Dungeons Discussion Thread

Greetings Summoners!
Dungeons are coming back with a number of improvements! You'll want to take a look at our Announcement Thread here, but feel free to ask any questions or make any comments you may have in this thread.
We've also taken this opportunity to share with you all some of our Intentions behind Dungeons, the lessons that we learned, and how we improved on them. Take a look at that post here.
Dungeons are coming back with a number of improvements! You'll want to take a look at our Announcement Thread here, but feel free to ask any questions or make any comments you may have in this thread.
We've also taken this opportunity to share with you all some of our Intentions behind Dungeons, the lessons that we learned, and how we improved on them. Take a look at that post here.
I asked a question here before I saw this post. Sorry about that. But could I get an answer
Nop ... They are normal crystals with specific champions on it. It says on the announcement.
Is cap at 55k.
Announcement says this: You’re still only able to hold on to 55,000 Artifacts at a time, so don’t hold on too long!
Because the store is permanent and you can save artifact shards for the next time dungeons comes back around to get to a crystal quicker.
There are only 3 2 week periods announced. I guess the question is are they coming back after those 3 2 week periods.
The color shading seems to indicate that there’s 6 different crystals of 10 champs like last time.
At this time, we've only announced these 3 periods, but are using each of these times to gather data, feedback, and make observations that will help us determine what the future of Dungeons will look like. We do want to bring them back again after, but after we have had the opportunity to analyze what we get from these 3.
Thanks. I didn't notice it. Seems that I need glasses
This is correct!
Asking the team about this right now!
Ok so then we should do the last installment of dungeons because you are planning on keeping it going in the future.
It's kinda unfortunate as you guys make everything rely on RNG, while some people will walk away with Blades, Void, Medusa, etc. Other will walk away with useless champs such as Colossus, Groot, Rocket Racoon...
As you guys are gathering DATA, and feedback I already will give mine before even try.
Make a store that contain significant rewards that do not rely on RNG, things that are useful and still you gotta decide if you want to buy MATERIAL A or MATERIAL B. You guys already did that with Valor store and many other iterations of the same. Give us some substantial reward, not a single shoot in the dark. You can still have your crystal for the people that are willing to accept the RNG fate. But other people rather have something more substantial than a miserable shoot for a champion.
The crystals will not change, but you'll only be able to earn enough Artifacts for 1 5-Star Crystal during this whole series of Events. The Milestones that you see this time are not the same as what you'll get in the later iterations, as we'll be experimenting with different lengths of events as well.
Correct! Artifacts are now a permanent part of the game, and will be available again in the future.
Thanks Miike 👍
Yes and no... As you will see when you get a chance to do them, these events are made to be very different and require less commitment/grind. This is directly related to the feedback that we received from a lot of our players that felt that there was just too much work involved in Dungeons last time.
If I may make 2 additional suggestions:
You mention removing “selfishness” from the first set of fights, so your teammate makes the call... I think it would accomplish the same thing if the 2 possible fights are just the same champ, then they wouldn’t be hidden, giving more power to the fighter in selecting his champion...
Second, when someone calls out a node to take down using the auto chat, perhaps the game could highlight that node