AQ Bracket Issue [Resolved: Compensation Given]



  • BK_1BK_1 Member Posts: 145
    Hey there everyone, I’ve got a quick update from the team. To begin, we want to apologize that this issue occurred. We know how hard you all have worked to move up between the different brackets and that logging in to find yourself in a different one could be upsetting.

    Second, we wanted to let you know that we are working on a solution for this that includes compensation, but that we will need to wait for this AQ series to end in order to gather the data we need begin implementing that solution. In the meantime, everyone is free to run through the current AQ series if they so choose.

    Again, we would like to apologize for any confusion this issue may have caused and we hope to have more information for everybody soon.

    So @Kabam Zibiit

    1) will our aq rank next week be negatively affected by this week’s aq score and result? I.e if we do not run aq this week we do not drop rank next week.

    2) Will you roll back our aq rank to the previous rank (the correct rank) after this aq?

    We NEED these information to decide whether we should keep running map 6 this week and waste a ton of resources on some pathetic glory and map 3 crystals or we should just not run aq this week without having any negative consequences on our rank.

    At least tell us this so we can make the right decision regarding aq this week.

    Thank you.
  • BrainimpacterBrainimpacter Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    edited July 2018
    They need to clarify how compensation is decided and if this AQ will have any relevance on what compensation each Alliance gets, as they said we are free to run it or not, I'm guessing this AQ wont be the deciding factor.
    Please Clarify
  • KbugiiKbugii Member Posts: 167 ★★
    So last aq week my alliance loses out on a milestone that cost us 120 glory, a map 6 crystal, and 500+ spots in dorms dominion which is a bunch more glory and greater glory crystals. None of this is being comped for the outage. Thus the customer is penalized for the product.

    Now this aq week we are in normal and hit all the milestones in the first 2 hrs. As a top 500 alliance we are losing out on a ton of glory and crystals. We are told nothing will be fixed until after the week is done. This again we the customers are penalized for the product.

    So when you say we have to wait until the aq week is over to see what can be addressed does that mean we have to go through 5 days of no reward aq + 5 days of figuring out what to do (because that what happened this last time) + 4 more days until we see something because again that happened this last time. That’s basically 2 weeks for something that in the past you have stopped aq and reset it. This isn’t day 4, it’s day 1.
  • Primetime_769Primetime_769 Member Posts: 118
    Kabam stop telling us to be patient and send us rank down tickets now it’s only the right thing to do. This is getting old.
  • Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Member Posts: 504 ★★★★
    Exactly they have reset it on day 1 before but now they can't
  • The_Savage_AncientThe_Savage_Ancient Member Posts: 134
    Just reset aq now and make it half hour timers
  • MattcoxMattcox Member Posts: 79
    @Kabam Zibiit y’all could atleast give us 30 minute timers again
  • ILovePoniesILovePonies Member Posts: 158
    DukeZman wrote: »
    DrZola wrote: »
    DukeZman wrote: »
    @Brainimpacter @AndyC21 @DrZola @Gmonkey @ILovePonies
    The way I read @Kabam Zibiit ‘s response is this: run this week. Collect the **** Normal rewards, and then once AQ is over and they can see everyone’s final score as to what bracket they would have been in they will send out compensation to players equal to what they should have gotten. Zibiit is basically saying we get to keep these puke rewards on top of it.
    If that’s NOT what he’s saying and Kabam does anything less it’ll be a travesty.

    And that all may be correct. But why are you and I—neither of us mods nor Kabam employees—theorizing about what was meant by @Kabam Zibiit ‘s statement? We frankly shouldn’t have to be, except for the fact that the game team seems to be unable to communicate the same way most of the rest of the world does.

    Dr. Zola

    It’s like talking with my wife! 🤣🤣🤣

    It’s called “copy and paste” with zero thought of what the message is.

    Free aq maps??
    Free to waste resources??
    Feel free to get lame rewards??

    Seem the same thing? Yeah just say feel free to do aq this week

  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    Ok serious question for this is Will this compensation be based on how well we do this AQ series and total points and fully cover what we have missed. If not then there is no point wasting the resources to run map 5 this round.
  • oakoak Member Posts: 43
    DrZola wrote: »
    DukeZman wrote: »
    DrZola wrote: »
    DukeZman wrote: »
    @Brainimpacter @AndyC21 @DrZola @Gmonkey @ILovePonies
    The way I read @Kabam Zibiit ‘s response is this: run this week. Collect the **** Normal rewards, and then once AQ is over and they can see everyone’s final score as to what bracket they would have been in they will send out compensation to players equal to what they should have gotten. Zibiit is basically saying we get to keep these puke rewards on top of it.
    If that’s NOT what he’s saying and Kabam does anything less it’ll be a travesty.

    And that all may be correct. But why are you and I—neither of us mods nor Kabam employees—theorizing about what was meant by @Kabam Zibiit ‘s statement? We frankly shouldn’t have to be, except for the fact that the game team seems to be unable to communicate the same way most of the rest of the world does.

    Dr. Zola

    It’s like talking with my wife! 🤣🤣🤣

    I hope you get at least reasonable compensation at home.

    Dr. Zola

    You guys made me laugh so loud I had to explain to my wife what was happening
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    Wow, pretty disappointed with that reply. The game has really crapped lately. I can't run arena, every 8 or 9 matches my iPad overheats and shuts down, aq is a mess, aw is a mess, questing is a mess, so glad I didn't buy any of those great July 4th deals.

    We are 5 hours into AQ and have already gotten all milestones, now we have to wait for two consecutive weeks worth of compensation when all kabam really needed to do was reset aq to start tomorrow or Monday and fix it, or at least make this a free week.

    While I understand stuff happens in life, the way it gets handled by this company is pathetic.
  • SighsohardSighsohard Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    It is IMPERATIVE that we know if this weeks performance will have an impact on what our “compensation” will be. Not running map5&6 for terrible rewards
  • BornBorn Member Posts: 228 ★★
    This game is going down hill real fast. This is just madness the way this game is run. Every week it’s another slap in the face for the players.

    Guess there is only 1 thing left to do.
  • InfantryInfantry Member Posts: 110
    Wait until end of aq are you insane what about all the glory we arent getting that we use for war you must be out of your mind this **** needs to be fixed stat!!!! Not 5 days from now what a bunch of bs!!!
  • InfantryInfantry Member Posts: 110
    Meanwhile we are spending thousands in resources that we don't even know if we will get back what a bunch of garbage
  • SvtMikeSvtMike Member Posts: 7
    The sad thing is that it would only take some transparency on their behalf. That would ease much of the tension.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,109 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit even if you went back and looked at the post-July 4 AQ ranks to determine what bracket people should be in, that’s horribly unfair considering you told us before *that* round of AQ brackets would be abolished. We relied on your promise, ran some map 3’s and finished at 2805. Had we known we needed to maintain expert status, we would’ve chosen differently.
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    WTH kabam how the hell do you keep screwing things up, we dropped a lot and I know we aren't in the same bracket as we're supposed to be in.

    We constable run map 4 do alright in placement and were in no danger of dropping yet when I logged on and made aq I saw that we dropped down to normal for no reason and it was set to map 2.

    Honestly you guy need to get your act together because this is getting ridiculous, over the last month or so you've really gone downhill and the game is in it's worst state in a long time.

    Maybe it would be in your best interest to shut the game down and fix and make changes before you alienate your entire playerbase.
  • BigTuna13BigTuna13 Member Posts: 43
    They have the interns trying not to cry and respond on forums over the weekend. Fix the game or you're losing thousands of players.
    Never have I ever seen a debacle such as this past month in gaming.

    Stop. The. Game. Oh what about all the money we could make!

    Have they stopped to think that the longer the game runs, the MORE issues are piling on top of the existing ones? Jeez.
  • NarlsonNarlson Member Posts: 23
    Also got demoted to the map 2 crystals per milestone one. Alliance name Toshone. Plz help kabam!
  • kmbell81kmbell81 Member Posts: 47
    Skunc wrote: »
    At this point the forums are more interesting than the game.

    I don’t know if that is true. The game no longer works well enough for me to play it. How these people still have jobs is beyond me. I would be unemployed if I demonstrated this level of incompetence.

  • AanthoAantho Member Posts: 159
    Faut pas se plaindre, nous avons eu Antman 2* pour compenser tout ça! Ce jeux part en cacahuètes!
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