
  • I have 2 accounts. Main account is at 17 and mini account at 18 lol. Haven’t missed a day on both.
  • What a weird bug going on. I have 2 accounts and purchased this double up 100$ deal on one account and yet I get 2 of them every 7 hours on both accounts. What did I pay the money for then? 100$ is really a big steep value for nothing at the moment. A public acknowledgement is eminent and needs to share plans about how…
  • America Chavez
    in Who to r3? Kommentar von Anurag1606 12. Juli
  • I am very confused. I got both corvus and Omega red as unawakened. Hadd to choose corvus from selector. Who to awake between them? I sure wanted to have awakened corvus at r3 but Omega red benefits more from awakening. I will still take corvus to r3 as unawakened and even if I use ag on Omega red he will be at r2 for now.…
  • I just wish and hope that rng factor to the rewards should be reduced. It's kinda upgraded AQ. There's nothing rng in AQ, why AQ raids should have rng factor when everyone is doing the same fights and fighting like a team?
  • My alt account joined a new alliance that started from scratch and now reached tier 10. So 1st war was almost no loyalty on winning and last war which we are winning as of now will have substantial loyalty. So I'm curious of this question that OP raised as well.
  • Maestro for Longest sp3?
  • Still there is no mention on this issue from game team? I wonder when will they even notice or even want to do anything on this issue. War season already begun.
  • @brucef8bringer thankyou for the info but looks like she isn't added yet. I hope kabam looks into this and also there should be a way in game to know who enters basic crystals when.
  • This is a very big problem. There is currently an attack tactics for war going on where you want to attack opponent block with a light attack to gain prowess. But how to do that with 1st double medium champs? They get consistently parried on their next light attack on block. Either solve this issue as there are so many…
  • All great shouts but I wanna mention juggs. He's so safe and fast in BGs to take down any korg. And in current meta diablo is phenomenal.
  • Sig 60 Joe fixit. Korg Sig 40
  • This month they introduced 7 star in incursion and loyalty (about to be added) Cap enlistment event gave 155k incursion artifacts from objectives and they kept cost of 7 star at 400k. They are giving 600k loyalty through objectives. So by that maths , I would assume that 7 star by loyalty should cost about 2 to 2.5…
  • Herc overseer Nimrod Apøc and wags. Wags for ham and korg. 3rd your choice.
  • Maybe you helped a lot to uncover cheaters and made kabam look at them through the lens and hence possibly they took your criticism in a good way and unbanned you 😅. Anyways it's a good thing i feel whatever the reason may be.
  • I grinded for Adam warlock and imagine my plight claiming 1000+ in stash. It was hell. In the process you also claim those things you normally don't want to and keep them there till the time they are near their expiry in stash section, like the daily solo revives.
  • Herc kingpin tigra top 3 attackers. In my opinion. Doom scorpion finishes top 5 for me.
  • My guess is, they made it free intentionally because they were introducing 7 star defenders. They just didn't want to communicate and wanted to take all the credit of giving everyone a free AQ week lol.
    in AQ Free Week Kommentar von Anurag1606 Mai 2023
  • The health and attack stats increase are definitely more than the not so substantial stat change. We are regular map 8 alliance. Yesterday day 2 final boss toad was 825k+ health and attack reaching 40k. Earlier even on day 5 never saw toad at 700k health. Pretty sure this is substantial change?
  • Why keep attack phase for 2 days though. I'm not saying about defence phase. Maybe defence phase will work out alright, we will see how it goes, but please keep attack phase 24 hours only. It's already difficult to get bunch of guys to play together so that the BG can advance together, now with 48 hours everyone will have…
  • I have 2 accounts. Main is Paragon with 19 6r4s and 1 6r5. Secondary is level 59 TB which I got just last month. Got 4 6r3s on that. Mostly 5 star and not even 5r5 deck. Got multiple 5r4 in deck on secondary. On my main I find it so difficult to advance. Almost win 1, lose 1 situation and more often draft dependent wins.…
  • So I always used to think, if an ally piloted or cheated and hence won the war or wars. Docking them at the end, is that the correct solution? What about the alliances that lost, which probably they would have won in case they didn't cheat or mod or piloted and hence cause a ripple effect thought-out the season not from 1…
  • Your thinking is valid. But I'm quite sure he has all kinds of pfps 😛. Also quite sure he has already millions of points in solo banquet event. And is expecting lot of r5s from rank rewards. Pretty sure some prestige move will occur soon.
  • I opened 2 cav Nexus few moments back. 1st, 3 star nebula 4 star nebula 5 star nebula 2nd 3 star nebula 4 star nebula 5 star Nexus Lol. Comedy.
  • So technically I need to open 69 crystals in next featured crystal to get about 23/24 champs 🤔. Cool. I'm saving and currently at 36 crystals. I'm pretty sure I can make atleast 20 crystals more. Hmm 13 short. Will have to see how that goes. 😊
  • Wow. I never knew this. Fantastic observation. It sure is confusing as it does seem like tailored to Paragon. Hope for the best.
  • Atleast I like or mention of my post would have been a nice touch. But hey happy that it's getting fixed finally.
  • @"Kabam Miike" @kabam Jax kindly see the above posts and do the needful. I think if you guys see the Thursday and Saturday stats that's where the fault lies in. Also I'm from India so GMT+5:30 is my timezone, just for reference.
  • So I usually have lot of screenshots of the game. I thought I would do some digging into this matter. And I went to see my last Thursday screenshots. That is when we recieved our alliance and solo milestones rewards which they tripled (3x) the points of what was earlier. So when the points became 3 times, you got alliance…