Killmonger Indestructible Charges Bug or Buff? [Under Investigation]



  • Bwest289Bwest289 Member Posts: 183
    The fact that we are not getting confirmation tells me it's not a bug
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,794 ★★★★★

    Kabam Wolf hasn't logged in since February.
  • DoctorJDoctorJ Member Posts: 842 ★★★
    Batsii wrote: »
    DoctorJ wrote: »
    Batsii wrote: »
    DoctorJ wrote: »
    Threads like this are why we cant have nice things.

    Does anyone actually believe Kabam would give KM an ability like this?

    Kabam is professional company they won't do huge mistakes like that... and 5 days past. they already changed / buffed symbiot suprem after update

    You must be new here 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    New ? Hahaha I was joking 😂 Sorry for you if you didn't understand lol 😄

    I did not recognize the sarcasm, my bad 😅
  • StopmakingsenseStopmakingsense Member Posts: 11
    Markg25 wrote: »
    Isnt it in the patch notes that it’s a fix ? @Kabam Miike

    Can you clear this up ?

    The patch notes only speak about ability accuracy interactions, from what I could see
  • PaytoPlayPaytoPlay Member Posts: 762 ★★★
    It's a holiday in Canada probably won't get any response until tomorrow
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,361 Guardian
    I'm actually amazed how many people are able to somehow convince themselves this isn't a bug, or shouldn't be considered a bug. It is theoretically possible to use this feature to take no damage indefinitely. It doesn't matter how much "skill" it takes to do that: that's the very definition of an exploitive bug. I don't even have to read the ability description or the patch notes to know that, and anyone who thinks that's an ability any game developer that isn't suffering from severe brain damage would give to players of a fighting game is nuts.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    Bwest289 wrote: »
    Nice, back to a worthless sp2/3!

    Worthless how?
  • Bwest289Bwest289 Member Posts: 183
    Sp3 does nothing in war at all right now.

    Landing an sp2 has been broken since day 1, and the ONLY thing those indestructible charges do is help against an sp3 (unless the sp3 comes w DoT which makes it useless again)
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    How's his L2 broken?

    Just don't rely on the L3 in war unless you're in a bad spot and need some space.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    Honest question, btw.
  • StikyStiky Member Posts: 79
    A way to go kabam we can never except something good from u guy's. at Lest make he's Indestructible a bit useful some how or change to Indestructible armor or something. U can call negating damage from block's as indestructible my own opinion that's all.
  • Bwest289Bwest289 Member Posts: 183
    It gives indestructible charges that work differently than any other indestructible in the game.

    Landing an sp2 after anything more than a 1 hit "combo" is a **** shoot at best.

    I don't feel like it should counter bane or nodes of the "passive" Debuff sort but it should counter active debuffs just like other indestructible charges do.
  • ScottryanScottryan Member Posts: 475 ★★★
    Hey y'all -

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We confirmed this as a bug and will be working on getting resolved ASAP. Once we have more information on it we'll update this thread.

    Funny how there was a crystal pack with killmonger released today and you couldn't have confirmed this was a bug before pushing the pack. Honestly not surprising, but that's so unfair to the people who watched seatin's video then bought your pack with a character you put in knowing it was bugged.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    Bwest289 wrote: »
    It gives indestructible charges that work differently than any other indestructible in the game.

    Landing an sp2 after anything more than a 1 hit "combo" is a **** shoot at best.

    I don't feel like it should counter bane or nodes of the "passive" Debuff sort but it should counter active debuffs just like other indestructible charges do.

    Understood. I love him lol. Not too hurt about this being a bug. But I've never had complaints about his specials either. All or none is a crapshoot for sure if you're taking him there.
  • KT7KT7 Member Posts: 1
    Just fought a 5* r4 duped Medusa on node 18..easy fight with mephisto..soul furies..right?
    NO..she was getting furies while being imprisoned...
    Cought me by surprise...cost me a kill..!
    Another member in my ally fought an UNDUPED hella..and he got indestructible at 1%....!WHAT'S GOING ON..????
  • Atticus9090Atticus9090 Member Posts: 521 ★★
    At least I had fun using this bug to my advantage while it lasted. Having a 4/55 Sig 200 KM with the bug helps a lot in Uncollected and harder content anyway.

    RIP OP Killmonger 2018.
  • jdn112586jdn112586 Member Posts: 8
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious if you change KM, you need to change it for any and all champions who go indestructible such as Hela, Punisher, the Heindel synergy, ect. You can't bleed Punisher or Hela when his ability triggers.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 10,715 ★★★★★
    jdn112586 wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious if you change KM, you need to change it for any and all champions who go indestructible such as Hela, Punisher, the Heindel synergy, ect. You can't bleed Punisher or Hela when his ability triggers.
    puisnher is defrins and for the real it wuld be game broken with that bug it not hard to keep the cancer op after use a sp2.

  • jdn112586jdn112586 Member Posts: 8
    edited November 2018
    @Gamer a bleed is a bleed. Punisher doesn't become bleed immune. He's indestructible. Same with Hela. Its really hard to keep the indestructible charges when your an average player. You lose the charges from blocked hits. So unless you're flawless in fighting and intercepting you lose those charges fairly fast. If you could spam his sp1 and gain the indestructible I'd say he's OP, but building to his sp2 it's hard for 87% of the people in the game to keep up the charges up full time.
  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    edited November 2018
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    I'm actually amazed how many people are able to somehow convince themselves this isn't a bug, or shouldn't be considered a bug. It is theoretically possible to use this feature to take no damage indefinitely. It doesn't matter how much "skill" it takes to do that: that's the very definition of an exploitive bug. I don't even have to read the ability description or the patch notes to know that, and anyone who thinks that's an ability any game developer that isn't suffering from severe brain damage would give to players of a fighting game is nuts.

    Except that it's not a bug. His abilities clearly state that he gains 3 indestructible charges, so there is no reason why his indestructible charges shouldn't be able to do everything indestructible from prove yourself node, LC, heimdall's synergy can do, as long as he has at least one charge, so this is actually working as intended.

    It is also not an exploit. An exploit would be something like the hela bug with heimdall synergy, which needed no skill whatsoever to do, just a synergy. However, to maintain KM's indestructible charges takes some skill, that many people will not be able to do.
  • Kenny292Kenny292 Member Posts: 536 ★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    I'm actually amazed how many people are able to somehow convince themselves this isn't a bug, or shouldn't be considered a bug. It is theoretically possible to use this feature to take no damage indefinitely. It doesn't matter how much "skill" it takes to do that: that's the very definition of an exploitive bug. I don't even have to read the ability description or the patch notes to know that, and anyone who thinks that's an ability any game developer that isn't suffering from severe brain damage would give to players of a fighting game is nuts.

    Except that it's not a bug. His abilities clearly state that he gains 3 indestructible charges, so there is no reason why his indestructible charges shouldn't be able to do everything indestructible from prove yourself node, LC, heimdall's synergy can do, as long as he has at least one charge, so this is actually working as intended.

    It is also not an exploit. An exploit would be something like the hela bug with heimdall synergy, which needed no skill whatsoever to do, just a synergy. However, to maintain KM's indestructible charges takes some skill, that many people will not be able to do.

    I'm gonna start this by saying again that I would love if they kept this and just changed the wording, but it is in fact a bug and there is reason why his indestructible is different from other forms of indestructible. The difference is all about the wording. Prove yourself: "is indestructible as long as the Attacker's Combo Meter is below 15". Luke Cage: "become indestructible and ignore ALL incoming damage for X seconds". Heimdall synergy: "gain both an Indestructible and an Unstoppable buff which last for 2 seconds". Killmonger: "activates 3 indestructible charges. A charge is spent to ignore all the incoming damage FROM AN ATTACK". Yes, it could be argued that it should negate damage from debuffs applied by the opponent's attacks, like Wolverine's bleeds or Hyperion's incinerates, but since a blocked hit is enough to use up a charge, then shouldn't a single tick of DoT be using up a charge also? Also, things like Caltrops, Bane, Dorm's degen don't come from attacks, so they shouldn't be affected at all by the charges. Again, I would love for this to stay and the wording just be changed, but it just blows my mind that people keep saying it's no different than other forms of indestructible when it's literally right in the wording.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 10,715 ★★★★★
    jdn112586 wrote: »
    @Gamer a bleed is a bleed. Punisher doesn't become bleed immune. He's indestructible. Same with Hela. Its really hard to keep the indestructible charges when your an average player. You lose the charges from blocked hits. So unless you're flawless in fighting and intercepting you lose those charges fairly fast. If you could spam his sp1 and gain the indestructible I'd say he's OP, but building to his sp2 it's hard for 87% of the people in the game to keep up the charges up full time.

    When im hav hit thuget kilmonger blok when he hav the cagcne ther never gos away. So. Not sure either but but stil it to op for him.
  • Atticus9090Atticus9090 Member Posts: 521 ★★
    In all fairness, The Black Panther suit in the Civil War Movie was Bulletproff (so I assume it can be knife/blade proof as well), so wouldn’t that mean that he should be bleed immune? Also, if that’s the case, then shouldn’t KM be bleed immune at least when he gains his Indestructable charges from using his SP2? Kabam doesn’t have to make KM outright Bleed immune, but maybe after an SP2, that’s be fine.

    I swear, sometimes I don’t understand why half of the player base hates these changes (bug or not) and why the other half loves them. Does it have to do with making the fight against all KMs tougher? If so, then shouldn’t making him unbleedable after an SP2, work to attackers advantage? Because then he doesn’t gain extra power from debuffs?

    Maybe people should look at the advantages that could come from this? I dunno
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,944 ★★★★★
    It's a bug. It shouldn't be working like it was. It was not ment to work that way when he was created and designed, and almost sure this was in their minds when the character was created.
    Not working as intended = Fix for it. They don't want to buff Killmonger at this point, or they just don't want to buff him this way
  • CleverNameHereCleverNameHere Member Posts: 34
    The problem is this question of bug or buff has been around for a few days now. It should not be that difficult for Kabam to decide and communicate if it is a bug or buff. The fact that it takes this long to "figure out" on their end is troubling.
  • BarathKUBarathKU Member Posts: 26
    I'm recently experiencing damage immunity playing killmonger especially while the opponent uses special 3. Does anyone face the same?
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,944 ★★★★★
    He should take no damage if he has an indestructible charge
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