Is WOE the Cheese to Trap you into using all your Revives and HP’s before Act 8.4 drops?

BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,707 ★★★★
I have a theory.

Some will say its a tin foil hat conspiracy theory.

Leave a comment and let us all know what you think?


  • AshacekarAshacekar Member Posts: 2,372 ★★★★★
    edited March 2024
    So far my revive consumption hasn't been high with all WoW. I spent revive mostly on WoW AbsMan.

    Assuming 8.4 comes April and they have final WoW gauntlet of 6 champs (2 path, 2 new + 4 old champs), it would be good bait but then it's for a month so 8.4 seems safe. I don't expect a revive fest.

  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,392 ★★★★★
    edited March 2024
    Well jokes on them I don't remember using more than 2 revives on cerastes lol, why are you acting like you need necro levels of revives to get thru act content you're gonna use 2 or 3 revives max per quest and that's only if you screw up, even if we factor in the final boss it will still amount to Below 25 revives even if you play like a scrub.
  • SamanunSamanun Member Posts: 720 ★★★
    Don’t really need revives for either tbh just make attempts until you solo for wow and story content hasn't needed revives since like pre-nerf act 6
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,606 ★★★★★
    I think at Max 20 revives will be needed for 8.4 if player is avg.

    So 10 days max.
    We cool.

    (Stop reading after this Kabam)
    Unless 8.4 boss is mixture of collector, grand master, gwenmaster, Kang, future Kang and bahmut. 💀
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,222 ★★★★★
    edited March 2024
    Revives and story content don't really go together any more man
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,348 ★★★★★

    I keep 40 revives handy almost all the time, I used far too many on Dani this week for some reason for two points. Fight was more frustrating than absman but I guess that's because everyone hated absman so I expected to need revives and wasn't disappointed.

    Everyone talking up the dani fight made me think it wouldn't be too bad...I was way wrong hahaha.

  • GogiGogi Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    Ercarret said:

    Revives are easy to come by these days. Between the Apothecary and the 40% ones from the daily solo events, I'm rarely out of them for long. Plus, I hardly spent any on 8.3 either way, especially since they cut the number of paths in half. Unless the 8.4 boss is super hard, I suspect that I can focus my revives on the WoW Gauntlet.

    This ^.
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    i mean, apart from bahamet, act 8 has been a big success. Quest was really well design, especially cerastes and scytalis. So don't worry too much
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    Jokes on you, I'm needlessly tight with my items, used 5 revives so far in the entire Wow and did showcase itemless. Honestly, I don't know what I'm saving my items for, I do this everytime.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,340 ★★★★★

    Oh no, all these are gonna expire before 8.4 drops.
  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,392 ★★★★★

    Oh no, all these are gonna expire before 8.4 drops.

    If hope that's satire
  • FinalfurykFinalfuryk Member Posts: 409 ★★★
    Yeah if anything Act 8-4 will be a nice break from having to use revives on WoW, War Showcase, Necropolis, and all the other genuinely hard stuff that has been released as of late.
  • CoMinowCoMinow Member Posts: 364 ★★
    Bulmkt said:

    I have a theory.

    Some will say its a tin foil hat conspiracy theory.

    Leave a comment and let us all know what you think?

    Pointless to ask things like this.. anyone who is in the less than 1% of the population that can react fast enough to counter the super tuned ai that recovers faster than average human reaction time. will simply take this opportunity to flex and brag or cap on you. Anyone else is just gonna tow the company line that no content is designed with money in mind.

    No matter what you lose because a genuine logical discussion is never possible
  • CoMinowCoMinow Member Posts: 364 ★★
    Wow rewards are probably better anyways. Story rewards have been meh since they stopped being “endgame content”
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,625 ★★★★
    Bulmkt said:

    I have a theory.

    Some will say its a tin foil hat conspiracy theory.

    Leave a comment and let us all know what you think?

    With a two week cadence of WOE, one theoretically has at least 14 L1 revives and some health potions to throw at WOE. If a player is good at inventory management, those are all overflow revives that would have prior to 8.4 dropping. If a player had < 20 inventory revives, so some or all of these Apothecary revives could have been saved permanently, that is a slightly different picture. But, if that player burns through their stash prior to 8.4, its highly likely they would not have enough revives/HP to fully explore 8.4 without buying more anyways (ie. they would not have enough revives to fully do 8.4 even if WOE didn't exist).

    If you are referring to the Gauntlet portion of WOE, the two month horizon of it being live would mean that you could plan it out till after 8.4 drops. In which case, you could change your argument to say "Is 8.4 the Cheese to Trap you into using all your Revives and HP’s before WOE gauntlet runs are made?
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,348 ★★★★★
    CoMinow said:

    Bulmkt said:

    I have a theory.

    Some will say its a tin foil hat conspiracy theory.

    Leave a comment and let us all know what you think?

    Pointless to ask things like this.. anyone who is in the less than 1% of the population that can react fast enough to counter the super tuned ai that recovers faster than average human reaction time. will simply take this opportunity to flex and brag or cap on you. Anyone else is just gonna tow the company line that no content is designed with money in mind.

    No matter what you lose because a genuine logical discussion is never possible
    Name one piece of playable content that requires money?

  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,222 ★★★★★

    CoMinow said:

    Bulmkt said:

    I have a theory.

    Some will say its a tin foil hat conspiracy theory.

    Leave a comment and let us all know what you think?

    Pointless to ask things like this.. anyone who is in the less than 1% of the population that can react fast enough to counter the super tuned ai that recovers faster than average human reaction time. will simply take this opportunity to flex and brag or cap on you. Anyone else is just gonna tow the company line that no content is designed with money in mind.

    No matter what you lose because a genuine logical discussion is never possible
    Name one piece of playable content that requires money?

    Oh that's easy it's uhhh..... ummmmm........... uhhhhhhh........
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,318 Guardian

    CoMinow said:

    Bulmkt said:

    I have a theory.

    Some will say its a tin foil hat conspiracy theory.

    Leave a comment and let us all know what you think?

    Pointless to ask things like this.. anyone who is in the less than 1% of the population that can react fast enough to counter the super tuned ai that recovers faster than average human reaction time. will simply take this opportunity to flex and brag or cap on you. Anyone else is just gonna tow the company line that no content is designed with money in mind.

    No matter what you lose because a genuine logical discussion is never possible
    Name one piece of playable content that requires money?

    If you suck at the game, are really impatient, didn't bring the champions that would make the quest easy, and are extremely stubborn, then all gamemodes could require money. At that point I would recommend that imaginary person get some serious help unless they have a ton of disposable income.

    Those who are prepared don't have anything to fear. The only fight that the public hasn't seen yet is the final fight, otherwise we already have had the opportunity to see all 6 8.4 quests with all 3 bosses on quests 1-5 and all the nodes on all the lanes. I highly doubt that the quest has changed much since that beta.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian
    CoMinow said:

    Bulmkt said:

    I have a theory.

    Some will say its a tin foil hat conspiracy theory.

    Leave a comment and let us all know what you think?

    Pointless to ask things like this.. anyone who is in the less than 1% of the population that can react fast enough to counter the super tuned ai that recovers faster than average human reaction time. will simply take this opportunity to flex and brag or cap on you. Anyone else is just gonna tow the company line that no content is designed with money in mind.

    No matter what you lose because a genuine logical discussion is never possible
    There have been, as amazing as it might seem, actual reasonable discussions about content difficulty on the forums many times. However, you're correct that it is pointless to ask questions like the OP, because those kinds of conspiratorial questions are nonsensical. They just lead to more nonsense.

    The idea that this is a valid launch point for a "genuine logical discussion" probably explains why you don't engage in very many genuine logical discussions. But for those that need a primer on when something is not likely to lead to reasonable discussions, the red flags are:

    1. Extreme and obviously disprovable exaggeration central to the point being made.

    "Anyone who is in the less than 1% of the population that can react fast enough to counter the super tuned AI that recovers faster than the average human reaction time..."

    Everyone runs into occasional issues with the AI or the game in general, but the percentage of players who have managed to make it to the end game without spending at all, and were able to navigate those issues without major difficulty, is a lot higher than 1% of the player population. And Winter of Woe in particular hasn't seen higher than normal complaints about the AI. Even the Abs Man fight, the one that generated the most complaints overall, was more about narrow counters than unbeatable AI. I had no problem doing that fight with Sandman, and no one has ever accused me of having super human reflexes or being one of the top skilled players in the game. Top 10%? Maybe. Top 1%? Almost certainly not.

    2. Anyone who disagrees with me is either malicious, or company plant.

    "will simply take this opportunity to flex and brag or cap on you. Anyone else is just gonna tow the company line..."

    If I complain about the content being too difficult, that's normal. If someone else claims the content is not too difficult, that's because they are trying to brag about their skills, or blindly supporting the company. My opinions are valid. Everyone else's is invalid. So of course, they are going to disagree with this or try to defend themselves, but remember, those arguments and defenses are invalid, because nothing they say are actual honest opinions.

    3. Semantic strawmen

    "...that no content is designed with money in mind."

    On the one hand, almost everything in the game is designed taking into account the fact the game has to be monetized to survive. But that's not the same thing as saying what most people are saying, which is that specific pieces of content are not explicitly designed to force players to spend. Most players who play this game don't spend any money. How can you design content explicitly intended to force players to spend money when most of them won't spend money? If most of the players doing Winter of Woe are not spenders, how could Woe possibly be designed to force them to spend?

    Forcing players to spend is not the same thing as "designed with money in mind." Of course the devs understand that some players will spend to complete that content. It is those spenders that collectively keep the game alive. But they don't force players to spend. They can't, because most players don't spend. If ever they get into the habit of forcing players to spend, they won't have more revenue, they will have fewer players.

    Almost no one says what that quote intends to say. But it is worded in a way that makes the subtle wording distinction difficult to explain, and most people won't even try. That's the mark of someone playing dishonest intellectual games.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,239 ★★★★★
    Wow has a timer 8.4 will be permanent...
    So calling it a trap is an excuse to use a tinfoil hat
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,577 ★★★★★

    Wow has a timer 8.4 will be permanent...
    So calling it a trap is an excuse to use a tinfoil hat

    Apparently 8.4 isn't permanent content, like the rest of story has always been?

    That's what OP making it sound like. 🤑😅
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