Arena Feedback [Merged Threads]



  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    edited October 2020
    the only good thing about this change to the matchmaking is that you can use lower level champs. However, mid-high level champs are now a lot more annoying because we get matched with r3 6x that are good champs, whereas using r1 5* will get r3 5* of ok champs that are easier to fight.

    My suggestion:
    If Kabam really does care about new players (not something very common) and their rosters not being able to do arena, just have all matchups be champs of the same level. This way, newer players don't need to know the infinite streak, and players with big rosters can still have easy fights in a gamemode that is meant to be grindy and quick reps. Also, no deathmatches, which makes it better for everyone
  • Player1994Player1994 Member Posts: 793 ★★★
    I like it it's hard but gives more points means less loadings screens thank you
  • ParitParit Member Posts: 13
    @Kabam Miike if you're going to do anything on this. Do it at earliest. Before people quit. As such. Other than arenas. There is nothing exciting to play for this month.
    Really hate this new changes to arena.
    The previous one was much better. I would like to keep it as it is if you can't improve it
  • Lucky_WeksLucky_Weks Member Posts: 13
    Just Bring Back The Old Arena, And Why Not Add The 4× or 5× Extra Points From Wining Fight In The Arena. Rather Than This New Arena, Fighting An Opponents That Twice, Triple Larger Than Champ That You Bring. Really Headache. So Far, This Is The Worse Change Ever In The Game...
  • OwlkitOwlkit Member Posts: 71

    Hey all,

    There's been a lot of comments here, so our responses have been buried. Want to let you all know that we are still looking into this, and are committed to making it better again. The information I gave before is just for context, so please don't take that as a sign that this is what we want for Arenas.

    Thank you for your clarification.
  • Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Member Posts: 504 ★★★★

    Hey all,

    There's been a lot of comments here, so our responses have been buried. Want to let you all know that we are still looking into this, and are committed to making it better again. The information I gave before is just for context, so please don't take that as a sign that this is what we want for Arenas.

    Here my issue. You guys decided to do this big of a change on a brand new champ’s extremely frustrating for players who are going for him and then have to figure out what teams at what ranks to run. It was poorly planned to put in the 2x pi change on a new champ. It should of been done on an older champ where it is not less frustrating to players. You guys at start of road map was on about “quality of life changes”. Where are they? As I seen you been making it worse. With stuff having be done daily or people miss rewards. That’s not an improvement
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★

    Hey all,

    There's been a lot of comments here, so our responses have been buried. Want to let you all know that we are still looking into this, and are committed to making it better again. The information I gave before is just for context, so please don't take that as a sign that this is what we want for Arenas.

    All good, Miike. Just giving my two cents.
  • Erernallove1939Erernallove1939 Member Posts: 6

    Hey all,

    There's been a lot of comments here, so our responses have been buried. Want to let you all know that we are still looking into this, and are committed to making it better again. The information I gave before is just for context, so please don't take that as a sign that this is what we want for Arenas.

    If this is not what you want for Arenas ,then why did you brought these changes live ?
    The AI changes are fantastic and would help Arenagrinders a lot .But the rest is not helpful and you guys should have known that.
  • OwlkitOwlkit Member Posts: 71
    ADDIS0N said:

    Since you guys are reading these posts, I wanted to give you some feedback. Take it for what it’s worth.

    I don’t grind. The reason why is because you have to work the system (for lack of a better phrase) in order to get an “infinite streak.”

    I understand that this was an unintentional byproduct of a code change, but if I could just jump in and grind without having to do a a setup and get the multiplier and not “lose my streak” I would start grinding and I would probably do it a lot.

    Let’s be real - Grinding isn’t about winning fights or seeing how high you can make your streak. It’s about battle chips and featured 5* champs. Gold, units and new characters for the roster.

    If you want more people to do it, make it more accessible - keep the cool downs, but remove the multiplier and remove death matches completely. Make it so anyone can jump in and burn a couple hours grinding through their roster without having to think about the additional BS.

    I’m sure the serious grinders will hate what I’m saying, but that’s how I feel about it. I’d definitely grind more if it wasn’t such a hassle. Don’t just get in the pool - make the pool more accessible.


    I am a serious grinder and I completely agree with you. I like straight forward grinding versus the bizarre process we currently have in that the first five matches you have to fight with champs who have long hair and then next five only champs that were born outside of the US, and etc. ;)
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  • ThereticTheretic Member Posts: 73 ★★
    edited October 2020

    Hey all,

    There's been a lot of comments here, so our responses have been buried. Want to let you all know that we are still looking into this, and are committed to making it better again. The information I gave before is just for context, so please don't take that as a sign that this is what we want for Arenas.

    If this wasn’t what you wanted in the arenas why bring about such sweeping change with ZERO input from the community before doing it. If you told us what we were about to face we would have explained why what you were going to do was a bad idea, as we have since it’s gone into effect.

    The adjustment to the AI was great less having to bait out specials or hoping that the AI won’t launch their SP3 the instant they get it, this change was perfect.

    Then you decided to solve the edge case problem of teams of low level champions (in a game mode that incentivizes the player to strengthen their teams by giving stronger teams more points) facing teams MUCH stronger then they were and instead of solving just this problem you decided to alter the whole system to fix the edge case and punish everyone has many mid ranked champs. This was an absolutely horrible idea and needs to be reverted before you put thought into how to solve the low rank teams facing death matches issue.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,453 Guardian

    Hey all,

    There's been a lot of comments here, so our responses have been buried. Want to let you all know that we are still looking into this, and are committed to making it better again. The information I gave before is just for context, so please don't take that as a sign that this is what we want for Arenas.

    If this is not what you want for Arenas ,then why did you brought these changes live ?
    The AI changes are fantastic and would help Arenagrinders a lot .But the rest is not helpful and you guys should have known that.
    What players are seeing is an unintended consequence of the change they made to the arenas. The actual change was a reasonable one. The arena "looks for" higher and higher teams for you to go up against. That's why so-called deathmatches happen. They can be as high as four times your team's rating or higher. The devs added a cap that makes the max team it looks for lower, something closer to two times. That would act to eliminate deathmatches and only present "hard" matches at worst. This would make it so that no matter what kind of team the player brought into the arena, they wouldn't have to worry about suddenly triggering a gigantic PI deathmatch, so players could use more of their champs.

    However - and this is a bit of an oversimplification based on the facts as we know them now - the problem is that apparently deathmatches were not an actual intended feature of the arena, but actually a bugged failsafe. If the arena tries to look for a team and can't find one, it has some tricks it can play with things like the Kang and Thanos teams, assembling them from other teams. But if it *really* can't find anything, it defaults to a default "profile" which is actually much lower. In effect, what we players were calling "infinite streak" was actually "arena broken, can't find team, defaulting to stooges."

    Changing the arena so that the worst case scenario was x2 instead of x4+ meant that the arena would no longer go looking for those very high PI teams, so players wouldn't face them any more. But it also meant as a side effect that longer arena streaks wouldn't "break" the team selector, as it could now always find the kinds of teams it needed. So instead of getting the very easy post infinite streak matches, players are now getting more difficult ones, because the arena no longer has to kick in the stooge-o-meter.

    I'm pretty sure this was not intended, and I know Kabam is looking at ways to reduce the long term difficulty of the arena matches for long streaks. This is probably unfortunately difficult to test, because I believe one of the features of the arena is that it primes itself with the champs we players bring into arena matches. So the arena would not behave normally in something like a beta server setting. You won't know for certain what the match maker will generate except in a live setting, with live players playing real arena rounds.
  • Fun4444444Fun4444444 Member Posts: 24
    edited October 2020
    They should ban the l3 (special 3 attack) for the AI if they keep the arena this hard. That would alleviate my aggravation with these arena changes. @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra
  • Drax_ReflexologistDrax_Reflexologist Member Posts: 134 ★★
    Can't add to what has been expressed already. Longtime grinder and player of over 4 years. Listen to us. This is a dreadful QOL move. I could use my trash 5*s at 2/35 pretty consistently in arenas. Now they're useless. Constantly fighting 4/55 longshot and doom with agent venom and civil warrior sucks. Taking nearly 100 hits to beat a 5/65 with a mid level 3/45? Sucks. Get it sorted out quickly.
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  • JoesekiJoeseki Member Posts: 53
    The way I’ve adapted in the 5* arena is to expect to lose my streak around fight 20-24. I restart the streak. There are no more Kant or thanks teams (well maybe one or two if you use max champs). But my score is higher now because I’m using 58 trash to start first 5 fights then get 6* at x3 multiplier. So in effect I’m using more of my 5* champs than I did before.

    It’s a longer grind which is tedious, not anything I think kanamycin wants their game to become. But I don’t think scores will be affected by much in the long run.
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    What players are seeing is an unintended consequence of the change they made to the arenas. The actual change was a reasonable one. The arena "looks for" higher and higher teams for you to go up against. That's why so-called deathmatches happen. They can be as high as four times your team's rating or higher. The devs added a cap that makes the max team it looks for lower, something closer to two times. That would act to eliminate deathmatches and only present "hard" matches at worst. This would make it so that no matter what kind of team the player brought into the arena, they wouldn't have to worry about suddenly triggering a gigantic PI deathmatch, so players could use more of their champs.

    All Kabam really has to do is drop the pool they get their champs from, and just make them all the "bot" teams.

    You can see that the ONLY champs that real people make 6* R3s are the best ones available in the game. Nobody is doing 6* R3s that are trash tier champs. This is the pool that Kabam is pulling from, and without knowing all the champs you are going up against, it practically is a death match if you happen to bring in the wrong champs.

    They can just generate the "required" PI level for whatever they need for the match, and fully control everything.
  • Shorty02Shorty02 Member Posts: 24
    I grind arena quite a bit (almost 130k wins). I already lost twice my streak in 4* Featured after 24/25 wins. That never happened to me. I'm a bit over 4 million points. A week ago, I'd be at 6-7 million points. I won't even be trying getting more points or even getting the featured champ, because in this state it's impossible for me, because I really don't have time or willingnes to keep resetting the streak. Really bad change.
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