Who do you think is the best out of all the God Tiers?

Choose who you think is the best character in the game, I'm interested to see what others think. Personally, I would say Ghost.
Who do you think is the best out of all the God Tiers? 95 votes
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Blade isn't the *best* counter for the Thing and HT, though. He's good, but Gwenpool is better for Thing, and Void is better for HT. I'm not saying either of those is the best either, just that they are much better than Blade. But Blade is very good against Thing, and decent against HT.
Still on the hunt for 5* Corvus and Domino though, lol. Also, CAIW when duped is a MONSTER. My 4* is duped and that sig ability is funking CRAZY. Unfortunately my 5* R4 isn't awakened. Maybe someday. At the end of the day, Ghost's damage output is among the highest in the game. Even my 5* R4 SES at 10 stacks of poise doesn't really outshine Ghost for me. That S2 of her's is DEVISTATING! 100k+ damage with a few stacks of Fury, no suicides, no boosts. Boost her and it's straight bananas. Fact remains, it will always be personal preference.