Today's the day the item trade event starts, so I'm guessing the 250,000,000 target hasn't been reached yet as we've had no messages. Probably because the game was down for so long.
I have no clue what is going on with this event. It was terrible to begin with rewards wise and now we're just going to ignore it because of self inflicted bug issues? Not a good look at all.
I believe that a community wide event should have these milestones. 250mil 25 phc 500mil 25 3* crystals 750mil 5 4* crystals + 2 4* awakening gems 1bil= 1 5* crystal + 1 t2alpha + 15k t5basic shards 1.250 bil= 5* awakening gem + 5k 5* shards+15k t5basic shards. 1.5 billion= 5k 6* shards+5k 5* shards+25 cavalier crystals 1.750 billion= 5k 6* shards+1 5* feature champ+5 t2 alphas+1 fully formed t5basic 2 billion = 6* featured champion
Just something to entice all players to work together. Plus kabam getting more players in game along with all the $$$ they'll get in the process. Kabam: if your great to the community The payout will be more beneficial and offer buys will increase.
This way players who have just started the game will get a lot of rewards
1. Store is reading 0 potions in my inventory when I have x18. 2. Error pops up when trying to transmute on most of the ones it shows I have enough of in stock. 3. When I transmuted Lvl 1 Healing potions into a Lvl 2 HP, the daily counter registered that I did it twice instead of once. This happened with the Lvl 1 Alliance HP as well.
I'm running Android and just installed the new update today.
This first milestone event is far worse than anticipated. The limitation is pretty sad and dont let us even trade up to useful potions levels from an Alliance potions standpoint. Also you know what we all really need is single level one alliance potions trade in.... like really who has too many of these things.
Already saw it as underwhelming but you actually nerfed the event from previous iterations that I remembered happening. This is just mind boggling why it need to he this limiting. The value is fairly limiting already to the event.
First community wide event seems to be going not so good and then the huge bug from Friday. Not one of the better times for MCOC. Hoping things will get better.
@Kabam Miike how are we suppose to know how “the community” is doing???
Hey there! As we mentioned in the original post "We’ll be sending in-game messages to inform you all on the running total, and upcoming content that you can unlock!"
@Kabam Miike I realize this past week was kinda crazy for your team with the bugs / maintenance but really would be nice to get more frequent updates and on top of that what the milestones actually are.... It took us ~5 days (started on Nov 6th right?) to hit the 250k fights as a community (the extended maintenance window didn't help that) but you have already identified the future content that can be unlocked in the original post (Special Boost Calendar, Dungeon Days, Gold Arena, Free Alliance Quests Maps) but just would be nice to see what we need to shoot for. To be honest, I'm not big into goal setting but particularly not when there isn't a clear target or clear understanding of what we've done in the past (like how many fights did the community do yesterday, last month, past 3 months, etc). Knowing what we did in the prior day and trying to beat that on a daily basis would be fun to know.
Also a suggestion as a reward milestone for future events like this since you aren't wanting to give out in-game items: Have a few days where we have a Summoner Appreciation boost on that gives us extra Gold/XP (i don't care about the XP but summoners that aren't lvl 60 would).
Just took a look at the item trade in. I found no value in it. Some of them are not really a good trade and the others don't really have any use. I noticed there's no trade up for level 3 potions to 4. Sorry, but this part of the event has zero value to me. The potion system is totally outdated anyway (made for 3 and 4 star champions), but was hoping for something that felt slightly useful. Pretty disappointing. Guys, we need folks on the staff who are daily players and understand what is and is not considered valuable or exciting involved in the decisions for the these events. This just really seems out of touch. That being said, the rest of the monthly events (post side quest rewards buff) are actually quite solid as a whole. Nice work overall this month.
1. Store is reading 0 potions in my inventory when I have x18. 2. Error pops up when trying to transmute on most of the ones it shows I have enough of in stock. 3. When I transmuted Lvl 1 Healing potions into a Lvl 2 HP, the daily counter registered that I did it twice instead of once. This happened with the Lvl 1 Alliance HP as well.
I'm running Android and just installed the new update today.
your first point isn't an issue. your 18 is your level 2 potions, but you're trying to transmute them into level 3 potions, which you have 0 of.
Hey there, for those who were asking about the current count for the community's progress, we had planned to start posting updates every Wednesday and Friday starting last Friday but, as many of you are aware, other things came up that required our attention. We'll be back on schedule starting with a post tomorrow.
Hey there, for those who were asking about the current count for the community's progress, we had planned to start posting updates every Wednesday and Friday starting last Friday but, as many of you are aware, other things came up that required our attention. We'll be back on schedule starting with a post tomorrow.
Why not Monday, Wednesday, Friday? With the Wed/Fri schedule, its five days between the Friday update and the Wednesday one. That's a long time, when you consider that the current milestone is, given current fight rates, only approximately three days beyond the first one.
Hey there, for those who were asking about the current count for the community's progress, we had planned to start posting updates every Wednesday and Friday starting last Friday but, as many of you are aware, other things came up that required our attention. We'll be back on schedule starting with a post tomorrow.
Looking forward to it! Can we also get an idea of what we are shooting for to unlock the other rewards mentioned?
Hey there, for those who were asking about the current count for the community's progress, we had planned to start posting updates every Wednesday and Friday starting last Friday but, as many of you are aware, other things came up that required our attention. We'll be back on schedule starting with a post tomorrow.
Why not Monday, Wednesday, Friday? With the Wed/Fri schedule, its five days between the Friday update and the Wednesday one. That's a long time, when you consider that the current milestone is, given current fight rates, only approximately three days beyond the first one.
You been on fire recently bro! I feel like I have nothing to add lol.
Hey there, for those who were asking about the current count for the community's progress, we had planned to start posting updates every Wednesday and Friday starting last Friday but, as many of you are aware, other things came up that required our attention. We'll be back on schedule starting with a post tomorrow.
Why not Monday, Wednesday, Friday? With the Wed/Fri schedule, its five days between the Friday update and the Wednesday one. That's a long time, when you consider that the current milestone is, given current fight rates, only approximately three days beyond the first one.
@Kabam Zibiit is that Wednesday update still on for today?
Sorry for the late update. We've been pretty busy the last few days. I do have some numbers for you!
As of 6am PST this morning, we have hit 312,927,023 Fights!
Hmm. That suggests to me people play *a lot* on the weekends. We seem to have hit about 250M by 11am PST 11/11, more or less. That implies about 35M per day on average between then and 6am. But we needed closer to 50M per day to hit the first milestone when we did, and if activity is similar on all the weekdays (maybe not, but its a rough guess) to average 50M per day would require something closer to 85M fights per day on the weekends.
Will be interesting to see the Friday numbers. I would still really like to see Monday morning numbers. I mean, it's a computer, it won't mind tabulating over the weekend.
At this estimated rate, we should hit 400M somewhere around 6PM PST on Friday.
1. Store is reading 0 potions in my inventory when I have x18.
2. Error pops up when trying to transmute on most of the ones it shows I have enough of in stock.
3. When I transmuted Lvl 1 Healing potions into a Lvl 2 HP, the daily counter registered that I did it twice instead of once. This happened with the Lvl 1 Alliance HP as well.
I'm running Android and just installed the new update today.
Already saw it as underwhelming but you actually nerfed the event from previous iterations that I remembered happening. This is just mind boggling why it need to he this limiting. The value is fairly limiting already to the event.
Also a suggestion as a reward milestone for future events like this since you aren't wanting to give out in-game items: Have a few days where we have a Summoner Appreciation boost on that gives us extra Gold/XP (i don't care about the XP but summoners that aren't lvl 60 would).
That being said, the rest of the monthly events (post side quest rewards buff) are actually quite solid as a whole. Nice work overall this month.
Previously what we had were probably 2 trade-ins over a span of 3 days.
Sorry for the late update. We've been pretty busy the last few days. I do have some numbers for you!
As of 6am PST this morning, we have hit 312,927,023 Fights!
Let's goooo
Will be interesting to see the Friday numbers. I would still really like to see Monday morning numbers. I mean, it's a computer, it won't mind tabulating over the weekend.
At this estimated rate, we should hit 400M somewhere around 6PM PST on Friday.