What rank up decision did you make that went against popular opinion?
For me, I ranked up Wolverine over Archangel because I still rely on regeneration due to my modest skill set. Many said it was crazy but I haven’t regretted it at all.
What’s your rank up decision that defied popular opinion?
What’s your rank up decision that defied popular opinion?
Wow - that’s what I’m talking about! I personally wouldn’t do that but you do you! It’s about the champs that fit your play style.
Yeah I don’t think anyone would. But I love me some Yondu.
I also used a 5* Mystic Awakening Gem on Doctor Strange and will be bringing him to 4/55 soon.
Took CB to rank 4 > still my main counter against evade champs.
Many considered it a questionable decision at the time
His duped (sig 40) .. and my only duped 5* ...
and my other 5* at the time (when 5* first came out): Black Panther, Storm and Starlord (all unduped) ..
Haven't regretted it .. he tanks all the fodder quite nicely .. and is pretty dang hard to kill .. even with degen nodes, spiked armor, etc, etc ... lol
It wasn’t a popular choice, but I still love Ultron. In fact, I may make my last act in game to awaken him, max him at L200 and take him to R5.
Dr. Zola
Lol I remember that. It was when he was announced to get buffed though.
Don't have one but just loved his character from the movie.