She-Hulk Heavy Speed Bug Fix [Title Edited for Clarity]



  • gilbowgilbow Member Posts: 19
    I'm not defending kabam, I personally only took she hulk to r3 and she will stay there regardless. But I hate getting on here the few times a month I do, and hearing about rank down tickets. this question is pure curiousity, say what you will, your opinions of me mean nothing. Why do you expect kabam to give you something back everytime something doesnt work the way its supposed to, especially on a game thats free, im not FTP but thats my choice, If your gonna spend money on a game go buy some ps4 and xbox one games and then demand sony or microsoft refund your parts because your car in need for speed didnt work like you thought it would then let me know how that goes for you. RDT's shouldve never been introduced and I hope they never reappear. Thats my 2 cents for this month
  • gilbowgilbow Member Posts: 19
    My only answer to that is common sense says Test drive before you buy, especially if putting higher end resources into the decision. I didnt jump to that conclusion therefore i have just another r3 5* for arena. If they took her to r5, then they know this game well enough to know better than jump right on the band wagon.

  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★
    -sixate- said:

    OML can also chain a heavy at the end of his combo. Buff a champ then nerf them. They will do the same thing to OML. Beware before ranking him up.

    I don't think I'd be as fussed if that happened.
    She-Hulk benefited so dang much from the heavy chain playstyle because she could stack furies that also had a taunt mechanic on them, making fighting big enemies trivial. I mean have you seen 3-star She-Hulk destroy LoL Red Hulk? Yeah that was ridiculous.
    Based on the beta abilities (yes I know that it's not final, but I doubt they'll change his abilities past a numbers revamp), Old Man Logan doesn't have anything that will make that playstyle ridiculously good for him. Yes maybe you'll be able to keep your furies for a while longer, but it's not like it makes everything ridiculously easy.

    The biggest problem that I have with this whole She-Hulk fiasco is how Kabam handled it. If, as soon as they'd realised that She-Hulk could do this, and it was so ridiculously overpowered, they'd told us 'hey this is not intended and we're gonna fix this; take that into account when ranking her up', then I think this would not have been such a mess as it is right now.
    Kabam. Please start a bug board. Or at least start being a ton more active in updating the community on how your bug squashing quest is going along. #Transparency
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,443 ★★★★★
    Patchie93 said:

    Daredevil not being affected by invisibility makes sense since he doesn't use sight.

    Magneto and Juggs being immune to reverse controls is pulled straight from the comics and other forms of entertainment they've been in. Once again makes sense.

    Symbiote Supreme they tested and decided he would be to strong if they kept his text the way it was and matched his abilities to that thus they compromised by improving his intended % to 50 percent from its current 30%. I have Sym Sup as a r5/65 and have sunk close to 100 sig stones into him and don't regret it.

    Although I feel for those who r5/65 a she hulk for this one strategy they thought was intended it was stated that no champion besides Wasp should be able to do this. And yes it sucks but if no rdts were given for MD changes or AAs changes then I gotta disagree with this warranting a RDT. She can still stack her furies and apply taunt just not at a ridiculous level where she was essentially safe from damage from certain champions sp1s

    Not trying to be argumentative here, but could you point out where the team stated that only Wasp can chain into a heavy?

    I recall them pointing out in chatter that Wasp specifically could, but I don’t recall there ever being a pronouncement that she was the only one.

    If you have the post, I’d like to see it. Again, not trying to challenge here—just want to clarify whether I remember it all correctly.

    Dr. Zola
  • ON12355ON12355 Member Posts: 144 ★★
    Hi Kabam,
    I'd like to ask if we can expect Unstoppable Colossus, Superior Ironman, Luke Cage, Venom, Ultron (AoU), OG Ultron and Old Man Logan being fixed regarding their clearly unintended ability to combo Heavy attacks? It bothers me deeply that we are still able to cheat like this with above champions and I would like to ask you if you are going to make it right, we really need your help here - it is not even in their description, yet they are still able to do that, community just found out! And there may be even more! Could you please tell when we can expect those game-breaking bugs being removed? I have a new founded hope it is possible now you performed so greatly with She-hulk, she was too good anyway, one can only imagine what could others like UC or Sup. Ironman do if this is not fixed.

    Thank you very much for all your care
  • CainCain Member Posts: 559 ★★
    edited August 2019
    Maybe the easiest thing to do is “update” she hulk’s description like was done with Symbiote Supreme. No change requires no RDTs and the community will be happy.
  • edited August 2019
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  • bradshaw1984bradshaw1984 Member Posts: 50
    seen as my previous post was deemed inappropriate and non-constructive and deleted i’ll try again.

    this is a slippery slope in my opinion, you start dictating that all champs must have formulaic and identical speed and cadence in their combos and heavies then where does it end? what about 6 and 7 hit combos that some champs have? that’s not stated in their descriptions and surely alters cadence and gives an advantage over other champs etc...

    to suggest there is no difference in ease of execution between say new captain marvel and hyperions heavies is truly laughable, you need to give us more credit than that.

    variance in characters is LITERALLY what makes some champs more or less appealing, whether that’s speed, reach, durability etc...and something such as this screams of reacting to something that players have found beneficial in end game content (she hulk vs 6.2 champion)

    yes this interaction means you can avoid block damage and shut an opponent down if your skill and timing is on is this different than ghosts core ability to avoid block damage through phasing or cap IW with his guaranteed perfect block parries?
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,443 ★★★★★

    DrZola said:

    Patchie93 said:

    Daredevil not being affected by invisibility makes sense since he doesn't use sight.

    Magneto and Juggs being immune to reverse controls is pulled straight from the comics and other forms of entertainment they've been in. Once again makes sense.

    Symbiote Supreme they tested and decided he would be to strong if they kept his text the way it was and matched his abilities to that thus they compromised by improving his intended % to 50 percent from its current 30%. I have Sym Sup as a r5/65 and have sunk close to 100 sig stones into him and don't regret it.

    Although I feel for those who r5/65 a she hulk for this one strategy they thought was intended it was stated that no champion besides Wasp should be able to do this. And yes it sucks but if no rdts were given for MD changes or AAs changes then I gotta disagree with this warranting a RDT. She can still stack her furies and apply taunt just not at a ridiculous level where she was essentially safe from damage from certain champions sp1s

    Not trying to be argumentative here, but could you point out where the team stated that only Wasp can chain into a heavy?

    I recall them pointing out in chatter that Wasp specifically could, but I don’t recall there ever being a pronouncement that she was the only one.

    If you have the post, I’d like to see it. Again, not trying to challenge here—just want to clarify whether I remember it all correctly.

    Dr. Zola
    I mean... I can't say whether they explicitly stated that or not, but it is heavily implied by the way she's designed.

    She has a built in stun to pull that off, if it was intended for any quick heavy with proper input timing to reliably allow for that, then why bother with the stun and not just give her the by far quickest heavy animation in game?
    Thanks—I didn’t recall anything explicit from the team either. Just wanted to know if you had seen something—it would affect my opinion of the situation if the team had actually said something like “Wasp has this ability that no one else has.”

    Check out the KT1 video in the main She-Hulk thread—there’s a decent amount of footage that shows heavy-ended combos. Depending on the combo, certain hits from different champs put the opp in a position it can be heavied.

    Dr. Zola
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    Kabam miike stated wasp was the only one. I will try to find the post.
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★

  • 1haunted_memory1haunted_memory Member Posts: 804 ★★★
    I recall them saying that RDT "might be given" for specific champs... seems like a good case to me, but hey what do I know
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    Patchie93 said:

    Daredevil not being affected by invisibility makes sense since he doesn't use sight.

    Magneto and Juggs being immune to reverse controls is pulled straight from the comics and other forms of entertainment they've been in. Once again makes sense.

    Symbiote Supreme they tested and decided he would be to strong if they kept his text the way it was and matched his abilities to that thus they compromised by improving his intended % to 50 percent from its current 30%. I have Sym Sup as a r5/65 and have sunk close to 100 sig stones into him and don't regret it.

    Although I feel for those who r5/65 a she hulk for this one strategy they thought was intended it was stated that no champion besides Wasp should be able to do this. And yes it sucks but if no rdts were given for MD changes or AAs changes then I gotta disagree with this warranting a RDT. She can still stack her furies and apply taunt just not at a ridiculous level where she was essentially safe from damage from certain champions sp1s

    I was going to say the same thing about DD and the helmets, and sorry if this has already been said, but I think the issue is that sure, we know why that makes sense, but that goes against what has been said that if it is not in the description, then it is not intended, while even things in the description are no longer reliable.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,443 ★★★★★
    Neotwism said:

    Thx—that was after the announcement of the She-Hulk “adjustment,” no?

    Dr. Zola
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    AndiYTDE said:

    Werewrym said:

    The way this "bug fix" is being handled is a straight up joke. I remember using SIM to lock champs in the corner with heavy attacks like 3 years ago, but I suppose that wasn't a problem since he was never that good. Now that a good champ can do it and one that is a solution to the 6.2.6 boss, NOW you fix it? What a coincidence...

    Let me just say that there are many other champs in the game that can do things outside of their "stated" abilities. Some of these champs, like *redacted* and *redacted* can use their abilities and some tricks that exist in the game to make many fights very very easy. Yet, this isn't explicitly stated in either of these champions description. Am I to assume that this is a bug?

    What Kabam is doing is completely arbitrary and makes no sense seeing as tons of other champs can do things outside of what their abilities specifically state. What's really happening is that they don't like how useful She-Hulk has become and that she counters some of the hardest content in the game, so they're bringing out the nerf gun...

    I wonder, does Kabam realize how frustrating it is for us players to constantly have to defend against stuff like this? They throw random nerfs or "bug fixes" into the patch notes and then players have to explain how this so called "bug" has literally been in the game since the beginning. I dunno, I sure grow weary of this process repeating itself every couple of months.

    Well said. Plus, even if it was in the abilities: Symbiote Supreme shows that not even those are reliable. Anything can be a "bug", how in the world are we supposed to know?
    Its like Kabam is setting up the pretense that they can just change whatever they want and call it either 1: a bug fix, or 2: a mistake in the description. They can literally do whatever they want and call it one of those two things.
  • r3dyr3dy Member Posts: 30
    if it's about comics, then there is alot more than 5 hit combo into a heavy that she hulk can do, and almost any other champions, so when it comes to make sense then it make a lot of sense that she-hulk can do a 5 hit combo into a heavy or just break the spine of the oponent
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    Yes that was right after the announcement. Sorry i was moving in AQ
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