I'm not sure that releasing a video done by a highly skilled player with a stacked roster saying he only used one revive is the way to assuage the communities concerns. But I'll defer to your marketing and community out reach wizards I guess.
In their defense, if you're going into a new Quest with a new Difficulty, are you going to reach for your mediocre Champs, or the best you can muster?
Much as I hate responding to your nonsense to answer your question yes I expect to see them go into the new content with non God tier champs and no synergies. I say this since kabam is using these videos to show us the gate wont be an issue if you have 5*s. They wont address the synergy topic or the rng luck that has been brought up. I don't expect to change your opinion since it wont matter to you. I'm sure your rank 3 7*s you will have when you finally reach act 6 will have no issues with it
Little embarrassing you're using CCP videos to try and distract everyone and still continue to avoid addressing any actual reason why you won't allow 4 Star Champions in Act 6. We see through it.
On the subject on the first quest I see those wonderful Domino, Korg, Mephisto & Iron Man (Infinity War) fights which will be super fun for everyone that doesn't have an adequate counter in their 5 Star/6 Star roster and this is just the first very quest. Not too mention the massive disadvantage players that will have that don't have a god tier bleeder for the "These champions can only take bleed damage path".
If you think the reaction is bad now, you're going to be in for a great time tomorrow mate.
I believe it’s a common fallacy to think that you’ll need “god tier” champs to go through strong opponents.
While you may not need those God tier champs to beat those opponents I can't help but notice that they were the champs used by the ccp to showcase 6.1.1
If they have the optimal champs, then it’ll be dumb to not use them. Would you be watching the CCP (or would they even be one in the first place?) if they didn’t have these champs ranked up and making videos on how to play these champs?
Like what someone mentioned earlier, because the nodes are so diverse, you’re looking to dig DEEP into your roster for options to counter certain node champ combinations. I also previously stated that the playerbase are too focused on “god tier champs” that they forget that there are other “non-god tier champs” who are capable of handling the node.
The current mindset of the vast majority of the playerbase is “there is an optimal counter, the #1 choice, one of the ONLY few choices” that can be used. If I don’t have a 5/6* Variant of it, I’ll use my 4* one. That mindset is so restrictive.
IMIW? Oh man I need a Corvus or Void or I’m never passing him. 😒 Don’t have a 5* one? Let me use my 4* one.
But people never stop to think, “hey.. I might be able to use that unused 5* Elektra or 5* Falcon to take him down.”
So again this goes back to resource management. Players are now expected to use t5b for second or third string options to counter nodes or content. To be clear I'm not talking about iwim who can be beat with any champ. I'm describing nodes as well. Need a bleed immune for act 6 hmmmm I guess t5b are raining from the sky let me rank colossus or groot. Hmmm I need an energy damage champ let's take this magneto to rank 5 too. The reason to use 4* to fill slots in your team is because its cheaper and more effective to rank 4* than 5*. Stop being an elitist. Yes some of us have the champs and resources to handle act 6 but a large portion of the community is not as lucky with rng.
You need R5s to counter a specific champ? No. R3s would do, heck, if you’re highly skilled, R2s even. The point of the gating, from how I see it, is to discourage the bulk of the community to use the obvious, common, popular counters that they have been using thus far.
You’re saying out of ALL the 5*s you’ve pulled, you don’t have one that inflicts Bleed? One that deals energy damage? One that is bleed immune? Geez
I get that we all coloquially know what the God Tier List is, but that's not automatically on the minds of every Content Creator. They have their own way of breaking things down. As far as we know, there was very little agenda to access other than showing people and breaking it down for them. That's really up to how they do things. I was making the point that people don't bring their B Game immediately into a new Quest, if they have an A Game to try first. There's also the option of waiting and trying it ourselves with what we personally have.
Little embarrassing you're using CCP videos to try and distract everyone and still continue to avoid addressing any actual reason why you won't allow 4 Star Champions in Act 6. We see through it.
On the subject on the first quest I see those wonderful Domino, Korg, Mephisto & Iron Man (Infinity War) fights which will be super fun for everyone that doesn't have an adequate counter in their 5 Star/6 Star roster and this is just the first very quest. Not too mention the massive disadvantage players that will have that don't have a god tier bleeder for the "These champions can only take bleed damage path".
If you think the reaction is bad now, you're going to be in for a great time tomorrow mate.
I believe it’s a common fallacy to think that you’ll need “god tier” champs to go through strong opponents.
While you may not need those God tier champs to beat those opponents I can't help but notice that they were the champs used by the ccp to showcase 6.1.1
If they have the optimal champs, then it’ll be dumb to not use them. Would you be watching the CCP (or would they even be one in the first place?) if they didn’t have these champs ranked up and making videos on how to play these champs?
Like what someone mentioned earlier, because the nodes are so diverse, you’re looking to dig DEEP into your roster for options to counter certain node champ combinations. I also previously stated that the playerbase are too focused on “god tier champs” that they forget that there are other “non-god tier champs” who are capable of handling the node.
The current mindset of the vast majority of the playerbase is “there is an optimal counter, the #1 choice, one of the ONLY few choices” that can be used. If I don’t have a 5/6* Variant of it, I’ll use my 4* one. That mindset is so restrictive.
IMIW? Oh man I need a Corvus or Void or I’m never passing him. 😒 Don’t have a 5* one? Let me use my 4* one.
But people never stop to think, “hey.. I might be able to use that unused 5* Elektra or 5* Falcon to take him down.”
So again this goes back to resource management. Players are now expected to use t5b for second or third string options to counter nodes or content. To be clear I'm not talking about iwim who can be beat with any champ. I'm describing nodes as well. Need a bleed immune for act 6 hmmmm I guess t5b are raining from the sky let me rank colossus or groot. Hmmm I need an energy damage champ let's take this magneto to rank 5 too. The reason to use 4* to fill slots in your team is because its cheaper and more effective to rank 4* than 5*. Stop being an elitist. Yes some of us have the champs and resources to handle act 6 but a large portion of the community is not as lucky with rng.
You need R5s to counter a specific champ? No. R3s would do, heck, if you’re highly skilled, R2s even. The point of the gating, from how I see it, is to discourage the bulk of the community to use the obvious, common, popular counters that they have been using thus far.
You mean the ones showcased in the ccp videos. I don't disagree that rank 3 or even rank 2 5*s can counter these champs with the right skills but it's still hilarious that you don't see the ccp videos doing that and they are kabam's defense to this outrage
I get that we all coloquially know what the God Tier List is, but that's not automatically on the minds of every Content Creator. They have their own way of breaking things down. As far as we know, there was very little agenda to access other than showing people and breaking it down for them. That's really up to how they do things. I was making the point that people don't bring their B Game immediately into a new Quest, if they have an A Game to try first. There's also the option of waiting and trying it ourselves with what we personally have.
True. This I agree. They’ll bring their A team, select a suitable path, then complete it. Following which they’ll scout their subsequent paths and adjust their teams accordingly to counter certain champs on that path, which goes into roster depth and creativity (and knowledge of the game as well), which is the point of the gating.
Otherwise they’ll just be using their 4* god tiers that they’ve ranked up to handle the node, which defeats the purpose of what kabam wants, ie roster Exploration.
I get that we all coloquially know what the God Tier List is, but that's not automatically on the minds of every Content Creator. They have their own way of breaking things down. As far as we know, there was very little agenda to access other than showing people and breaking it down for them. That's really up to how they do things. I was making the point that people don't bring their B Game immediately into a new Quest, if they have an A Game to try first. There's also the option of waiting and trying it ourselves with what we personally have.
True. This I agree. They’ll bring their A team, select a suitable path, then complete it. Following which they’ll scout their subsequent paths and adjust their teams accordingly to counter certain champs on that path, which goes into roster depth and creativity (and knowledge of the game as well), which is the point of the gating.
Otherwise they’ll just be using their 4* god tiers that they’ve ranked up to handle the node, which defeats the purpose of what kabam wants, ie roster Exploration.
It's not showcasing roster exploration when all champs used are God tier. It's more showcasing the need to acquire those God tier champs to complete the content. Dont get me wrong I'll be using almost the same teams he was using minus corvus (4* wouldn't really be much help anyway with him) but if this is kabam's counter to the 4* ban and the complaints about lack of synergies and counters it's not a very good one
Straight from the kabams ceo mouth, so you tell me who’s lying @Kabam Miike him, or are you guys lying to him on wtf y’all are doing
@Busa_6 Off topic, but you’re now the point man to post that pic of the Kabam CEO interview every time someone says logging in for the calendar is just a big nothing. He thinks our time is worth something even if his customers don’t.
Dr. Zola
That's twisting people's words. I think my customers' time is valuable, but I also don't pay them anything for it. If a customer of mine said they read an interview where I said my customer's time was valuable, so they demanded I compensate them for it, I'd kick them out of my office with my actual feet.
Straight from the kabams ceo mouth, so you tell me who’s lying @Kabam Miike him, or are you guys lying to him on wtf y’all are doing
@Busa_6 Off topic, but you’re now the point man to post that pic of the Kabam CEO interview every time someone says logging in for the calendar is just a big nothing. He thinks our time is worth something even if his customers don’t.
Dr. Zola
That's twisting people's words. I think my customers' time is valuable, but I also don't pay them anything for it. If a customer of mine said they read an interview where I said my customer's time was valuable, so they demanded I compensate them for it, I'd kick them out of my office with my actual feet.
Absolutely agree here. Anyone would kick them out. No CEO means something like that. It's just something you say in an interview to make the public think you care. As long as they believe that they keep spending money any more revenue is key to a successful business
Straight from the kabams ceo mouth, so you tell me who’s lying @Kabam Miike him, or are you guys lying to him on wtf y’all are doing
@Busa_6 Off topic, but you’re now the point man to post that pic of the Kabam CEO interview every time someone says logging in for the calendar is just a big nothing. He thinks our time is worth something even if his customers don’t.
Dr. Zola
That's twisting people's words. I think my customers' time is valuable, but I also don't pay them anything for it. If a customer of mine said they read an interview where I said my customer's time was valuable, so they demanded I compensate them for it, I'd kick them out of my office with my actual feet.
Absolutely agree here. Anyone would kick them out. No CEO means something like that. It's just something you say in an interview to make the public think you care. As long as they believe that they keep spending money any more revenue is key to a successful business
Straight from the kabams ceo mouth, so you tell me who’s lying @Kabam Miike him, or are you guys lying to him on wtf y’all are doing
@Busa_6 Off topic, but you’re now the point man to post that pic of the Kabam CEO interview every time someone says logging in for the calendar is just a big nothing. He thinks our time is worth something even if his customers don’t.
Dr. Zola
That's twisting people's words. I think my customers' time is valuable, but I also don't pay them anything for it. If a customer of mine said they read an interview where I said my customer's time was valuable, so they demanded I compensate them for it, I'd kick them out of my office with my actual feet.
Obviously, I disagree that it twists anything, and I think someone who views one minute of his customers’ time as vitally important disagrees with you as well.
But I give you points for your most succinct post in ages.
Straight from the kabams ceo mouth, so you tell me who’s lying @Kabam Miike him, or are you guys lying to him on wtf y’all are doing
@Busa_6 Off topic, but you’re now the point man to post that pic of the Kabam CEO interview every time someone says logging in for the calendar is just a big nothing. He thinks our time is worth something even if his customers don’t.
Dr. Zola
That's twisting people's words. I think my customers' time is valuable, but I also don't pay them anything for it. If a customer of mine said they read an interview where I said my customer's time was valuable, so they demanded I compensate them for it, I'd kick them out of my office with my actual feet.
Obviously, I disagree that it twists anything, and I think someone who views one minute of his customers’ time as vitally important disagrees with you as well.
But I give you points for your most succinct post in ages.
Dr. Zola
Fortunately for me, I can literally turn to another business owner visiting me right now and ask the two part question: do you think your customers' time is valuable, and do you think they deserve to be compensated for any time they spend during your interactions.
The answer to the first question is yes. I can't transcribe the entire answer to the second question. It started with "say what?' and then it was a lot of weird sounds while I tried to elaborate. But I think the gist of the answer is "no." So while I think "someone" might agree with you here, it wouldn't be this particular someone.
They wanted me to add "why would you spend any time on this stupid question" which I think still means "no." They won't confirm if it actually means no, however, because they'd like to leave the office to go have dinner now.
Straight from the kabams ceo mouth, so you tell me who’s lying @Kabam Miike him, or are you guys lying to him on wtf y’all are doing
@Busa_6 Off topic, but you’re now the point man to post that pic of the Kabam CEO interview every time someone says logging in for the calendar is just a big nothing. He thinks our time is worth something even if his customers don’t.
Dr. Zola
That's twisting people's words. I think my customers' time is valuable, but I also don't pay them anything for it. If a customer of mine said they read an interview where I said my customer's time was valuable, so they demanded I compensate them for it, I'd kick them out of my office with my actual feet.
Obviously, I disagree that it twists anything, and I think someone who views one minute of his customers’ time as vitally important disagrees with you as well.
But I give you points for your most succinct post in ages.
Dr. Zola
Fortunately for me, I can literally turn to another business owner visiting me right now and ask the two part question: do you think your customers' time is valuable, and do you think they deserve to be compensated for any time they spend during your interactions.
The answer to the first question is yes. I can't transcribe the entire answer to the second question. It started with "say what?' and then it was a lot of weird sounds while I tried to elaborate. But I think the gist of the answer is "no." So while I think "someone" might agree with you here, it wouldn't be this particular someone.
Facetiously asking the wrong question is cute, but misses the point.
Why don’t you ask him/her if it’s better to have his customers using and thinking about his/her product or something else? I’m pretty sure the answer isn’t “something else.”
Someone seems to think he is competing for “share of mind,” and that having more “share of mind” will translate into more “share of wallet.” I don’t think that’s a tricky thing to understand.
Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.
1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players. 2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those. 3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)
On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,
Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )
And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.
1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there. 2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum. 3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
Just saying some of the fights definitely require specific counters such as a cable fight in 6:1:1
Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.
1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players. 2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those. 3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)
On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,
Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )
And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.
1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there. 2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum. 3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
Just saying some of the fights definitely require specific counters such as a cable fight in 6:1:1
Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.
1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players. 2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those. 3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)
On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,
Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )
And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.
1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there. 2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum. 3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
Just saying some of the fights definitely require specific counters such as a cable fight in 6:1:1
There are BEST options, that's pretty much the same as any content. There are always other options.
Not really the cable has a very specific nodes that if you don’t have vision or magik it’s going to be a horrible fight
So Power Control? There's more than two, isn't there?
There are more but they are the best power control champs. And they don’t apply a debuff on the specials that have the power control. Well vision mightplace an amor break but I’m unsure, don’t really use him. But they the best option for the fight.
Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.
1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players. 2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those. 3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)
On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,
Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )
And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.
1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there. 2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum. 3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
Just saying some of the fights definitely require specific counters such as a cable fight in 6:1:1
Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.
1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players. 2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those. 3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)
On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,
Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )
And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.
1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there. 2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum. 3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
Just saying some of the fights definitely require specific counters such as a cable fight in 6:1:1
Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.
1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players. 2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those. 3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)
On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,
Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )
And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.
1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there. 2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum. 3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
Just saying some of the fights definitely require specific counters such as a cable fight in 6:1:1
There are BEST options, that's pretty much the same as any content. There are always other options.
Not really the cable has a very specific nodes that if you don’t have vision or magik it’s going to be a horrible fight
So Power Control? There's more than two, isn't there?
It requires the best power controllers as eventually the other ones won’t be able to keep up
Not really the cable has a very specific nodes that if you don’t have vision or magik it’s going to be a horrible fight
Based on the Reddit writeup Dormamu will be best for that fight. Magik may be the next best option. Other options include:
Vision (like you said) Quake (high block damage but possible at r4+) Psylocke (sp1 draining to 0 power prevents all power gain) Modok (sp1 reverses power gain buffs) Luke Cage (same as MODOK with 4+ exhaustion debuffs + invulnerability when duped) Void (petrify debuffs when power gain buffs are active) Duped Cap IW w/tech champ (same as Void) Ghost w/Hood synergy (phase during sp3) Doctor Octopus (power lock) Doctor Voodoo (sp2 power burn prevents sp3) Spider-Man Stark Enhanced (heavy attack power drain) Spider-Gwen (sp1 enervate)
The Extinction Protocol node was introduced in Variant with 3.2 Ultron's boss. I remember that fight's power gain not being as bad as I'd expected. Cable's power gain buff makes that node more difficult, a handful of the above champions should still be able to solo that fight without boosts.
It’s not a power gain buff so void like cage and modok are all instantly removed as options same with cap iw doctor voodoo would work for the first but if the fight but it’d eventually not work spidergwen could work but don’t forget she only enervates blocks still give him power and his power gain buffs and pyslocke wouldn’t work well
Little embarrassing you're using CCP videos to try and distract everyone and still continue to avoid addressing any actual reason why you won't allow 4 Star Champions in Act 6. We see through it.
On the subject on the first quest I see those wonderful Domino, Korg, Mephisto & Iron Man (Infinity War) fights which will be super fun for everyone that doesn't have an adequate counter in their 5 Star/6 Star roster and this is just the first very quest. Not too mention the massive disadvantage players that will have that don't have a god tier bleeder for the "These champions can only take bleed damage path".
If you think the reaction is bad now, you're going to be in for a great time tomorrow mate.
I believe it’s a common fallacy to think that you’ll need “god tier” champs to go through strong opponents.
While you may not need those God tier champs to beat those opponents I can't help but notice that they were the champs used by the ccp to showcase 6.1.1
If they have the optimal champs, then it’ll be dumb to not use them. Would you be watching the CCP (or would they even be one in the first place?) if they didn’t have these champs ranked up and making videos on how to play these champs?
Like what someone mentioned earlier, because the nodes are so diverse, you’re looking to dig DEEP into your roster for options to counter certain node champ combinations. I also previously stated that the playerbase are too focused on “god tier champs” that they forget that there are other “non-god tier champs” who are capable of handling the node.
The current mindset of the vast majority of the playerbase is “there is an optimal counter, the #1 choice, one of the ONLY few choices” that can be used. If I don’t have a 5/6* Variant of it, I’ll use my 4* one. That mindset is so restrictive.
IMIW? Oh man I need a Corvus or Void or I’m never passing him. 😒 Don’t have a 5* one? Let me use my 4* one.
But people never stop to think, “hey.. I might be able to use that unused 5* Elektra or 5* Falcon to take him down.”
in regard to ur last line, I always use my 5* elektra she is a beast
Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.
1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players. 2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those. 3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)
On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,
Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )
And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.
1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there. 2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum. 3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
Just saying some of the fights definitely require specific counters such as a cable fight in 6:1:1
Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.
1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players. 2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those. 3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)
On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,
Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )
And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.
1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there. 2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum. 3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
Just saying some of the fights definitely require specific counters such as a cable fight in 6:1:1
Just quickly popping in here to share a few things.
1- 4* ban is cheap and nasty as hell, a sleazy back handed slap in the face of we’ll all summoners not just the mid tier players. 2 - nodes you have showed to be in act 6 so far are fairly specific and less we forget there are path nodes + global + many of newer champions require specific matchups - that filters out 95%+ champions in game - like let’s say caustic temper - need poision immune with fury - realistically people only have ranked up medusa and or hype or Maybe ghost that can deal with that - narrowing it down to 3-4 champions in game that are not absolute trash for all other scenarios - it is stupid as hell if only 5* or 6* are allowed as statistically it is likely many summoners don’t have any of those. 3 - preview of 1.1 means absolutely squat when it comes to rest of the content (can’t compare 5.2.1 to 5.2.6 in difficulty)
On my channel I posted few ideas how to rectify this for Kabam,
Main one - release in game * boost* that increases 4* champion level by 1 for set amount of time - sprinkle them throughout 6.1 and perhaps store (for some gold and with daily limit )
And this whole issue goes away - 4* still banned but if we really need some utility of synergy champions we have acces to them.
1. It's not a slap in the face to all Summoners. It's a degree of challenge, one that shouldn't even pertain to mid-level Players yet. It affects everyone who hasn't done it, of course. Everyone is free to discuss it. However, it's certainly not a slap in the face to them. Quite contrary. They're getting a head start before they get there. 2. There are most likely a number of options, which is one of the purposes of releasing content to the CCs, so they can explore it and share their ideas and thoughts on how to get through it. It may however, require people to explore Champs not commonly used. That's not a bad thing. It's very limiting to play one way ad infinitum. 3. It pertains to 6.1. The rest of the Chapter is nowhere near ready to be released.
Just saying some of the fights definitely require specific counters such as a cable fight in 6:1:1
There are BEST options, that's pretty much the same as any content. There are always other options.
Not really the cable has a very specific nodes that if you don’t have vision or magik it’s going to be a horrible fight
So Power Control? There's more than two, isn't there?
There are more but they are the best power control champs. And they don’t apply a debuff on the specials that have the power control. Well vision mightplace an amor break but I’m unsure, don’t really use him. But they the best option for the fight.
There are others is what I meant. If someone doesn't have Vision or Magik, they can still make an effort with others. As I mentioned before, Doc Oc is one option.
Little embarrassing you're using CCP videos to try and distract everyone and still continue to avoid addressing any actual reason why you won't allow 4 Star Champions in Act 6. We see through it.
On the subject on the first quest I see those wonderful Domino, Korg, Mephisto & Iron Man (Infinity War) fights which will be super fun for everyone that doesn't have an adequate counter in their 5 Star/6 Star roster and this is just the first very quest. Not too mention the massive disadvantage players that will have that don't have a god tier bleeder for the "These champions can only take bleed damage path".
If you think the reaction is bad now, you're going to be in for a great time tomorrow mate.
I believe it’s a common fallacy to think that you’ll need “god tier” champs to go through strong opponents.
While you may not need those God tier champs to beat those opponents I can't help but notice that they were the champs used by the ccp to showcase 6.1.1
If they have the optimal champs, then it’ll be dumb to not use them. Would you be watching the CCP (or would they even be one in the first place?) if they didn’t have these champs ranked up and making videos on how to play these champs?
Like what someone mentioned earlier, because the nodes are so diverse, you’re looking to dig DEEP into your roster for options to counter certain node champ combinations. I also previously stated that the playerbase are too focused on “god tier champs” that they forget that there are other “non-god tier champs” who are capable of handling the node.
The current mindset of the vast majority of the playerbase is “there is an optimal counter, the #1 choice, one of the ONLY few choices” that can be used. If I don’t have a 5/6* Variant of it, I’ll use my 4* one. That mindset is so restrictive.
IMIW? Oh man I need a Corvus or Void or I’m never passing him. 😒 Don’t have a 5* one? Let me use my 4* one.
But people never stop to think, “hey.. I might be able to use that unused 5* Elektra or 5* Falcon to take him down.”
in regard to ur last line, I always use my 5* elektra she is a beast
Yeah she is. But most people don’t regard her as a good option solely because she isn’t god tier, whatever that means. Like I mentioned before, the design philosophy for A6 seems to be like what Miike mentioned, roster exploration. Hopefully there are specific set of nodes designed to counter specific common counters, like Rage on Sentinel. 😊
Really Kabam! No 4* champs in act 6? My best champs are 4*s. I don't have many 5*s. I don't have any 6*s. Kabam, you are losing your game.
Sucks bro! Hopefully you get some good 5* pulls. I usually get a couple 5* a month between the EQs... I also started grinding arena more and even though it’s in smaller chunks it adds up. Anyway don’t feel like you need the God Tier champs to complete the content. I’ve never had awesome luck but found reliable ways around content. I’d try it out and see what you can do. Having that cavalier title will help with progression big time. Best of luck mate
Kabam, if you ban 4*s. You should change the shards you need to get 5*s from 10,000 to 5,000 or 2,000. Or allow 4*s in act 6...easy fix for everyone. Makes everyone happier.
On one hand: You have people out there who have skill and 4 star champs, who haven't been blessed with great 5* champs and or time. Its as if an end game player started a new account tomorrow, while they have the skill set to get through act 5 and beyond, they have to go through and build their roster. And that's the biggest problem I have with this. It's Kabam saying "You're Not Worthy"
in that i don't see any difference between a rank 3 5* and a rank 5 4*. they should just make the gate in this case based on challenger rating of 100+(or whatever a rank 5 4* champion would be) and not all 4*s. If Kabam is REALLY trying to limit our frustrations level, then what's stopping them from us taking in a rank 1 5 star champ and self inflicting ourselves with that frustration.
On the other hand, I'm really excited for the challenge. I got a pretty decent roster to dive in and get an initial clear by this weekend. I'm ready. a lot of endish game players are too. for those that don't have the rosters to do it, then act 6 isn't for you yet.
TLDR: Kabam is saying 4* rosters are not worthy, and it should be based on challenger rating, but hell I'm excited for it anyway. Cheers to all the Cavaliers - Even LeBron James
It’s not a power gain buff so void like cage and modok are all instantly removed as options same with cap iw doctor voodoo would work for the first but if the fight but it’d eventually not work spidergwen could work but don’t forget she only enervates blocks still give him power and his power gain buffs and pyslocke wouldn’t work well
@Kobster84 You overlooked my response to @Drooped2's comment. Duped Cable has a % chance to gain an active power gain buff each time he fills a bar of power. Void Luke Cage MODOK and Cap IW are able to reverse active power gain buffs, so power gain buffs with increased power gain rate would mean increased power lost. Power gain rate is less of a factor for Doctor Voodoo's power burn as long as power burn drains any power, 100% power minus any amount of power greater than 0% means sp2 instead of sp3. Voodoo also has power drain to manage that Cable fight. Spider-Gwen might work for that fight if she can enervate after her sp1 and keep Cable cornered like Magik does to solo war bosses. Psylocke will work for that fight if she can drain Cable's power to 0 on her sp1, all that would take is baiting Cable's sp1 or sp2 early on when Cable doesn't have an active power gain buff.
You’re saying out of ALL the 5*s you’ve pulled, you don’t have one that inflicts Bleed? One that deals energy damage? One that is bleed immune? Geez
Otherwise they’ll just be using their 4* god tiers that they’ve ranked up to handle the node, which defeats the purpose of what kabam wants, ie roster Exploration.
But I give you points for your most succinct post in ages.
Dr. Zola
The answer to the first question is yes. I can't transcribe the entire answer to the second question. It started with "say what?' and then it was a lot of weird sounds while I tried to elaborate. But I think the gist of the answer is "no." So while I think "someone" might agree with you here, it wouldn't be this particular someone.
Why don’t you ask him/her if it’s better to have his customers using and thinking about his/her product or something else? I’m pretty sure the answer isn’t “something else.”
Someone seems to think he is competing for “share of mind,” and that having more “share of mind” will translate into more “share of wallet.” I don’t think that’s a tricky thing to understand.
Dr. Zola
I always use my 5* elektra she is a beast
On one hand:
You have people out there who have skill and 4 star champs, who haven't been blessed with great 5* champs and or time.
Its as if an end game player started a new account tomorrow, while they have the skill set to get through act 5 and beyond, they have to go through and build their roster. And that's the biggest problem I have with this. It's Kabam saying "You're Not Worthy"
in that i don't see any difference between a rank 3 5* and a rank 5 4*. they should just make the gate in this case based on challenger rating of 100+(or whatever a rank 5 4* champion would be) and not all 4*s. If Kabam is REALLY trying to limit our frustrations level, then what's stopping them from us taking in a rank 1 5 star champ and self inflicting ourselves with that frustration.
On the other hand, I'm really excited for the challenge. I got a pretty decent roster to dive in and get an initial clear by this weekend. I'm ready. a lot of endish game players are too. for those that don't have the rosters to do it, then act 6 isn't for you yet.
TLDR: Kabam is saying 4* rosters are not worthy, and it should be based on challenger rating, but hell I'm excited for it anyway. Cheers to all the Cavaliers - Even LeBron James