Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th



  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,085 ★★★★★
    Here’s why this is a scam - every single person here would prefer a 5/50 4-star champ in the top 20% of the pool to 80% of 5-star champs at 3/45. Easier to dupe. Easier to boost sig level. Easier to build synergies.

    Story mode has never had a cap for level or champs. T2a have only recently started to become widely available (a couple on calendars and reduced glory prices). That means a few team spots are likely going to 5/50 or 3/45 champs. Talented players shouldn’t suddenly, arbitrarily be restricted from using them.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Kobster84 said:

    xNig said:

    Kobster84 said:

    xNig said:

    And to add to my previous comment,

    Act 6 was designed for players with multiple 5* R5s and a deep deep 5* R4/6* roster.

    Going in with 4*s is not wise and will most probably cost you more than you’re prepared to spend. Afterwhich people with underdeveloped rosters will just scream money grab.

    It’s not “30k PI is easy”. It’s “30k PI WITH nodes on”. I could go on further but wait till it’s out then I’ll comment.

    So if I can takedown a 22k ultron stun immune with an 800 starlord I’ll struggle using a 6-7k champ against a 30k champ
    Show it. 😊

    How about a 30k Ultron with Impart, Aggression Regen and EMP?
    Ah yes because they are going to give a normal enemy the boss nodes of all 3 variant nodes but in all seriousness I’d probably use gulk and as it’s only 30k shouldn’t take too long
    Lol. We’ll see. 😊
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    AndiYTDE said:

    axelelf_1 said:

    That´s a great example as well: I have one-shot that 40k PI Ultron twice with 4* R5 champions: Star Lord and IW Captain America. Remember: Ultron does have armor up, evade and he regenerates a lot of health. Plus, I was not able to use specials. So why are the same champions not capable of taking down 22.5k-38k champions?

    Because that Ultron is un-noded? Lol
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    AndiYTDE said:

    When will people learn that there are some trolls here who, no matter what you say, will always speak against the majority just because they want to? Stop feeding them.
    I have done Act 5 100%, Variant and every Uncollected Monthly EQ with mainly 4* champions without spending any units/barely using any items and I see no reason why I should bring my R1 unawakened 5* Star Lord into Act 6 instead of my 4* R5 Sig 99 Star Lord.

    Variant as well? With mainly 4* champs? Do you have a screenshot to prove it?
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Anyway, doesn’t matter what I say. It seems that Kabam is adamant with keeping the 5/6* requirements so the playerbase just have to adapt to it.
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    axelelf_1 said:

    That´s a great example as well: I have one-shot that 40k PI Ultron twice with 4* R5 champions: Star Lord and IW Captain America. Remember: Ultron does have armor up, evade and he regenerates a lot of health. Plus, I was not able to use specials. So why are the same champions not capable of taking down 22.5k-38k champions?

    Because that Ultron is un-noded? Lol
    He isn’t unnoded cant use specials and he has extra regen but yes nothing too hard
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Kobster84 said:

    xNig said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    axelelf_1 said:

    That´s a great example as well: I have one-shot that 40k PI Ultron twice with 4* R5 champions: Star Lord and IW Captain America. Remember: Ultron does have armor up, evade and he regenerates a lot of health. Plus, I was not able to use specials. So why are the same champions not capable of taking down 22.5k-38k champions?

    Because that Ultron is un-noded? Lol
    He isn’t unnoded cant use specials and he has extra regen but yes nothing too hard
    Those aren’t even nodes. Lol. Wait till 6.1 is launched and you’ll see what kind of stuffs are in there.

    Tbh a content gate will work better than a roster gate but if that’s what Kabam wants, it’s their game. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • axelelf_1axelelf_1 Member Posts: 775 ★★★
    xNig said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    When will people learn that there are some trolls here who, no matter what you say, will always speak against the majority just because they want to? Stop feeding them.
    I have done Act 5 100%, Variant and every Uncollected Monthly EQ with mainly 4* champions without spending any units/barely using any items and I see no reason why I should bring my R1 unawakened 5* Star Lord into Act 6 instead of my 4* R5 Sig 99 Star Lord.

    Variant as well? With mainly 4* champs? Do you have a screenshot to prove it?
    My goodness, you don’t believe anything people say. Always asking for proof. Just because people are better than you and can do variant with 4*s doesn’t mean they’re lying.

    My 4* medusa owned 5.4.6 ultron, moreso than any of my 5* champs. My 4* morningstar cleared every act 5 resistor line.

    4*s are undeniably viable in end game content. All this restriction does is make Kabam money. That. Is. It.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    xNig said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    When will people learn that there are some trolls here who, no matter what you say, will always speak against the majority just because they want to? Stop feeding them.
    I have done Act 5 100%, Variant and every Uncollected Monthly EQ with mainly 4* champions without spending any units/barely using any items and I see no reason why I should bring my R1 unawakened 5* Star Lord into Act 6 instead of my 4* R5 Sig 99 Star Lord.

    Variant as well? With mainly 4* champs? Do you have a screenshot to prove it?

    plenty more videos on youtube to go find.

    Someone also did the easy path of LoL with a 4* Aegon.
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    axelelf_1 said:

    That’s what I cleared the initiative trials with. No problem.

    not only is that easy done. esp with caiw.
    do you actually have a SS that shows you did?
    all this sows is a team entered into an already completed quest.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,058 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    CFree said:

    axelelf_1 said:

    Bidzy7 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Bidzy7 said:

    In all honesty i cant think of any other game that prevents progress based on rarity that can't be farmed.

    I can think of a game that is accused of this all the time. This one. And every time it happens, the statement is that, yes, this has happened in the past before, but this time its different. This is just another time when it is different.

    And in this case, I don't see it as preventing progress based on rarity that can't be farmed. People keep saying its all about luck, but I don't see this as having anything to do with luck. To assemble a small perfect team takes enormous luck, and since I don't have that kind of luck I assume that's impossible and forget about it immediately. Instead, my strategy is to assemble the widest, most diverse roster possible by trying to generate as many crystal openings as possible, and focusing those in directions I believe are statistically most likely to generate wide rosters. For example, I recently did an experiment of opening sixteen featured crystals in a row. I did that in part because at the time I didn't have almost any of the champs in the featured crystal. I don't think in terms of the one special lucky pull, so I don't value the crystal in terms of "god tier champs." I viewed it in terms of ability to generate new pulls, and decided to take a shot at it accordingly. I'm now pulling basics because I've shifted my strategy: I'm now perfectly fine with duplicating champs, because dups generate 6* shards and I'm trying to build up my 6* roster as quickly as is possible for my current playstyle.

    None of these things is luck, none of these things relies on luck, and no matter how bad my luck is, anything within the reasonable realm of possibility wouldn't invalidate any of my gameplay strategies. Luck is great, but I don't need luck, and don't rely on luck. I rely on long term averages and efficiency.

    Here's what luck means to me. Every 5* pull is either a new champ or a dup. All my new champs are great for me, because it means I can grind more or more efficiently in the arena. All my dups are great for me, because it means I get closer to my next 6* champ. If you locked all my 5* crystal openings to be Hulkbuster from now to the end of time, that would be horrible luck, and yet it would also mean every pull generated 6* shards, and then Hulkbuster would get maxed out and then every pull would generate a max signature crystal. I can live with that: I'd pour signature stones into Hulkbuster if I knew this would happen, to speed it along. Luck doesn't matter to me in the long run, because my playstyle insulates me from the worst downsides of random chance.

    Maybe this is less about strategy and more about perspective. I choose to have a useful perspective.
    @DNA3000 well i already know this game hence why i said any other game :tongue:

    I think you have misinterpreted my post. I'm not talking about having the so called "god tier" champions to be able to do the content. I am talking about specific champion requirements to pass certain content. I would have to disagree that its less about strategy.

    It sounds like you have a big roster and therefore are not seeing the potential issue players will face when trying to do act 6 with this limitation.
    I will give you an example, this months monthly quest in the last quest on uncollected you have an Bio-shock/Nano Abomination. So here you need to bring a champion which is both bleed and poison immune but with the added nano node they also can't be a robot or will take shock damage instead of the poison you get for hitting him. Lets say this is limited to 5 and 6*. So what are my options ? Iceman ofc most obvious, we also have Dormammu and Emma Frost. Omega red also i guess ghost could be used if you play around using the phasing to purify. so that is a possible 5 champions out of 114 in the 5* pool atm. I have an iceman so that is what i will use to get past him. However like i said in my last post, I only pulled him recently after two years of him being introduced. So if there is similar fights in act 6 that have such a specific mechanic that to effectively get past it I would need certain champs how does that not make it luck based ?

    also it seems like you are in a position to be able to grind out arena (5*) on top of completing all the content on a consistent basis. How long did it take to save up for 16 featured crystals ?
    I would say for me personally on average i can get 20,000 5* shards a month. In Order to open 16 featured's i would have to save for 12 months.
    I have 100% Act 5 and even done initial completion of variant. I would say i still use 4* to tackle certain challenges where my 5* roster is lacking. I have 48 5* champions and 4 6* champions, yet still have gaps in my roster to handle niche scenarios.
    so i would say for the majority of players who work their way through act 5 100% they will not be in a position at the end of that to have such large rosters that they will never need their 4* to overcome very specific nodes and match ups. Which means they will be waiting to pull a champion that can help them which is entirely based on luck.
    With 48 5* Champs and 4 6* Champs, there is most definitely something you can use in Act 6. People need to move past the mindset that there are a few ideal Champs that can be used, and the rest are filler.
    The point is across the block and a couple doors down. I ranked up 4*s instead of 5*s because I would never r4 the 5*s. Why would I do this? because they’ve continuously said that 4*s will be viable for all content. That, apparently, was a lie and I used tons of resources because of it.

    And I’m not even including what it does for synergy, which was also a main target.

    It’s about money, plain and simple, and you denying it just invalidates any opinions you have as blindly biased.
    When did they say 4* would be viable for all content?

    Nearest quote I can find.

    Both 4 and 5-Star Champions will remain very powerful and very valuable within The Contest, but we realize that players may want to know 6-Stars are coming, all the same.

  • Jh_DezJh_Dez Member Posts: 1,307 ★★★
    MaatMan said:

    axelelf_1 said:

    That’s what I cleared the initiative trials with. No problem.

    not only is that easy done. esp with caiw.
    do you actually have a SS that shows you did?
    all this sows is a team entered into an already completed quest.
    I don't get
    Are you trying to say him using caiw doesn't make him skilled even if it's a 4* ?
  • axelelf_1axelelf_1 Member Posts: 775 ★★★
    MaatMan said:

    axelelf_1 said:

    That’s what I cleared the initiative trials with. No problem.

    not only is that easy done. esp with caiw.
    do you actually have a SS that shows you did?
    all this sows is a team entered into an already completed quest.
    I couldn’t care less if you believe me. I’m not going out of my way to prove that I did it to some random person who’s opinion isn’t worth this response. Kabam has the data, they know.
  • Jh_DezJh_Dez Member Posts: 1,307 ★★★
    edited March 2019
    axelelf_1 said:

    MaatMan said:

    axelelf_1 said:

    That’s what I cleared the initiative trials with. No problem.

    not only is that easy done. esp with caiw.
    do you actually have a SS that shows you did?
    all this sows is a team entered into an already completed quest.
    I couldn’t care less if you believe me. I’m not going out of my way to prove that I did it to some random person who’s opinion isn’t worth this response. Kabam has the data, they know.
    I also did mine with a team of 4*
    Imiw soloed Ultron quite alright
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    xNig said:

    Anyway, doesn’t matter what I say. It seems that Kabam is adamant with keeping the 5/6* requirements so the playerbase just have to adapt to it.

    Or if they have no other content to do and don't want to spend every day in arena hoping for lucky pulls 2-3 times a month from shards then they will simply quit. You may like that but Kabam probably won't.

    I'm going with option b.
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    Jh_Dez said:

    MaatMan said:

    axelelf_1 said:

    That’s what I cleared the initiative trials with. No problem.

    not only is that easy done. esp with caiw.
    do you actually have a SS that shows you did?
    all this sows is a team entered into an already completed quest.
    I don't get
    Are you trying to say him using caiw doesn't make him skilled even if it's a 4* ?
    ii dont know his skill at all.
    i am just saying that the ultron there is easy even with 4* CAIW.
    you could do that ultron with a 3* cap if you have max despair and a tech on the team with you.
    just parry is all cap needs to beat him. you can do it without a single hit landed.

    and also wat is that screenshot? it is a quest and a team. but a team entered into a quest that was already complete. who knows wat team he completed it with.
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    axelelf_1 said:

    MaatMan said:

    axelelf_1 said:

    That’s what I cleared the initiative trials with. No problem.

    not only is that easy done. esp with caiw.
    do you actually have a SS that shows you did?
    all this sows is a team entered into an already completed quest.
    I couldn’t care less if you believe me. I’m not going out of my way to prove that I did it to some random person who’s opinion isn’t worth this response. Kabam has the data, they know.
    not saying you didnt. as said above a 3* caiw can do it.
    but you are the one posting a screenshot to show wat you can do when the screenshot does not show that.
    you make a claim and provide evidence to prove it but your evidence does not do it.

    heck i would think maybe even a 2* caiw could do it. a 3* certainly could. cap doesnt even need to lad a single hit. only parry.
  • axelelf_1axelelf_1 Member Posts: 775 ★★★
    MaatMan said:

    Jh_Dez said:

    MaatMan said:

    axelelf_1 said:

    That’s what I cleared the initiative trials with. No problem.

    not only is that easy done. esp with caiw.
    do you actually have a SS that shows you did?
    all this sows is a team entered into an already completed quest.
    I don't get
    Are you trying to say him using caiw doesn't make him skilled even if it's a 4* ?
    ii dont know his skill at all.
    i am just saying that the ultron there is easy even with 4* CAIW.
    you could do that ultron with a 3* cap if you have max despair and a tech on the team with you.
    just parry is all cap needs to beat him. you can do it without a single hit landed.

    and also wat is that screenshot? it is a quest and a team. but a team entered into a quest that was already complete. who knows wat team he completed it with.
    You remind me of a guy that reported me for soloing an aw boss without taking damage. Just because it’s above your skill level doesn’t mean it’s not possible.
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    edited March 2019
    axelelf_1 said:

    MaatMan said:

    Jh_Dez said:

    MaatMan said:

    axelelf_1 said:

    That’s what I cleared the initiative trials with. No problem.

    not only is that easy done. esp with caiw.
    do you actually have a SS that shows you did?
    all this sows is a team entered into an already completed quest.
    I don't get
    Are you trying to say him using caiw doesn't make him skilled even if it's a 4* ?
    ii dont know his skill at all.
    i am just saying that the ultron there is easy even with 4* CAIW.
    you could do that ultron with a 3* cap if you have max despair and a tech on the team with you.
    just parry is all cap needs to beat him. you can do it without a single hit landed.

    and also wat is that screenshot? it is a quest and a team. but a team entered into a quest that was already complete. who knows wat team he completed it with.
    You remind me of a guy that reported me for soloing an aw boss without taking damage. Just because it’s above your skill level doesn’t mean it’s not possible.
    I have never reported anyone for anything.
    I have questioned people on alot of things.
    But never reported anyone for anything.
    there is atleast one other forum user with a name almost exactly the same as mine.
    you may well be confusing me
    and i did that with my 4* caiw aswell so it is in my skill level
    i have 5/65 cap but used my 4* as he is max sig and wanted the higher sig so i could do it only using parry. stack those petrify.
  • axelelf_1axelelf_1 Member Posts: 775 ★★★

    Here’s all my choices for this quest. There, time wasted.
  • axelelf_1axelelf_1 Member Posts: 775 ★★★
    Oh wait, but how can I prove this is mine.....
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    axelelf_1 said:

    Oh wait, but how can I prove this is mine.....

    chill dude. that roster you have there is beast for the quest.
    i never said you didnt or couldnt do it.

    i merely pointed out your screenshot was not actual proof.
    thats all.
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    CFree said:

    CFree said:

    All this talk about money, you don't need to spend. By the time you make it to Act 6, you have a decent amount of 5*s. Plain and simple. Reagrdless of whether you have all the best or not. If not, the whole roadblock idea is more sound because people are making it there with underdeveloped Accounts. Bottom line is, no one needs to spend. You get Champs from playing the game. The real issue is people want to do it the day it comes out, and don't want to wait. That's entirely possible. If you're sitting around waiting fot God Tier drops, then yes, you'll have to wait. Either way, all you need is 5*s and 6*s. The rest is just conjecture. Any Offer is just going to be attached to this with some anterior motive accusation.

    Lol at their anterior motive.
    Congratulations! You found an unedited GW typo! XD
    That’s not a typo. That’s not knowing the phrase. (Like saying “mute point”.)
    Or another classic " for all intensive purposes". That one was funny
  • IsItthoughIsItthough Member Posts: 254 ★★
    35 pages one response from mods, sounds about right. And I would love to know how asking a question about beta gets flagged? But then I saw who was here. It’s a fair point, there are a lot of good suggestion and questions here. Best part is the closer brought in to shut down threads can’t shut down a main discussion.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Kobster84 said:

    xNig said:

    Kobster84 said:

    xNig said:

    Kobster84 said:

    xNig said:

    xNig said:

    Tbh the ban isn’t a big deal. I don’t see anyone making noise about having to have wasted resources on their 3*s. 😂

    The ban is a big deal. Especially for someone like me who managed to complete act 5 largely due to my GR(4*) + Blade synergy, my 4* Loki that wrecked Act 5 Ultron & 4* SL that swept through RoL.
    4*s are still very viable for end game content as it stands.
    Lol you won’t wanna bring 4*s into A6 really.. the only use for them there is synergy. And it sounds like your roster isn’t developed enough yet.

    Have you completed, or explored, A5? It makes a lot of difference.
    I 100% act 5 with just 4* I can guarantee I’d be able to use them for non synergy purposes
    You’re a fresh Level 60 with 1 R5. A6 isn’t made for you.
    Are you looking at the pi of the champs 30k is easy so why isn’t it made for me enlighten me
    The fact that you’re complaining about it coupled with your account just says that you don’t have the roster depth for it.
    The fact is I’d have the skill to do it but due to not having the 4* I’m lacking a lot of the niche counters that’s my point
    Then wait for the champs. Tbh your account is underdeveloped even compared to both my secondary accounts, both of which also 100% A5 with 4*s.

    In addition you’re not even in a competitive alliance (1.45k war rating). I don’t see why you cannot wait and develop your account more before even commenting on content that’s obviously not designed for you.
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    xNig said:

    Kobster84 said:

    xNig said:

    Kobster84 said:

    xNig said:

    Kobster84 said:

    xNig said:

    xNig said:

    Tbh the ban isn’t a big deal. I don’t see anyone making noise about having to have wasted resources on their 3*s. 😂

    The ban is a big deal. Especially for someone like me who managed to complete act 5 largely due to my GR(4*) + Blade synergy, my 4* Loki that wrecked Act 5 Ultron & 4* SL that swept through RoL.
    4*s are still very viable for end game content as it stands.
    Lol you won’t wanna bring 4*s into A6 really.. the only use for them there is synergy. And it sounds like your roster isn’t developed enough yet.

    Have you completed, or explored, A5? It makes a lot of difference.
    I 100% act 5 with just 4* I can guarantee I’d be able to use them for non synergy purposes
    You’re a fresh Level 60 with 1 R5. A6 isn’t made for you.
    Are you looking at the pi of the champs 30k is easy so why isn’t it made for me enlighten me
    The fact that you’re complaining about it coupled with your account just says that you don’t have the roster depth for it.
    The fact is I’d have the skill to do it but due to not having the 4* I’m lacking a lot of the niche counters that’s my point
    Then wait for the champs. Tbh your account is underdeveloped even compared to both my secondary accounts, both of which also 100% A5 with 4*s.

    In addition you’re not even in a competitive alliance (1.45k war rating). I don’t see why you cannot wait and develop your account more before even commenting on content that’s obviously not designed for you.
    dont dis someone for being in a 1450 WR ally. although not top tier war that is still likely gold2 and has nothing to do with anything anyway. could be many reasons for that, skill, time, fun wateva.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,504 ★★★★
    At any point is a mod going to address why we are receiving the strictest gate in the history of the game. I've read their response but it really doesn't explain why they have waited until a week before the release of the new content to tell people that more than half their roster is now useless for future story content. Before anyone says they are still useful for other content be realistic because why bother ranking champs for eq content in lower rarity if they wont let you progress through content that will ultimately give the rewards needed to further your profile
  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,351 ★★★★★
    I'm going to try a non trolly post this time.

    It's my belief the 4* ban comes down to one thing. The Cavalier crystal.

    The Cavalier crystal drops 5* at an 11% rate and 6* at a 1% rate for only 200 units. This drop rate is unprecedented, the equivalent crystal of regular GMCs is 3%, and was 1%. For the sake of easy math, I'll combine 6* and 5*, to 12% in cavalier, which is 4x the current rate and 12x the rates of a few weeks ago.

    I think it's a mistake to release this crystal without a hard gate. If you allow 4* to be used, the inevitable consequences are accounts being able to brute force their way through act 6, and then load up on cavaliers.

    What everyone is asking for is reduced RNG, but the end result if 4* are allowed and that crystal isn't changed, is just as much RNG problems, if not more.
  • LegendsendLegendsend Member Posts: 92
    Honestly I dont care that it is the first part of act 6... It is harder than the last part of act 5 so the rewards should be at least as good. What is a 5 star rank 2 to 3 going to do... it brings the champion up to the strength of a 4 star which is not even allowed to be used so obviously that strength isnt enough... I believe there needs to be a higher consideration when it come to deciding on rewards... I'm not even going to touch the requirement issue again...
  • LegendsendLegendsend Member Posts: 92
    IKON said:

    I'm going to try a non trolly post this time.

    It's my belief the 4* ban comes down to one thing. The Cavalier crystal.

    The Cavalier crystal drops 5* at an 11% rate and 6* at a 1% rate for only 200 units. This drop rate is unprecedented, the equivalent crystal of regular GMCs is 3%, and was 1%. For the sake of easy math, I'll combine 6* and 5*, to 12% in cavalier, which is 4x the current rate and 12x the rates of a few weeks ago.

    I think it's a mistake to release this crystal without a hard gate. If you allow 4* to be used, the inevitable consequences are accounts being able to brute force their way through act 6, and then load up on cavaliers.

    What everyone is asking for is reduced RNG, but the end result if 4* are allowed and that crystal isn't changed, is just as much RNG problems, if not more.

    I'm not exactly understanding so please clarify for me. If someone can brute force through with 4 stars, do you not believe they can do it with 5 and 6 stars... it would require more skill with a 4 star... wouldnt we rather more skill... They had changed the game and added diversity so that skill is the factor and not just having super champs...
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