Gold problem

As many of you might seen from the recent interview with Kabam, they kind of dodged the gold problem question and the answer was unclear.
Now, I am over 4 years in this game and I am a Cavalier. I don't have time to grind the arena every day, but I still do it from time to time. I am generally free to play, although over 4+ years in this game, I think I spent about £100 - £150. My main problem in game is gold.
No, I don't need more tier 5 basics, I don't need more tier 2 alphas, I desperately need gold. Catalysts will be going overflow and as I don't have any gold to rank up and level up my champions, catalysts will expire.
I think, in their interview, Kabam were trying to say something in the direction that new players shouldn't get too much gold so they would be able to rank up all of their 5 stars and become overpowered? Well, ok, how about you do gold events with different levels of difficulties? For beginners, average and endgame?
I have been raising the gold problem in the past. Not only me, other players also did. There was no real solution provided by Kabam.
However, it seems that many players also don't need gold and these players are usually arena grinders and real money spenders.
The amount of gold we have access to basically haven't changed for a long long time, but the rate players get new champions has changed a lot.
I am only asking for a proper solution for f2p players who also don't have extra several hours per day to spend on the arena. There are tonnes of solutions to this problem and the gold events can be formed in such a way, that new players cannot get as much gold as veterans. This can be separated by the difficulty, level of the player, time spent in the game (months, years)... you name it. We are getting gold events, like, how often? Every half of the year? Everything else are offers to buy gold for real money? That is ridiculous. And even if we get a gold event once every half a year, that's like 2-3 million in total? So we can rank up fully one 5 star champion? Amazing.
If there are whales, who have millions of gold and have nowhere to spend it on, then just allow to sit them and don't do the events? This can be a simple side event. Even 25% gold boost is amazing in current situation.
Can people support me on this? If the gold problem topic will be raised more often, maybe Kabam will think about it more often and will try to do something?
Now, I am over 4 years in this game and I am a Cavalier. I don't have time to grind the arena every day, but I still do it from time to time. I am generally free to play, although over 4+ years in this game, I think I spent about £100 - £150. My main problem in game is gold.
No, I don't need more tier 5 basics, I don't need more tier 2 alphas, I desperately need gold. Catalysts will be going overflow and as I don't have any gold to rank up and level up my champions, catalysts will expire.
I think, in their interview, Kabam were trying to say something in the direction that new players shouldn't get too much gold so they would be able to rank up all of their 5 stars and become overpowered? Well, ok, how about you do gold events with different levels of difficulties? For beginners, average and endgame?
I have been raising the gold problem in the past. Not only me, other players also did. There was no real solution provided by Kabam.
However, it seems that many players also don't need gold and these players are usually arena grinders and real money spenders.
The amount of gold we have access to basically haven't changed for a long long time, but the rate players get new champions has changed a lot.
I am only asking for a proper solution for f2p players who also don't have extra several hours per day to spend on the arena. There are tonnes of solutions to this problem and the gold events can be formed in such a way, that new players cannot get as much gold as veterans. This can be separated by the difficulty, level of the player, time spent in the game (months, years)... you name it. We are getting gold events, like, how often? Every half of the year? Everything else are offers to buy gold for real money? That is ridiculous. And even if we get a gold event once every half a year, that's like 2-3 million in total? So we can rank up fully one 5 star champion? Amazing.
If there are whales, who have millions of gold and have nowhere to spend it on, then just allow to sit them and don't do the events? This can be a simple side event. Even 25% gold boost is amazing in current situation.
Can people support me on this? If the gold problem topic will be raised more often, maybe Kabam will think about it more often and will try to do something?
Not every resource in this game can be plentiful because if it was, there would be nothing to aim for, and players would get bored and leave. Resource management is an important part of the game and will continue to be in the future.
That said, we know that gold is a specifically touchy subject, and are working on it. There has been a lot more gold injected into the system in the past and has become easier to access, but you are going to have to work for it. We've moved the Gold rewards in Arenas down to the earlier milestones, added more Gold Crystals to rewards, added the Golden Circle quest with the Sigil, and removed the Gold cost of Alliance Wars Map 4 completely when we introduced Map 7.
There are also more ways of gaining gold coming in the future, but you will still have to play and earn it. One of those ways is with improvements we have coming to Dungeons. You can look forward to that in a few months.
If you have the ability to constantly grind arena it's not a problem.
If you're whaling out on cavalier crystals and selling iso it's not a problem.
For everyone else, it's a problem.
Work for gold is an amazing idea, I like it. Work for gold. Not grind. I don't think arena is work for gold, it is a grind. It is a boring grind, where you can be basically sleeping awake while doing it, but at the same time you cannot do a proper study / reading while grinding arena, as it is distracting. If there will be some sort of challenge in case of difficulty - then it is work, but if there will be hours of repetitive robotic fights - again, it will be grind, not work...
Again, Kabam Miike, thank you very much for your response. I am really excited about the news of gaining gold coming in the future and I will be waiting for it. Thank you.
It actually would be very easy as it’s been done many times before
The only thing I would like to point out is that gold costs have stayed the same since the game came out. Back 3 years ago when r4ing a 5* champ was considered amazing, the 407k gold + the level up gold justified that amazingness.
Now people r4 5*'s left and right, and the amount of gold to level and rank has not changed with the speed of availability of obtaining catalysts.
Of course if you do like to rank each and every hero that's fine too, you do you. Just saying that at 4+ years gold isn't necessarily an issue for most of us.
The direct answer is almost certainly one they wouldn't want to say on camera. The question contains a hidden premise: that players should get whatever they want unless it is provably bad. If players want more gold, the devs should give them more gold unless they can prove it would be bad to give them more gold - i.e. by breaking the game economy. So the answer is: it wouldn't necessarily break the game economy, but that's irrelevant.
Resource management is ultimately about choices. You only have so much stuff, you have to choose where it goes. The more constrained those resources are, the harder and often more interesting those choices are. There's a riddle that asks "how far can you walk into a forest?" and the answer is "halfway: after that you're walking out." Highly constrained resources mean you're choosing what champs to rank up. Adding more resources might seem like you're adding more opportunities to choose champs to rank up and more choices should be better. But at some point you aren't choosing which champs to rank up, you're choosing which champs to *not* rank up, and the actual number of choices drops, not rises.
And this doesn't happen when you have enough resources to rank up half of all the champs you have either, because most are not really among the top choices you're really struggling between. The real "choices" are usually between just a few champs, and you can quickly transition between choosing who to rank and choosing who to not rank with a relatively small amount of extra resources. And because every player is different and at different stages of progress, increasing the availability of gold in the game will impact every player differently, and in terms of making an overall better game not all of them will be impacted positively. More is not always better when it comes to creating a positive game experience in terms of interesting choices.
That's just one of many issues surrounding the problem of resource shortages. When you combine that with how resources are allocated between game modes and the interrelationships between resources, that's ultimately a very complex design situation to weave changes into.
"Can you explain how adding a lot of gold to the game would break the game economy?" I could guess, but you can be certain I would be explaining it after they broke it. So try not it.
Also, there is a gold problem. It’s all well and good if you don’t feel it but others do. I do the 4* featured arena milestones and some of the 5* milestones. I don’t have time nor the interest to do more arena. However, when 4* were the main thing, This time spent grinding was enough. But the gold cost for ranking 5* and 6* is much greater. We get more shards than before but the main source of gold is still the same. Gold Cost of AQ for getting catalyst to rank those rarities is higher.
I’m good with the idea that you should work for gold. In other games I’ve played 4-5 hours grind session 1 day you can farm enough gold for what you want. This game 4-5 hour grind sessions everyday just to be comfortable with gold.
Anyways, I’m perfectly fine with gold rn because I stopped pushing. Maybe you could try that.
I know the forums gatekeepers are gonna shut this comment down (and yes, I will blame a portion to the problem from garbage rank-up choices out of frustration with the game) but Mike, why is the team so hesitant on introducing a Sunday gold realm/gold reward arena? Water it down and have it be enough to keep people sticking around or something?
Case in point. Although arguably contradictory, considering it supports being selective with Resources.
The bottom line, which I've made many times on here, is it takes time and effort to pay for higher Rank-Ups. The higher the Rarity and Rank, the more Gold you'll need, and the more effort you'll have to put into saving it and making it.
I almost never land these examples, but here goes. If I'm driving a Ford and I lease a Maserati that costs much more a month to pay for, I can try to ask my boss to pay me more for doing the same work. It's highly unlikely I'll get it unless I'm underpaid as it is. The more logical solution is to put more work in.
I watched the Dorky Video too... that HELP BUTTON will stay forever to irritate everyone.
I’ve been sitting on 90m for 2 months now and I do basic arena grinds of 7.5m 5*F / 4.2m 4*F / 1.5m 4*B, all of which can be done in 1-2 sittings a day. Donations wise I donate for 666x5.
In the 2 months I’ve been hovering there, I brought a 6* up to max level R2, leveled a 6* to max R1, R5 2 5*s and multiple 3/4* rank ups for level up events.
Im f2p.
You don't have to do ridiculous arena grinds with any kind of regularity to build up Battlechips fairly quickly, not to mention the potential to sell ISO from duping champions as well as various Gold Crystals.
and then the 2nd biggest problem is GOLD
I only spend maybe 1% of my time doing arena, so boring.
If someone thinks it's a dumpster fire and is on the verge of leaving, there's really not much that Rewards will do to appease them. If you're suggesting there's some sort of point one reaches after investing time and effort that exempts them from having to work towards what they need, I'd have to say it's the wrong game to be playing. Even seasoned Vets have to work for something. That isn't just a matter of doing the most challenging content. It's also a matter of effort over time. Some things are just monotonous and take time to accumulate. Sometimes it will take some introspect to see what we're spending and how to reallocate for what we want. No one graduates past that point no matter how indebted they feel. If you want to keep going and keep progressing, you have to keep working. If you don't think it's worth it, there's little convincing you otherwise.