  • JuggerneyksJuggerneyks Member Posts: 275 ★★
    i was completely fine fighting majik on boss nodes before, but now with that increased regen boss node, majik with md becomes way more annoying if you dont have a heal block or power lock champ to counter. Like she regen 15k on me in 1 limbo ( i wasnt paying attention and attacked her during limbo) that a hell of alot of regen power
  • HeywoodHeywood Member Posts: 49
    i was completely fine fighting majik on boss nodes before, but now with that increased regen boss node, majik with md becomes way more annoying if you dont have a heal block or power lock champ to counter. Like she regen 15k on me in 1 limbo ( i wasnt paying attention and attacked her during limbo) that a hell of alot of regen power

    Of all of the complaints I have seen about the new war, this is the first I have seen of it being too difficult.
    If you see Magik on that node, you need to have someone who has the right champ fight her.

  • HeywoodHeywood Member Posts: 49
    @Kabam Miike Is there any update on when the diversity system will be across all BG's instead of by each individual BG?
  • borntohulaborntohula Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    edited September 2017

    Wonderful experience. 115 defender kills versus 45. And lose.
This discussion has been closed.