Early Look: New Alliance Wars Maps - Discussion Thread



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    Is it really necessary to Tag me in that? I'm quite aware of how to give feedback. I'm also capable of discussing thoughts and ideas that don't require a "pony up" of where I'm at. Yes, it's useful feedback.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    In case you hadn't noticed, I'm supporting listening to the feedback here.
  • Captain_KandiceCaptain_Kandice Member Posts: 222 ★★
    I’m still trying to figure out how the difficulty didn’t increase when the hard & intermediate maps didn’t have the middle mini bosses before but now have 17 or 18 mini bosses?

    Then there is the zig-zagging all over the place. Why? Why do I need to go from the left to the middle just to go left again? The logistics of trying to line up everyone’s schedule is an obstacle, and not a small one.

    Some of these nodes need to be toned down. Energy consumption and/or these links need to be re-examined.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    I'm not debating anything. I amended my original reaction and expressed I think there's something to the reactions. Since then, I've had my view raked through the coals for absolutely no reason at all, other than habit. Lol.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    @synergy247 thanks. I'm actually quite happy with our performance today on this map. My crew REALLY came together and are maintaining quite well. Fact is, many are worried about the 9 player requirement to advance in each section. We're a life 1st Alliance. We do our best to work around our life priorities to keep things flowing smoothly. Being in T4 means we're climbing closer too T3 and being in the hardest, most demanding map.

    I wholeheartedly agree that certain nodes seem out of place in AW. I can see Aegis being excessively irritating if something goes sideways. Heck, if there's a random connection drop the frustration would send your blood pressure through the roof. Having to go back in with half health, 1 attack bonus gone, and a full health champ with 6 indestructible charges to deal with... AGAIN. This is a real possibility.

    Reversed Controls, being buggy, unpredictable... that's no good either. Some of the new nodes are quite intriguing and fun. I would say there's a lot done right, and a bit done over the top. A little tweaking would make this map fun. I hope they take all the information presented by the playerbase into consideration.

    Now, on to a question I had from the start. Why again are we made to wait for a reward buff to wars? I kind of get why the Season rewards haven't been updated. I can live with that. However, it is clear that this new map is more difficult. It's gonna REQUIRE more investment. Be that items, skill, rank ups, and most of all... time. Moreover, let's look at a very odd factor in this equation. Defense Tactics are for T5-T1... yet everyone has to wait for a reward update. Everyone gets a new map, no changes to rewards. In what world does that make any sense? I'm sorry but meeting us halfway would've quelled a fair amount of irritation about the difficulty increase. More demanding map for the same old, same old... yeah that kind of added fuel to the fire as it were.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    And most of the new aw map isnt too terrible but there are certain paths and nodes that need looked at. I highly doubt you guys tested each node/champ combo and its ability to be beaten on said node
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    Buttehrs said:

    And to add my own feedback, map 5 hyperion is just sickening. You guys obviously knew what you were doing to make people use items. Is it because hoarding is unhealthy?

    That would be better said in the AQ Season 6 thread my good man. This is about the new AW Map here 😉. Although it would seem many agree with you on the Map 5 Hyperion mini Boss.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★

    Buttehrs said:

    And to add my own feedback, map 5 hyperion is just sickening. You guys obviously knew what you were doing to make people use items. Is it because hoarding is unhealthy?

    That would be better said in the AQ Season 6 thread my good man. This is about the new AW Map here 😉. Although it would seem many agree with you on the Map 5 Hyperion mini Boss.
    Yea i realized i put that one in the wrong thread. Oh well. Maybe theyll see it to move it haha.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    All good @Buttehrs . Truth be told, many are frustrated, and the tensions are high. This occasionally can cause an oopz moment, lol. Hopefully we get some replies once this war ends on whether or not they're considering making some changes. Once AQ ends, perhaps then we'll hear about Hyperion as well.
  • TamamortTamamort Member Posts: 59
    We were p2 last season. This season unless it changes will be item free AW and land where we land. The rewards were already bleh before this map change now they are 100% not worth it at all
  • WhathappenedWhathappened Member Posts: 747 ★★★

    There's 2 major changes I would love to see. 1st, and foremost, the removal of 1 link per section (in regards to the left, middle, and right) so Alliances are not REQUIRED to have 9 players available immediately. As it stands, that's the case and it's troublesome for many. Many players can't drop everything to play whenever they're needed. Some flexibility should be there, and as it stands, there's none.

    2nd, some of these nodes need to be dialed back, or scrapped altogether. Granted, we can see the majority of the Map as there's only 5 hidden nodes now. While that helps with choosing your attack squad, not everyone has every champ, let alone have them ranked. Certain combos seem to require an ideal counter champ, or it's gonna be a heck of a battle.

    Aegis seems to be particularly troublesome when combined with certain defenders. The Reversed Controls isn't activating right away causing confusion. Not to mention the unknown interaction with Emma Frost. Will she temporarily bring the controls back to normal? Another oddity with Reversed Controls found by an Alliance mate was with Blade vs GR. Danger Sense made it impossible to know when it would work. I believe this was due to ability accuracy reduction. Is this intended? Or an unforeseen interaction?

    There's other issues that have come to light, and it's taking away from the enjoyment factor of AW. Being told this wasn't intended to be more difficult really makes players question how Kabam came to that conclusion. We didn't even need to play it to know it would be more difficult. Now having played it, there's 1st hand experience. The layout itself isn't the problem. It's the fact it demands 9 players, and may require certain champs to survive without heavy item usage.

    Having to buy your way through a Map isn't right. Sure, perhaps eventually we could figure it all out. Just the same, when you figure out that it can't be done without X champs you don't have... it really makes the situation feel hopeless. Something no one wants to feel when playing a game that's supposed to bring joy. So hopefully notes sre being taken and suggestions being considered. I know there's other issues as the number of posts are growing.

    This is EXACTLY right. There should have been a better beta or something. Last time they changed maps it was way to easy, this time it's a little bit to difficult and buggy. I submitted a bug report about reverse controls not working correctly... haven't heard anything from Kabam. Is definitely suggest ramping up difficulty instead of having to tune it down next time. People are rarely mad when things are easy at first. Unfortunately things like this deflate an alliance and takes quite a bit to get over feeling betrayed. This just sort of looks like a cash grab... not a good look. We just went to no items war. So much for you making more money.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    edited June 2019
    Buttehrs said:

    I'm not debating anything. I amended my original reaction and expressed I think there's something to the reactions. Since then, I've had my view raked through the coals for absolutely no reason at all, other than habit. Lol.

    Because your not giving any real feedback other than you see other peoples comments. Which is not helpful in any sort of fashion.
    Considering I've been commenting all along, I have. I admit when I'm wrong, and having reacted differently before it went live, I thought it only respectful to say I misjudged. As I already explained, my reactions were based on the numerous Map changes and iterations we've had with War, and historically, people have adjusted just fine. This seems somewhat more amped up than the previous ones, so I amended my reaction. That's it.
    Pages later, here we are still debating my presence here. I'm here. I was here. I will be here. Other than that, back to the subject.
    What I feel would be prudent is to gather the feedback and adjust the Map where it's needed. What I would ultimately feel is best, is to wait until people adjust to Defense Tactics before keeping the new Map and Nodes because not only are there adjustments to be made this Season, I fear people will be somewhat more frustrated and confused when 11 comes. However, it's really not my decision, and I don't know what their entire vision is. Which means we're all in the same boat, regardless of playing the Nodes or not.
    I have been a voice in War goings on for a long time, and I'm not going to peace out because of the bullying, so people can go to town. I ain't going anywhere.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian

    All good @Buttehrs . Truth be told, many are frustrated, and the tensions are high. This occasionally can cause an oopz moment, lol. Hopefully we get some replies once this war ends on whether or not they're considering making some changes. Once AQ ends, perhaps then we'll hear about Hyperion as well.

    I guarantee you they aren't. This is definitely related to the economy of the game. They feel that resources are being dispersed too much.
    Do you like to arbitrarily say things that do not connect cohesively to the content you quote? I'm seriously just trying to figure out how this has anything to do with what I said. This is 2 different threads you've done exactly this.

    They aren't what? What is related to the economy of the game? I assume the 'they' in this is Kabam. Not sure how they feel resources are being dispersed too much, but ok. It's possible. Not that I've seen this said, and kind of is contradicted by them increasing rewards in the EQ. But, ok. Now, how does any of this have anything to do with what I said?

    Honestly I'm already making peace with the possibility they won't change the nodes too much if at all. In regards to my primary concern, allowing flexibility by removing a few links doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility here. Also wouldn't have any negative impact on the 'economy of the game' as it were.

    In regards to the AQ Hyperion situation, who can say for sure at this point. Until all the data for the AQ cycle is in, I doubt anything will be said. Which makes sense. Just have to wait and see. Just the same, the more cohesive feedback we give, the better chance we have at getting some changes made. Until then, we play on and see what happens (at least my Alliance will). Or in some cases, stop playing AQ and AW as it's too stressful for some.
  • vish04vish04 Member Posts: 52
    @Kabam Miike

    hope considering the AW map change going a level up, wonder why still the rewards not change??
    it really an injustice to the summoners play so hard also the cost of items is not got down with the Harder Aw Maps.

    Seems like MCOC is focusing on their Units Grinding from Games.
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,082 ★★★★
    Thank you Kabam for the joke this new AW map bring us !
    Its so juicy seeing so many nodes making champions nearly undoable without tons of items !

    Lets just see this node 20 which gives an unstoppable buff every 8 seconds.. ok thats fine
    The buff initially last 4 seconds out of the 8 before the next buff... ouch
    Wait no ! The buff gain +75% duration... making it last 7 secondes out of the 8 before the next buff 🤣🤣🤣
    This is without extensive buffs duration of Hyperion or Voodoo which make them virtually unstopable for the remzinder of the fight if you’re unable to dispose them in the 8 first secondes or if you can’t block the arrival of the buff... 👍
    Oh and in case its not enough, every 6 secondes you got a degen if you can’t hit 😂😂😂
  • tkhan08tkhan08 Member Posts: 189 ★★
    Ridiculously bad nodes on new maps. Please kabam, don't ruin this game further.
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Just want to point out that it is possible to disagree with @GroundedWisdom on something and not spam this thread with childish name calling and insults... This thread needs a good cleaning. I'm trying to read about AW and every other comment is an insult/name calling post.
  • synergy247synergy247 Member Posts: 306
    Also.... more specific war node feedback. Node 18 confusion w reversed controls first 20 seconds of fight. Placed a 5* R1 HB on here. Not an overly hard defender. He got two kills... tier 4 war challenger.

    Test 2, node 13 Aegis node placed a 5* R3 King Groot. He got 3 kills, normally in war he barely gets one if placed on an optimal node for him...

    If this doesn’t demonstrate increased difficulty in the new map I’m not sure what else does...
  • Eric1701Eric1701 Member Posts: 9
    After running two wars with the new map i wanted to leave my two cents....

    I am not fond of the new map at all - and not because of the nodes. I don't like the new map because it is a 'dumb' map. Meaning that it requires zero intelligence or strategy to run! Throw some appropriately powerful accounts/players at it and turn them lose. Done.
    With most of the old maps it was interesting (to me) because tiles were easy to miss if someone wasn't paying attention. Get to the end of the map, every foe was down, boss down, but couldn't 100% because one person took a shortcut. Frustrating, sure, but at least it was a challenge.
    The season 10 map itself is unimaginative and uninspired.

    And by the way Kabam, when are you going to fix the seriously broken alliance potion mechanic? Your customer base has been asking for this to be changed for well over a year now. Change it already!
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Stellar said:

    Thank you Kabam for the joke this new AW map bring us !
    Its so juicy seeing so many nodes making champions nearly undoable without tons of items !

    Lets just see this node 20 which gives an unstoppable buff every 8 seconds.. ok thats fine
    The buff initially last 4 seconds out of the 8 before the next buff... ouch
    Wait no ! The buff gain +75% duration... making it last 7 secondes out of the 8 before the next buff 🤣🤣🤣
    This is without extensive buffs duration of Hyperion or Voodoo which make them virtually unstopable for the remzinder of the fight if you’re unable to dispose them in the 8 first secondes or if you can’t block the arrival of the buff... 👍
    Oh and in case its not enough, every 6 secondes you got a degen if you can’t hit 😂😂😂

    You’re a joke. The timer for the 8 seconds cooldown doesn’t start until Unstoppable is over. You can parry champs when Unstoppable is up.

    Get your facts straight before complaining.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    Stellar said:

    Thank you Kabam for the joke this new AW map bring us !
    Its so juicy seeing so many nodes making champions nearly undoable without tons of items !

    Lets just see this node 20 which gives an unstoppable buff every 8 seconds.. ok thats fine
    The buff initially last 4 seconds out of the 8 before the next buff... ouch
    Wait no ! The buff gain +75% duration... making it last 7 secondes out of the 8 before the next buff 🤣🤣🤣
    This is without extensive buffs duration of Hyperion or Voodoo which make them virtually unstopable for the remzinder of the fight if you’re unable to dispose them in the 8 first secondes or if you can’t block the arrival of the buff... 👍
    Oh and in case its not enough, every 6 secondes you got a degen if you can’t hit 😂😂😂

    You’re a joke. The timer for the 8 seconds cooldown doesn’t start until Unstoppable is over. You can parry champs when Unstoppable is up.

    Get your facts straight before complaining.
    Hmm ikr. Did these unstoppables with my r4 spidergwen. Easy money. There’s better complaints that are valid then this.
  • synergy247synergy247 Member Posts: 306
    Jaded said:

    xNig said:

    Stellar said:

    Thank you Kabam for the joke this new AW map bring us !
    Its so juicy seeing so many nodes making champions nearly undoable without tons of items !

    Lets just see this node 20 which gives an unstoppable buff every 8 seconds.. ok thats fine
    The buff initially last 4 seconds out of the 8 before the next buff... ouch
    Wait no ! The buff gain +75% duration... making it last 7 secondes out of the 8 before the next buff 🤣🤣🤣
    This is without extensive buffs duration of Hyperion or Voodoo which make them virtually unstopable for the remzinder of the fight if you’re unable to dispose them in the 8 first secondes or if you can’t block the arrival of the buff... 👍
    Oh and in case its not enough, every 6 secondes you got a degen if you can’t hit 😂😂😂

    You’re a joke. The timer for the 8 seconds cooldown doesn’t start until Unstoppable is over. You can parry champs when Unstoppable is up.

    Get your facts straight before complaining.
    Hmm ikr. Did these unstoppables with my r4 spidergwen. Easy money. There’s better complaints that are valid then this.
    Interesting... isn’t she still more of a defender though even post update/buff?
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    Stellar said:

    Thank you Kabam for the joke this new AW map bring us !
    Its so juicy seeing so many nodes making champions nearly undoable without tons of items !

    Lets just see this node 20 which gives an unstoppable buff every 8 seconds.. ok thats fine
    The buff initially last 4 seconds out of the 8 before the next buff... ouch
    Wait no ! The buff gain +75% duration... making it last 7 secondes out of the 8 before the next buff 🤣🤣🤣
    This is without extensive buffs duration of Hyperion or Voodoo which make them virtually unstopable for the remzinder of the fight if you’re unable to dispose them in the 8 first secondes or if you can’t block the arrival of the buff... 👍
    Oh and in case its not enough, every 6 secondes you got a degen if you can’t hit 😂😂😂

    You’re a joke. The timer for the 8 seconds cooldown doesn’t start until Unstoppable is over. You can parry champs when Unstoppable is up.

    Get your facts straight before complaining.
    Well also gotta remember hyperion further increases that buff duration by 75% id be more worried off timing out than anything else
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    Jaded said:

    xNig said:

    Stellar said:

    Thank you Kabam for the joke this new AW map bring us !
    Its so juicy seeing so many nodes making champions nearly undoable without tons of items !

    Lets just see this node 20 which gives an unstoppable buff every 8 seconds.. ok thats fine
    The buff initially last 4 seconds out of the 8 before the next buff... ouch
    Wait no ! The buff gain +75% duration... making it last 7 secondes out of the 8 before the next buff 🤣🤣🤣
    This is without extensive buffs duration of Hyperion or Voodoo which make them virtually unstopable for the remzinder of the fight if you’re unable to dispose them in the 8 first secondes or if you can’t block the arrival of the buff... 👍
    Oh and in case its not enough, every 6 secondes you got a degen if you can’t hit 😂😂😂

    You’re a joke. The timer for the 8 seconds cooldown doesn’t start until Unstoppable is over. You can parry champs when Unstoppable is up.

    Get your facts straight before complaining.
    Hmm ikr. Did these unstoppables with my r4 spidergwen. Easy money. There’s better complaints that are valid then this.
    Interesting... isn’t she still more of a defender though even post update/buff?
    Nah. She’s pretty decent for these new buffs. Her slow debuff stops unstoppable, her sp2 paralyze stops energy and healing. And she can control power with enervate.
  • synergy247synergy247 Member Posts: 306
    Maybe I’ll try Spidergwen in AQ Map 5 vs Hyp mini boss lol
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Kobster84 said:

    xNig said:

    Stellar said:

    Thank you Kabam for the joke this new AW map bring us !
    Its so juicy seeing so many nodes making champions nearly undoable without tons of items !

    Lets just see this node 20 which gives an unstoppable buff every 8 seconds.. ok thats fine
    The buff initially last 4 seconds out of the 8 before the next buff... ouch
    Wait no ! The buff gain +75% duration... making it last 7 secondes out of the 8 before the next buff 🤣🤣🤣
    This is without extensive buffs duration of Hyperion or Voodoo which make them virtually unstopable for the remzinder of the fight if you’re unable to dispose them in the 8 first secondes or if you can’t block the arrival of the buff... 👍
    Oh and in case its not enough, every 6 secondes you got a degen if you can’t hit 😂😂😂

    You’re a joke. The timer for the 8 seconds cooldown doesn’t start until Unstoppable is over. You can parry champs when Unstoppable is up.

    Get your facts straight before complaining.
    Well also gotta remember hyperion further increases that buff duration by 75% id be more worried off timing out than anything else
    Does it stack? Because Hype's dupe gives +75% duration, and the node gives +75% duration, so that means he's unstoppable for 10 seconds if it's additive.
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    Werewrym said:

    Kobster84 said:

    xNig said:

    Stellar said:

    Thank you Kabam for the joke this new AW map bring us !
    Its so juicy seeing so many nodes making champions nearly undoable without tons of items !

    Lets just see this node 20 which gives an unstoppable buff every 8 seconds.. ok thats fine
    The buff initially last 4 seconds out of the 8 before the next buff... ouch
    Wait no ! The buff gain +75% duration... making it last 7 secondes out of the 8 before the next buff 🤣🤣🤣
    This is without extensive buffs duration of Hyperion or Voodoo which make them virtually unstopable for the remzinder of the fight if you’re unable to dispose them in the 8 first secondes or if you can’t block the arrival of the buff... 👍
    Oh and in case its not enough, every 6 secondes you got a degen if you can’t hit 😂😂😂

    You’re a joke. The timer for the 8 seconds cooldown doesn’t start until Unstoppable is over. You can parry champs when Unstoppable is up.

    Get your facts straight before complaining.
    Well also gotta remember hyperion further increases that buff duration by 75% id be more worried off timing out than anything else
    Does it stack? Because Hype's dupe gives +75% duration, and the node gives +75% duration, so that means he's unstoppable for 10 seconds if it's additive.
    Pretty sure it stacks because Hyperiond sig just says increases his buff duration by 75%
  • Gregdagr8Gregdagr8 Member Posts: 382 ★★★
    Nodes 13 and 19 need to be reworked. Aspect of War should NEVER be in war EVER! Especially coupled up with Spite.
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★

    Hey all,

    I don't have anything to add right now, but I wanted to let you all know that we've been collecting all of your feedback, and making sure that it is seen by our Alliance Wars Team.

    So, please keep your constructive feedback coming.

    Again thank you just acknowledging the post at least let’s us know your listening thanks
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