Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th



  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★
    AndiYTDE said:

    IKON said:

    You guys realize that 4* are still useable in 99% of content?

    Do you realize that this may only be the start? If we remain silent now, then who knows what´s about to come.
    Slippery slopes are not a thing. And this is definitely not one.
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  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    HC_Boss said:

    If the 4* ban don’t get lifted off this story quest consider me out so many will quit and your game will die eventually slowly more and more people are leaving this game this will make loads more leave at a much faster rate do the right thing kabam or watch the game crumble beneath your feet

    more are leaving maybe.
    i dunno if that rate has changed or not.
    but there are also new players coming daily as well.
  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★
    AndiYTDE said:

    IKON said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    IKON said:

    You guys realize that 4* are still useable in 99% of content?

    Do you realize that this may only be the start? If we remain silent now, then who knows what´s about to come.
    Slippery slopes are not a thing. And this is definitely not one.
    Then you definitely don´t know what Kabam is capable of...
    Slippery slopes are a fallacy. They could remove this requirement, and make chapter 2 6* only. One action does not depend on the other. They are in full control
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  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★
    Act 6 is clearly intended for people who finished act5 100%, Variant 100% and LOL (at least once). Anyone who's done that has a great 5* roster already. Its not a whale/not whale thing. Its a finished content/not finished content thing.
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  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    I don't find the champion requirements inherently a bad thing, my big issue is that many of my 4* champs are better than my 6* ones... For those of us with terrible 6* champs we may often fill in the gaps with a 4* champ or two. Why should we be punished for the amount of garbage that exists in the rarest crystal in the game?
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    AndiYTDE said:

    IKON said:

    You guys realize that 4* are still useable in 99% of content?

    Do you realize that this may only be the start? If we remain silent now, then who knows what´s about to come.
    This - exactly this.
    In my posts saying that this move is Kabam making 4* irrelevant, I'm obviously not suggesting that 4* can't be used at all. They can obviously be used in Arena as well as content previous to this. Maybe even future special event and challenge content.

    But who is to say that this isn't them testing the waters for their new direction?
    Two and Three star characters became naturally phased out as four star characters became more relevant and as five and especially six star characters were introduced and had their pools grow.

    Four star characters however, are still very relevant. Yes, they're becoming less so... but only as five and six star characters become more available. Four star characters are still very relevant and are used by many people to fill the gaps in their rosters, activate synergies or tackle challenging content when their five or six star roster can't quite do it. Four stars are also still relatively expensive to rank up... so it's not like we're not investing in them. Crystals, awards (like sig stones and awakening gems) are still geared towards improving four star characters.

    This move however, isn't a natural progress... it's Kabam ACTIVELY pushing them out of relevancy. Yes, maybe it's JUST for this chapter... but the move itself is still extremely hostile and concerning. So maybe it's situational or maybe it's contextual, but as far as act 6 is concerned. Four star characters are completely irrelevant. But what's even worse? They haven't addressed the issue of the gap they're creating.

    Two and Three stars only really lost relevancy as four stars became much more available.

    Five and Six star crystals still cost 10k shards. They still require finishing end game content... and if end game content will now require five and six stars, that only increases the gap. That's not even mentioning: "Oh hey, here's a new act which restricts content to five and six stars. But wait! Good news... for completing it you get access to a crystal which guarentees you five and six star champions."

    Because that's not even the case... we get access to a crystal which gives us three star champions. Awesome.

  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★
    AndiYTDE said:

    IKON said:

    Act 6 is clearly intended for people who finished act5 100%, Variant 100% and LOL (at least once). Anyone who's done that has a great 5* roster already. Its not a whale/not whale thing. Its a finished content/not finished content thing.

    Act 6 is intended for people who completed Act 5. At least it should be. Getting through all of the content you mentioned is possible with 4* champions. I have played the game for over 3 years, done most of the content in game and still don´t have a 5*/6* roster that is needed for Act 6 for 2 reasons:
    -I rarely spend money on the game, thus I am lacking champions/rankup materials.
    -I have had some bad RNG luck. My 5* Star Lord has been unawakened for over a year now.
    If Act 6 was that way, everyone would be lighting up the forums because rewards were way less.
    Also, Act 5 is not just for people who did act 4 either. Theres a big difficulty jump.
  • Qu1ckshoT32_GamingQu1ckshoT32_Gaming Member Posts: 153 ★★
    IKON said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    IKON said:

    Act 6 is clearly intended for people who finished act5 100%, Variant 100% and LOL (at least once). Anyone who's done that has a great 5* roster already. Its not a whale/not whale thing. Its a finished content/not finished content thing.

    Act 6 is intended for people who completed Act 5. At least it should be. Getting through all of the content you mentioned is possible with 4* champions. I have played the game for over 3 years, done most of the content in game and still don´t have a 5*/6* roster that is needed for Act 6 for 2 reasons:
    -I rarely spend money on the game, thus I am lacking champions/rankup materials.
    -I have had some bad RNG luck. My 5* Star Lord has been unawakened for over a year now.
    If Act 6 was that way, everyone would be lighting up the forums because rewards were way less.
    Also, Act 5 is not just for people who did act 4 either. Theres a big difficulty jump.
    What is your point? The only way to even access act 5 is by completing act 4. Just because you can beat act 4 doesn't mean you can beat act 5, but that's irrelevant to the point that you can still actually enter the quest with the champions you have.
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    Hulk_77 said:

    I'm like 9 pages behind the conversation, but has anyone suggested that instead of the restriction being by star level, why not instead make it by challenge rating?

    If the restriction was to bring a champ it needed to be at least 100 challenge rating, that would still allow 4*s that have been taken to rank 5, and also not allow 5*s that are below rank 3.

    good idea.
    i actually like it!!!!
    kabam should take note and listen to this.
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  • _Kill_Switch__Kill_Switch_ Member Posts: 275 ★★
    Great. More unavoidable damage 😭 and really lackluster rewards. Although I don't doubt they'll get MUCH better as the Act progresses... but at what cost?
  • UltimatheoryUltimatheory Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    I'm wondering if the people complaining about this have done every other piece of content in the game 100% yet. This has been advertised as the final Act to the story. They probably intend it to be done after all other content is completed.

    I can empathize with those with terrible RNG though. I like @Hulk_77 post above about Challenger Rating being a requirement rather than star level.
  • Hulk_77Hulk_77 Member Posts: 782 ★★★

    So no tetreat gives a PASSIVE degen?!?! Does this mean that Gladiator Hulk will get face me from it? Like Starburst? Or is it just gonna tear me a new one for baiting a special, even with my Gulk that RNG gave me as both a 5 and a 6 star?

    Passive debuffs activate Face Me, so he is going to face roll anything with those buffs.
  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★
    I'm done with this. Hope y'all still complaining while i enjoy my act 6 rewards.
  • WabobaWaboba Member Posts: 271 ★★
    edited March 2019
    Savage_ said:

    A 4 star completed this. Just saying

    How did ya do it without dying to Reverb, Dorm's degen and some other annoying champs with a 4* rank 1??
    Impressive @Savage_
    Btw, how many units did ya use to 100%, or did ya wasted your whole stash?
  • _Kill_Switch__Kill_Switch_ Member Posts: 275 ★★
    Inimico said:

    Guys, read the no retreat node properly. When you dash back, a degen timer starts for 1.2 seconds but you DON’T get damaged. Only if you dash back again while it’s active will you get damaged. It’s possible to avoid it by just not dashing back twice in quick succession?

    The SP block damage is going to be through the roof seeing as some specials require you to evades more than one attack or projectile.
    Also, they'll probably ensure a stun immune node is thrown in there lol
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,508 ★★★★
    Definitely is motivating me to work on finishing Act 4. Thankfully others can check Act 6 out and help with advice and tips before I get there. I wish them well.
  • Suros_moonSuros_moon Member Posts: 490 ★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Kobster84 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Seatin said:

    This game should be about skill & strategy

    It has always been about twitch skill, strategy, and roster progress. And of those three, one of them is the foundation the game is built on, and unlikely to be altered by asking.
    Why shouldn’t a skilled player be allowed to do content with 4*
    Why shouldn't a very intelligent player with arthritis be allowed to play the game turn-based?

    That's not a rhetorical question. It always seems easy and obvious to assert that some particular combination of factors is the "right" ones, and everyone else is just wrong. But the fact that this game rewards twitch skills is completely arbitrary. It is equally arbitrary, and equally reasonable, to gauge and gate progress by roster building as anything else.

    I have some concerns about the gating: synergies for example seems to be a grey area when it comes to this kind of restriction. But at the end of the day, all gates are arbitrary. You must be level 40, you must be uncollected, you must be able to afford the entry cost. Why can't someone just download the game, pick any champions they want, and then test their skills against Labyrinth? Because this is not that kind of game.

    A true skills-only game would allow me to run any content I want with any champions I choose without having to grind to acquire them. But this is not that kind of game.

    Why shouldn't a skilled player be allowed to do content with 4* champs? Here's the converse question. Why should any player be allowed to bypass the process of building a wide and high ranking roster, when that's one of the objectives of the game? Why should twitch skills be prioritized over roster building? What makes that objectively better?
    Because the common assertion is that skill can be aquired and manifested completely by the user. But a good roster is completely out of their hands. Locking content behind an RNG gate is rather rodiculous. Some characters are objectively better than others which means you have a chance of being effectively locked out of this content indefinetley on the basis of not having a way to gurantee your roster becomes better. Having the variety between the three upper tiers helped to diminish this. Saying the gate SHOULD be abritrary doesnt meant it is. Hitting a level cap is also a false equivalency. Grinding XP and maxing your level is a guranteed progression. You arent going to earn it any more slowly for having a worse team. You beat X content you get Y xp. Crystals and rosters are not like this. I cant beat act 5 and get Ghost or Blade. Hell someone could open threee crystals and get three amazing pulls while i open 30 dupes. Even in this exadgerated state the idea that my progression is now completely locked, not tied, to a good roster isnt progression. Its artificial difficulty much like the PI and health pools in LOL.
  • HC_BossHC_Boss Member Posts: 34
    IKON said:

    You guys realize that 4* are still useable in 99% of content?

    So why can’t they just take the ban off they will gain more taking the ban off then leaving it there
  • 1_ShuNeu_11_ShuNeu_1 Member Posts: 375 ★★★
    My main is prestige 7800, i also have a small second account with three 5*s
    This requirement is totally dumb, ive been losing interest in the game lately and this is another slap in the face.

    Totally pointless -- destroys syncs and demands pay to win.
    My main could likley do it but even variant requires massive units.
    Act 6 will be a total unit drain.
  • WabobaWaboba Member Posts: 271 ★★
    MaatMan said:

    Savage_ said:

    A 4 star completed this. Just saying

    not saying u r wrong.
    you maybe did.
    CapIW is a beast

    but that image shows nothing at all.
    it shows you have a team in a quest that had already been completed.
    does not show that team doin anything at all.
    @MaatMan he is lvl 41, he probably does't have any better champs(avengers and gotg) to do 100%, he is either a hacker or a god.
  • HC_BossHC_Boss Member Posts: 34
    IKON said:

    Act 6 is clearly intended for people who finished act5 100%, Variant 100% and LOL (at least once). Anyone who's done that has a great 5* roster already. Its not a whale/not whale thing. Its a finished content/not finished content thing.

    Act 5 100% all I have to show for it is a 5* sparky which a global node in act 6 counters my sparky have no
    Sym supreme
    Nothing capable of getting through this content and I’ll tell you right now no one here in this community or who works for kabam will complete act 6 with a duped 5* groot to make the story mode roster dependant on a rng game is a **** choice to do not one game ever created has stopped its community on players to completing the story mode kabam are doing that right now at least 65% of this community will have the skill to do it but not the roster is that fair no I don’t think so so stop being a troll kabam needs to listen here it’s very important to keeping there game alive if they ignore everyone here then we’ll thats reason enough to sack this game off and put no more time and effort in it
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,439 ★★★★★

    I'm wondering if the people complaining about this have done every other piece of content in the game 100% yet. This has been advertised as the final Act to the story. They probably intend it to be done after all other content is completed.

    I can empathize with those with terrible RNG though. I like @Hulk_77 post above about Challenger Rating being a requirement rather than star level.

    Surely you aren’t suggesting there should be a 100% LoL/Variant/Maze requirement for Act 6, just like RttL is a prequisite for LoL...?

    Dr. Zola
  • trmeccatrmecca Member Posts: 24
    So, you restriction 4* champions, but the end game content has a high probability to reward you with 3/4* champs which your couldn't use to begin with. What's the rationale here? So a 5*r1 has more value than anything below it.
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