AQ Bracket Issue [Resolved: Compensation Given]



  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,170 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit even if you went back and looked at the post-July 4 AQ ranks to determine what bracket people should be in, that’s horribly unfair considering you told us before *that* round of AQ brackets would be abolished. We relied on your promise, ran some map 3’s and finished at 2805. Had we known we needed to maintain expert status, we would’ve chosen differently.
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    WTH kabam how the hell do you keep screwing things up, we dropped a lot and I know we aren't in the same bracket as we're supposed to be in.

    We constable run map 4 do alright in placement and were in no danger of dropping yet when I logged on and made aq I saw that we dropped down to normal for no reason and it was set to map 2.

    Honestly you guy need to get your act together because this is getting ridiculous, over the last month or so you've really gone downhill and the game is in it's worst state in a long time.

    Maybe it would be in your best interest to shut the game down and fix and make changes before you alienate your entire playerbase.
  • BigTuna13BigTuna13 Member Posts: 43
    They have the interns trying not to cry and respond on forums over the weekend. Fix the game or you're losing thousands of players.
    Never have I ever seen a debacle such as this past month in gaming.

    Stop. The. Game. Oh what about all the money we could make!

    Have they stopped to think that the longer the game runs, the MORE issues are piling on top of the existing ones? Jeez.
  • NarlsonNarlson Member Posts: 23
    Also got demoted to the map 2 crystals per milestone one. Alliance name Toshone. Plz help kabam!
  • kmbell81kmbell81 Member Posts: 47
    Skunc wrote: »
    At this point the forums are more interesting than the game.

    I don’t know if that is true. The game no longer works well enough for me to play it. How these people still have jobs is beyond me. I would be unemployed if I demonstrated this level of incompetence.

  • AanthoAantho Member Posts: 159
    Faut pas se plaindre, nous avons eu Antman 2* pour compenser tout ça! Ce jeux part en cacahuètes!
  • BartilmebisBartilmebis Member Posts: 26
    Big screw up again and again and again. Seriously getting tired of this with the **** compensation on top of that. Do you even care about the community or you only care about the whales ?
  • bokbok Member Posts: 1
    So this is a throw away series of AQ? We wasted our resources and time to play this series. How are you going to add the score with our previous tier score? How are you going to make adjustments? You guys should have sorted this out before starting AQ. When are you going to make it right the first time? Don't tell us you get it right when you guys send us 2* antman!

    #compensation #rankdowntickets
    Hey there everyone, I’ve got a quick update from the team. To begin, we want to apologize that this issue occurred. We know how hard you all have worked to move up between the different brackets and that logging in to find yourself in a different one could be upsetting.

    Second, we wanted to let you know that we are working on a solution for this that includes compensation, but that we will need to wait for this AQ series to end in order to gather the data we need begin implementing that solution. In the meantime, everyone is free to run through the current AQ series if they so choose.

    Again, we would like to apologize for any confusion this issue may have caused and we hope to have more information for everybody soon.
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,039 ★★★★
    What about all the glory we will miss out on from AQ that we usually spend on items for AW? So your error in AQ is also going to cost us in AW?

    Will this been taken into account with some form of compensation?
  • TomieCzechTomieCzech Member Posts: 79
    I want it restarted. I'm not interested playing for insignificant rewards to then get compensation later.
  • Renown10Renown10 Member Posts: 4
    Last AQ stuffed up and we didn’t hit our usual target, ended up dropping to expert and got less rewards. looks like you will screw us again here
  • AmitkumarsinghAmitkumarsingh Member Posts: 6
    @Kabam Miike The issue is not only with AQ brackets. Now it requires 3 members to join BG so that other BG can be opended. What are we doing about this?
  • mughal96mughal96 Member Posts: 26
    This AQ need to either cancel and start it with a fresh new launch with the new system. Or refund the resources used, Free AQ week with 30 mins timer, instead of us wasting our time.
  • smeghead169smeghead169 Member Posts: 29
    From what I have read it seems EVERY alliance is now in "Normal" tier AQ! So that means stronger alliances are getting screwed on milestones (and rank) rewards and the weaker alliances that should be in Normal are gonna get seriously screwed on rank as there is no way they will be able to match the scores that will be reached by all the higher rated alliances running Map 5 & 6! We haven't even received the "compen(screw you)station" from the previous problems and now we are being told to wait until the end of this run of AQ until they even look into what we will get as compensation for this latest problem! At this rate we will be heading into a non stop cycle of dealing with 1 problem while waiting for compensation from the preceding problem!!
  • AerialFollyAerialFolly Member Posts: 104
    This is disrespectful. You’re treating us worse than your TOS asks us to treat you and others.
  • Animejay70Animejay70 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    This is disrespectful. You’re treating us worse than your TOS asks us to treat you and others.

    That’s about right.
  • AerialFollyAerialFolly Member Posts: 104
    Hey there everyone, I’ve got a quick update from the team. To begin, we want to apologize that this issue occurred. We know how hard you all have worked to move up between the different brackets and that logging in to find yourself in a different one could be upsetting.

    Second, we wanted to let you know that we are working on a solution for this that includes compensation, but that we will need to wait for this AQ series to end in order to gather the data we need begin implementing that solution. In the meantime, everyone is free to run through the current AQ series if they so choose.

    Again, we would like to apologize for any confusion this issue may have caused and we hope to have more information for everybody soon.

    This is a complete joke. I haven’t seen such a huge display of disrespect from a company to its consumer since I had to deal with Comcast.

    Your post is disrespectful and give no information.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,426 Guardian
    DrZola wrote: »
    Hey there everyone, I’ve got a quick update from the team. To begin, we want to apologize that this issue occurred. We know how hard you all have worked to move up between the different brackets and that logging in to find yourself in a different one could be upsetting.

    Second, we wanted to let you know that we are working on a solution for this that includes compensation, but that we will need to wait for this AQ series to end in order to gather the data we need begin implementing that solution. In the meantime, everyone is free to run through the current AQ series if they so choose.

    Again, we would like to apologize for any confusion this issue may have caused and we hope to have more information for everybody soon.

    “Free” as in “it’s all free” to run every map or as in “free to do what you want?” Because I’m guessing people don’t want to pay resources to get lower tier rewards.

    Dr. Zola

    Probably free as in speech, not free as in beer.

    My best guess, and it is just a guess at this point, is that what Kabam is trying to say is that everyone should just run the AQ week normally, and at the end of the week they will grant everyone the actual rewards they should have earned for that week had they been in the right bracket. That is the only logical reason for stating that they need to wait for the end of the week to decide on compensation.

    What that means for alliances that saw the error and chose not to start, or alliances that accidentally started the wrong map, I have no idea.
  • jrcerbjrcerb Member Posts: 3
    Why is everyone so salty man it is a game I am disappointed also but have a life and job and understand mistakes happen it'll be fixed and we will move past it just like always if not quit playing I guess key word is PLAYING and yes I do spend my real life money on this game same as most of you.
  • AsmodeyusAsmodeyus Member Posts: 217
    Hey there everyone, I’ve got a quick update from the team. To begin, we want to apologize that this issue occurred. We know how hard you all have worked to move up between the different brackets and that logging in to find yourself in a different one could be upsetting.

    Second, we wanted to let you know that we are working on a solution for this that includes compensation, but that we will need to wait for this AQ series to end in order to gather the data we need begin implementing that solution. In the meantime, everyone is free to run through the current AQ series if they so choose.

    Again, we would like to apologize for any confusion this issue may have caused and we hope to have more information for everybody soon.

    This is not the only issue. This mistake is costing a ton of glory loss and affecting people in war who use their glory to buy alliance heal pots. This mistake also affects rank up options. In short this mess up affects just about 80% of the game
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,170 ★★★★★
    By delaying the changes to AQ, you already screwed the alliances who relied on your promise that brackets would be abolished. If you’re going to do this right @Kabam Zibiit then you need to put everyone in the bracket they were in before the alliance quest ended on July 4.
  • Barca3bar3Barca3bar3 Member Posts: 25
    Clarity is needed here. This is the bare minimum you owe the players. “Everyone is free to run through the current AQ series if you so choose” provides no relevant information as to what course of action we should take in order to receive our normal AQ rewards.

    Will performance in this AQ series affect our level of compensation? If not, will we be compensated for map costs that were apparently spent for no good reason?

    Answers to these questions will begin to give us a chance to make a decision on how to proceed with AQ. Failure to provide relevant answers to simple questions like this are why so many people are angry.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,426 Guardian
    I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess this has to do with the delay in the rollout of the new AQ rewards system. Because they had planned to do away with the tier system, they probably 86-ed the data. Then comes the 19.0 glitch fest. They had to double back, and return to the old system in delaying the new one. In doing so, they forgot to put all the Alliances back in their correct tiers and here we are. I could be wrong, but it seems like this is what is going on. We shall see. I can only imagine how irritating this is for everyone. Players and Kabam employees alike.

    You could be wrong, but I'd bet money this is what happened. To amplify, this sounds like exactly what happens when someone fails to account for instructions given to operations when they change a roll out. Someone in operations was probably told "run this database script on Friday night to prepare for the next AQ week" and when peak milestones was delayed no one countermanded that instruction.
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