Fantastic Family Community Milestones Event - Final Fight Count: 1,162,760,840



  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Miike are there going to be more milestones in the community wide event than what was said in this post?
  • Caino1023Caino1023 Member Posts: 309 ★★

    Werewrym said:

    Honestly, the rewards are really disappointing ... They are something that would be expected to be released either way, with no relationship with any event.

    Boosts - Easily obtainable in alliance crystals and alliance events.
    Dungeons day - It goes with what I stated above, this would be kinda expected even if there was no event to trigger it.
    Gold Arena - I'll skip that one, since gold is the most easily farmed resource in the game and there is pretty much no problems with it if you play daily.
    Free Alliance Quest Maps - It's nice, but again not really a suitable reward for an event.

    I would much rather prefer crystal or catalyst shards than any of these really

    I was going to post something of the likes, but you said it all. My first impression of this event is that it's a big let down from what it could have been. There was so much potential, but its mostly trivial amounts of resources that are already easy to obtain in the game as you said. I guess its free so there's that, but it could have been much much better.
    This is our first time doing this, so if you see room for improvement, share it with us!

    We wouldn't want to give direct in-game items, but if you have ideas for other kinds of events we could run in the future, let us know!
    What do you mean you wouldn’t want to give direct in-game items?
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,257 ★★★★★

    Honestly, the rewards are really disappointing ... They are something that would be expected to be released either way, with no relationship with any event.

    Boosts - Easily obtainable in alliance crystals and alliance events.
    Dungeons day - It goes with what I stated above, this would be kinda expected even if there was no event to trigger it.
    Gold Arena - I'll skip that one, since gold is the most easily farmed resource in the game and there is pretty much no problems with it if you play daily.
    Free Alliance Quest Maps - It's nice, but again not really a suitable reward for an event.

    I would much rather prefer crystal or catalyst shards than any of these really

    I disagree with the gold part. I play daily and for many hours and I am not flowing in gold. I currently have 200k and run with sigils, complete every part of the game and do basic and featured milestones and its barely enough for map 6 donations and level up events. I for one am very happy that we are getting a gold arena.
    That is completely false. I play as much as you do and I have 2.2million battle chips that I haven't open yet and 3 million gold. Did I forget to mention we play 5 days of map 7 in one bg and map 6 for the remaining 2.
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    Gold arena& boosts is nice
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    that looks great...on the paper.

    Just hope the 250 millions point for the fist milestone are not too high ?

    How many points will we earn by fight ?
    Will some fight give more points than other ? if yes which ones ?

    Will we have to do the fight or can we use the auto-fight ?
  • CtuchikCtuchik Member Posts: 352 ★★
    I kind of feel that everyone just wants the rewards to better, more and bigger every month. I kind of like them giving us a couple of months every year with really good rewards and the rest of the months just decent kind of rewards.
    Makes you appreciate the really good ones.

    Even if it have been a couple of failures, endgame month being one of them.

    5* sig stones is getting more available, both 5 and 6* shards have Become more available over this year.

    People just seem to be really greedy. Sure, it wouldnt hurt with a little more t5b or 6* shards. But either way at least we are getting em. Dosent need to be tons of them every month.

  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    This is going to be another disappointing month. This is all stuff that should be added anyway and I have a feeling that 250M wins is not very many with how many ppl play the game. It sounds like when they release new objectives and you're done getting them 3 days into the month.
  • DestroyerDestroyer Member Posts: 130
    I understand the 2* arena that offers 5* shards isn't guaranteed to happen, but I was hoping to see it again this year. I hope the gold arena milestone in this event isn't intended as a replacement for the 2* arena that gave us a ton of 5* shards.

    Other than the gold arena (which is kinda funny as @Cliffordcan pointed out), every other milestone is a repeat of something that just occurred previously and wasn't packaged within an event as something to earn. I get that it's free stuff for doing what i normally do, but it's nothing new and makes the event itself feel pointless.
  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★

    Honestly, the rewards are really disappointing ... They are something that would be expected to be released either way, with no relationship with any event.

    Boosts - Easily obtainable in alliance crystals and alliance events.
    Dungeons day - It goes with what I stated above, this would be kinda expected even if there was no event to trigger it.
    Gold Arena - I'll skip that one, since gold is the most easily farmed resource in the game and there is pretty much no problems with it if you play daily.
    Free Alliance Quest Maps - It's nice, but again not really a suitable reward for an event.

    I would much rather prefer crystal or catalyst shards than any of these really

    I disagree with the gold part. I play daily and for many hours and I am not flowing in gold. I currently have 200k and run with sigils, complete every part of the game and do basic and featured milestones and its barely enough for map 6 donations and level up events. I for one am very happy that we are getting a gold arena.
    That is completely false. I play as much as you do and I have 2.2million battle chips that I haven't open yet and 3 million gold. Did I forget to mention we play 5 days of map 7 in one bg and map 6 for the remaining 2.
    Well thats my point, its not widely available for everyone specially when there are tons who need gold. There are tons of endgame players who have tons of rankup materials but they dont rank up anyone? Why? gold. Just cuz its not great for you doesnt mean the rewards are bad. 500k isnt that much but still very welcome and is no where near as abundant as OP claims.
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