Changes to CABLE SP1 - no longer fully evade'able ??

With the new changes to Cable's SP1, can you still evade it all by just a single evade, doing it a tiny bit earlier than what you would think for most other champ's projectile SP's ??
The few times I faced him since this month's change, I always seem to get “clipped” on the back end.
Is this what Kabam had intended to prevent you from doing ?
And can you do 2 separate quick evades to avoid getting hit by any of it ? (1st evade as when normally used to do, then a 2nd to hopefully bypass taking a hit at the very end of the blasts) ??

The few times I faced him since this month's change, I always seem to get “clipped” on the back end.
Is this what Kabam had intended to prevent you from doing ?
And can you do 2 separate quick evades to avoid getting hit by any of it ? (1st evade as when normally used to do, then a 2nd to hopefully bypass taking a hit at the very end of the blasts) ??

Helps against some of those long duration blasts, instead of holding block the whole time (which then sometimes defender is able to get back to blocking before you can counterattack).
Dong the evade halfway thru lets you counter quicker than if you had to wait for your full blocking of the SP to end.
Still don’t like that they changed Cable, didn’t think it was ever a bug.
Very few things bother me about changes Kabam makes but for some reason this one irks me.
Either that, or they "fixed" a hit that wasn't landing
So the consequence now is similar to other long gun-fire, that lasts for longer than the duration of an Evade.
Which seems to be a change in desired operation versus what @CoatHang3r seems to recall (see above) when Cable was first released.
To the animation was over with it not possible as @SummonerNR said ther chamge the leget of the the sp so it kind fix the last bulls of the sp1 I’m not said it fair because it hasn’t ben that for since he released
Until you look at Act 7 beta and see that cable now resides on a path where he contains an unblockable specials node....
It was fully evadable 3 years ago in the monthly event quest he was released (skip to 10:18 mark)
Isn't it possible to fix the screen edge bug while still keeping Cable's SP1 fully evadable?