Happy May, Summoners! Welcome to 'Escape From Titan'

We’re hoping you MAY Escape from Titan!
Escape from Titan
Titan is under Attack! Titan is under Attack! Moondragon has informed her father Drax and with the help of the Guardians of the Galaxy a recon mission is underway! But sometimes a family affair can be more dangerous than an encounter with your enemy. Each path and fight chosen will determine the next set of encounters buffs/debuffs. Defeat each encounter along your way and escape Titan!
Start: May 3rd, 2023 @ 17:00 UTC
Finish: June 7th, 2023 @ 17:00 UTC
Quest Format
- 4 fights per run (3 path defenders +1 final boss)
- 1 new map per week for 4 weeks
- Defenders have trap buffs
- Middle path has no buffs on defenders
- Plan your path carefully! Each defender you defeat will have their local buff added as a trap buff to subsequent defenders for that run
- There are no trap buffs on the Final Boss
- Collect rewards across paths, completion and exploration of each map
- Five reworked difficulties (more info below)
- No entry item; 1 energy per move
- Summoners can play all Threat Levels
Threat Level Rework
Summoners! Threat Level 5 is now targeting PARAGON accounts!
To introduce Paragon difficulty and rewards to Side-Quests, the following adjustments have been made:
Threat Lv. 1 - Proven
Threat Lv. 2 - Conqueror/Uncollected
Threat Lv. 3 - Cavalier
Threat Lv. 4 - Thronebreaker
Threat Lv. 5 - Paragon
From a rewards perspective: Threat Level 1 remains the same, TLs 2, 3 and 4 will now see previous months’ rewards equivalents from TL 3, 4 and 5 (these three shift down one). TL5 is a new set of rewards.
From a difficulty perspective: Threat Levels 1 and 2 remain the same (despite TL2 getting a rewards bump), old Threat Levels 4 and 5 have shifted to 3 and 4. TL5 has a new difficulty tuning targeting Paragon accounts.
If you were previously completing TL5 as a TB Summoner, for example, you will find the same rewards and challenges in TL4 going forward.
Login daily between May 4th, 2023 @ 00:00 UTC and June 8th, 2023 @ 00:00 UTC to collect from your weekly calendar. The 7-Day Login Calendar will repeat for each week of the event.


Solo Objectives
The Bald and the Beautiful
Win 20 fights against Abomination, Abomination (Immortal), Absorbing Man, Apocalypse, Cosmic Ghost Rider, Drax, Electro, Ghost Rider, Gorr the God Butcher, Kingpin, Luke Cage, Moondragon, Nebula, Nick Fury, Professor X, Red Skull, Silver Surfer, Terrax, Thing, Vision (Aarkus), Yondu

Lethally Blond
Win 20 fights against Adam Warlock, Black Widow(Claire Voyant), Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel(classic), Emma Frost, Hawkeye, Hulkling, Human Torch, Invisible Woman, Long shot, Magik, Ms Marvel, Omega Red, Sabretooth, Sentry, Thor, Thor(Jane Foster), Thor(Ragnarok)

Escape from Titan
Fully explore all 4 maps for your targeted progression's difficulty (ex: TB full clear TL4) to receive the following rewards. These rewards are locked to your account's progression.

5th Week Solo Objectives
In the 5th week of this Escape from Titan, Summoners will receive an additional set of Solo Objectives. These objectives will require Summoners to use clues to fight through specific paths in the first 4 weeks of the event to receive additional rewards! See below for reward totals for finishing all objectives.

Solo Events
Guardians of the Galaxy Synergy Solo Event will reset each week, for a total of 5 weeks!
‘Summoner Title’ is a selectable (pick one of five) Guardians of the Galaxy-themed title!

Meta Crystal
Collect Intergalactic Planetary Crystal Shards to open Intergalactic Planetary Crystals for your opportunity to add the following champs to your roster!
Guillotine 2099, Nebula, Rocket Raccoon, Kingpin, Shang-Chi, Spot, Hyperion, Captain Marvel, Red Hulk, Venom, Angela, Star-Lord, King Groot, Luke Cage, Wong, Emma Frost, Sabretooth, Mister Fantastic, Venompool, Gamora, Drax, Gorr, Doctor Octopus, Misty Knight, Guillotine, Yondu, Agent Venom, Ronan, Vision (Aarkus), Vision (Age of Ultron), Green Goblin, Winter Soldier, Groot, Moon Knight, Iron Fist
Edit (2pm PT, May 3rd) - Split up rewards tables to individually spotlight Escape from Titan - 100% Clear Solo Objectives and further clarify who has access to what.
Other than that looks great. Looking forward to paragon difficulty
There is no way the original plan was 1333.333 7* shards and it became 2000 shards to scale it accordingly.
Btw, other than that, the reset of the rewards look decent though.
But the only way to get better is to throw yourself at content that's harder than you're used to, so I love it. I think it'll benefit non-Paragon players a lot. In addition to being fun for Paragon players to have a dedicated difficulty, of course.
To clear up a couple questions:
- There will be zero entry cost
- and, summoners can play all Threat Levels
We'll add this to the main post.