Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th



  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian

    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    DNA3000 said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Seatin said:

    Little embarrassing you're using CCP videos to try and distract everyone and still continue to avoid addressing any actual reason why you won't allow 4 Star Champions in Act 6. We see through it.

    That's uncalled for. Especially for someone who knows how the content creator program works, of course these videos have to be planned in advance and released on a schedule.

    I thought long and hard about illustrating how low this is by demonstration, but I decided against it, not because it wasn't warranted, but because it was a little too easy.
    I don´t think he´s saying that CCP videos are bad, he just wants Kabam to adress the reason why this post has 63 pages in 6 days: Why are 4* champions banned?
    I didn't accuse Seatin of saying CCP videos are bad, I'm accusing him of pretending to not be aware that these videos are coordinated with the content creators well ahead of time and with a specific release schedule, so accusing Kabam of deliberately releasing a CCP video to distract the playerbase is intellectual dishonesty of the first order.

    And I don't care what anyone wants, I only respond to what they say.
    Well ahead of time... You mean, like 5 days? Because that´s when they have decided to give them Early Acces, just one day after the initial announcement. That´s not "well ahead of time". They are doing everything to distract the community from the main topic, you are too blind to see that (pun intended)
    The original announcement was on March 6. The announcement that content creators were granted early access to the content was on March 7. That means the decision to grant early access must have occurred before the announcement was posted, because they would have been asking content creators to opt-in on March 6 at the latest, and must have made the decision and set things in motion no later than March 5, if not significantly earlier.

    Unless you think that Kabam saw the thread blow up, decide to scramble up an early access preview, made the game changes necessary to do that, contact the content creators, and gotten opt-in replys all within less than one day. Kabam couldn't move that quickly if the building was on fire.
    Actually it's not that hard... and they get paid handsomely for it... it's called their jobs...
    Spoken like someone who is unfamiliar with jobs.
    Or spoken like someone who works in the quality department also getting paid handsomely... Your assumptions are laughable tho... I would also make an assumption that you live in your moms basement with no responsibilities so you have 23 hours a day to comment on everyone's post here... but I dont know you... and I dont make assumptions
    I'm not assuming anything. I don't know anything about you. I'm only commenting on your post, which is consistent with someone who doesn't know anything. No one who works in any sort of well-paid capacity would think that coordinating activities with people outside their company, who themselves are not under any obligation to stay in close contact with you, can be done quickly. At a bare minimum you need to give those people a day to respond to you, if they have no professional responsibility to respond quickly, which the content creators do not.

    What you might not know, but no reasonable professional would ordinarily randomly guess about, is what "their jobs" actually are, or treat an entire company monolithically. It is not the content developers' jobs to read or monitor the forums. It is the community managers' responsibility to do that: the mods. The developers should be doing their jobs, which is content development. They might check in periodically, but they almost certainly aren't monitoring the forums continuously. So there would also be a delay between when the moderators felt the announcement thread was something noteworthy to pass on, and when anyone involved with content creation or operations management would have been informed.

    On top of that, game developers of online games rarely have direct access to the live production systems. They cannot simply make changes "on the fly" for the game except in certain very specific circumstances. If they did not already decide to have an early access preview of Act 6 built into the game from a while back, no amount of brilliant coding could have created that possibility quickly, because they would have had to bundle up those changes into an update package and get completely separate operations people to load it into the game. All this takes time, which is why some bug fixes can be made quickly (if they involve a small change to data) and some take much longer (if they cross the threshold to making this process take a significant amount of time to coordinate).

    You can't assume you can just shoot an email to a bunch of content creators at any random moment in time and get a reply immediately. They usually give at least one to two days for beta testers to respond. You can't enable content creators for early access without asking for permission or opt-in. And you can't create the game changes that allow this to happen or even flag the content creators that opt-in into the game databases on the fly, because almost no online game works that way and we know from experience that MCOC doesn't work that way.

    Whatever your background, no reasonable professional anything would make these kinds of errors. On the other hand, if you want to play dueling resumes, sure, we can play that game also. I don't work in a quality department, I own the company. I don't get paid handsomely, I get paid mid six figures. And I don't guess about how game development works, I've done contract work for game development in the past. I'm willing to call this a draw, unless you would like to play on.
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★

    Not sure why that quoted 3 times. Sorry about that.

    This cable requires very specific options due to his nodes
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    Vincew80 said:

    Vincew80 said:

    TheKiryu said:

    Ok so.

    Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.

    1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players.
    2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or
    Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those.
    3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)

    On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,

    Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )

    And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.

    End of story.



    1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet.
    We can probably all agree with you on that point. It also means it shouldn’t even pertain to you either but you still chime in on things that are well past what you’re actually working on & should be worried about.
    This is a discussion. There are no progress gates to the Forum.
    No but listening to you talk about act 6 is like listening to someone with a Ford Fiesta giving opinions about a Ferrari. No offense to anyone with a Fiesta.
    Then I would suggest avoiding University.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    I can see some benefit to gating it to prevent people from being frustrated by trying to do it before they are ready. I don't like the one week notice and I don't like the fact that some people who don't fall into the category of those likely to be frustrated will be gated by bad RNG. On the flip side, people who have spent massive amounts of money getting every new champ with FGM crystals will have a huge advantage. Some middle ground like @TheKiryu suggested, or allowing 4*s (or some 4* use) to be unlocked in the quest would be much better. This would allow the gate to still keep out people who aren't ready for it while also allowing people who are to overcome bad RNG and compete with the FGM whales with skill and strategy. Maybe we would have something along these lines if some dialogue took place well in advance of major changes to the game instead of using the drop the bomb a week ahead of time method.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    For the record, that's not an intelligence dig. Just pointing out that it's full of theoretical discussion that isn't backed up by where you're at.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    Drooped2 said:

    V1PER1987 said:

    At this point there’s really no point in going on about this. At the end of the day this is a game. They decided they’re not making any changes to it. You all can waste your time constantly complaining about their decision, or we can wait until tomorrow and test it out. Maybe once we try it out, it won’t be quite as bad as we’re expecting. Paths may be long (energy heavy) but it doesn’t look like there’s a really unrealistic number of fights. Instead of repeating yourselves over and over, test the content first. Let’s start there and everyone will have more solid information and facts to give to Kabam and how they can maybe alter the progress gate

    tl;dr Let’s give it a shot. It wouldn’t be the first time we freak out about content before hand and then realize it’s achievable.

    Actually if I math right they said 600 energy per so 6 1.1
    And 9 ish paths so math wise each path has to be under 70 energy in theory

    So not like act 4.3.6? I think thats the one with that huge winding line to venom boss
    Act 4 was insane for Energy.
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    Hulk Ragnarok's Face Me was confirmed by a developer to counter No Retreat. No videos on this yet.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    Conversation is always open. That doesn't mean we're the ones dictating to them how to release the game.
  • Vincew80Vincew80 Member Posts: 196 ★★

    Hulk Ragnarok's Face Me was confirmed by a developer to counter No Retreat. No videos on this yet.

    Good info. I was hoping that would be the case.
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★

    Kobster84 said:

    TheKiryu said:

    Ok so.

    Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.

    1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players.
    2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or
    Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those.
    3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)

    On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,

    Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )

    And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.

    End of story.



    1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there.
    2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum.
    3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
    Just saying some of the fights definitely require specific counters such as a cable fight in 6:1:1
    Kobster84 said:

    TheKiryu said:

    Ok so.

    Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.

    1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players.
    2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or
    Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those.
    3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)

    On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,

    Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )

    And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.

    End of story.



    1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there.
    2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum.
    3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
    Just saying some of the fights definitely require specific counters such as a cable fight in 6:1:1
    Kobster84 said:

    TheKiryu said:

    Ok so.

    Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.

    1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players.
    2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or
    Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those.
    3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)

    On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,

    Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )

    And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.

    End of story.



    1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there.
    2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum.
    3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
    Just saying some of the fights definitely require specific counters such as a cable fight in 6:1:1
    There are BEST options, that's pretty much the same as any content. There are always other options.
    Not really the cable has a very specific nodes that if you don’t have vision or magik it’s going to be a horrible fight
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    Kobster84 said:

    Kobster84 said:

    TheKiryu said:

    Ok so.

    Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.

    1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players.
    2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or
    Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those.
    3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)

    On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,

    Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )

    And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.

    End of story.



    1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there.
    2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum.
    3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
    Just saying some of the fights definitely require specific counters such as a cable fight in 6:1:1
    Kobster84 said:

    TheKiryu said:

    Ok so.

    Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.

    1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players.
    2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or
    Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those.
    3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)

    On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,

    Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )

    And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.

    End of story.



    1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there.
    2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum.
    3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
    Just saying some of the fights definitely require specific counters such as a cable fight in 6:1:1
    Kobster84 said:

    TheKiryu said:

    Ok so.

    Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.

    1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players.
    2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or
    Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those.
    3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)

    On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,

    Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )

    And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.

    End of story.



    1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there.
    2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum.
    3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
    Just saying some of the fights definitely require specific counters such as a cable fight in 6:1:1
    There are BEST options, that's pretty much the same as any content. There are always other options.
    Not really the cable has a very specific nodes that if you don’t have vision or magik it’s going to be a horrible fight
    So Power Control? There's more than two, isn't there?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★

    TheKiryu said:

    Ok so.

    Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.

    1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players.
    2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or
    Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those.
    3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)

    On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,

    Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )

    And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.

    End of story.



    1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there.
    2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum.
    3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
    I dunno... being told that I must dump resources into 5* versions of a champ I already have at 5/50 (pulled the 5* after ranking 4*) certainly feels like a slap in the face... I don’t need archangel at 5/50 and 3/45 for example, I can and should be allowed to just use the 5/50 rather than dumping more resources into what will be (in my opinion, based on my 4* being sig 99 vs sig20 5*) a weaker archangel
    The entire game is built around Ranking what we need. Having multiple Rarities means the lower ones will fall short eventually. There's also no such thing as a Ranking option that will fit all content. This is no different.
    No one is telling you that you have to Rank a 5* AA to replace your 4*. If that's what you're choosing to use, then you will have to, yes. The only current obligation is a 5* or a 6*. This is the next level of content, and a 4* won't always carry us through every new level of challenge. We have 3* versions that we Ranked and had to Rank the 4* versions. No different. That's what comes with multiple Rarities.
    The amount of Resources to take a 5* to R3, the equivalent of an R5 4*, are about the same. For people at that stage of progress, some T4CCs and Basics aren't a cap.
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★

    Kobster84 said:

    Kobster84 said:

    TheKiryu said:

    Ok so.

    Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.

    1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players.
    2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or
    Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those.
    3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)

    On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,

    Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )

    And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.

    End of story.



    1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there.
    2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum.
    3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
    Just saying some of the fights definitely require specific counters such as a cable fight in 6:1:1
    Kobster84 said:

    TheKiryu said:

    Ok so.

    Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.

    1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players.
    2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or
    Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those.
    3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)

    On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,

    Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )

    And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.

    End of story.



    1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there.
    2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum.
    3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
    Just saying some of the fights definitely require specific counters such as a cable fight in 6:1:1
    Kobster84 said:

    TheKiryu said:

    Ok so.

    Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.

    1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players.
    2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or
    Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those.
    3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)

    On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,

    Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )

    And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.

    End of story.



    1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there.
    2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum.
    3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
    Just saying some of the fights definitely require specific counters such as a cable fight in 6:1:1
    There are BEST options, that's pretty much the same as any content. There are always other options.
    Not really the cable has a very specific nodes that if you don’t have vision or magik it’s going to be a horrible fight
    So Power Control? There's more than two, isn't there?
    No you need very good power control as eventually other champs won’t be able to keep up
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian
    axelelf_1 said:

    TheKiryu said:

    Ok so.

    Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.

    1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players.
    2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or
    Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those.
    3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)

    On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,

    Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )

    And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.

    End of story.



    1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there.
    2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum.
    3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
    I dunno... being told that I must dump resources into 5* versions of a champ I already have at 5/50 (pulled the 5* after ranking 4*) certainly feels like a slap in the face... I don’t need archangel at 5/50 and 3/45 for example, I can and should be allowed to just use the 5/50 rather than dumping more resources into what will be (in my opinion, based on my 4* being sig 99 vs sig20 5*) a weaker archangel
    This is my biggest complaint. Ranking 4*s over 5*s because they’ve repeatedly said 4*s will remain viable. I’m not taking those champs to r4. My decision made sense. Now they’re wasted.
    4* champs are still viable: that is a factual statement.

    On the other hand, if you believe that "viable" means "will always be usable in all present and future content" then 5* and 6* champs are explicitly non-viable. All the resources you put into 6* champs will one day be expended on champions you won't be able to use. That's simply the way these kinds of games work. There's only two possibilities: one day the champ will be deprecated when it comes to the top tier content, or the game ends before that happens and all champs become deprecated for all content.

    Technically there's a third possibility: the game goes into permanent maintenance mode and nothing is ever added again that deprecates anything, but I doubt if Marvel would allow the license to continue for any length of time on a game like that.
  • This content has been removed.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    Lizer0119 said:

    I haven’t said much on the subject, maybe I was hoping that this would change before the release date. Since it doesn’t appear to be headed that direction, I’ll say now that i’m hurt by this decision. I’ve spent countless hours and a fair amount of money on this game because I love it.

    I would consider myself an end game player — 100% LOL, Act 5, etc. and have been playing for about 2 years. I’ve never jumped on a “boycott bandwagon” and have supported the game and the decisions made by developers.

    Lately, however, I have been questioning a lot of decisions made by the game team. The ability to target a specific 5* without spending (even with spending the chances are slim) has been taken away and replaced with the new Featured 5* Crystals that offer a much lower chance at getting a specific champ you want. Because of this, I don’t appreciate seeing people in here saying, “if you can’t do it yet then you’re not ready,” when u know that skill-wise I am more than ready for this content. The more accurate statement would be, “you haven’t gotten lucky enough to pull a 5* counter for (x) lane,” which isn’t right.

    I’m a paying customer of this RNG based game, and if I haven’t lucked out and pulled a 5* void (or full in the blank) I should be allowed to use my 4* like I did in variant, my first LOL path, Act 5.4 ultron (4/40 unduped Medusa), and the maze. I feel like by completing the content to unlock Act 6, that should be enough to demonstrate that my skill/roster at least deserve a shot at some of these fights.

    Given the fact that you’ve released content that’s at least as “frustrating” as Act 6 appears to be, and allowed 4*s into it, you set a precedent for the rest of the end game content. At least be honest about your reasons.

    The last thing I’ll say is that when you guys decided to release 6*s, you gave the community notice so we could prepare for the change. What you’re doing now is the equivalent of giving 1 week notice about 6*s entering the game, not giving people opportunity to hold off on opening their 5*s in order to obtain 6* shards. Can you imagine the backlash? It probably wouldn’t have been much different from this.

    It’s not so much WHAT decisions you make, but HOW you make them that will determine the community’s reaction.

    Thanks 🙏🏼

    Incredibly sane post. Thank you.

    Dr. Zola
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    Hmm....regurgitated rubbish. Let me rephrase it then.
    If you can't use the 4*, then the inferior quality of that 5* just increased to more useful.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    axelelf_1 said:

    TheKiryu said:

    Ok so.

    Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.

    1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players.
    2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or
    Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those.
    3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)

    On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,

    Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )

    And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.

    End of story.



    1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there.
    2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum.
    3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
    I dunno... being told that I must dump resources into 5* versions of a champ I already have at 5/50 (pulled the 5* after ranking 4*) certainly feels like a slap in the face... I don’t need archangel at 5/50 and 3/45 for example, I can and should be allowed to just use the 5/50 rather than dumping more resources into what will be (in my opinion, based on my 4* being sig 99 vs sig20 5*) a weaker archangel
    This is my biggest complaint. Ranking 4*s over 5*s because they’ve repeatedly said 4*s will remain viable. I’m not taking those champs to r4. My decision made sense. Now they’re wasted.

    To be clear, I don’t go out of my way to rank 4*s over 5*s. But my 5* luck is quite woeful overall (considering How many crystals I’ve opened) so I’ve had no choice but to rank up 4*s and just happen to pull 5* versions afterwards which i then have no need to use resources on, unless they’re going to R4 or higher.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    Bfyffe28 said:

    TheKiryu said:

    Ok so.

    Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.

    1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players.
    2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or
    Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those.
    3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)

    On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,

    Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )

    And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.

    End of story.



    1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there.
    2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum.
    3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
    I dunno... being told that I must dump resources into 5* versions of a champ I already have at 5/50 (pulled the 5* after ranking 4*) certainly feels like a slap in the face... I don’t need archangel at 5/50 and 3/45 for example, I can and should be allowed to just use the 5/50 rather than dumping more resources into what will be (in my opinion, based on my 4* being sig 99 vs sig20 5*) a weaker archangel
    The entire game is built around Ranking what we need. Having multiple Rarities means the lower ones will fall short eventually. There's also no such thing as a Ranking option that will fit all content. This is no different.
    No one is telling you that you have to Rank a 5* AA to replace your 4*. If that's what you're choosing to use, then you will have to, yes. The only current obligation is a 5* or a 6*. This is the next level of content, and a 4* won't always carry us through every new level of challenge. We have 3* versions that we Ranked and had to Rank the 4* versions. No different. That's what comes with multiple Rarities.
    The amount of Resources to take a 5* to R3, the equivalent of an R5 4*, are about the same. For people at that stage of progress, some T4CCs and Basics aren't a cap.
    You have a bad habit of telling people what they should and shouldn’t have. You’re not anywhere near that stage of the game so you shouldn’t tell people that. I remember this same argument from you when diversity was a thing. You told people they should be able to rank up a new defense on a whim if they’re in higher tiers. Even a lot of end game players struggle to do more than a rankup or two on such short notice.
    What short notice? There's no time limit on it. People have all the time in the world. Also, I never told anyone what they SHOULD have. Statistically, the Resources amassed from playing the game up to that point suggest on average, people will have access to those Resources, as well as a bare minimum number of 5* Champions.
    Diversity is off-topic, but I have and will always support people not playing in a box. If it's a bad thing to encourage people to explore more than just what The Jones' say is worth Ranking, then I'll be bad. I supported Diversity for a number of reasons, including the fact that people get way too set in their ways when it comes to using Champs. The very same issue we're having here. Change comes with doing things differently.
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