How do you grade this event?



  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,489 Guardian
    DrZola said:

    Gmonkey said:

    The most worrying thing for Kabam I have no reason to login this month as a closer to endgame player (no pun intended). I have 5 r5 1 six star r2 and can r5 another. I am bored only have to 100% 6.1 and LoL, no side event to keep me interested.
    War AI is very broken. Map 5 sentinels AI is such a chore in waiting. Last month I had to login often but rewards were worth it. People are not happy I hope they do something or lots of playerbase may leave.

    I wonder whether this metric will show up for the team, or if people like you (and me) aren’t in their core market anymore for these types of events.
    To be blunt, this will almost certainly show up in the data, but this always shows up in the data. Some percentage of the playerbase complains about every new piece of content, and I'm sure there are always people who decide not to play it. However, the question is whether that number is significantly different this month than last month, which is the only meaningful thing in the data. Even within the "end game" segment of the playerbase, I would guess it probably isn't.

    In my experience, all progressional games like this know there will be attrition at the end game. You're simply not going to be able to keep all of the players that reach the end of the progressional ladder, and it is too expensive to even try. You will keep some of them, but the ones most likely to get bored unless content is directly targeted at them are generally the ones you'll eventually lose regardless, no matter what you do. So game developers do so much, and generally no more, because the return on more investment past a certain point drops fast. Every game has this problem: its one of the most interesting conundrums of progressional game development.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,496 ★★★★★
    edited May 2019
    Completely missed opportunity
    DNA3000 said:

    DrZola said:

    Gmonkey said:

    The most worrying thing for Kabam I have no reason to login this month as a closer to endgame player (no pun intended). I have 5 r5 1 six star r2 and can r5 another. I am bored only have to 100% 6.1 and LoL, no side event to keep me interested.
    War AI is very broken. Map 5 sentinels AI is such a chore in waiting. Last month I had to login often but rewards were worth it. People are not happy I hope they do something or lots of playerbase may leave.

    I wonder whether this metric will show up for the team, or if people like you (and me) aren’t in their core market anymore for these types of events.
    To be blunt, this will almost certainly show up in the data, but this always shows up in the data. Some percentage of the playerbase complains about every new piece of content, and I'm sure there are always people who decide not to play it. However, the question is whether that number is significantly different this month than last month, which is the only meaningful thing in the data. Even within the "end game" segment of the playerbase, I would guess it probably isn't.

    In my experience, all progressional games like this know there will be attrition at the end game. You're simply not going to be able to keep all of the players that reach the end of the progressional ladder, and it is too expensive to even try. You will keep some of them, but the ones most likely to get bored unless content is directly targeted at them are generally the ones you'll eventually lose regardless, no matter what you do. So game developers do so much, and generally no more, because the return on more investment past a certain point drops fast. Every game has this problem: its one of the most interesting conundrums of progressional game development.
    That’s fair. And that’s part of it, I’m sure—some of this stuff just feels so stale that even the AI seems to be bored with it (ex: Epic Quest for the Stones fights). Maybe it doesn’t feel that way for a L45 player who sees it as a challenge; I just don’t know.

    But I think there’s another element with this set of events related to the way it is structured. And I don’t think those design decisions really play out the way the game team might want them to play out. I’m not a game designer, but no one who puts out a product wants consumers to interact less with it. I suspect in digital gaming, getting and keeping attention is pretty important, but that’s just a guess.

    That’s where this event (which had a massive movie springboard) feels so off for me. It becomes hard not to see other things—like the calendar—through the Endgame event lens (Emma Frost as the champ? Really? No Last Stand shards?).

    Does it show up significantly in the engagement numbers? It is hard to imagine the Endgame content keeps eyeballs on screens the way three-times-a-day bounties did. But then again—I’m only guessing.

    Dr. Zola

  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,489 Guardian
    DrZola said:

    That’s where this event (which had a massive movie springboard) feels so off for me. It becomes hard not to see other things—like the calendar—through the Endgame event lens (Emma Frost as the champ? Really? No Last Stand shards?).

    Does it show up significantly in the engagement numbers? It is hard to imagine the Endgame content keeps eyeballs on screens the way three-times-a-day bounties did. But then again—I’m only guessing.

    I'd guess you're right, but that's not a fair comparison. Or rather, it isn't the comparison the devs are likely to make. You can't have bounty missions all the time: people would get numb to them, it would become the new normal, and in effect you'd kill all your other content. The bounties, the Gwenpool goes to the movies, and the boss rushes of the game are only special because they are special: because they don't happen all the time. If they did, they'd just make it even more difficult to do anything special.

    The monthly content is up and down, there's tons of room for improvement there. I'm not saying its all the same. Rather, I'm saying some players can handle the up and down, and some can't. And I think the players they lose because of the up and down are players they probably think they will eventually lose anyway: that if up and down content drives them to leave, it is a sign that in six month one bad month out of three will drive them to leave, then eventually one bad month will, then eventually one mediocre month will.

    Don't get me wrong: I think this month's content is a bit disappointing in terms of lost opportunity. But I'm separating my judgment on the content with whether that disappointment rises to the degree of compromising my enjoyment of the game. And my limited experience here makes me unsure how much of this is Kabam's fault and how much is Marvel's fault. Kabam might have been extremely constrained by Marvel on what they could do with April's content. Marvel of course wanted tie-in content. But it takes four to six months to realize game content, at least. Given the large lead time, how much Endgame information was Marvel willing to give outside game developers? What did they mandate that Kabam put in, and what did they mandate Kabam stay away from? Kabam might have had to keep things relatively simple to stay in their lane. Short of direct inside-ball info, I don't think we'll ever know.

    Setting side specifics and looking just at the big picture, Marvel has several licensed games. As far as I can tell, none of them contain extraordinary block-buster all-out effort content designed to tie into the Endgame movie, or attempts to be as "spectacular" as the movie strives to be. None of them seem to be running "the special event of the decade" kind of content. Maybe that's a coincidence, maybe that's just the practical realities of game development, or maybe there's some shared limitations putting everyone under coincidentally similar constraints.
  • The_Stig9684The_Stig9684 Member Posts: 42
    Totally Meh
    It's not the best, let's be honest. A better idea would have been a raid boss where Global teamed up against a super boss Thanos, with increasing HP every level they complete within a few hours. And if it doesn't complete, it goes down a level. With rewards for participants depending on what level it finished.
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    Completely missed opportunity
    This month should be a celebration of all things marvel, instead it’s a mediocre side event with mediocre reward structure dependent on RNG. EQ is fine even though it’s increased difficulty for the same rewards but no real complaint on that from me.
    The biggest month in the marvel cinematic universe and the culmination of generation 1 deserved better then what has been served up, hope the devs are as disappointed as the player base.
  • HdrvHdrv Member Posts: 61
    Completely missed opportunity
    As compared to infinity war update...this is trash......too much energy is wasted in completing quest.......alot less rewards.....
    ..greater last stand crystal not upto the mark(atleast getting a 4* awakening gem probability should have been more)
  • ryukendo011ryukendo011 Member Posts: 29
    Completely missed opportunity
    Worst ever...
  • Ezra7676Ezra7676 Member Posts: 691 ★★
    Completely missed opportunity
    So bad I did the heroic difficulty to get a few crystals and not even bothering with the easier ones. Opened 4 of the 10k crystals got gold and a 4* sig stone. I was like cool 5 more for SL... then I realized it was a 4* 🙄

    Back to Act 5 explore for me.
  • KillSwitchKillSwitch Member Posts: 283 ★★★
    edited May 2019
    Completely missed opportunity

    Worst ever...

    When factoring the hype, expectations, constant bugs, and what rolled out I would have to agree that this falls short of the expectations that we would normally have for a monthly event (let alone one for ENDGAME). I was truly hoping that Kabam would ride the wave like everyone else, but it seems that we need to drastically curtail our expectations moving forward.
  • YakultYakult Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2019
    E muito triste vc se matar em evoluir num jogo e a kabam da esses prêmios de evoluçoes de heróis, mediucre.
  • MbizzMbizz Member Posts: 215 ★★
    Completely missed opportunity
    Feel let down. Playing very little(alliance stuff only). No motivation to grind arena due to ongoing bugs, the game is just too slow right now. Very frustrating.
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  • dijitaqdijitaq Member Posts: 23
    Completely missed opportunity
    All but Kabam realized the Endgame was going to be the biggest movie event of all time.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,182 ★★★★★
    Completely missed opportunity
    The last stand crystals are kinda garbage. It’s a slog to get them, and you might walk away with half a 4-star when you already have a hundred four stars, or you might get 10,000 gold. Wtf.
  • DaddoDaddo Member Posts: 16
    Completely missed opportunity
    It’s endgame - No login calendar, poor mind stone mechanics, high energy use, and the high % of useless rewards makes what should have been a tribute to 11 years and 22 films of an epic saga seem very pathetic. Bring back the bounty missions!
  • KillSwitchKillSwitch Member Posts: 283 ★★★
    Completely missed opportunity
    Daddo said:

    It’s endgame - No login calendar, poor mind stone mechanics, high energy use, and the high % of useless rewards makes what should have been a tribute to 11 years and 22 films of an epic saga seem very pathetic. Bring back the bounty missions!

    Couldn’t have said it better myself 👍🏻

  • REiiGN15REiiGN15 Member Posts: 120
    Completely missed opportunity
    A dumpster, on fire, on a barge in the middle of a lake of fire
  • BizarreSoldierBizarreSoldier Member Posts: 17
    Totally Meh
    I like a challenge, but only if at least it guarantees nice rewards... why wasting my time and energy to get shards for a crystal that will probably give me gold? If we were talking about an Avengers Crystal, then I could give it a try.
  • KillSwitchKillSwitch Member Posts: 283 ★★★
    Completely missed opportunity

    I like a challenge, but only if at least it guarantees nice rewards... why wasting my time and energy to get shards for a crystal that will probably give me gold? If we were talking about an Avengers Crystal, then I could give it a try.

    I’ve opened about 8-10 of those crystals and haven’t gotten anything that got me even remotely excited. 1 in 1000 chance for an awakening gem 🤣 Yeah, okay 👌🏻
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  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★
    Near miss
    I think its great in theory, with a fairly flawed execution. The number of last stand pulls you can get is incredible, but there's just too many things available in the crystal.
  • CaramesCarames Member Posts: 284 ★★
    Completely missed opportunity
    I remember the rumors that the game was shutting down in 2020. It's definitely starting to feel like that. There's been a "coasting to the end" vibe for a couple of months now
  • KillSwitchKillSwitch Member Posts: 283 ★★★
    Completely missed opportunity
    Carames said:

    I remember the rumors that the game was shutting down in 2020. It's definitely starting to feel like that. There's been a "coasting to the end" vibe for a couple of months now

    Never heard those rumors, but I can’t argue your reasoning after the past few months.
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  • MavRCK_MavRCK_ Member Posts: 517 ★★★
    Completely missed opportunity
    The new events energy could have been 1 energy -- too much quests to do... BORING quests.. bleh...
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,132 ★★★★
    Near miss
    The Thanos is really a big boss, better than the previous one ! But it's the only good thing in this event.
    This was THE ENDGAME month and event it should have been more details perhaps with conditionals quests, possibility to earn infinity stone profile pic, even the gauntlet, something more big to celebrate the last movie of the Avengers and instead we have an event usual... a nice one, i mean no disrespect for the dev but it's just a quest as any other we had before. The boss is Thanos, and a big powerful one but that's all.

    The quests for the stone ? boring... and the mind path is nearly impossible to do, even with the right infinity stone ! unless you rank up you IM to rank 5...but who will rank a meme for just a path of a quest ?
    Most people use captain and the soul stone to complete the mind path, using a lot of revives where the soul path, while difficult, could be done without revive if you have enough skill !

    Still waiting to see if the the other stones are as broken as the mind one.

    Maybe there will be a side quest in a week or two or at the end, available only to those with the 6 stones ? something more like the last scene of the movie...
  • buffajrbuffajr Member Posts: 424 ★★
    Totally Meh
    It’s the RNG for most of the rewards that’s the downfall. Too many options in the crystals leading for too much disappointment.
  • Cranky_TrumpCranky_Trump Member Posts: 263
    Near miss
    I like the concept, get the stone, unlock the quest, but the fact that you have to use crappy champs that you wouldn't otherwise rank up, and the level of difficulty is BS.

    And Nameless is waaaay too much of a pain.
  • Labais55Labais55 Member Posts: 40
    Completely missed opportunity
    Pure BS event i skiping this month, shame its so long
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