Abyss Rewards Update [Merged Threads]



  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian
    @Kabam Miike can we get a photo of how this works ? Is it like the Champ selector that was given in Arena a while ago?
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Was including this in the roadmap warranted? It let the community run wild with their expectations and now they’re let down by their own speculations and expectations.

    Crazy bc that just never happens
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Was including this in the roadmap warranted? It let the community run wild with their expectations and now they’re let down by their own speculations and expectations.

    Agreed here, but this still leaves things up to RNG, although a better chance, its still chance. I want to dupe my 6* Fury, but could potentially still open this crystal and not get him. Its not so much about expectations, but verbatim saying they wanted to reduce the randomness. Sure they did that, but why can't they just give a guaranteed reward with a t5c selector or even better 2-50% selectors?
    Reducing randomness isn't eliminating it. Granted this isn't the direction I thought they would go but it's almost what tons of people have been asking for, reduce RNG for getting good 6*s. This is exactly that.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Greekhit said:

    All content is subject to change, and that includes Encounters, rewards, Champion abilities, etc. This will never be announced at the outset because our intention wasn't to change the rewards later.

    The company have all the right to change content, if they think it needs to. But also is obliged to do it FAIR. How fair is future abyss players get reduced rewards (-15k 6* shards) for the same effort?

    No more fair than the people that got to rank up new champs with 2015 gems after V1. Or no more fair that people that did abyss early dealt with bugged marvel, gulk, and IW. No more fair they also had the benefit of using aegon when he was bugged.

    There are always pros and cons to doing stuff early in a game. This situation has both.
  • G2DKG2DK Member Posts: 243
    Why not give people the choice of a 6* nexus or a t5cc selector upon completing ?
  • BigManOnCampusBigManOnCampus Member Posts: 376 ★★★
    This actually is a very good deal , pick one out of 10 champs of a class you choose . out of 10 gotta get something good. Think i'll save mines till the 4th !
  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,434 ★★★★★

    Greekhit said:

    All content is subject to change, and that includes Encounters, rewards, Champion abilities, etc. This will never be announced at the outset because our intention wasn't to change the rewards later.

    The company have all the right to change content, if they think it needs to. But also is obliged to do it FAIR. How fair is future abyss players get reduced rewards (-15k 6* shards) for the same effort?

    No more fair than the people that got to rank up new champs with 2015 gems after V1. Or no more fair that people that did abyss early dealt with bugged marvel, gulk, and IW. No more fair they also had the benefit of using aegon when he was bugged.

    There are always pros and cons to doing stuff early in a game. This situation has both.
    That's why there was an outcry after most of those issues. And the way they handled all of them has been a mistake. Doesn't make sense that people who want to wait to do content or can't do it at that time should be penalized. No more than it should that people who have done the content before when it was bugged should not get compensation.
  • AquavenomAquavenom Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2020
    @Kabam Miike How will it be claimed for those who did 100% already? Will it be a message or will it just pop up? And what will be the expiry date on the massage if there is one cause a lot of people would like to save it for 4th of July.
  • Samuel030sSamuel030s Member Posts: 125
    edited June 2020
    People who aren't able to 100% Abyss aren't being that heavily penalized. The difference is legit 5k 6* shards, as small price to pay given that one can chose between ten Champions of a given class.
    Reducing the total amount of shards has clearly led to some outrage, but those who haven't attempted Abyss yet, over five months after it's been released, aren't likely to be close to completing, much less exploring the Abyss. For those that are close to exploring the Abyss, they have till June 25th to do so.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★

    Hi There,
    Just a quick question. With this change, does that mean those who finished before the 25th end up with more rewards as they get the 15k 6* shards AND the selector.. or are you some how removing the 15k 6* shards from those who completed already.

    I find it a little strange that those who finished before the 25th get more rewards than those coming afterward.. unless the overall difficulty has also been changed and just hasn't been mentioned yet..

    Also, in the initial statement about the abyss exploration rewards.. there was only mention of adding to them.. nothing said about reducing them as well..

    They're not removing any from those that have completed it, I assume. They couldn't likely because they've been opened. Those going forward will get 30k, but with the added bonus of the Selector Crystal. Fair trade-off.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    If anyone wants my Agent Venom, KG, or Mephisto I got from my extra 15k shards, you're more than welcome to them
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    MCOC_2020 said:

    Haji_Saab said:

    Sooo people who have already 100% gets extra 15k 6* shards ...

    Why? this was never announced that if you do Abyss early you will get extra rewards

    All content is subject to change, and that includes Encounters, rewards, Champion abilities, etc. This will never be announced at the outset because our intention wasn't to change the rewards later.
    That is absolutly unfair.
    You are saying, that you want a fair competition and the fairness now is, that everyone exploring the abyss after the 25th gettin 15k 6* shards less?

    That is ridicilous!
    For that 15k, you get a Crystal that gives you a choice of one of 10 Champs. That currently doesn't exist in the game. Really nothing to be upset about.
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