15.0 Alliance Wars Update Discussion Thread



  • Thestoryteller6Thestoryteller6 Member Posts: 153 ★★
    Jaffacaked wrote: »
    Jaffacaked wrote: »
    DD2 wrote: »
    Look at Brian Grant's old AW videos. Look at how many times he says, I'm not sure who's on this node. The unblockable S2 is a good one. Could be Punisher, could be Dr. Strange, could be Hood. The enemy could pick from all the champs in the game, so why didn't they pick the "99.1" choice?

    For the unblockable S2 node, good choices would be DS, Hood, etc..

    Here comes the important part:


    Only the BEST get chosen for that node (the best that they have).

    So say in a random map there's 5 enhanced s2 nodes, the TOP champ for that node goes there.

    Assuming DS is the best there (I'm just picking a random champ), 5 players all bring DS to put them on there. And if they don't have DS, they'll go down the line to the second best.

    It is entirely possible to build an in depth game with diverse choices.

    Diverse in this context means different instead of effective. There might be a diverse set of champs that are good for the S2 node, but under 1.0, smart players won't bring a diverse set for the sake of it, they'll choose the best.

    This is factually incorrect. The best did NOT get chosen for that node, because there was no best. All 3 were completely viable options. Brian was up against alliances that were swimming in Punishers, Hoods and Doc Stranges. They had so much choice. If only 1 was the best, that best would always get chosen. And yet, there were 3 popular choices.

    Another example is the Outlast/Optimist/Plagued Mind node. Mordo was a popular choices, but also Juggernaut, Dormmamu, Magik and Nightcrawler. Again, the alliances he faced had practically every champion in the game to choose from and yet, we saw a variety of champions on this node.

    So the argument that only one champion is the best, and all other will be excluded, is clearly wrong.

    And it doesn't just happen in this game. StarCraft: three races, all different, all effective. Street Fighter: many different characters are effective. Civilisation: many factions, all different, all effective. Football (soccer): many teams, many players, many positions, many formations, many effective possibilities. Boxing: uppercuts, jabs, roundhouses, all effective. MMA: striking, grappling, both effective.

    I'm not trying to be nice to Kabam for the heck of it. I just want a fun game, and having many different viable strategies is fun to me.

    Your taking g his 99.1% champ comment completely out of context now, that comment was between 2 champs as an example an your using it out of context an equating it to the alliance. Different people would chose out of around 3 of the best options for a enhanced sp2 node based on who they think is best for it, however they always choose out of the same few champs as they are best suited for that node

    Nope, if the logic is that between 2 champs there is only one best, then by that logic, between 3 champs there is only one best. And between 4 champs there is only one best. And between 100 champs there is only one best.

    It's clear that there isn't just one best. There were 3 equally good options. So if there can be 3 equally good options there can be 4 equally good options. And 5. And 6.

    The point is, it is perfectly possible to balance a game so there is a range of equally good options. It had been done for many games, in AW 1.0 it was done to a very, very, very limited degree. So to say it is impossible to have any kind of diversity (as he is saying) is untrue.

    Not at all because you can't always apply the same logic to multiple options as you can between 2 because your adding exponentially more factors than just deciding between 2.

    An in this instance just because there are 3 good options it doesn't mean there must 5 or 6 or 7 and ....

    Sigh. It's really simple. He insists that in any competitive game, there is only one best champion for anything. It doesn't matter whether you think there are only 3 good options or 8 good options. As long as there is a single example of a situation where there is any more than one best champion, his logic cannot possibly be correct.
  • RvzRvz Member Posts: 179 ★★
    you need to reverse AW. i would rather do mystic wars every day of the week compared to the shitshow we have going on now. Not sure if this would even help, you have done so much damage to this game and lost all credibility
  • Thestoryteller6Thestoryteller6 Member Posts: 153 ★★
    Indrick781 wrote: »
    Jaffacaked wrote: »
    DD2 wrote: »
    Look at Brian Grant's old AW videos. Look at how many times he says, I'm not sure who's on this node. The unblockable S2 is a good one. Could be Punisher, could be Dr. Strange, could be Hood. The enemy could pick from all the champs in the game, so why didn't they pick the "99.1" choice?

    For the unblockable S2 node, good choices would be DS, Hood, etc..

    Here comes the important part:


    Only the BEST get chosen for that node (the best that they have).

    So say in a random map there's 5 enhanced s2 nodes, the TOP champ for that node goes there.

    Assuming DS is the best there (I'm just picking a random champ), 5 players all bring DS to put them on there. And if they don't have DS, they'll go down the line to the second best.

    It is entirely possible to build an in depth game with diverse choices.

    Diverse in this context means different instead of effective. There might be a diverse set of champs that are good for the S2 node, but under 1.0, smart players won't bring a diverse set for the sake of it, they'll choose the best.

    This is factually incorrect. The best did NOT get chosen for that node, because there was no best. All 3 were completely viable options. Brian was up against alliances that were swimming in Punishers, Hoods and Doc Stranges. They had so much choice. If only 1 was the best, that best would always get chosen. And yet, there were 3 popular choices.

    Another example is the Outlast/Optimist/Plagued Mind node. Mordo was a popular choices, but also Juggernaut, Dormmamu, Magik and Nightcrawler. Again, the alliances he faced had practically every champion in the game to choose from and yet, we saw a variety of champions on this node.

    So the argument that only one champion is the best, and all other will be excluded, is clearly wrong.

    And it doesn't just happen in this game. StarCraft: three races, all different, all effective. Street Fighter: many different characters are effective. Civilisation: many factions, all different, all effective. Football (soccer): many teams, many players, many positions, many formations, many effective possibilities. Boxing: uppercuts, jabs, roundhouses, all effective. MMA: striking, grappling, both effective.

    I'm not trying to be nice to Kabam for the heck of it. I just want a fun game, and having many different viable strategies is fun to me.

    Your taking g his 99.1% champ comment completely out of context now, that comment was between 2 champs as an example an your using it out of context an equating it to the alliance. Different people would chose out of around 3 of the best options for a enhanced sp2 node based on who they think is best for it, however they always choose out of the same few champs as they are best suited for that node

    Nope, if the logic is that between 2 champs there is only one best, then by that logic, between 3 champs there is only one best. And between 4 champs there is only one best. And between 100 champs there is only one best.

    It's clear that there isn't just one best. There were 3 equally good options. So if there can be 3 equally good options there can be 4 equally good options. And 5. And 6.

    The point is, it is perfectly possible to balance a game so there is a range of equally good options. It had been done for many games, in AW 1.0 it was done to a very, very, very limited degree. So to say it is impossible to have any kind of diversity (as he is saying) is untrue.

    Not exactly. You're confusing viable with best. DS, Hood, Punisher, Dormammu were all viable. Like there is a best champ to handle that node, OG Vision. There are other viable champs like Daredevil and Stark Spidey, but only one best.

    You're confusing war offence with defence, and confusing the fundamental issue at hand. This chap insists that in any competitive game there can only be one best champion for anything. Thetefore there it is impossible to have diversity unless players are forced to have diversity. Therefore it's not even worth trying.

    The unblockable s2 node makes it clear that there is not one best champion to place on the node, there are at least 3.

    Therefore, it is perfectly possible to have diversity without resorting to this diversity point sham.

    Right now, duped OG Vision may be the best option to handle that node. But if there can be more than one best option to place on that node, it must be possible to tweak other champions till there are other best options to handle the node.

    In any case, it doesn't really matter. The point that diversity can and does exist in tons of well-blanaced games is so obvious that I'm sure the developers are well aware of it, and they're the only ones who count.
  • Thestoryteller6Thestoryteller6 Member Posts: 153 ★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    TomieCzech wrote: »
    "Diversity will be just a small amount of points - a tiebreaker..." Tiebreak my A**

    Actually, evidence suggests that it is in fact behaving that way. Unintentionally but not entirely unexpectedly, it is also helping to generate ties in the first place in combination with the new scoring system.

    Whoever designed the new scoring system apparently is unfamiliar with Nash equilibrium. The system contains a very strong and very nasty attractor to a bad equilibrium point: the maximal diversity point. It tends to encourage weaker but more diverse defense, which increases the likelihood for maximal exploration, which increases the odds of a close score, which increases the probability that the diversity score will become the deciding factor. And as players come to realize this as being a problem it encourages them to lock their defense strategy into perpetuating the problem indefinitely because no change in strategy can differentially improve matters. That's basically the textbook definition of a Nash equilibrium, for budding game theorists out there.

    This should have been a predictable flaw.

    Great analysis. Does removing defender kills also add to this, because now there's a way for a weaker alliance to match a stronger alliance in exploration and attacker kills?
  • Sha59Sha59 Member Posts: 36
    In the last week

    MMX lost to AH
    Core lost to Malaysia

    lesser more organised alliances are beating so called bigger alliances, im just picking out the top 2 examples, however there are more.

    All due respect to both alliances, neither one would of beaten MMX or Core under the old system.

    Sure this system needs tweaking slightly, but for everyone calling for the end of Diversity and rank down tickets for useless mystics. you are so far off base.
    You honestly telling me its more fun facing 10+ Magiks, 10+ Dorm, 10+ Iceman, throw in a few other mystic champs and maybe the odd NC and there is your AW D in a nutshell.

    It was the era of power control attacking champs, and if you where not lucky enough to have a decent 5* R3/R4 or 4* R5 power control Champ.

    Magik, Vision, Hawkeye?, Voodoo you where pretty screwed.
    or a GP to stop limbo.

    The entire game meta was back to using the same 10 champs in AW AQ. which kabam has constantly said that did not want to happen.

    Is AW easier? Sure it is but the nodes are easier so even with the same MD defences as before honestly with these nodes, alot more alliances could 100% the map.

    Very interested to see what changes Kabam make..
  • AcanthusAcanthus Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    edited September 2017
    Sha59 wrote: »
    In the last week

    MMX lost to AH
    Core lost to Malaysia

    lesser more organised alliances are beating so called bigger alliances, im just picking out the top 2 examples, however there are more.

    All due respect to both alliances, neither one would of beaten MMX or Core under the old system.

    Come on now, you know that MMX lost cause they didn't know to place with suicides/boosts at that time and CORE didn't even really bother to place for diversity (~130 diversity). If they do it properly they would never lose to smaller alliances like that.
  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    Any word on when defender diversity will be correctly calculated through all battle groups combined?
  • EL_Rojo44EL_Rojo44 Member Posts: 18
    I`m for Diversity but it should not dictate the whole war... They need to bring defensive kills back. That would bring the skill aspect back into war...
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    DD2 wrote: »
    Sha59 wrote: »
    You honestly telling me its more fun facing 10+ Magiks, 10+ Dorm, 10+ Iceman, throw in a few other mystic champs and maybe the odd NC and there is your AW D in a nutshell.

    You know what was more fun?

    Suiting up with your buddies and waging war against another alliance using champs that you put your blood, sweat, and tears into.

    Getting a knot in your stomach after clicking "fight", wondering who you'll really go up against and if your choice of attacker was the right one.

    Hands shaking, knowing that it's not just a quest or arena fight, knowing full well that any screws up mean giving points to the other team.

    Watching in real-time with pleasure as your bad ass defenders turn the opposition into dust.

    Watching with nervously with your team on LINE wondering who's going to take it. Was it enough? They don't seem like they're moving? Will they make a last minute rush? Everyone be on guard! Will they break through our defenders and heal up for the boss?? Watching down to the wire who's strategy paid off and who's didn't.


    What we have now is a participation trophy for lazy leeches.
    THIS! No comment will top it. That is what made AW so great
  • TBJ1118TBJ1118 Member Posts: 228
    DD2 wrote: »
    Sha59 wrote: »
    You honestly telling me its more fun facing 10+ Magiks, 10+ Dorm, 10+ Iceman, throw in a few other mystic champs and maybe the odd NC and there is your AW D in a nutshell.

    You know what was more fun?

    Suiting up with your buddies and waging war against another alliance using champs that you put your blood, sweat, and tears into.

    Getting a knot in your stomach after clicking "fight", wondering who you'll really go up against and if your choice of attacker was the right one.

    Hands shaking, knowing that it's not just a quest or arena fight, knowing full well that any screws up mean giving points to the other team.

    Watching in real-time with pleasure as your bad ass defenders turn the opposition into dust.

    Watching with nervously with your team on LINE wondering who's going to take it. Was it enough? They don't seem like they're moving? Will they make a last minute rush? Everyone be on guard! Will they break through our defenders and heal up for the boss?? Watching down to the wire who's strategy paid off and who's didn't.


    What we have now is a participation trophy for lazy leeches.

    So much THIS. My favorite portion of the game just disappeared
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    DD2 wrote: »
    Sha59 wrote: »
    You honestly telling me its more fun facing 10+ Magiks, 10+ Dorm, 10+ Iceman, throw in a few other mystic champs and maybe the odd NC and there is your AW D in a nutshell.

    You know what was more fun?

    Suiting up with your buddies and waging war against another alliance using champs that you put your blood, sweat, and tears into.

    Getting a knot in your stomach after clicking "fight", wondering who you'll really go up against and if your choice of attacker was the right one.

    Hands shaking, knowing that it's not just a quest or arena fight, knowing full well that any screws up mean giving points to the other team.

    Watching in real-time with pleasure as your bad ass defenders turn the opposition into dust.

    Watching with nervously with your team on LINE wondering who's going to take it. Was it enough? They don't seem like they're moving? Will they make a last minute rush? Everyone be on guard! Will they break through our defenders and heal up for the boss?? Watching down to the wire who's strategy paid off and who's didn't.


    What we have now is a participation trophy for lazy leeches.

    This sums up why it was my favorite aspect of the game
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    @DD2 , it's like you took a ride into my thoughts and sorted through all the other nonsense and put together a thing of beauty! LOL

    Well done Sir!!!
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    Well said @DD2
    And what happens now is that I begrudgingly put bad defenders in. Never even look at the defense thru the 24 hrs of attack. Don't care what happens with the other alli, because they're not really playing against us. Barely speak about war other than a random "hey clear that link pls" because people are so bored with war that they forget we're attacking. 100% everything with no happiness/pride about it. Sit and wait for results. Collect rewards with zero fanfare. Never get excited in chat about pulling a win. No "way to go" passed around for hard fought victories or overcoming the challenge of a node/champ/tough alli. It's the ho-hummiest thing in the gaming world. I get infinitely more excited when a catalyst quest gives me more than 100 shards.
  • SchodiacSchodiac Member Posts: 6
    I believe that Rank down tickets are in order since our new defense teams will be based on mostly diversity instead of Defender kills.
  • SchodiacSchodiac Member Posts: 6
    As for myself, I have spent a lot of time and money specifically on my defense team
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    edited September 2017
    Schodiac wrote: »
    I believe that Rank down tickets are in order since our new defense teams will be based on mostly diversity instead of Defender kills.

    Please don't derail this thread with thoughts of RDT's.
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Only rational I can see for rank down tickets is rank 4 5* champs like juggs, antman, Cyclops. People who have ranked these champs have now wasted their t2 alpha. There is no making up for that
  • IAmNotUrMomIAmNotUrMom Member Posts: 648 ★★★
    Mcord11758 wrote: »
    Only rational I can see for rank down tickets is rank 4 5* champs like juggs, antman, Cyclops. People who have ranked these champs have now wasted their t2 alpha. There is no making up for that

    If only Juggernaut or Antman could be used as a part of a special team that boosts critical damage for things like the Labyrinth of Legends. One can only dream...
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Mcord11758 wrote: »
    Only rational I can see for rank down tickets is rank 4 5* champs like juggs, antman, Cyclops. People who have ranked these champs have now wasted their t2 alpha. There is no making up for that

    If only Juggernaut or Antman could be used as a part of a special team that boosts critical damage for things like the Labyrinth of Legends. One can only dream...

    So you are saying they are worth 4 t2a just for the synergy?

    I use a 2* antman and it does what is needed to raise my starlord attack over 2100. Hardly worth ranking the 5*
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    Mcord11758 wrote: »
    Only rational I can see for rank down tickets is rank 4 5* champs like juggs, antman, Cyclops. People who have ranked these champs have now wasted their t2 alpha. There is no making up for that

    If only Juggernaut or Antman could be used as a part of a special team that boosts critical damage for things like the Labyrinth of Legends. One can only dream...

    If only synergy was the same no matter if the champ is 2/35 or 4/55. One can only reason...
  • IAmNotUrMomIAmNotUrMom Member Posts: 648 ★★★
    Mcord11758 wrote: »
    Mcord11758 wrote: »
    Only rational I can see for rank down tickets is rank 4 5* champs like juggs, antman, Cyclops. People who have ranked these champs have now wasted their t2 alpha. There is no making up for that

    If only Juggernaut or Antman could be used as a part of a special team that boosts critical damage for things like the Labyrinth of Legends. One can only dream...

    So you are saying they are worth 4 t2a just for the synergy?

    I use a 2* antman and it does what is needed to raise my starlord attack over 2100. Hardly worth ranking the 5*

    Truthfully no. But it's a moot point when the topic of rank down tickets has been shut down.
  • UC439UC439 Member Posts: 261
    Schodiac wrote: »
    I believe that Rank down tickets are in order since our new defense teams will be based on mostly diversity instead of Defender kills.

    Well, don't to how many valid arguments we'll need to provide to make kabam realize the need of RDTs now. They're constantly saying "no intentions of RDTs at the moemnt" in every other RDT thread in the forum. & closing those threads down.
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Mcord11758 wrote: »
    Mcord11758 wrote: »
    Only rational I can see for rank down tickets is rank 4 5* champs like juggs, antman, Cyclops. People who have ranked these champs have now wasted their t2 alpha. There is no making up for that

    If only Juggernaut or Antman could be used as a part of a special team that boosts critical damage for things like the Labyrinth of Legends. One can only dream...

    So you are saying they are worth 4 t2a just for the synergy?

    I use a 2* antman and it does what is needed to raise my starlord attack over 2100. Hardly worth ranking the 5*

    Truthfully no. But it's a moot point when the topic of rank down tickets has been shut down.

    It is a moot point and I don't have either of those champs ranked. I don't see myself as needing rank down tickets. Just saying that would be only justification in my eyes
  • MadMarksMadMarks Member Posts: 155
    edited September 2017
    I like how people say they enjoyed watching their defenders take out the opposition in the old war format . . . no champion controlled by AI can take out one controlled by a real person, the only thing that made it challenging was the buffs Kabam put on the nodes. Which was totally arbitrary, I am sure they are already working on some sand traps so that 100% won't be possible anymore. Well it will go from possible to po$$ible
  • AnonymousAnonymous Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    DD2 wrote: »
    Sha59 wrote: »
    You honestly telling me its more fun facing 10+ Magiks, 10+ Dorm, 10+ Iceman, throw in a few other mystic champs and maybe the odd NC and there is your AW D in a nutshell.

    You know what was more fun?

    Suiting up with your buddies and waging war against another alliance using champs that you put your blood, sweat, and tears into.

    Getting a knot in your stomach after clicking "fight", wondering who you'll really go up against and if your choice of attacker was the right one.

    Hands shaking, knowing that it's not just a quest or arena fight, knowing full well that any screws up mean giving points to the other team.

    Watching in real-time with pleasure as your bad ass defenders turn the opposition into dust.

    Watching with nervously with your team on LINE wondering who's going to take it. Was it enough? They don't seem like they're moving? Will they make a last minute rush? Everyone be on guard! Will they break through our defenders and heal up for the boss?? Watching down to the wire who's strategy paid off and who's didn't.


    What we have now is a participation trophy for lazy leeches.

    Exactly, thank you. Great point
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    DD2 wrote: »
    Sha59 wrote: »
    You honestly telling me its more fun facing 10+ Magiks, 10+ Dorm, 10+ Iceman, throw in a few other mystic champs and maybe the odd NC and there is your AW D in a nutshell.

    You know what was more fun?

    Suiting up with your buddies and waging war against another alliance using champs that you put your blood, sweat, and tears into.

    Getting a knot in your stomach after clicking "fight", wondering who you'll really go up against and if your choice of attacker was the right one.

    Hands shaking, knowing that it's not just a quest or arena fight, knowing full well that any screws up mean giving points to the other team.

    Watching in real-time with pleasure as your bad ass defenders turn the opposition into dust.

    Watching with nervously with your team on LINE wondering who's going to take it. Was it enough? They don't seem like they're moving? Will they make a last minute rush? Everyone be on guard! Will they break through our defenders and heal up for the boss?? Watching down to the wire who's strategy paid off and who's didn't.


    What we have now is a participation trophy for lazy leeches.

    Absofrigginlutely. War is now just a 'Need you to clear link' mode. That's it. I don't care how my Defenders are doing, I assume that they will simply roll over and die. The only thing I care about is seeing if opponent is perfectly diverse, and if they have a higher rating than us. If both are true, then we care even less.
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,533 ★★★★★
    DD2 wrote: »
    Sha59 wrote: »
    You honestly telling me its more fun facing 10+ Magiks, 10+ Dorm, 10+ Iceman, throw in a few other mystic champs and maybe the odd NC and there is your AW D in a nutshell.

    You know what was more fun?

    Suiting up with your buddies and waging war against another alliance using champs that you put your blood, sweat, and tears into.

    Getting a knot in your stomach after clicking "fight", wondering who you'll really go up against and if your choice of attacker was the right one.

    Hands shaking, knowing that it's not just a quest or arena fight, knowing full well that any screws up mean giving points to the other team.

    Watching in real-time with pleasure as your bad ass defenders turn the opposition into dust.

    Watching with nervously with your team on LINE wondering who's going to take it. Was it enough? They don't seem like they're moving? Will they make a last minute rush? Everyone be on guard! Will they break through our defenders and heal up for the boss?? Watching down to the wire who's strategy paid off and who's didn't.


    What we have now is a participation trophy for lazy leeches.

    I don't think its possible to excessively bump and quote this post.

  • Sha59Sha59 Member Posts: 36

    Your kind of making the EXACT point of what was wrong with the old war format.

    I could name all 30 defenders in every single BG before you even started fighting...

    No Champ worked well on Unblockable SP2 Node at the higher levels of AW, purely because the champ was not stun immune, and was basically just cannon fodder for 1 champ. I cannot comment on the lower wars.

    The issue with the old war format at the top level was some of the utterly idiotic nodes that Kabam put on the Tier 1 AW Map, this they fixed on the new map, but also made some strange changes to the scoring system that you MAY or MAY NOT disagree with.

    People asking for Rankdown tickets, seriously not understandable. Who do they want to rank down and for who?

    Magik, Dorm, Hood are all A Grade mystics, and wouldnt be deranked.
    Nightcrawler is mainly a defensive champ agreed, however can be great on offense
    Antman ? Well there hasnt been a good science in forever so honestly your just gonna waste any science cats you get back on another useless science champ.
    Tech Champs where barely placed in AW
    Cosmic champs where barely placed in AW
    Skill champs where barely placed in AW.

    So who exactly do you want to rank down? some of the other mystic champs like Juggs, UC and so on?

    Even seen people asking for a refund on Mystic Dispersion which is utterly ridiculous because of how good it is on the offensive end.

    I can understand people being annoyed that they ranked for AW D and now kabam have made some changes to AW D. But as i have said before, this current format is way better than the boring oh look its another Magik, the 5th one on this path such fun.

    Atleast you get to fight some champs you didnt fight in a while.....
This discussion has been closed.