Deadpool's Spring Cleaning Discussion

Genuinely why can't we have any free way to get
Doubloons? What justification is there for that. Like even if it's less then what you can spend and get why can't there be a free way to get them so other players can atleast get some of the rewards advertised here.
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
No way for F2p to enjoy or even work for
We know that it’s going to be purchased with local currency how else would the unit store work
There's always going to be something that's sold which is not available without spending. That's just part of having a game where F2P and spenders both play. People are always going to want what's only available for cash.
Like the Christmas deals they put out..
You buy a unit pack and get something free with it but they are giving the players that spend the option of choosing their extra..
It’s not what you would call an actual event..
Like the Christmas deals they put out..
You buy a unit pack and get something free with it but they are giving the players that spend the option of choosing their extra..
It’s not what you would call an actual event..
There's a difference though those deals weren't selling currency for a special event store to get extra rewards were they.
Seriously. Normally I defend Kabam on their cash offers that have been coming out since they are planned in advance and the company still needs to make money to pay their employees. I get that and I'm happy to continue buying the Monthly Unit Card to support Kabam because I love this game, but seeing this in my inbox today really left a sour taste in my mouth. Whoever is in charge of this stuff at Kabam really should think long and hard about doing something like this during times like these.
The part that really pisses me off is that if there wasn't the Coronavirus and lockdowns and wage loss, I'd jump on this event because this is exactly what I love to see when I spend money on the game! Units and items for one price. In all honesty, especially since I'm working on exploring Act 6, I would have bought at least all the Odin's and maybe the Black Panthers too that were available (assuming that it's the standard 3 limit, I would have happily dropped $450 or more depending on the items available), but because of everything going on, I just can't justify spending money that I don't have. I'm willing to bet that a lot of other people feel the same way as me.
Kabam, you really missed the mark on this. You should have delayed it another month or two.
If it's not something that appeals to you or you simply can't afford it given the current crisis, don't purchase, it's not being forced on you.
Ps. Given the current state of things I won't be purchasing anything but I'm also not going to get upset that they are still trying to sell their product.
Kabam is a company with employees and costs, and the download of the game is free. This is one way the company can make money, if not the only way. I suppose they could make us watch ads every time we clicked something, but that would be annoying.
Without people buying offers, there would no no new champs, no new quests, and you'd have gone off to some other game by now, having done all of the stuff you can do in MCOC.
I have no problem with people who are FTP, but to complain about people who do spend is hilarious, because they're the ones supporting the growth of the game. Does this mean spenders get stuff you do not? Sure, but there has to be an enticement.
I am not opposed to more free stuff, of course.