UnOriginal ★★★
66 but 10 are guantlet rebeats and 17 platformers
Ok is 2024 time to necro this (i think you can by then weekly now but i'm necroing this regardless
Also how were the last three monts over here?
WTF and F (the contrary to awesome)
I almost forgot and was about to comment about It heres your disagree good man
#justiceforclarie or something like that
Also i ruined the number
What have you done now they are going to replace deathless thanos for deathless clarie (7 star pool reference)
That he doesnt likes herc (and/or has not duped him)
New personal closest BG match
I just hope black Cat and guilly 2099 are good
Clarie hype sam invisible woman and shuri is a wierd combination
Inputs seems better to me but i think my blocking is bugged or something
10000 units trying to get zemo
Herc clarie shealty and vulture are some of my favorites
I dont need to create anything if Deadpool existsdans Scenario: Kabam allows you to make your own custom win animation Commentaire de UnOriginal novembre 2023
T Sounds like soap
Change that profile pictures NOW
This is truly the mcoc related thread of all time
The one all
This is the most general post in the General discussion of all time
And herc? My favs are Cosmic herc and Ángela Skill kingpin and shealty Science the overseer and titania Tech Ghost and Ultron Mystic clarie Mutant Emma Frostdans Who do you think is the second best champion of every class? Commentaire de UnOriginal novembre 2023
Forgot about her i meant that for some people in some sitiations scorp and torch are interchangabledans Who do you think is the second best champion of every class? Commentaire de UnOriginal novembre 2023
I was about to say something about me ranking up some villans when i said that i wasnt ranking up him
Also i guess i should say something about Halloween but im not sure of what
She was my first 5* relic
I asume spot VS spot is not good because fighting with spot and against spot sucks
Not ranking up the mr fantastic i dont have
I completed 8.3 but havent explored It im also no level 60
Im the only one allowed to do that so people tell me name checks out (sadly my herc is'nt R5 yet and i dont have him 5 stars si i cant right now)