"We're going to continue to keep a close eye on all Mystic Champions" after MD changes



  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    To me it just feels like they nerfed MD and still leave the other useless class masteries untouched.
    It would have been better to update the other class masteries to give an equal advantage instead of bringing MD down to their level. oh well.
  • MMCskippyMMCskippy Member Posts: 356 ★★
    If you haven't figured out yet that Kabam uses new champs to generate new revenue, you haven't been paying attention for the last few years.

    First they came for the perfect block synergy. ---- Keep in mind that to GET this perfect block synergy, you had to complete the RoL... so this "imbalance" was created because too many people completed the first major task of the battlerealm and spent **** tons of units to do it.

    Then they came for willpower ---- Spending on masteries was another way Kabam kept the revenue flowing. This was no different... Willpower was expensive.

    Then they nerfed the original OG champs... If you had SW, BW, Thor or DS in their original forms, you know what damage could be...

    All of these items are somehow incorporated into new champs, but it takes the right synergies and skills to get them. So... these mechanics haven't technically been removed from the game, they've been taken away from us and are being re-sold to us in the form of new champs.

    It is the way of doing business today... when apple wasn't making money on 30 pin connectors, they brought out the lightning connector... when too many knock offs came out... they figured out a way to take that away... basically, if you figure out a way around having to pay what the developer needs you to pay to keep their whole operation going, they figure out a way to get you to pay... again and again.

    Truthfully, as frustrating as it is, I think this keeps money flowing into Kabam's coffers and it keeps this game going.
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    phillgreen wrote: »
    Don't hold your breath waiting for a response regarding effects to champions, I'm sure I heard the same thing after 12.0.

    To date I don't recall any further info on DS etc

    To be completely fair, Kabam DID say the same thing during 12.0 and they DID follow up in a timely manner, though admittedly it took a considerable community effort to do it.

    The infamous 12.0 was rolled out and many champs were made worse in the process (Thor, Strange, Scarlet Witch, etc.).

    Then can the public outcry.

    After that, Kabam issued a statement saying "We have heard you, and we're making it right". After "Analyzing beta results and Summoner feedback", they stated that they'd be improving a number of champs in 12.0.1, many of whom were nerfed just a week or two prior during 12.0.

    When compared to the MD changes being discussed, the 12.0 changes were inarguably wider in scope. Despite the scale of the changes that needed to be made, Kabam monitored all those champs (and general stats and mechanics) and made changes well within 1 month.

    All that just to say that Kabam HAS made a statement after major champion/interaction changes in the past and I think it's reasonable to expect a follow up statement after current and future champion/interaction changes are made.

    The quotes were pulled from a Kabam statement which can be read here.

  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    edited December 2018
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    chunkyb wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    ManChild wrote: »
    It was an overpowered mechanic. You knew it then. Don’t act like you didn’t. You took advantage of something that was bound to change in some way. It was a risk. Just like when I took the risk of taking aa to 5/65 and then there’s a bleed immune war season.

    Stuff happens. Stop asking for handouts. Millennials suck.

    Whether or not it was overpowered is irrelevant. It was working as intended. It hadn't changed in 2 years so in what way was it "bound to change".

    "Working as intended" is a temporal statement. It is only true relative to the current state of the game. That situation can change in the future. Something that is working as intended by explicit developer statement is not free from being changed in the future. Players are expected to adapt to some reasonable degree of game changes over time.

    Whenever something offers a significant far above average advantage in a game like this, players should assume that the advantage could paint a target on it for future downstread rebalancing. I would have bet cash that mystic dispersion was going to be changed eventually. I wouldn't know in what year that would happen, but I would have taken that bet with anyone willing to give me at least an eighteen month time horizon.

    Changes are fine imo. As long as there's proper compensation.

    In the vast majority of MMO-like games I've played (in fact, as far as I can recall this is literally all of them), game balance changes rarely come with compensation. It is pretty clear that every player playing those games is supposed to understand that the game will change right under your feet, and that's part of what you sign up for when you play them. Some changes generate compensation when they are seen as divergent enough from the norm, and the ultimate judge of what is normal is always, always the developers.

    In those games did it take 3 years before you could max out your first character?

    The pace in which they allow players to rank their champs makes MCOC very different from any other game I've played when it comes to meta changes.

    The variant quest perfectly shows what I'm talking about. Go watch any youtuber from any other game and you'll see them with basically every character at high levels. Now go watch any MCOC stream variant and see them have to use r3 5* or r5 4* champs for every path.
  • Bonzai820Bonzai820 Member Posts: 35
    ManChild wrote: »
    It’s been 2 months since they spoke about this, but rogue has had a bug for almost a year. I have her at 4. Haven’t demanded anything from them. I’ll say it again. Everyone who is asking for RDTs most likely have a champion they just want to rank and want a free way to do it.

    I'm not complaining or begging for RDTs...but if they give them I'm dropping Mordo back to R3 and taking Sabretooth to R5 lmao!
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Who said that? If you mean me, no. I've said that the Armor might have some uses in some Tiers.
    In any event, no one said the goal was for the Champs to be equally as useful on Defense. The goal was to change MD. If you're using mediocre Defenders and boosting them with a Mastery, they're still mediocre Defenders.

    Medusa's ability is boosted by a mastery. Without parry autoblock is easy to play around and she becomes a mediocre defender. Therefore, by your logic she is currently a mediocre defender.
    She is boosted in the sense that she can Parry on an Auto. She can still Auto. She's not mediocre.

    Auto without parry is easy to play around. You can just hit her and remove the autoblock. Without a mastery she would be a mediocre defender. Her ability requires a mastery to be useful for AW defense. I am afraid you are wrong again.

    Yes. It's easier without the enhancement. Seems like stating the obvious. You can spin it however you like, but a change to the Masteries does not affect the design of the Champs themselves, and no Champ requires MD to perform as intended.

    You said "If you're using mediocre Defenders and boosting them with a Mastery, they're still mediocre Defenders." Sorry, but Medusa fits this description. A mastery is the difference between getting kills in war and not getting kills. Removal of parry would be a direct nerf of her ability. Your whole premise is that champions function the way they do apart from masteries, therefore the Mystic D nerf is not a nerf of mystic champs, but Medusa's ability actually states that auto block can trigger Parry. Therefore your premise is wrong. Therefore your conclusions are invalid.

    If that's what you call mediocre then it would fit. Unless she's capable of Parrying without the Mastery. Haven't tested it. We just disagree that she's mediocre. This is turning into a Strawman.

    Wow. Are you intentionally missing the point? She isn't mediocre. But as a defender she would be without the parry mastery. But regardless, the point is that her ability is dependent on a mastery to function optimally, something you said shouldn't be possible as "No Champ is designed that way." But she clearly was designed that way. And no, she is not capable of parrying on autoblock without the mastery.
  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    I hope we just get a rdt again in December their is 100 reasons for one at this point and it would be a lot healthier for the game to allow some flexibility both ways. Obviously they make mistakes and need to balance certain components periodically and you shouldn’t be overly punished because mystics happened to come your way.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,437 Guardian
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    chunkyb wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    ManChild wrote: »
    It was an overpowered mechanic. You knew it then. Don’t act like you didn’t. You took advantage of something that was bound to change in some way. It was a risk. Just like when I took the risk of taking aa to 5/65 and then there’s a bleed immune war season.

    Stuff happens. Stop asking for handouts. Millennials suck.

    Whether or not it was overpowered is irrelevant. It was working as intended. It hadn't changed in 2 years so in what way was it "bound to change".

    "Working as intended" is a temporal statement. It is only true relative to the current state of the game. That situation can change in the future. Something that is working as intended by explicit developer statement is not free from being changed in the future. Players are expected to adapt to some reasonable degree of game changes over time.

    Whenever something offers a significant far above average advantage in a game like this, players should assume that the advantage could paint a target on it for future downstread rebalancing. I would have bet cash that mystic dispersion was going to be changed eventually. I wouldn't know in what year that would happen, but I would have taken that bet with anyone willing to give me at least an eighteen month time horizon.

    Changes are fine imo. As long as there's proper compensation.

    In the vast majority of MMO-like games I've played (in fact, as far as I can recall this is literally all of them), game balance changes rarely come with compensation. It is pretty clear that every player playing those games is supposed to understand that the game will change right under your feet, and that's part of what you sign up for when you play them. Some changes generate compensation when they are seen as divergent enough from the norm, and the ultimate judge of what is normal is always, always the developers.

    In those games did it take 3 years before you could max out your first character?

    MMOs, like MCOC, keep adding to the top, so yes, depending on how much you played, between levels and ability unlocks and gear, it could easily take years. In fact, until relatively recently most MMOs didn't even launch with the original predesigned level cap content even *existing* at all (this is not the same thing as adding additional progressional levels on top of the cap after the fact).

    At least, this was true in City of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Warhammer Online, the Matrix Online (I never even got anywhere near the level cap before the game shut down), Rift, DCUO, Champions Online (albeit part of that was due to content gaps), SWTOR, Eve Online, Star Trek Online (if you count outfitting primary starship to T6 and max level weapons), and probably TSW, although I got nowhere near so its hard to say.
    The variant quest perfectly shows what I'm talking about. Go watch any youtuber from any other game and you'll see them with basically every character at high levels. Now go watch any MCOC stream variant and see them have to use r3 5* or r5 4* champs for every path.

    Because this game, like many MMOs, is continuing to add to the progress ladder. The reason why most players don't have a lot of r5 champs after three or four years is because r5 wasn't even an option for several of those years. In games with gear, "characters" reach the level cap quickly but they aren't top tier without the top gear which most players don't get for sometimes extremely long periods of time. You didn't even have the *opportunity* to get top tier gear in WoW unless you were in top tier guilds for quite a long time in the evolution of the game. It wasn't until the game was twice as old as MCOC is now before they really started to tackle that problem in the game. In MCOC progress isn't measured by higher tier gear but by rank up levels and champion rosters. Having a lot of r5 champs is like having all of the top gear in a game. And that doesn't typically happen very quickly except sometimes in MMO shooters.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    Who said that? If you mean me, no. I've said that the Armor might have some uses in some Tiers.
    In any event, no one said the goal was for the Champs to be equally as useful on Defense. The goal was to change MD. If you're using mediocre Defenders and boosting them with a Mastery, they're still mediocre Defenders.

    Medusa's ability is boosted by a mastery. Without parry autoblock is easy to play around and she becomes a mediocre defender. Therefore, by your logic she is currently a mediocre defender.
    She is boosted in the sense that she can Parry on an Auto. She can still Auto. She's not mediocre.

    Auto without parry is easy to play around. You can just hit her and remove the autoblock. Without a mastery she would be a mediocre defender. Her ability requires a mastery to be useful for AW defense. I am afraid you are wrong again.

    Yes. It's easier without the enhancement. Seems like stating the obvious. You can spin it however you like, but a change to the Masteries does not affect the design of the Champs themselves, and no Champ requires MD to perform as intended.

    You said "If you're using mediocre Defenders and boosting them with a Mastery, they're still mediocre Defenders." Sorry, but Medusa fits this description. A mastery is the difference between getting kills in war and not getting kills. Removal of parry would be a direct nerf of her ability. Your whole premise is that champions function the way they do apart from masteries, therefore the Mystic D nerf is not a nerf of mystic champs, but Medusa's ability actually states that auto block can trigger Parry. Therefore your premise is wrong. Therefore your conclusions are invalid.

    If that's what you call mediocre then it would fit. Unless she's capable of Parrying without the Mastery. Haven't tested it. We just disagree that she's mediocre. This is turning into a Strawman.

    Wow. Are you intentionally missing the point? She isn't mediocre. But as a defender she would be without the parry mastery. But regardless, the point is that her ability is dependent on a mastery to function optimally, something you said shouldn't be possible as "No Champ is designed that way." But she clearly was designed that way. And no, she is not capable of parrying on autoblock without the mastery.

    You did well. And in the real world, you're right. But this convo is like playing a game inside of an Mc escher picture.... With the black knight from holy grail. Tis but a flesh wound!
  • ManChildManChild Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    Don’t you guys want more than one season and 3 weeks of tanking alliances for this “data” you are demanding comes out? Wouldn’t acccuracy of the data be just as important to us and our joint arguments against kabam as it would to them? I know in our lives it’s been “months” but in this game it’s been no time at all. Just a thought....
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    chunkyb wrote: »
    Who said that? If you mean me, no. I've said that the Armor might have some uses in some Tiers.
    In any event, no one said the goal was for the Champs to be equally as useful on Defense. The goal was to change MD. If you're using mediocre Defenders and boosting them with a Mastery, they're still mediocre Defenders.

    Medusa's ability is boosted by a mastery. Without parry autoblock is easy to play around and she becomes a mediocre defender. Therefore, by your logic she is currently a mediocre defender.
    She is boosted in the sense that she can Parry on an Auto. She can still Auto. She's not mediocre.

    Auto without parry is easy to play around. You can just hit her and remove the autoblock. Without a mastery she would be a mediocre defender. Her ability requires a mastery to be useful for AW defense. I am afraid you are wrong again.

    Yes. It's easier without the enhancement. Seems like stating the obvious. You can spin it however you like, but a change to the Masteries does not affect the design of the Champs themselves, and no Champ requires MD to perform as intended.

    You said "If you're using mediocre Defenders and boosting them with a Mastery, they're still mediocre Defenders." Sorry, but Medusa fits this description. A mastery is the difference between getting kills in war and not getting kills. Removal of parry would be a direct nerf of her ability. Your whole premise is that champions function the way they do apart from masteries, therefore the Mystic D nerf is not a nerf of mystic champs, but Medusa's ability actually states that auto block can trigger Parry. Therefore your premise is wrong. Therefore your conclusions are invalid.

    If that's what you call mediocre then it would fit. Unless she's capable of Parrying without the Mastery. Haven't tested it. We just disagree that she's mediocre. This is turning into a Strawman.

    Wow. Are you intentionally missing the point? She isn't mediocre. But as a defender she would be without the parry mastery. But regardless, the point is that her ability is dependent on a mastery to function optimally, something you said shouldn't be possible as "No Champ is designed that way." But she clearly was designed that way. And no, she is not capable of parrying on autoblock without the mastery.

    You did well. And in the real world, you're right. But this convo is like playing a game inside of an Mc escher picture.... With the black knight from holy grail. Tis but a flesh wound!

    Sorry, I don't draw my sword for a scarecrow.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    chunkyb wrote: »
    Who said that? If you mean me, no. I've said that the Armor might have some uses in some Tiers.
    In any event, no one said the goal was for the Champs to be equally as useful on Defense. The goal was to change MD. If you're using mediocre Defenders and boosting them with a Mastery, they're still mediocre Defenders.

    Medusa's ability is boosted by a mastery. Without parry autoblock is easy to play around and she becomes a mediocre defender. Therefore, by your logic she is currently a mediocre defender.
    She is boosted in the sense that she can Parry on an Auto. She can still Auto. She's not mediocre.

    Auto without parry is easy to play around. You can just hit her and remove the autoblock. Without a mastery she would be a mediocre defender. Her ability requires a mastery to be useful for AW defense. I am afraid you are wrong again.

    Yes. It's easier without the enhancement. Seems like stating the obvious. You can spin it however you like, but a change to the Masteries does not affect the design of the Champs themselves, and no Champ requires MD to perform as intended.

    You said "If you're using mediocre Defenders and boosting them with a Mastery, they're still mediocre Defenders." Sorry, but Medusa fits this description. A mastery is the difference between getting kills in war and not getting kills. Removal of parry would be a direct nerf of her ability. Your whole premise is that champions function the way they do apart from masteries, therefore the Mystic D nerf is not a nerf of mystic champs, but Medusa's ability actually states that auto block can trigger Parry. Therefore your premise is wrong. Therefore your conclusions are invalid.

    If that's what you call mediocre then it would fit. Unless she's capable of Parrying without the Mastery. Haven't tested it. We just disagree that she's mediocre. This is turning into a Strawman.

    Wow. Are you intentionally missing the point? She isn't mediocre. But as a defender she would be without the parry mastery. But regardless, the point is that her ability is dependent on a mastery to function optimally, something you said shouldn't be possible as "No Champ is designed that way." But she clearly was designed that way. And no, she is not capable of parrying on autoblock without the mastery.

    You did well. And in the real world, you're right. But this convo is like playing a game inside of an Mc escher picture.... With the black knight from holy grail. Tis but a flesh wound!

    Sorry, I don't draw my sword for a scarecrow.

    LMAO my argument was not a straw man. It was a reductio ad absurdum. If we grant your premise we must conclude that Medusa is a mediocre defender. She is not, therefore your premise is false. Also, she gives the lie to your premise about the relationship between masteries and champs. But if you want to insist that it's just a flesh wound while you are sitting there with your legs cut off as @chunkyb suggests have at it lol
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    You can lead a horse to water...
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Perhaps you should try turning the horse around.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Are you saying you are the horse's... lol don't want to get jailed and don't want to continue derailing the thread. If you can't or won't see that the parry mastery is included in her ability description in a way that kills your argument we will just go back and forth to no purpose.
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