Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,093 ★★★★★
    Snizzbar said:

    Any Offer is just going to be attached to this with some anterior motive accusation.

    For all intensive purposes an anterior motive would make more sense.
    If you're looking for some dubious cause then alteior motives always make sense. However, that doesn't make them a reality, just an unhappy mind trying to prove its own mistrust.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,093 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    Dshu said:

    @GroundedWisdom didn't someone just post that you only recently became uncollected??

    Months ago, yes. That has nothing to do with 4*s not being allowed into Act 6, and has everything to do with people trying to take the conversation off-course by making personal digs.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,563 Guardian
    Snizzbar said:

    Any Offer is just going to be attached to this with some anterior motive accusation.

    For all intensive purposes an anterior motive would make more sense.
    Hello sarkness my old friend.
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    edited March 2019
    DNA3000 said:

    Bidzy7 said:

    In all honesty i cant think of any other game that prevents progress based on rarity that can't be farmed.

    I can think of a game that is accused of this all the time. This one. And every time it happens, the statement is that, yes, this has happened in the past before, but this time its different. This is just another time when it is different.

    And in this case, I don't see it as preventing progress based on rarity that can't be farmed. People keep saying its all about luck, but I don't see this as having anything to do with luck. To assemble a small perfect team takes enormous luck, and since I don't have that kind of luck I assume that's impossible and forget about it immediately. Instead, my strategy is to assemble the widest, most diverse roster possible by trying to generate as many crystal openings as possible, and focusing those in directions I believe are statistically most likely to generate wide rosters. For example, I recently did an experiment of opening sixteen featured crystals in a row. I did that in part because at the time I didn't have almost any of the champs in the featured crystal. I don't think in terms of the one special lucky pull, so I don't value the crystal in terms of "god tier champs." I viewed it in terms of ability to generate new pulls, and decided to take a shot at it accordingly. I'm now pulling basics because I've shifted my strategy: I'm now perfectly fine with duplicating champs, because dups generate 6* shards and I'm trying to build up my 6* roster as quickly as is possible for my current playstyle.

    None of these things is luck, none of these things relies on luck, and no matter how bad my luck is, anything within the reasonable realm of possibility wouldn't invalidate any of my gameplay strategies. Luck is great, but I don't need luck, and don't rely on luck. I rely on long term averages and efficiency.

    Here's what luck means to me. Every 5* pull is either a new champ or a dup. All my new champs are great for me, because it means I can grind more or more efficiently in the arena. All my dups are great for me, because it means I get closer to my next 6* champ. If you locked all my 5* crystal openings to be Hulkbuster from now to the end of time, that would be horrible luck, and yet it would also mean every pull generated 6* shards, and then Hulkbuster would get maxed out and then every pull would generate a max signature crystal. I can live with that: I'd pour signature stones into Hulkbuster if I knew this would happen, to speed it along. Luck doesn't matter to me in the long run, because my playstyle insulates me from the worst downsides of random chance.

    Maybe this is less about strategy and more about perspective. I choose to have a useful perspective.
    i agree with what you are saying.
    I never opene featured personal.
    i play the numbers game.
    mor crystals, more chance of something decent.

    there is one singular exception to that where i once opened 6 featured crystals and this was for CAIW as he is my fave marvel character.
    i was lucky and got him.
    but before that and since then have never opened featured.
    it is my belief that the potential reward of 2 Corvus's is not worth the risk of 2 Hulkbusters
    when i could just have 3 of whatever.
    I like to play the game of Play with wat i have not what i want.
    i have got some great champs but i cant make any of these synergy teams with 5*.

    what i do have is diversity that can hopefully allow me to tailor a team based on wat i need.
    my first 4/55 wass Elektra. and if i get a skill gem i will use it on her cus there is not point keeping sitting there wasting away in the hope that i get an aegon and then when i do its another 3 months to rank him.
    i would rather put it to use straight away on a champ that may not be as deserving of others if you read a tier list, but is more deserving of any other champ in my roster.
    it is not a waste to use it on her. it is a waste to let it sit and do nothing.
  • BirdReynoldsBirdReynolds Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    I just want to point this out, even though I know I’ll be burned at the stake for it.

    Everyone complaining that this roadblock is a pure cash grab (it’s not, their other reasons are logical, though I don’t agree entirely with the implementation) and that it’s going to kill free to play players, Kabam is a company and this game is a product. They don’t make it purely because they love Marvel or out of unbridled kindness. They NEED to make money. Part of what this roadblock does is it ensures they will continue to generate revenue well into the future.
    And really, it doesn’t kill the free to play experience. Everything in this game has always been achievable for free, given the trade off of time for money. Yeah it will take longer and take more time in game grinding, but so what? You’re getting this deep, complex game entirely for free. There’s no content you have to pay to unlock, there’s no impenetrable paywall that other games have, potions and revives are easily farmable, as are champion crystals and rank up resources. Kabam has actually done a great job of allowing free players to progress compared to other games and developers.
    So people who pay can tackle newer and harder content a little sooner, so what? They pay for that opportunity.
    At the end of the day, they’re a business and they need to make money. There’s far more grimy, overtly cash grabby things they’ve done in the past. This one really isn’t that bad.
    And before I get burned alive, I’d like to reiterate that I’m not a huge fan of the 4* roadblock. But I get it and I’ll move on.
  • IsItthoughIsItthough Member Posts: 254 ★★
    @Kabam Miike I’m still hoping to find out if beta testers were held to 5 and 6 star champs. It seems very odd to dodge this question a simple yes or no.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    @Kabam Miike I’m still hoping to find out if beta testers were held to 5 and 6 star champs. It seems very odd to dodge this question a simple yes or no.

    Already answered. Yes. 5/6*s only.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    I can understand why people are upset though, some people only have certain characters as 4* for synergy purposes so they use that champ as they the highest tier they have to fill that synergy slot.

    Yeah. And some don’t think they can clear the content without having those synergies. 😂
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    If they banned 3 stars from act 5 that takes away many progressing summoners synergies away. I only have 3 star versions of black bolt and Karnak (Medusa) and wasp and hood (ghost) Frankly, Kabam is eliminating synergies that they’ve made too op (heimdall, and now nick fury) unless you can get them as 5 or 6 stars. Some champs are completely left in the dust. (Abomination, war machine, etc) I know it’s a tired point by now, but I haven’t seen anyone come up with a good counter argument to the synergy aspect of things— all the decent arguments have been about how you wouldn’t be able to beat act 6 with 4 stars anyway etc etc.
  • LodockLodock Member Posts: 32
    edited March 2019
    Kabam I have a simple solution that I think would help both parties here, instead of completely cutting out 4* champs, why not just ban any 4* that's isn't R5.
    Allowing people still use skill, instead of having luck for 5* champs.
    Still giving us a chance to one day get the 4* champ as a 5* instead of completely cutting our rosters
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    edited March 2019
    When your 5 star luck is rough then you can understand. The game is pure rng and then limits how often you can roll that rng. This along with a strong metas makes it hard when decisions like this are made.

    On top of this the game is being built toward needing hard counters to beat content/champs without paying to win. You combine all these it becomes a model of either you are lucky, you p2w, or you wait for you turn(based off luck) regardless of effort and skill.

    I say this with a roster that has likely what is needed but still missing some hard counters. I’ve never built around synergies but that Iceman in there will be painful for me(no 5*/6* coldsnap counter). I won’t be overly impacted by this but overall this is a bad decision and a slap in the player face as well who have made investments for these reasons.
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  • LodockLodock Member Posts: 32
    Instead of completely making them useless, why not put the restriction of 4* champs having to be R5?
    As in no 4* champ can be allowed into act 6, unless they are R5. Saving both parties this whole argument
  • Brutus2099Brutus2099 Member Posts: 52

    They NEED to make money. Part of what this roadblock does is it ensures they will continue to generate revenue well into the future.

    Allowing 4* which are obviously not optimal for the harder content would likely generate more and continued revenue through use of boost, potions and revives.

    The gate won’t have the revenue effect they desire instead people will see it as a game they can be bothered putting time into anymore and stop playing and they will lose potential revenue.

    As a business case this road block is a suicidal business model.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    MaatMan said:

    in fact i just checked your profile.
    and saw you have already commented there.
    so why do you fdeel the need to start another thread when you already know the discussion is taking place elsewhere?

    Cause he needs attention. Lol
  • LodockLodock Member Posts: 32
    How skrull of me
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    axelelf_1 said:

    All this talk about money, you don't need to spend. By the time you make it to Act 6, you have a decent amount of 5*s. Plain and simple. Reagrdless of whether you have all the best or not. If not, the whole roadblock idea is more sound because people are making it there with underdeveloped Accounts. Bottom line is, no one needs to spend. You get Champs from playing the game. The real issue is people want to do it the day it comes out, and don't want to wait. That's entirely possible. If you're sitting around waiting fot God Tier drops, then yes, you'll have to wait. Either way, all you need is 5*s and 6*s. The rest is just conjecture. Any Offer is just going to be attached to this with some anterior motive accusation.

    Actually, no, that’s incorrect. I ranked my 4* max sig Morningstar, Ghulk, Guilly, and numerous others up because I know I won’t r4 their 5* version, especially unduped. Now I’m supposed to rank my 5*s up because of this restriction. I sunk a lot of freak’n resources into my 4*s. So, yeah, I’m pissed. It’s nothing but a cheap money grab because they decided they need bigger boats.

    I have the roster for act 6: 3 r5s, 15 r4s, and 8 6*s. Doesn’t change the fact that this b.s. move has me edging closer to quitting than I’ve been since 12.0.

    No. It has nothing to do with money at all.
    Did you think that 4*s were going to carry through the duration of the game? Act 7? A new EQ Difficulty? Who knows what's in the future? The game is not such that whatever you Rank will carry you through everything. It's built on continually Ranking to progress.
    It's one Quest that they're not allowing 4*s into. All of a sudden people are calling them obsolete and useless, and claiming they're just money-grubbing. If that isn't dramatic, I don't know what is.
    If they made people pay to enter the Quest, I'd see some validity in the argument of money. However, as the case is, it just means you can't use 4*s and have to use 5 and up. In one aspect of the game. You can use them everywhere else.
    Well, that’s somewhat true. As much as it sucks to not be able to do content NOW, just be patient and wait for the champs IF people are adamant that that champ is the ONLY possibility to carry them through that path.

    Most of the defenders have alternative counters instead of the common usual ones, many of such counters are old champs that have been in the 5* pool for years.

    As much as I disagree with limiting the entry to 5/6*s, it’s definitely something that can be worked around.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Anyway, @Lodock , A6 isn’t for someone with 2 R4s. Take some time to build your roster first. 😒
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,093 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    xNig said:

    axelelf_1 said:

    All this talk about money, you don't need to spend. By the time you make it to Act 6, you have a decent amount of 5*s. Plain and simple. Reagrdless of whether you have all the best or not. If not, the whole roadblock idea is more sound because people are making it there with underdeveloped Accounts. Bottom line is, no one needs to spend. You get Champs from playing the game. The real issue is people want to do it the day it comes out, and don't want to wait. That's entirely possible. If you're sitting around waiting fot God Tier drops, then yes, you'll have to wait. Either way, all you need is 5*s and 6*s. The rest is just conjecture. Any Offer is just going to be attached to this with some anterior motive accusation.

    Actually, no, that’s incorrect. I ranked my 4* max sig Morningstar, Ghulk, Guilly, and numerous others up because I know I won’t r4 their 5* version, especially unduped. Now I’m supposed to rank my 5*s up because of this restriction. I sunk a lot of freak’n resources into my 4*s. So, yeah, I’m pissed. It’s nothing but a cheap money grab because they decided they need bigger boats.

    I have the roster for act 6: 3 r5s, 15 r4s, and 8 6*s. Doesn’t change the fact that this b.s. move has me edging closer to quitting than I’ve been since 12.0.

    No. It has nothing to do with money at all.
    Did you think that 4*s were going to carry through the duration of the game? Act 7? A new EQ Difficulty? Who knows what's in the future? The game is not such that whatever you Rank will carry you through everything. It's built on continually Ranking to progress.
    It's one Quest that they're not allowing 4*s into. All of a sudden people are calling them obsolete and useless, and claiming they're just money-grubbing. If that isn't dramatic, I don't know what is.
    If they made people pay to enter the Quest, I'd see some validity in the argument of money. However, as the case is, it just means you can't use 4*s and have to use 5 and up. In one aspect of the game. You can use them everywhere else.
    Well, that’s somewhat true. As much as it sucks to not be able to do content NOW, just be patient and wait for the champs IF people are adamant that that champ is the ONLY possibility to carry them through that path.

    Most of the defenders have alternative counters instead of the common usual ones, many of such counters are old champs that have been in the 5* pool for years.

    As much as I disagree with limiting the entry to 5/6*s, it’s definitely something that can be worked around.
    Absolutely. That's the largest point I'm trying to get across. It isn't a damning thing, and its not necessary to go out and buy Crystals like mad. It just means looking at what you already have and trying to find a way through it.
  • LodockLodock Member Posts: 32
    Time to build my roster? LMAO seriously? I have bad luck for 5*. Hence why I only have 2 at r4/55 and btw I have 1 final chapter to compete for act 5.
    Sorry I don't splurge at every opportunity like you for another 5*
  • Doomsfist79Doomsfist79 Member Posts: 922 ★★★

    They NEED to make money. Part of what this roadblock does is it ensures they will continue to generate revenue well into the future.

    As a business case this road block is a suicidal business model.
    I sincerely doubt this will be the death knell. There’s too many big spenders both above and below the group most affected by this.

    axelelf_1 said:

    All this talk about money, you don't need to spend. By the time you make it to Act 6, you have a decent amount of 5*s. Plain and simple. Reagrdless of whether you have all the best or not. If not, the whole roadblock idea is more sound because people are making it there with underdeveloped Accounts. Bottom line is, no one needs to spend. You get Champs from playing the game. The real issue is people want to do it the day it comes out, and don't want to wait. That's entirely possible. If you're sitting around waiting fot God Tier drops, then yes, you'll have to wait. Either way, all you need is 5*s and 6*s. The rest is just conjecture. Any Offer is just going to be attached to this with some anterior motive accusation.

    Actually, no, that’s incorrect. I ranked my 4* max sig Morningstar, Ghulk, Guilly, and numerous others up because I know I won’t r4 their 5* version, especially unduped. Now I’m supposed to rank my 5*s up because of this restriction. I sunk a lot of freak’n resources into my 4*s. So, yeah, I’m pissed. It’s nothing but a cheap money grab because they decided they need bigger boats.

    I have the roster for act 6: 3 r5s, 15 r4s, and 8 6*s. Doesn’t change the fact that this b.s. move has me edging closer to quitting than I’ve been since 12.0.

    No. It has nothing to do with money at all.
    That’s just a silly and naive thing to say. It’s not ALL about money would be more accurate. You may enjoy defending everything that doesn’t negatively affect you, or play devils advocate, or whatever. But saying that a decision that causes some to choose to spend, and others to withhold their money or quit altogether, has nothing to do with money is ridiculous.
    If you can associate the decision to restrict 4*s directly and undeniably to money, I will retract my statement. Otherwise, it's not about money at all. It's about isolating the demographic.
    That’s easy.. just look at the current gmcs they have in game currently that are changing every hour.. you can’t use 4* in act 6.. so now you can buy the 5* you might need lol
  • FyrintenimarFyrintenimar Member Posts: 55
    My biggest issue with disallowing 4* is how arbitrary it feels. If the goal is to ensure a "mature roster" I'd recommend using PI requirements.
    After all, all that it takes to field a team of 5* is to have 5 of them. Does that really show I have a mature roster? 5* all the way up to rank 3 are roughly on par with my 4*s PI wise. This form of gating they have chosen would technically allow a player to enter Act 6 with a team that is roughly on par with rank 3 4* champs. Hardly proof of a mature roster.
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