Champion Improvement Suggestions [edited by Mod for clarity]



  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    I thought of other things to clarify my ideas from the previous post. The full list of buffs for She-Hulk are in this post.

    She should have a buff that gives her 1 fury and 2 precision every time she loses 10% of her max health.
    In the comics, she retains her intelligence when in hulk form, and she's a gamma monster; so a fury every time she gets mad (loses health) and 2 precision when she examines the threat.
    Each Fury increases her attack by 850 and each Precision to increase critical hit chance by 10%.
    Critical hits have a 50% chance to armor break, removing an armor buff on the enemy and reducing their armor rating by 1,555.5 for 7 seconds. Armor breaks can stack.
    Signature ability to allow her to stack up to 5 furies and 10 precision with a time decay between 15 and 20 seconds. Without the ability, it keeps a max of 1 fury and 2 precision. The furies and precision keep refreshing.
    3rd SP to lock 1 fury and 2 precision. Can stack to 2 furies and 4 precision or 3 furies and 6 precision (dependent on Kabam developers); and it armor shatters the opponent with 5 armor breaks present, reducing Ability Accuracy by 100% for 25 seconds.
  • YawnYawn Member Posts: 22
    I agree, feels as though they are trying to make some sort of hub to see it all at once.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    She should have a buff that gives her 1 fury and 2 precision every time she loses 10% of her max health.
    In the comics, she retains her intelligence when in hulk form, and she's a gamma monster; so a fury every time she gets mad (loses health) and 2 precision when she examines the threat.
    Signature ability to allow her to stack up to 5 furies and 10 precision. Without the ability, it keeps a max of 1 fury and 2 precision that keeps refreshing. The time decay should be set between 15 and 20 seconds.
    3rd SP to lock 1 fury and 2 precision. Can stack to 2 furies and 4 precision or 3 furies and 6 precision (dependent on Kabam developers).

  • adqqedfyvradqqedfyvr Member Posts: 463
    Daredevil netflix needs a revamp (copied this from an old discussion of mine):

    Improved evade: compared to og daredevil this is pretty useless. Surely, with his heightened senses, he needs a spiderman-style evade.

    Bleed: critical hits should have a high chance at bleed. This doesn't need to be anywhere near gwenpool's, but should be decent. Specials should cause 1 or 2 bleeds.

    Stun with special 3: just seems to make sense.

    Deflect ability and bleed resistance: with his specially designed suit, I'd love to see some sort of bleed resistance (like beast). Also, all bullets could have a chance to deflect off of his armour and cause a bleed on the opponent. E.g. Winter soldier uses special 2 on DD and each bullet has a chance to rebound and hit ws causing a bleed on him. This could be an interesting new ability. Also knives and sword attacks could have a small chance to miss.

    Guaranteed stuns with specials.

    New heavy animation: spinning kick to the face. This fits more with the netflix character than a slow backflip.

    Fury: Murdocks always get up. As the fight progresses and/or as Matt loses health he can gain a permanent fury charge.

    Synergy: add a synergy with both iron fists, similar to the one with Luke Cage. Also a new synergy with kingpin which maybe makes his attack rating increase with combo meter might improve him.

    Hope you like my ideas and maybe Kabam will consider any kind of update to daredevil netflix
  • adqqedfyvradqqedfyvr Member Posts: 463
    Champ I'd like to see revamped: Joe Fixit

    What I'd like to see changed:
    Basic abillities- add concussion to his heavy and allow intercepts a chance to armour break. Also add tenacity at low health.

    His gambling dynamic: This is his main unique ability and works for him. I suggest that they are now called dice rolls and stack each time they are triggered (so you might have 2 hearts charges, 1 diamonds, and 3 spades, etc.). They would have to be adjusted to fit this but that could make fighting with him a little more interesting. Also they could persist from fight to fight making him a better questing option.

    Specials: I love the animations for his specials but they don't have much use. If the bleeds caused by special 1 were guaranteed and an extra dice was rolled that could improve it. Also suggesting that he has a critical bleed ability where he changes bleed debuffs to critical ones if a critical hit occurs. Special 2 would stun opponent, roll two dices and trigger a permanent fury buff. The strength of this could scale with his rank or rarity. Special 3 would cause a permanent bleed and an unblockable buff for a certain amount of time.

    Synergies- Red hulk and Hulk: gain a fury each time a special is used
    Kingpin: JF gains a 25% chance to cause bleed on basic attacks, Kingpin cannot lose more than 40% health from a special attack
    Himself: (like heimdall and venom) all villains gain true strike for the first 30 seconds of a fight.

    Signature ability: this would work like dr voodoo's combo abilities. If a special is triggered with an even combo, an unstoppable buff is triggered. If a special is triggered with an odd combo, an enervate debuff is placed on the opponent after the special finishes.

    With these changes he would be great addition to the 6* pool before long.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    edited November 2018
    I think it is time Hawkeye gets a little attention. I feel that the bleed is great... power drain on sp1 is also good. And he has very little health (which after 12.0 they adjusted his crit range and lowered his health to match his size). Which makes sense.

    What about giving him and arsenal of abilities that match his “skills”. The guy is a master marksman. Shouldn’t he have true strike, precision and cruelty?

    What I picture is that true strike should be always active for Hawkeye. And if he crits, he has a chance to gain a permenant precision and/or cruelty buff. Or better yet charges that carry from match to match (like Corvus) that increase crit rate and damage.

    The idea is that as he fights, he learns the weak points of his opponent and his skill in accuracy allows him to focus his attacks at weak points in his opponents defense.
  • adqqedfyvradqqedfyvr Member Posts: 463
    Karnak rework idea.

    Focused- remains almost the same but triggers automatically each time the combo meter passes a multiple of ten hits ie 10,20,30...

    Basic hits cause fatigue, weakness or exhaustion randomly after combo reaches 100.
    Heavy nullifies regeneration and power gain buffs.
    Immune to poison and resistant to bleed and coldsnap.

    Flawed opponent- works like domino's critical failure. Each time an opponent's ability would trigger, it has a high chance to fail and Karnak gains an unblockable charge. These can be triggered like crossbones overrun by dashing back and holding block. They trigger an unblockable buff that last longer for each of the passive unblockable charges Karnak has.

    Opponent's ability accuracy decreases each time they land a critical hit on Karnak. It is also reduced to zero after they use a special 3.

    Signature ability- Karnak switches between two modes - powerful heritage and trained fighter. Powerful heritage focuses on abilities of cosmic champions like increased power gain, armour rating and
    he gains a permanent true strike whilst in this mode. Trained fighter focuses on skill, he gains increased critical rating and attack and a combo shield under 50 hits. A random one will be active at the start of the fight.

    Special 1 triggers true strike and changes to trained fighter mode, nothing changes if he's already in that mode. He gains a cruelty buff if the mode doesn't change.
    Special 2 places an enervate on the opponent and changes mode. If the mode changes to heritage, Karnak gains an armour up. If the mode changes to fighter, Karnak gains a 15% chance to evade hits for 5 seconds.
    Special 3 triggers both modes for 20 seconds and all hits are guaranteed to be critical, even through blocks, for 10 seconds.
  • adqqedfyvradqqedfyvr Member Posts: 463
    Old Man Logan suggestions

    In the film Logan, OML is legendary and goes so berserk it's fantastic. In the game he really doesn't seem to be this destructive fighter who is slowly dying and growing in rage.

    Change the permanent regen: Make this get less and less potent as the fight goes on, eventually flipping to a degeneration after about 3 minutes. This would make him an interesting and different champ to play as because the shorter the fight the better. The degen would grow in strength the longer the fight goes on.

    Give him recovery abilities: after receiving more than 20% damage from one source, OML recovers 75% of the damage taken after 1 second. This has a cooldown of 15 seconds. When under DOT debuffs, OML regenerates 80% of the damage taken and gains a fury buff for each stack of the debuff which is active on him. Direct damage is reduced by 40%. If more than 30% of damage is taken from one source, he snaps and gains an unstoppable buff and a stack of furies and cruelty. His attacks crit through blocks.

    Make him get angrier but also more tired: as the fight goes on, OML's armour rating decreases but his attack rating increases. After 2 minutes, his specials are unblockable.

    He is made of metal: OML shrugs off bleed, poison, coldsnap, shock and incineration debuffs quicker. He cannot be stunned when under 25% health.

    Specials: special 1 animation is changed so he slashes the opponent's face and gets angry. This causes a critical bleed, fury and cruelty. All currently active debuffs are cleansed. However, after this, OML begins to bleed for 2 seconds.
    Special 2 heal blocks the opponent, starts a regeneration buff and triggers an unstoppable charge.
    Special 3 animation becomes more slicm and updated. Like Killmonger's special 3 it can trigger up to 50 bleeds if they have been inflicted during the fight. This attack triggers an unstoppable, unblockable, fury, cruelty, true strike, and a berserker buff. However, it also triggers a bleed on OML for 2 seconds and moves his countdown closer or further into degeneration.

    Berserker buffs - If hit by a special 3 or triggered otherwise, OML causes bleed on the opponent with all his attacks and they cannot be evaded. These bleeds stack.

    Signature ability - There is no cooldown for recovering health. Each time OML uses his claws he gains a fury. Basic attacks have a 30%(or more depending on signature rating) chance to cause concussion. This scales with the combo meter.
  • Taiphoon_zeroTaiphoon_zero Member Posts: 110
    I play this game for 2 years and i still haven't pull him as 4 star
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    edited November 2018
    Time for a go at She-Hulk; although I like @Nairvehl's version above.

    She-Hulk has very little utility or appeal to the player base; and I'd say from reading these forums that she's close to the top of a lot of people's 'must buff'' list; especially in the science class. She does have pretty good base stats; but most of us would sacrifice a little of these for a bit more utility.

    She-Hulk's design has some clever conceptual ideas like preparing for specific opponents which I think need tweaked (explanations in italics) as well as having one unique ability (her Parry/Heavy attack), which we should keep; however this relies on stunning your opponent, so is unreliable with her low stun chances and is almost impossible to use on any champ with the Limber mastery or node.

    Here's a potential re-work that I reckon keeps her close to the current design, but adds some utility that could make this Woman of Power a bit more of a 'Sensational' She-Hulk:


    Signature ability:
    She-Hulk's relentless studying allows her to place a Passive effect, reducing one or more specific stats by up to 40%:
    Cosmic - Buff duration.
    Skill - Critical Rate.
    Science - Physical Resistance, debuff duration.
    Tech - Ability accuracy.
    Mutant - Special damage
    Mystic - (Dual effect) Gain up to 40% Energy Resistance; reduce all Power Gain by up to 80% whilst holding block.
    The original design tops out at 20% for a 4*/Sig 99 She-Hulk, which didn't seem good enough; whilst it seems to me that reducing Mystics' power gain from combat seemed less useful than having a method of reducing their (fairly common) Passive Power Gain effects.

    Passive Effect: Poison Immunity. +450 base Physical Resistance.

    Passive Effect: She-Hulk studies her opponents intensively, reducing any Class Disadvantage penalty by 40% (effective against Universal opponents; no effect on opponents' bonus).

    Passive Effect: She-Hulk trains extensively to fight oversized opponents. This gives her up to +18% block proficiency, and gives her Special Attacks up to +18% stun chance and duration, based on how large her opponent is (zero bonus against size-S opponents).
    This gives her training a bit more utility against larger opponents - it makes sense that she'd develop better blocking abilities; whilst she may struggle against nimble little opponents like Spiderman and Rocket). I also like the idea of study reducing her penalties for fighting Skill/Universal champions.

    Heavy Attacks:
    She-Hulk attempts to knock some sense into Stunned opponents, striking with +120% Attack (this needs to be a Passive bonus), and removing the stun effect.
    - This effect also has an 80% chance to inflict a passive Calm effect; removing all Fury buffs and preventing more from being triggered for six seconds.
    (This is the 'knocking some sense into them' part)

    Special Attacks
    The original stun chance on these is too low and needs upped a bit. Also a bit of utility on the SP2/SP3, as otherwise she had nothing but Stun in her kit-bag, which seems odd considering her design is that of someone who studies her Opponents strengths and attacks their vulnerabilities.
    S1 - 55% chance to stun for 3s
    S2 - 65% chance to stun for 4s, plus a 65% chance to inflict 750 Armour Break for five seconds.
    S3 - 75% chance to Stun the opponent for 4s, and inflict a Petrify debuff (-50% health/power gain) of the same duration.

    New Synergies:
    Hulk/GH/JF - Unique (Blood relatives)
    Any gamma-powered champions in the team gain a permanent passive regeneration of 0.5% health/second. This effect is doubled for Joe Fixit.

    Deadpool/DPXF/Gwenpool: Unique (Fourth Wall Awareness): If a Special 3 attack would kill the champion, 30% chance to endure the Special on 1HP and gain 20% Power. If Gwenpool is Awakened and above 20% health, her health loss Vs SP3 is instead capped as if she were on 20% health.
  • BeginthEndBeginthEnd Member Posts: 334
    edited November 2018
    This shouldn’t be as difficult as everyone is making out.. EASY FIX:

    OG Deadpool: God/Demi-God
    Gold DeadPool: SAME/Better

    Fix: A.) Give him either a “mixture” of existing abilities both “God Tier” Deadpool’s have, toned down, or grant him “arc overload” to go with that powergain. He is still Deadpool after all.

    Iron Fist? Again. Easy.

    Passive: parry or stunned champions suffer from “trueset strike: breaking armour, Crit resistance, and lowering block proficiency by 50%” 5seconds

    Hold Block: Expoditionlly gain fury charges while holding block. Each granting +200 atk. Max 10 stacks.

    All SP attacks 60% chance to stun and break opponent armor for 7 seconds. Opponents cannot gain armor up, are heal blocked, and cannot gain passives for 7 seconds.

    SP3: Fate Seal opponent for 8 seconds.

    Gain 3 fury charges, each granting +600 attack for 8 seconds.

    Depending on health, Immortal Iron Fist May gain 3 regenerate passives for +4,500 each over 5 seconds.”

    Immortal Iron Fist gains “trueset strike” remainder of fight.

    (Immortal Only for “truest strike” “Regen ability”)

  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Well, since the mods got mad at me for making my own threads instead of putting them on this thread, I’m just gonna put my improvement ideas on here. As for new ones, I’ll make an attempt to post one every day or two until I feel like I’ve improved all the garbage in the game

    Starting with my OG improvement, Abomination!

    -Any poison effects inflicted onto Abomination are instantly converted into a certain amount of life (like the life steal kind, so no buffs or regeneration over time. Just instant heath gain)

    -Any bleed effects spill the Abomination’s toxic blood, inflicting a passive poison effect onto the opponent for as long as the Abomination bleeds. This passive poison’s damage is increased the closer Abomination is to his foe

    -All special attacks have a chance to inflict vulnerability onto the opponent, a unique debuff that decreases ability accuracy onto the opponent, has a chance to make Abomination’s special attacks unblockable, and increases poison damage taken during the debuff’s duration

    -Dashing back and holding block for 1 second changes one bleed debuff into an open wound (passive bleed that deals no damage) for 1.5x the duration of the bleed that was purified (so a 4 second bleed turns into a 6 second open wound)

    -Special 2 has a chance to inflict stun. This chance increases if both hits of the special land

    -Special 3 has a 100% chance to inflict poison, stun, and vulnerability

    Signature Ability: Toxic Monster

    -Chance to inflict poison at the start of the fight (between 1 and 4 stacks randomly)

    -Poison damage increases by a certain amount with more poison debuffs (scales with sig)

    -When the Abomination lands a special or heavy attack, his power surges, and a poisonous presence forms around him. When the opponent is close to this presence, all poison damage is increased (scales with sig), and they have a chance to become poisoned when nearby the presence (also scales with sig)
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Here’s my improvements for the gray gambling fat boy, Joe Fixit

    -At the start of the first fight of the quest, Joe gets a second suit to sway the odds in his favor
    -Grants immunity to ability accuracy reduction. After all, the house always wins
    -Spades debuffs increase in potency by a certain percent (scale with sig)
    -Hearts regeneration gains up to x% flat potency increase (scale with sig
    -Clubs cruelty passives increase in potency by x% (scale with sig)
    -Diamonds power gain and fury potency increases by x% (scale with sig)

    Now, the base kit:

    -Mr Fixit’s gamma-irradiated physiology grants him full poison immunity, as well as 50% bleed duration reduction

    -Joe knows how to spin the tables in his favor, increasing his ability accuracy by up to a flat 30% based on his combo (1% per hit)

    -Gambler’s ruin effects grant a certain amount of attack to Fixit for each one active, and each give him different advantages

    -Landing a heavy attack rerolls the current gambler’s ruin effect and gives Joe a fury buff, increasing attack by 15% for 6 seconds

    -Additionally, landing a heavy attack grants an unblockable charge, up to 3. These are expended when using special 1 or 2 attacks, making the first hit of these special attacks unblockable and guaranteeing that they are critical hits

    -Upon winning a fight, Joe keeps his primary gambler’s ruin passive and saves it for the next fight (up to 3)
    *This allows for a skilled quester to have a “full deck” with Joe, unleashing his full potential

    -Hearts: Grants 10% health per minute (based on base heath), and has a chance to shrug of damaging debuffs over time. This chance increases, up to 90%, depending on how damaging the debuff is
    -Spades: Mr. Fixit isn’t exactly a friendly guy, and he’ll make sure you know it. All basic attacks have a 15% chance to trigger either petrify, weakness, fatigue, or agility for 6 seconds, to a maximum of 3 debuffs per type, each reducing their respective stat by 20% Each special attack hit refreshes a random debuff among those inflicted by spades
    -Clubs: Joe isn’t just some dumb brute, and he takes advantage of those who thinks he is, increasing critical hit rate by 45(ish, I dunno. Don’t like these flat values) and reducing the opponent’s critical resistance by the same amount. Additionally, every 5 hits, Joe gains a permanent passive cruelty, increasing critical damage by 150 for each charge, up to 10 charges. He loses these cruelties at a rate of one per hit taken
    -Diamonds: Joe has some anger in him, increasing his special damage by 30%, and also giving his special attacks some chance to be unblockable. Additionally, health lost only further infuriates him, increasing his power rate and attack by up to 30% based on lost health. Whatever the current value is of this bonus is doubled if Joe is under the effects of any debuff

    Special 1- Has a chance to inflict bleed (keep these bleeds the same) over 5 seconds

    Special 2- 100% chance to stun for 3.5 seconds. Additionally, inflict an armor break, breaking all armor effects currently on the opponent, and breaking armor by (gonna just make a wild guess at what’d be useful here) 950 rating, increasing the effectiveness by a flat 150 rating per active gambler’s ruin passive effect

    Special 3- Grants the diamond gambler’s ruin passive. If it’s already active, inflict a random other one. If all effects are active, inflict an L2 armor break and one of every spades debuff for 10 seconds. These can stack over the usual limit of 3. Also, inflict bleed for 15 seconds (same potency as what we currently have)
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    edited November 2018
    And here’s my improvements for cosmic crapheap, Khan the Khid


    - Extend Fury effects by up to 20 seconds (based on sig. If someone unfortunate enough to have a max sig 5* khan can tell me how high her sig goes, I might make this higher)
    - Increase Fury effects by a flat +10%
    - Block proficiency bonuses from her passive increase by up to 15%
    *This ability rewards aggressive play with near perfect block proficiency

    Base Kit

    - Keep the poison immunity
    - Keep the block proficiency bit
    - If kamala has at least one fury buff, all heavy attacks and special attack hits remove one buff per hit
    - If kamala does not have a fury buff, a timer starts for x seconds. Upon expiry, she gains a 30 second fury buff, increasing attack by 15%
    - All basic attacks have a 12% chance to grant a fury buff (these stack to 3), granting 20% attack for 8 seconds
    - Charging a heavy attack grants up to 2 fury buffs, granting 25% attack
    - These buffs no longer fall off by being hit
    - If any heavy attack fury buffs are active when charging begins, heavy attacks are unstoppable
    - Kamala likes to play fair, so when her opponent evades or auto-blocks, she get mad at them, triggering a 30% fury for 10 seconds. This does not stack
    - Kamala cannot be stunned by the Parry mastery

    Special 1- Triggers between 2 and 4 furies, granting 10% attack
    60% chance to inflict a 40% concussion. Chance increases by a flat 5% per active fury

    Special 2- 100% chance for fury, granting 40% attack for 10 seconds

    Special 3- Locks all active furies in place as passives, and grants an aptitude buff for 15 seconds, increasing all buff potency by 50%. Upon aptitude’s expiration, all Kamala’s fury buffs fall off

    The goal here was to, of course, make her fury stronger, and allow for some big burst damage with the special 3, but also not make her useless without that special 3 burst. I was going for mainly a big fury beast, not much on the utility

    Note: With slightly lower base attack to compensate for these changes
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Here’s what I wrote up for the mystic madman with a stick, Mordo

    Signature Ability: Mystical Prowess

    - When blocking, Mordo is immune to Degeneration effects of any kind (with nodes as an exception). If any are active, he immediately shrugs them off once he blocks
    - For every 5 seconds that pass, Mordo passively gains x% special damage (scales with sig) and x% ability accuracy on special attacks (also scales with sig)

    Base kit:

    - Keep the astral evade, power gain, passive AAR immunity, all that stuff he already has can stay
    - Mordo’s mastery over the mystic arts allows him to benefit from class advantage when facing opponents of the mystic class (this doesn’t give them disadvantage, it just gives Mordo advantage)
    - Attacking Mordo’s block with a physical attack sinks the attack into his cool magic shield, inflicting 25% exhaustion for 6 seconds (only the crit damage decrease, not like LC’s exhaustion). Upon reaching a max stack of 2, the opponent is Heal Blocked
    - Any projectile attacks against Mordo’s block deal no damage

    - Well timed blocks grant Mystic Awareness. These charges stack to 5, increasing critical rate by 15%
    - After 15 seconds of no change, these charges begin to fall off at a rate of one every 3 seconds
    - Mystic Awareness allows Mordo to be ready for surprises, expending one charge to cancel any passive evasion effect or auto-block effect (acts like true strike, like “evade failed” style)
    - Mystic Awareness can all be expended by landing a heavy attack, granting a Fury buff for each charge expended, increasing attack by 20%

    - Special 1: 50% chance to stun for 2.5 seconds. Also inflicts degeneration, dealing 80% of mordo’s attack as direct damage. This degeneration can also trigger through blocks
    - Special 2: The initial kick is Unblockable if mystic awareness is at 3 or more charges at the time of activation. Soul barb triggers through the opponent’s block (keep the damage the same)
    - Special 3: Keep the fury/regen the same. Also, Mordo’s connection to the mirror dimension during this attack copies all of the opponents currently active buffs for 100% longer than their original duration. If no buffs can be copied, Mordo instead gains a 50% fury buff for 20 seconds. This special attack also grants 5 mystic awareness charges
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Here’s what I wrote to improve the savage She-Hulk

    Signature Ability: Citing Precedent

    - She-Hulk did her research before the fight, so she knows what she’s up against, and her opponents lose x% (scales with sig, up to 50%) of a specific stat for each different class
    - If at any point in the fight the primary passive from the signature ability is not active, a heavy attack will re-apply it (as in not the persistent charges)
    - Skill- Special attack ability accuracy
    - Science- Debuff duration
    - Cosmic- Buff potency
    - Mutant- Special attack damage
    - Mystic- Power gain effectiveness (from all sources except attacks/being attacked)
    - Tech- Ability Accuracy
    - Special 3 attacks consume the Citing Precedent passive and any persistent charges for +x% damage (up to 30%, scales with sig).
    - Upon defeating one of these classes in the same quest, She-Hulk learns what that class can do, and gains that benefit in each fight from then on (in the form of persistent charges)

    Base Kit:

    - Poison immune, of course
    - She-Hulk’s no-nonsense attitude can see through anybody’s facade, no matter how clever, allowing her heavy attacks and special attacks to be completely unblockable by any means (meaning it includes things like Stand your Ground and mordo’s block the unblockable ability)
    - She-Hulk analyzes her opponent throughout the match, noticing their fighting style and their weaknesses. Every 10 seconds up to 3 times, she increases her ability accuracy by 10%, and reduces her opponent’s by 5%. This ability resets whenever She-Hulk is hit
    (For flavor, deadpool champions are immune to this ability completely)
    - She-Hulk takes a stunned opponent as an opportunity to knock some sense into them, increasing her attack by 100% for the duration of the stun. This bonus does not apply to special 3 attacks
    - Special attack damage and ability accuracy increase by 10% increments based on the opponent’s size (Ex: gwenpool would be 10%, star lord would be 20%, etc.)
    - Special attacks hit with bone-crushing force, giving a 15% chance for damage to be doubled by these attacks

    - Special 1: 45% chance to stun for 3.5 seconds
    - Special 2: 55% chance to stun for 4 seconds
    - 100% chance to apply concussion, reducing ability accuracy by 75% for 10 seconds
    - Special 3: 100% chance to inflict stun for 5.5 seconds
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    My potential buff for the gray-suited garbage bin, Xpool Deadforce

    Signature Ability: Bloody Mess (and a few other things deadpool asked for)

    - Deadpool’s intimate relationship with blood has taught him how to make it spill often and effectively, increasing bleed ability accuracy, duration, and potency by up to 50% (scale with sig)
    - Deadpool made a compelling case that his swords aren’t touching the opponent, so he shouldn’t take reflected damage from sword attacks. So yeah, deadpool takes no reflected damage from any of his sword attacks
    - Deadpool isn’t honestly that tired after his cheat death ability, so he doesn’t lose that 1 health anymore, he gains up to 400 now (scales with sig)

    Base Kit:

    - Deadpool is a bit violent, and he’s really sick of seeing 5-hit combos all over the place, so he hits twice with his first medium attack to be a little more special. He also uses his swords in his medium attacks and his second light attack
    - All sword attacks have a 80% chance to crit and deal +40% crit damage. Also, they have a 50% chance to inflict bleed, dealing 80% attack over 2.5 seconds
    - Keep the power gain ability the same
    - Upon dying, deadpool’s healing factor FINALLY kicks in for once in some way, and grants him 1 health, then indestructible and unstoppable, as well as passively heal-blocking him for 3 seconds. Upon these effects’ expiry, deadpool gets tired and loses 1 health
    - Upon landing a heavy attack, deadpool’s confidence soars as he didn’t really expect it to connect, granting 50% prowess for the next special attack. This effect is permanent if deadpool intercepts with a heavy attack, because that’s honestly pretty impressive

    - Special 1: 100% chance to stun non-robot male champions because... well, you’ve heard the joke before. But hey, it makes sense, nut shots hurt!
    - Special 2: Deadpool whips out his swords and goes in for some slicin’-n-dicin’. All 6 attacks of this special are considered sword attacks, of course
    - Bleed chance for all hits of this attack are increased by a flat 15%
    - Special 3: Deadpool knows he’s in a video game, and he takes advantage of that, using his health bar and the opponent’s as a weapon against his opponent
    - Inflicts Baffled, a unique debuff that stuns and decreases ability accuracy by 100% for 6 seconds
    - Also inflicts bleed, dealing 200% of deadpool’s attack over 3 seconds
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    edited November 2018
    Now, for a new one, how about we clean the rust off of our favorite tin man, Colossus!

    Signature: Metallic Fortitude
    - Upon being struck or blocking, a 40% chance to gain an armor up buff, granting 20% armor for x seconds (I dunno, maybe 3 seconds? I’ll leave that one up to debate, I guess) Up to 3 stacks may be granted by this ability (2 or 3, depending on the sig level)
    - Each armor up buff/passive decreases opponent’s offensive ability accuracy and increases Colossus’s crit resistance by up to 22% (scale with sig)
    - When Colossus has 4 or more armor up effects from any source, passive or buff, Colossus takes no damage when blocking attacks

    Base Kit:

    - Colossus’s focus spikes at the beginning of the match while the playing field is still unsure, and cannot be hit critically for the first 10 hits of the fight, even if opponent abilities would guarantee the hits to be critical
    - Colossus’s metallic skin is thick and impenetrable, allowing him bleed immunity
    - For every armor up effect he has, opponents’ armor break abilities lose 30% ability accuracy
    - When attacking, a 10% chance to gain an armor up buff (unless stated otherwise, all armor up buffs give the same bonus of about 15% armor, activate independently of each other, and do not stack) upon each hit
    - When being attacked, a 20% chance to gain an armor up buff. Chance increases to 50% when blocking, and 100% on well-timed blocks
    - Colossus’s X-Men training has taught him to put his metallic strength behind each hit he deals, granting +20% special damage per armor up effect
    - When being struck by special attacks, Colossus focuses on surviving, granting him Indestructible for 4 seconds when the opponent lands a special attack or launches a special 3. This ability takes 40 seconds to cool down before it can be used again
    - When armor up effects expire, Colossus compensates for the loss in fortitude by gaining 5% of his max power instantly

    - Special 1: Gain an armor up buff for 12 seconds. If this attack hits critically, gain 2 armor up buffs. Buffs from this attack can stack indefinitely
    - Special 2: Gain 2 armor up buffs for 12 seconds. If at least 2 hits of this attack are critical, gain 3
    - Special 3: For every 4 armor up buffs, gain one passive armor up that combines the effects of all 4 consumed buffs. Additionally, Colossus’s indestructible ability immediately refreshes upon use of this attack
  • BeginthEndBeginthEnd Member Posts: 334


    Signature 200

    Whenever Juggernaut starts the fight or launches a special attack, he calls upon the power of Cyttorak, becoming unstoppable and shrugging off all enemy attacks for 4.5 seconds.

    Cyttorak grants Juggernaut an additional 500 physical, energy, and critical resistance.

    Dash Attacks:
    Juggernaut is nearly unblockable once in motion. Dash attacks have a 25% chance to become unblockable. This chance is increased by 50% if opponent is suffering from “stagger”

    Summoning the power of Cyttorak, Juggernaut conjures a mystical force field which blocks an additional +3,000 physical resistance.

    Heavy Attacks: 100% chance to armor break, applying a passive 666 armor break and causing the opponent to become staggered for 6.9 seconds. A staggered opponent cannot gain their next Buff effect and cannot gain armor up.

    While Unstoppable: Juggernaut is immune to stun debuffs and if the opponent tries to stun him, it triggers auto-block instead. Parry can be triggered.

    I’m the Juggernaut!!
    Juggernaut has a fixed 8% chance to gain a fury buff when attacking, gaining +666 attack rating for 8 seconds. Max 10 stacks.

  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    Just a little ability for mr. fixit. He should have a mechanic called " Ace up the sleeve" where it temporarily buffs his stats when below 30% health
  • YawnYawn Member Posts: 22
    I LOVE your iron fist change man, that would be awesome, thanks for the idea
    BeginthEnd wrote: »
    This shouldn’t be as difficult as everyone is making out.. EASY FIX:

    OG Deadpool: God/Demi-God
    Gold DeadPool: SAME/Better

    Fix: A.) Give him either a “mixture” of existing abilities both “God Tier” Deadpool’s have, toned down, or grant him “arc overload” to go with that powergain. He is still Deadpool after all.

    Iron Fist? Again. Easy.

    Passive: parry or stunned champions suffer from “trueset strike: breaking armour, Crit resistance, and lowering block proficiency by 50%” 5seconds

    Hold Block: Expoditionlly gain fury charges while holding block. Each granting +200 atk. Max 10 stacks.

    All SP attacks 60% chance to stun and break opponent armor for 7 seconds. Opponents cannot gain armor up, are heal blocked, and cannot gain passives for 7 seconds.

    SP3: Fate Seal opponent for 8 seconds.

    Gain 3 fury charges, each granting +600 attack for 8 seconds.

    Depending on health, Immortal Iron Fist May gain 3 regenerate passives for +4,500 each over 5 seconds.”

    Immortal Iron Fist gains “trueset strike” remainder of fight.

    (Immortal Only for “truest strike” “Regen ability”)

  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    edited November 2018
    This time another mutant, the master of malarkey, Magneto! (This change is for our OG metal bender)

    Signature ability: Magnetic Shield

    - Magneto is a master of magnetic manipulation, and surrounds himself with a permanent magnetic aura
    - Any attack involving bullets is reflected back at the opponent, dealing 40% (scales with sig) of Magneto’s attack instantly. If Magneto’s opponent is of the Skill class, they also are caused to bleed for 30% (scale with sig) of Magneto’s attack over 1 second
    - Additionally, Magneto’s shield protects him from losing more than up to 10% of his health from a single hit

    Base kit:

    - Magneto has power over metal. Any #metal champ will be magnetized, granting Magneto advantages over them, as well as deteriorating their own skill set

    Magnetized does the following

    - Bullet attacks have a 100% chance to miss
    - Opponent loses 30% ability accuracy
    - Opponents are Armor locked (unable to gain armor effects, passive or buff)
    - Magneto is immune to ability accuracy reduction
    - Magneto gains 30% base attack
    - Magneto’s special attack abilities now have a 100% chance to trigger

    - Magneto’s medium attacks do not make physical contact, and all of his basic attacks deal only energy damage
    - Magneto’s medium attacks do not grant the opponent any power, and if they are under the effects of a bleed, it pushes the wound further open, adding an additional stack onto the primary bleed. They all expire when the primary bleed expires
    - When facing a member of the X-Men, they painfully remember all the annoyances and troubles he’s caused them, inflicting 100% concussion at the beginning of the fight for 6 seconds

    - Special 1: Magneto slaps his opponent, conveying his power, then knocks them down with a powerful ball of shrapnel
    - Inflicts Bleed, dealing 60% of magneto’s base attack over 5 seconds

    - Special 2: Magneto launches a wave of shrapnel
    - +50% attack for this special if the opponent is Magnetized.
    - Inflicts Heal Block for 10 seconds

    - Special 3: Magneto encapsulates his opponent in metal, and crushes them to pieces
    - Stuns for 5 seconds
    - Inflicts bleed for 100% of Magneto’s attack over 6 seconds
    - Armor breaks for 5 seconds, reducing armor by 1200 for 7 seconds

    Wanted this one to be simple, yet effective. Magnetism needed to be better, so that was my main goal
  • Lt_Magnum_1Lt_Magnum_1 Member Posts: 640 ★★
    Make Abonimation's crits to trigger bleed, Make it so Abomination gets true strike as long as there are 5 or more poison debuffs on the foe, Make the fury more powerful depending on the amount of poison debuffs on for.
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    I thought of other things to clarify my ideas from the previous post. The full list of buffs for She-Hulk are in this post.

    She should have a buff that gives her 1 fury and 2 precision every time she loses 10% of her max health.
    In the comics, she retains her intelligence when in hulk form, and she's a gamma monster; so a fury every time she gets mad (loses health) and 2 precision when she examines the threat.
    Each Fury increases her attack by 850 and each Precision to increase critical hit chance by 10%.
    Critical hits have a 50% chance to armor break, removing an armor buff on the enemy and reducing their armor rating by 1,555.5 for 7 seconds. Armor breaks can stack.
    Signature ability to allow her to stack up to 5 furies and 10 precision with a time decay between 15 and 20 seconds. Without the ability, it keeps a max of 1 fury and 2 precision. The furies and precision keep refreshing.
    3rd SP to lock 1 fury and 2 precision. Can stack to 2 furies and 4 precision or 3 furies and 6 precision (dependent on Kabam developers); and it armor shatters the opponent with 5 armor breaks present, reducing Ability Accuracy by 100% for 25 seconds.

    Plus, make her and other gamma champs resistant to bleed and poison. Every time one of these debuffs are applied, reduce their duration by 15%.
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    I thought of other things to clarify my ideas from the previous post. The full list of buffs for She-Hulk are in this post.

    She should have a buff that gives her 1 fury and 2 precision every time she loses 10% of her max health.
    In the comics, she retains her intelligence when in hulk form, and she's a gamma monster; so a fury every time she gets mad (loses health) and 2 precision when she examines the threat.
    Each Fury increases her attack by 850 and each Precision to increase critical hit chance by 10%.
    Critical hits have a 50% chance to armor break, removing an armor buff on the enemy and reducing their armor rating by 1,555.5 for 7 seconds. Armor breaks can stack.
    Signature ability to allow her to stack up to 5 furies and 10 precision with a time decay between 15 and 20 seconds. Without the ability, it keeps a max of 1 fury and 2 precision. The furies and precision keep refreshing.
    3rd SP to lock 1 fury and 2 precision. Can stack to 2 furies and 4 precision or 3 furies and 6 precision (dependent on Kabam developers); and it armor shatters the opponent with 5 armor breaks present, reducing Ability Accuracy by 100% for 25 seconds.

    Plus, make her and other gamma champs resistant to bleed and poison. Every time one of these debuffs are applied, reduce their duration by 15%.

    And a regen that gives 450 health every 2 seconds when below 40% health. This is a permanent buff that cannot be nullified and lasts for 60 seconds. It can only activate once.
    Maybe not poison resistant but definitely bleed resistant.
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    I thought of other things to clarify my ideas from the previous post. The full list of buffs for She-Hulk are in this post.

    She should have a buff that gives her 1 fury and 2 precision every time she loses 10% of her max health.
    In the comics, she retains her intelligence when in hulk form, and she's a gamma monster; so a fury every time she gets mad (loses health) and 2 precision when she examines the threat.
    Each Fury increases her attack by 850 and each Precision to increase critical hit chance by 10%.
    Critical hits have a 50% chance to armor break, removing an armor buff on the enemy and reducing their armor rating by 1,555.5 for 7 seconds. Armor breaks can stack.
    Signature ability to allow her to stack up to 5 furies and 10 precision with a time decay between 15 and 20 seconds. Without the ability, it keeps a max of 1 fury and 2 precision. The furies and precision keep refreshing.
    3rd SP to lock 1 fury and 2 precision. Can stack to 2 furies and 4 precision or 3 furies and 6 precision (dependent on Kabam developers); and it armor shatters the opponent with 5 armor breaks present, reducing Ability Accuracy by 100% for 25 seconds.

    Plus, make her and other gamma champs resistant to bleed and poison. Every time one of these debuffs are applied, reduce their duration by 15%.

    And a regen that gives 450 health every 2 seconds when below 40% health. This is a permanent buff that cannot be nullified and lasts for 60 seconds. It can only activate once.
    Maybe not poison resistant but definitely bleed resistant.

    Just noticed my mistake. Not permanent but can't be nullified.
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Next up, OG Iron Man! This is a long one, sorry. There’s a lot of explaining to be done with the Combat Plans

    Signature: Narcissism
    - Tony loves himself, and fighting any champion wearing his tech boosts his pride, improving his ability accuracy to 100%, and granting him immunity to armor break
    - Tony passes the time adding improvements to his impressive suit, and has thickened the armor, increasing armor up effectiveness by up to 30% (scales with sig)
    - Great minds think alike, so when tony is fighting a champion that is also tony stark (whether it’s another OG iron man, HB, SIM, IMIW) he hits Genius status immediately. This cannot be stacked by finishing the Combat Plan

    Base Kit:

    - Tony’s thick-plated armor hurts to hit, and upon a well-timed block triggers Parry, even if the mastery is not present
    - Iron Man has 50% bleed resistance at all times, and any time he begins suffering a bleed debuff, he has a 50% chance to become immune to bleed for 5 seconds, cancelling any bleeds that were active and preventing any more for the duration
    - Tony Stark planned ahead for this encounter, and programmed F.R.I.D.A.Y to set up a combat plan for him to follow, albeit loosely. This plan has 4 variations, each depending on his matchup
    - Upon completing any Combat Plan, Iron Man gains the Genius passive effect, increasing his attack by 30%, making his special attacks unblockable and unevadeable (passively) and increasing his critical resistance by 50%
    - If his opponent is a robot, F.R.I.D.A.Y planned to shut down their pesky abilities
    - This Combat Plan demands you complete the following: Hold block for a collective 10 seconds, trigger 3 buffs on either you or the opponent, bait 2 special attacks, and hit the enemy 5 times while stunned (special 3 counts as one hit towards this)
    - Upon completing the plan, the opponent loses 100% ability accuracy, loses 50% power rate from all sources, and is Heal Blocked for the remainder of the fight
    - With class disadvantage, F.R.I.D.A.Y focuses on making sure Tony survives
    - This Combat Plan demands the following: Parry 3 times (no need for stun, just land the well-timed block), block 10 attacks, and bait 2 specials without getting hit in a row
    - Upon completing this Combat Plan, Iron Man gains permanent 28% armor as a passive, auto-blocks special attacks even if they’re unblockable (unless they would be evaded), and adds +5% potency and duration to his Overload regen and armor
    - With class advantage, F.R.I.D.A.Y makes a plan to put Tony on the full offensive
    - This Combat Plan demands the following: Intercept with a medium attack 2 times, intercept with a light attack once, and land 4 special attacks
    - Upon completion, Iron Man gains +25% crit rate and damage and decreases opponent attack and ability accuracy by 30% passively
    - Fighting an Avenger, F.R.I.D.A.Y takes their known abilities and prepares Tony to defend against and counter them
    - This Combat Plan demands the following: Parry 2 special attacks (same as was stated above), counter 3 special attacks (a la killmonger with his true strike ability), and land a Special 3
    - Upon completion, all special attacks against Iron Man have a 100% chance to miss, and all opponent abilities are 50% less potent
    - Iron Man has a 28% chance to gain an armor up buff for 6 seconds, increasing armor by about 20%
    - Hitting 20% health, Iron Man triggers his Overload, regenerating about 40% health (however you’d flat-value that) and granting an armor up buff for about 80% armor, both over 8 seconds

    - Special 1: Iron man’s beam inflicts armor break, breaking armor by 600
    - Special 2: Iron man’s unibeam disrupts and disorients the opponent, inflicting armor break (same as sp1) and stunning the opponent for 4.5 seconds
    - Special 3: If Tony has Genius active, this attack gains +45% attack
    - Inflicts armor break for 900 armor reduction
    - Inflicts shock for 50% of Iron Man’s attack. Increases with the SP3 genius bonus

    I know, that’s a lot to read. But, it’s rather straightforward, so don’t be too intimidated
  • issamaf80issamaf80 Member Posts: 1,472 ★★★
    My HOWARD THE DUCK Buff Idea

    Base Stats & Abilities
    *All stats based on 4 Star, Rank 5, Level 50, Signature Level 99

    Health: 17,500
    Attack: 1000
    Max PI:
    Without Signature: 3567
    With Signature (99): 5200

    Quack Fu Passive Buff : The ISO-Loader begins the fight with 5 stack of Quack Fu Buff
    each increasing Armor By 400.22 And +500.26 Energy and Physical Resistance and give Him +350 Attack For Every Quack Fu Buff

    Special 1: Unarmed Attack – “Let me introduce you to my fist!”

    The ISO-Loader’s specialized metal punches out a portion of the opponent’s ISO-8 Reduces Opponent’s Defensive Ability Accuracy by 20% And Armor, Attack, Block Proficiency, Regeneration Rate, Physical Resistance and Critical Chance by 15% for the remainder of the fight.

    This attack receives 1080.92 additional Critical Rating

    The is a Passive effect that has an infinite duration. This effect can be stacked up to 5 times.

    Special 2: B.F.G Surprise – Smack your opponent around, then fire everything!

    The super-charged B.F.G. fires out a barrage of strange bullets to A Massive Damage To the Opponent .
    Each Bullet Has 800+ Attack More Damage
    100% Chance to trigger Heal Block for 20 seconds
    80% Chance to Stun for 2 seconds
    This attack receives 2000.92 additional Critical Rating

    The suit’s Catalyst Absorber fires off, granting Howard a temporary Buff for 10 seconds After a Special 3 Attack, Howard the Duck is able to To Place positive Quack Fu Effect On The Opponent and stun him for 4 Seconds
    And Remove Quack Fu Buff On Him Self

    Howard the Duck has a 100% chance to inflict Shock , Power Drain, Poison, Armor Break, Power Lock, Shock whenever making physical contact with opponents over 10 seconds.

    All Quack Fu Buff Are Removed From Howard

    Signature Ability – : Quack Fu True Power

    -All Battlerealm debuffs A 50% less effective On Howard ( This include Degenerate ...)
    -Howard Start With 3 Quack Fu Passive Buff
    - At 15% trigger a Self Repair, healing 35% Max Health
    - gain up to 2 Quack Fu Passive Buff after Howard losing All He's Quack

    Synergy Bonuses
    Friends (+6% Armor) – She-Hulk
    Friends (+6% Armor) – Rocket Raccoon
    Teammates (+5% Perfect Block Chance) – Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
    ( Having Fun )
    Gwenpool And Howard :

    Gwenpoll + 1 Bleed Duration

    Howard : + 1 Quack Fo Passive Buff
  • Xyz123Xyz123 Member Posts: 61
    How about trophy champs like Kang, or immortal Iron fist, these are really lacking. They don't need to be the best, but at least above average for their rarity.
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    Xyz123 wrote: »
    How about trophy champs like Kang, or immortal Iron fist, these are really lacking. They don't need to be the best, but at least above average for their rarity.

    Do you have him awakened? My brother has Kang unawakened so I can't properly give you a buff for Kang. If you do, please post a screenshot.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    My Magneto rework suggestions (based upon a 4-star 5/50, Signature level 99 Champion):

    Signature Ability: Refraction - Magneto bends a dense electromagnetic field around his body to create a personal force field, preventing him from losing more than 10% Health from a single source.

    All Attacks - Magneto's basic attacks deal energy damage. When Skill Champions block Magneto's attacks, they cannot gain any Buffs or Counters from blocking.
    Passive: Electrokinesis - Magneto is immune to Shock damage.
    Passive: Telepathic Resistance - Magneto is immune to Reversed Controls.
    Passive: Magnetic Armor - Every time Magneto blocks or takes a hit from a basic physical attack, he has a 15% chance to gain an Armor charge (max stacks: 1) for 8 seconds. While Magneto has an Armor charge, he gains +325 Armor Rating and a +12% chance to resist a Block Break.
    Magnetism - Magneto has a 100% chance to evade all bullet-based attacks. Furthermore, all basic attacks against Champions reliant upon metal have a 90% chance to place a Magnetized counter (max stacks: 3) for 12 seconds. For each Magnetized counter his opponent possesses, they suffer from a 15% Ability Accuracy reduction, and bullet-based attacks employed against Magneto deal 18% of the damage they would have inflicted as Physical Damage back upon his attacker. This damage is Mutant based, dealing increased damage to Skill Champions and reduced damage to Tech Champions.
    Special Attacks - 55% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing 1400 Direct Damage over 10 seconds.

    Special 1: Bloody Shrapnel - Sharp metal fragments are pulled from the surrounding environment and propelled across the arena. When the Bleed from this attack expires, it has a 40% chance to be converted into an Open Wound. An Open Wound counts as a stack of Bleed, but is Passive and deals no damage. For each Magnetized counter an opponent has on them, Magneto gains a Precision buff for 4 seconds.
    Special 2: Bleeding Fracture - Magneto expands his magnetic grasp deep under the arena, impaling his opponent with jagged metal from below. 100% chance to inflict Heal Block, preventing the target from recovering Health for 10 seconds. For each Magnetized counter an opponent has on them, they are Power Locked for 2 seconds.
    Special 3: Cold-Blooded Fusion - Encased in a metal prison, Magneto's target implodes. Peace was never an option. 100% chance to Armor Break, removing an enemy Armor Up and applying 1300 Armor Rating reduction for 8 seconds. 100% chance to inflict Heal Block, preventing the target from recovering Health for 10 seconds. For each Magnetized counter an opponent has on them, they are stunned for 1.5 seconds.
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