Throne Breaker Title Discussion [Merged Threads]



  • ZENZEN Member Posts: 156
    Time to rank 3 6* duped karnak. He’s my only duped skill and deserving other than unduped daredevil, MoonKnight or Black Panther civil war...
  • KingKevinKingKevin Member Posts: 26

    16 pages in and no information on if they will gate the best Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals Behind Throne Breaker titles.
    @Kabam Miike care to comment?

    Yes, they will 100% gate it. Since I have been playing, every progression level has had different rewards for those deals.
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    ZEN said:

    Time to rank 3 6* duped karnak. He’s my only duped skill and deserving other than unduped daredevil, MoonKnight or Black Panther civil war...

    I’d do BPCW over Karnak.
  • OGAvengerOGAvenger Member Posts: 1,195 ★★★★★

    16 pages in and no information on if they will gate the best Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals Behind Throne Breaker titles.
    @Kabam Miike care to comment?

    @Liss_Bliss_ if it helps they closed a thread on this earlier and said they can’t and won’t comment on that this far in advance
  • SwarmOfRavensSwarmOfRavens Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★★
    KingKevin said:

    This is an amazing day for MCOC. This will go down in history. The only aspect of the game that was skill based (progression) now relies on RNG and wallet size. A day to be celebrated.

    P.S. Don't come at me saying I'm salty lol. I am getting the title. I have multiple r3 champs and have finished act 6. Just think its unfair for people who have done the required content (without the strongest champs available) and just got unlucky with openings get roadblocked with progression.

    Progression didn't just become RNG dependent. When 6.1 came out if you didn't have a good bleed immune 5* crossbones would screw you over.
    All they've done if set out another RNG dependent factor to roadblock progression. Kabams reliance on RNG isn't something that came out of the blue
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    The simple fact is that we needed something to differentiate end game cavalier players from new cavalier players. Anyone that says otherwise is fooling themselves. Was this route the best way to go about doing that? Maybe not, but it might just be the best option for dividing the large group of cavalier players.

    Does the 6* basic pool suck and offer extremely low chance of pulling champions worthy of r3? Absolutely. I’m hoping Kabam will really start cranking out the champion updates faster and make it much less tiresome to pull a champion worth r3 which I think will help alleviate some of the complaints that people have with this method of measuring player progression.

    I also want to point out that simply adding a progression milestone that a player could simply unit through (such as 100% abyss, or 100% act 6) will just delay the same problem. Ultimately a players progression shouldn’t only be determined by what content they have completed but also by the depth of their roster. This will help prevent players from simply uniting (is that a verb now :tongue:) their way through content and getting rewards that are way beyond their progression.

    Ultimately I think the throne-breaker milestone does this, which in my opinion, is a bigger deal than making sure that every player who has 100% act 6 or abyss and without r3 champs still gets the title. I’m not saying the way they are implementing it is ideal, but it definitely does what it should in splitting up the cavalier players into two distinctive groups.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,791 ★★★★★

    Aziz5253 said:

    even so

    Etjama said:

    Etjama said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Etjama said:

    Kappa2g said:

    I'm pretty sure you guys have the statistics, but how many players actually had a R3 6 star when they completed their first run of 6.4?
    The two milestone requirements simply do not match up or have any close relationship between them.

    They are meant to be separate. They are 2 fold here. We could have just made it get 1x Rank 3, but then somewhere down the line, people will get Rank 3s before they complete Act 6, and that doesn't hit both milestones.
    Honestly, if you guys want people to 100% Abyss before getting this title, do it. It just makes way more sense than involving RNG into titles.
    100% Abyss is still lower than we're aiming for, honestly. This title is aimed at people that probably already have teams of Rank 3 6-Stars, but we want to make it more accessible. Again, this was originally going to be for somewhere in the next Act, which would have been aimed at players with multiple Rank 3 Champions.
    So what I am I hearing is that this was planned to roll out in book 2 as part of long term plans and isn’t something you can put off. Being that you pushed back book 2 due to feedback you now need to get this into the game before upcoming events so future plans are not also disrupted.

    The progression requirements were meant to be much more restrictive but since the content to meet those requirements has been delayed you need to at least put in something similar?
    I suspect it might be less an issue of delay, and more an issue of structure. Act 6 and Book 2 were originally envisioned as traditional end game content in my opinion. They were designed under the idea that if most players can't do it, too bad. But as the philosophy has changed to be more like everyone should *eventually* be able to do it, and the difficulty and rewards should be more of a graceful step up from Uncollected to Cav to beyond within that content, the title made less sense to embed within Book 2, because Book 2 would not place as high of a progressional burden.

    At the risk of oversimplifying, I think Thronebreaker is intended to be an end game title (today, before future titles supplant it), but completing Act 6 and even Book 2 is no longer seen as only an end gamer's activity. So instead Kabam wanted to shift from a content-clearing title like Uncollected or Cav to something else that is more correlated with end game accomplishments, and rank 3 rank ups was the obvious next choice. But while content-clearing titles are pretty binary, either you did them or you didn't, rank ups are more hazy because different people rank up at different paces. Some players rank up quickly, some want to rank up more deliberately, and of course things like spending affect how much rank 3 resources a player might have independent of progress. So Kabam decided to ease off of "multiple rank 3s" as being the marker of an end game player for the purposes of the title, and require just one to make sure that the requirement wasn't so high that it cut off too many end game players from the title.
    Pretty much how I feel. With the severe reduction in story content difficulty, there's not really too many other ways they can segment off sections of the playerbase besides also including a measure of roster strength/size.

    I understand people not liking it but with the new direction in content design it's not surprising they also revisited title requirements
    So explain to me how someone who has barely completed Act 6 belongs in that group while someone who has explored everything doesn't.
    The likelihood of someone that has explored "everything" having zero R3 options is basically slim to none. Is it possible and are there probably a small number of people out there in that situation? Absolutely. It's not remotely going to be the norm or even slightly common
    It doesn't have to be everything, there are so many players with no R3 that have explored Act 6. Why should people that lack the skill or time to do so be rewarded because their luck is good while those who do have the skill and/or time don't get rewarded because they aren't lucky?
    They have to draw a line somewhere. An act 6 completion is barely much more tasking than getting cavalier now. The gap between the bottom of cavalier and the top is so massive its almost people playing different games.

    I wish the title would have been behind 100% act 6 AND a R3 personally. They've given a much more lenient requirement. The fact that so many people are upset just shows you how easy it is to get a completion run done now.
    Might I remind you that completing Act 6 and exploring is itself heavily Rng dependent as you need a lot of right Champs for it. Atleast setting the limit to completion is reasonable. I may partially disagree with the r3 thing but I feel they should instead set the limit to 5 r2s to make it more reasonable.
    This entire game is built around RNG. I cannot fathom how some of you continue to play the game but fail to accept this
    I couldn't agree more with this statement. There are people asking for the conditions to be 100% act 6 or abyss. If that were the case, we'd have people complaining about RNG of champions and they can't get the ones they need. If it's not one thing, it's another.

    There isn't anything Kabam will do that will satisfy the community.

    Even though I have a r3 6 star I think the requirement is unfair. I'm top 45 AQ and I still have about 6 members without r3 6 stars. I think that requirement needs to be removed unless you give out a full t5cc selector.

    Give out a selector for people who completed act act 6 100%.

    I thought you weren't bothered by it....😑
    Do you ever agree with the players?
    There are times, yes. Which part of what I said is wrong? If it wasn't T5CC RNG, it's going to be champion RNG, if it's not that, it will be some other excuse some other group will complain that isn't fair. If they put minimum restrictions on the title, there will be another group saying some people don't deserve it. It's a never ending complaint loop that there is no correct answer for. Tell me which part of that is wrong?

    TheTalents had already said in a different thread he didn't care either way, now he's done a 180.

    And for the record, I don't have a R3 yet. I will soon but I don't have one currently.

    Please prove me wrong. Show me the lie in what I said.
  • Summoner006Summoner006 Member Posts: 28
    Titles and progression rewards have always and certainly should always come from Story Based Progression. Whether this has been to complete Act 3 to gain Proven, or to complete Act 6 Chapter 1 to gain Cavalier. However, apparently it's now being said that you need to go off and either complete Abyss, whale out on offers, or 100% Act 6 just to get the title for Act 6 completion. If you ask me this isn't OK, and the Throne Breaker title should be given to those who have done the initial completion of Act 6. I myself have done Act 6 completion, and have almost finished 100% 6.1, and being so far away from a fully formed t5cc, the gap between the two requirements for this title is ridiculous. I hope Kabam take some notice of what people have to say.
  • DarkSoulDLXDarkSoulDLX Member Posts: 675 ★★★

    Aziz5253 said:

    even so

    Etjama said:

    Etjama said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Etjama said:

    Kappa2g said:

    I'm pretty sure you guys have the statistics, but how many players actually had a R3 6 star when they completed their first run of 6.4?
    The two milestone requirements simply do not match up or have any close relationship between them.

    They are meant to be separate. They are 2 fold here. We could have just made it get 1x Rank 3, but then somewhere down the line, people will get Rank 3s before they complete Act 6, and that doesn't hit both milestones.
    Honestly, if you guys want people to 100% Abyss before getting this title, do it. It just makes way more sense than involving RNG into titles.
    100% Abyss is still lower than we're aiming for, honestly. This title is aimed at people that probably already have teams of Rank 3 6-Stars, but we want to make it more accessible. Again, this was originally going to be for somewhere in the next Act, which would have been aimed at players with multiple Rank 3 Champions.
    So what I am I hearing is that this was planned to roll out in book 2 as part of long term plans and isn’t something you can put off. Being that you pushed back book 2 due to feedback you now need to get this into the game before upcoming events so future plans are not also disrupted.

    The progression requirements were meant to be much more restrictive but since the content to meet those requirements has been delayed you need to at least put in something similar?
    I suspect it might be less an issue of delay, and more an issue of structure. Act 6 and Book 2 were originally envisioned as traditional end game content in my opinion. They were designed under the idea that if most players can't do it, too bad. But as the philosophy has changed to be more like everyone should *eventually* be able to do it, and the difficulty and rewards should be more of a graceful step up from Uncollected to Cav to beyond within that content, the title made less sense to embed within Book 2, because Book 2 would not place as high of a progressional burden.

    At the risk of oversimplifying, I think Thronebreaker is intended to be an end game title (today, before future titles supplant it), but completing Act 6 and even Book 2 is no longer seen as only an end gamer's activity. So instead Kabam wanted to shift from a content-clearing title like Uncollected or Cav to something else that is more correlated with end game accomplishments, and rank 3 rank ups was the obvious next choice. But while content-clearing titles are pretty binary, either you did them or you didn't, rank ups are more hazy because different people rank up at different paces. Some players rank up quickly, some want to rank up more deliberately, and of course things like spending affect how much rank 3 resources a player might have independent of progress. So Kabam decided to ease off of "multiple rank 3s" as being the marker of an end game player for the purposes of the title, and require just one to make sure that the requirement wasn't so high that it cut off too many end game players from the title.
    Pretty much how I feel. With the severe reduction in story content difficulty, there's not really too many other ways they can segment off sections of the playerbase besides also including a measure of roster strength/size.

    I understand people not liking it but with the new direction in content design it's not surprising they also revisited title requirements
    So explain to me how someone who has barely completed Act 6 belongs in that group while someone who has explored everything doesn't.
    The likelihood of someone that has explored "everything" having zero R3 options is basically slim to none. Is it possible and are there probably a small number of people out there in that situation? Absolutely. It's not remotely going to be the norm or even slightly common
    It doesn't have to be everything, there are so many players with no R3 that have explored Act 6. Why should people that lack the skill or time to do so be rewarded because their luck is good while those who do have the skill and/or time don't get rewarded because they aren't lucky?
    They have to draw a line somewhere. An act 6 completion is barely much more tasking than getting cavalier now. The gap between the bottom of cavalier and the top is so massive its almost people playing different games.

    I wish the title would have been behind 100% act 6 AND a R3 personally. They've given a much more lenient requirement. The fact that so many people are upset just shows you how easy it is to get a completion run done now.
    Might I remind you that completing Act 6 and exploring is itself heavily Rng dependent as you need a lot of right Champs for it. Atleast setting the limit to completion is reasonable. I may partially disagree with the r3 thing but I feel they should instead set the limit to 5 r2s to make it more reasonable.
    This entire game is built around RNG. I cannot fathom how some of you continue to play the game but fail to accept this
    I couldn't agree more with this statement. There are people asking for the conditions to be 100% act 6 or abyss. If that were the case, we'd have people complaining about RNG of champions and they can't get the ones they need. If it's not one thing, it's another.

    There isn't anything Kabam will do that will satisfy the community.

    Even though I have a r3 6 star I think the requirement is unfair. I'm top 45 AQ and I still have about 6 members without r3 6 stars. I think that requirement needs to be removed unless you give out a full t5cc selector.

    Give out a selector for people who completed act act 6 100%.

    I thought you weren't bothered by it....😑
    Do you ever agree with the players?
    Sometimes he does

    This Throne breaker title is rather controversial
  • ChiefGoatChiefGoat Member Posts: 225 ★★
    Jaded said:

    Yeah I’m getting tired of the whinnying tbh. Kabam set up a new title, we live in their world when we play their game. They set the rules. Every announcement is more complaints. Honestly if these additions to the game annoy people so much they have complain here, just quit.

    Some areas of the game definitely need feedback and opinions. This is not the way to go with it.

    There will always be have’s and have not’s. If you don’t like it, do something about it. I am not referring to ranking up a bad 6*. I mean, just quit.

    I look forward to my new title and everything shiny it may come with. If you want one, get off of here and go get one. Please stop putting a negative spin on every announcement. Or send a ticket into support about your concern with it. You’ll notice mods will stop talking in the thread soon and people will argue about it amongst themselves.

    Very fun way to spend your day.

    100 % agree! Well Said
  • edited September 2020
    This content has been removed.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    edited September 2020

    16 pages in and no information on if they will gate the best Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals Behind Throne Breaker titles.
    @Kabam Miike care to comment?

    He did on another thread, and they won’t *comment.

    *and if/when they do there is nothing wrong with giving players at a specific progression milestone specific offers. It’s part of the reason for the whole system in the first place, to give players at higher tiers options suited to their level without letting players at lower tiers buy their way through the game.
  • Woody_federWoody_feder Member Posts: 584 ★★
    I hope they buff the cavalier difficulty rewards for t5cc....
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★

    To be really clear here (and let the dislikes pour in), this is meant to be a differentiating factor between players in the Cavalier progression level, and those that are far advanced from there.

    As you guys are well aware, there is a huge breadth of players that have hit Cavalier status, from those that have beaten Act 6 Chapter 1 just once, to those that have explored Abyss of Legends, and take on the Grandmaster and Champion bosses daily just for fun.

    It becomes extremely difficult for us to make content that targets everybody in that group when one end is so far ahead of the other. As we moved away from making Act content our measuring stick for Summoner Roster and Skill Progression, we had to move to other measurements. Having 1x Rank 3 6-Star is quite low on the scale of differentiation since many of these Summoners have quite a lot more.

    If you haven't hit that point yet, that's okay. There's still a lot for you to benefit from as a Cavalier, and those benefits will help you as you progress and grow towards the next level.

    I’ve completed Act 6. I can 100% Cavalier difficulty. I’m no where near a R3 because RNG won’t go my way. If you plan on making t5cc truly available to where I don’t have to 100% Act or complete an AOL path just to know you’ll have a full one, then this is ok. However if you’re just going to keep giving 20% a month and in that 20% you’re giving 2% crystals that FURTHER make it an RNG dependent title, then it’s a load of BS.
    There's a pretty great special Nexus Crystal and T5CC in the Abyss Rewards.

    Before somebody else posts it, let me: "Don't have an R3? Kabam Miike just said beat Abyss to get this, like that's easy!"

    The Abyss of Legends is an option but it's not the only way. And to be frank, this title is more aimed at those that can 100% Abyss of Legends. We just chose to make it easier than that for those that choose alternate ways to progress their Rosters.

    If we hadn't shifted the philosophy for where to put this, you would have gotten it probably after Chapter 2 of Book 2 Act 1. This would have been aimed at Summoners with teams of Rank 3 Champions.

    You have time. You don't have to do this today, or even right when this comes out. Use your Cavalier Benefits to help you progress our team.

    EDIT: I had mistakenly said there's a T5CC Selector in the Abyss Rewards.
    I would prefer book 2 act 1 chapter 2 lol
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    OGAvenger said:

    16 pages in and no information on if they will gate the best Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals Behind Throne Breaker titles.
    @Kabam Miike care to comment?

    @Liss_Bliss_ if it helps they closed a thread on this earlier and said they can’t and won’t comment on that this far in advance
    So that means yes. I’ll predict it now. And once they announce the deals and the gate I’ll recall this post.
  • KingKevinKingKevin Member Posts: 26

    KingKevin said:

    This is an amazing day for MCOC. This will go down in history. The only aspect of the game that was skill based (progression) now relies on RNG and wallet size. A day to be celebrated.

    P.S. Don't come at me saying I'm salty lol. I am getting the title. I have multiple r3 champs and have finished act 6. Just think its unfair for people who have done the required content (without the strongest champs available) and just got unlucky with openings get roadblocked with progression.

    Progression didn't just become RNG dependent. When 6.1 came out if you didn't have a good bleed immune 5* crossbones would screw you over.
    All they've done if set out another RNG dependent factor to roadblock progression. Kabams reliance on RNG isn't something that came out of the blue
    LOOOOOOOOL WHAT? You can't really be comparing these two things right? Crossbones is hardly a roadblock and if you aren't speed running the game, there should be no reason you don't have a single bleed immune champ by act 6. 30% of the champs in the game can handle that fight. How can you compare getting a bleed immune to getting a decent (top 7 in class) 6* champ of a specific class that you might have gotten lucky to get a t5cc of to take to r3. Progression was always mostly skill based. Mostly because 6.2 Sinister and 6.2 Champion were pretty RNG dependent but other than that.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★

    Titles and progression rewards have always and certainly should always come from Story Based Progression. Whether this has been to complete Act 3 to gain Proven, or to complete Act 6 Chapter 1 to gain Cavalier. However, apparently it's now being said that you need to go off and either complete Abyss, whale out on offers, or 100% Act 6 just to get the title for Act 6 completion. If you ask me this isn't OK, and the Throne Breaker title should be given to those who have done the initial completion of Act 6. I myself have done Act 6 completion, and have almost finished 100% 6.1, and being so far away from a fully formed t5cc, the gap between the two requirements for this title is ridiculous. I hope Kabam take some notice of what people have to say.

    Not when those Titles offer an increased availability of Rewards that accelerates Accounts.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian
    Etjama said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Etjama said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Etjama said:

    Kappa2g said:

    I'm pretty sure you guys have the statistics, but how many players actually had a R3 6 star when they completed their first run of 6.4?
    The two milestone requirements simply do not match up or have any close relationship between them.

    They are meant to be separate. They are 2 fold here. We could have just made it get 1x Rank 3, but then somewhere down the line, people will get Rank 3s before they complete Act 6, and that doesn't hit both milestones.
    Honestly, if you guys want people to 100% Abyss before getting this title, do it. It just makes way more sense than involving RNG into titles.
    100% Abyss is still lower than we're aiming for, honestly. This title is aimed at people that probably already have teams of Rank 3 6-Stars, but we want to make it more accessible. Again, this was originally going to be for somewhere in the next Act, which would have been aimed at players with multiple Rank 3 Champions.
    So what I am I hearing is that this was planned to roll out in book 2 as part of long term plans and isn’t something you can put off. Being that you pushed back book 2 due to feedback you now need to get this into the game before upcoming events so future plans are not also disrupted.

    The progression requirements were meant to be much more restrictive but since the content to meet those requirements has been delayed you need to at least put in something similar?
    I suspect it might be less an issue of delay, and more an issue of structure. Act 6 and Book 2 were originally envisioned as traditional end game content in my opinion. They were designed under the idea that if most players can't do it, too bad. But as the philosophy has changed to be more like everyone should *eventually* be able to do it, and the difficulty and rewards should be more of a graceful step up from Uncollected to Cav to beyond within that content, the title made less sense to embed within Book 2, because Book 2 would not place as high of a progressional burden.

    At the risk of oversimplifying, I think Thronebreaker is intended to be an end game title (today, before future titles supplant it), but completing Act 6 and even Book 2 is no longer seen as only an end gamer's activity. So instead Kabam wanted to shift from a content-clearing title like Uncollected or Cav to something else that is more correlated with end game accomplishments, and rank 3 rank ups was the obvious next choice. But while content-clearing titles are pretty binary, either you did them or you didn't, rank ups are more hazy because different people rank up at different paces. Some players rank up quickly, some want to rank up more deliberately, and of course things like spending affect how much rank 3 resources a player might have independent of progress. So Kabam decided to ease off of "multiple rank 3s" as being the marker of an end game player for the purposes of the title, and require just one to make sure that the requirement wasn't so high that it cut off too many end game players from the title.
    Pretty much how I feel. With the severe reduction in story content difficulty, there's not really too many other ways they can segment off sections of the playerbase besides also including a measure of roster strength/size.

    I understand people not liking it but with the new direction in content design it's not surprising they also revisited title requirements
    So explain to me how someone who has barely completed Act 6 belongs in that group while someone who has explored everything doesn't.
    To put it bluntly, you can say that about every progression title, and you can say that about every option for higher progress. So you're saying the best player with the worst roster who still manages to complete Act 6 is a lower player than a whale that buys everything and skates through Act 6 exploration with a mega large roster?

    We simply can't make those kinds of judgments. We can only look at what players accomplish in the game, not how they accomplished it. Content clearing is one kind of accomplishment, but it doesn't say how good the player is. We use it as a reasonable proxy for player skill, knowing it is flawed. Roster progress, like it or not, is also an accomplishment in the game. Whether you get that roster progress from being a good player, from being an efficient resource manager, from being lucky, or from being a whale, we don't judge how. We just judge what.
    You're missing some big points. You can pay your way to a R3 just as easily as you can pay your way through content. So this solves nothing. At least players that used skill to get where they are in content are rewarded by progression based titles. Now a player that uses skill to get through content can still get totally screwed over by RNG and gains no title.
    You say I'm missing some big points, then proceed to say things I've already acknowledged. Which big points are you claiming I'm missing.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★

    Its not a good idea IMO and it forces players to make rank ups, Im done act 6 100% and abyss (not 100% abyss) and I am unable to claim this title due to not having a r3 6*, I have mainly got cosmic t5cc I have 2.6 currently, I have never spent on a single t5cc offer including 4th of july offers, I will be r3 my venom who I love, but if I didnt have him id be very angry and I am certain many players out there are going to be forced to make rank ups due to RNG, and "Breaker Of Thrones" title is a very lazy idea. Being forced to make rank ups Is a terrible idea and has become waaaay too much RNG, It should be based off content done, not RNG.

    It’s not forcing rank ups, it tailoring content to players that have made those rank ups. Players are free to move at their own pace.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Etjama said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Etjama said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Etjama said:

    Kappa2g said:

    I'm pretty sure you guys have the statistics, but how many players actually had a R3 6 star when they completed their first run of 6.4?
    The two milestone requirements simply do not match up or have any close relationship between them.

    They are meant to be separate. They are 2 fold here. We could have just made it get 1x Rank 3, but then somewhere down the line, people will get Rank 3s before they complete Act 6, and that doesn't hit both milestones.
    Honestly, if you guys want people to 100% Abyss before getting this title, do it. It just makes way more sense than involving RNG into titles.
    100% Abyss is still lower than we're aiming for, honestly. This title is aimed at people that probably already have teams of Rank 3 6-Stars, but we want to make it more accessible. Again, this was originally going to be for somewhere in the next Act, which would have been aimed at players with multiple Rank 3 Champions.
    So what I am I hearing is that this was planned to roll out in book 2 as part of long term plans and isn’t something you can put off. Being that you pushed back book 2 due to feedback you now need to get this into the game before upcoming events so future plans are not also disrupted.

    The progression requirements were meant to be much more restrictive but since the content to meet those requirements has been delayed you need to at least put in something similar?
    I suspect it might be less an issue of delay, and more an issue of structure. Act 6 and Book 2 were originally envisioned as traditional end game content in my opinion. They were designed under the idea that if most players can't do it, too bad. But as the philosophy has changed to be more like everyone should *eventually* be able to do it, and the difficulty and rewards should be more of a graceful step up from Uncollected to Cav to beyond within that content, the title made less sense to embed within Book 2, because Book 2 would not place as high of a progressional burden.

    At the risk of oversimplifying, I think Thronebreaker is intended to be an end game title (today, before future titles supplant it), but completing Act 6 and even Book 2 is no longer seen as only an end gamer's activity. So instead Kabam wanted to shift from a content-clearing title like Uncollected or Cav to something else that is more correlated with end game accomplishments, and rank 3 rank ups was the obvious next choice. But while content-clearing titles are pretty binary, either you did them or you didn't, rank ups are more hazy because different people rank up at different paces. Some players rank up quickly, some want to rank up more deliberately, and of course things like spending affect how much rank 3 resources a player might have independent of progress. So Kabam decided to ease off of "multiple rank 3s" as being the marker of an end game player for the purposes of the title, and require just one to make sure that the requirement wasn't so high that it cut off too many end game players from the title.
    Pretty much how I feel. With the severe reduction in story content difficulty, there's not really too many other ways they can segment off sections of the playerbase besides also including a measure of roster strength/size.

    I understand people not liking it but with the new direction in content design it's not surprising they also revisited title requirements
    So explain to me how someone who has barely completed Act 6 belongs in that group while someone who has explored everything doesn't.
    To put it bluntly, you can say that about every progression title, and you can say that about every option for higher progress. So you're saying the best player with the worst roster who still manages to complete Act 6 is a lower player than a whale that buys everything and skates through Act 6 exploration with a mega large roster?

    We simply can't make those kinds of judgments. We can only look at what players accomplish in the game, not how they accomplished it. Content clearing is one kind of accomplishment, but it doesn't say how good the player is. We use it as a reasonable proxy for player skill, knowing it is flawed. Roster progress, like it or not, is also an accomplishment in the game. Whether you get that roster progress from being a good player, from being an efficient resource manager, from being lucky, or from being a whale, we don't judge how. We just judge what.
    You're missing some big points. You can pay your way to a R3 just as easily as you can pay your way through content. So this solves nothing. At least players that used skill to get where they are in content are rewarded by progression based titles. Now a player that uses skill to get through content can still get totally screwed over by RNG and gains no title.
    You say I'm missing some big points, then proceed to say things I've already acknowledged. Which big points are you claiming I'm missing.
    If you've addressed it already, how do you still think it's a good change? All this does is screw over hard working, skilled players that have bad luck. If Kabam wants players to have a 6* R3 for this title, then it should be locked behind Act 6 100% or Abyss completion since those both guarantee you could R3 a 6*. Instead, they're making it so some people who've barely done Act 6 completion can get the title while those who have worked their a*ses off to explore Act 6 and do a path in Abyss still can't pull the right champs or the right T5CC to make a realistic rankup.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★

    Its not a good idea IMO and it forces players to make rank ups, Im done act 6 100% and abyss (not 100% abyss) and I am unable to claim this title due to not having a r3 6*, I have mainly got cosmic t5cc I have 2.6 currently, I have never spent on a single t5cc offer including 4th of july offers, I will be r3 my venom who I love, but if I didnt have him id be very angry and I am certain many players out there are going to be forced to make rank ups due to RNG, and "Breaker Of Thrones" title is a very lazy idea. Being forced to make rank ups Is a terrible idea and has become waaaay too much RNG, It should be based off content done, not RNG.

    It’s not forcing rank ups, it tailoring content to players that have made those rank ups. Players are free to move at their own pace.
    I want to get this new "Throne breaker" title, but am unable to due to the requirements, I am unable to, the only way I can is through RNG and being forced to rank up my champs.
  • SwarmOfRavensSwarmOfRavens Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★★
    KingKevin said:

    KingKevin said:

    This is an amazing day for MCOC. This will go down in history. The only aspect of the game that was skill based (progression) now relies on RNG and wallet size. A day to be celebrated.

    P.S. Don't come at me saying I'm salty lol. I am getting the title. I have multiple r3 champs and have finished act 6. Just think its unfair for people who have done the required content (without the strongest champs available) and just got unlucky with openings get roadblocked with progression.

    Progression didn't just become RNG dependent. When 6.1 came out if you didn't have a good bleed immune 5* crossbones would screw you over.
    All they've done if set out another RNG dependent factor to roadblock progression. Kabams reliance on RNG isn't something that came out of the blue
    LOOOOOOOOL WHAT? You can't really be comparing these two things right? Crossbones is hardly a roadblock and if you aren't speed running the game, there should be no reason you don't have a single bleed immune champ by act 6. 30% of the champs in the game can handle that fight. How can you compare getting a bleed immune to getting a decent (top 7 in class) 6* champ of a specific class that you might have gotten lucky to get a t5cc of to take to r3. Progression was always mostly skill based. Mostly because 6.2 Sinister and 6.2 Champion were pretty RNG dependent but other than that.
    There are plenty options now compared to when it was initially release. You say there's no reason you shouldn't have a bleed immune but with bad RNG you can go without getting an option.
    I had exhausted all content at the time before I personally got the title. 30% of the champs available is an exaggeration
    They aren't comparable in the current state of the game but at the time it was a legitimate issue.
    Like you said 6.2 sinister and champion are also RNG fights so this whole the games only dependent on skill is a fallacy.
    Who you use your t5cc on is a personal choice if you choose to wait until you get a top choice that's fine if you decide to use it on an alright champ that's ok too. At the end of the day this is a gatcha game with RNG rooted in its core
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