15.0 Alliance Wars Update Discussion Thread



  • HeywoodHeywood Member Posts: 49
    Draco2199 wrote: »
    I don't understand what the big problem with AW is, it's working fine after fixing the kill points. Everyone is crying about diversity although ALMOST EVERY SINGLE PERSON WAS COMPLAINING ABOUT ALL THE MYSTIC DEFENDERS EVERYWHERE. Kabam gives you what you asked for and makes it a penalty for placing all mystic and no ones happy still. I like it, its working fine. You want to win 100% and be diverse. Enough said.

    My alliance is going to have 150 diverse champs this next war.
    If I see a duplicate champ, we win.

    When they make diversity among all 3 BG's my alliance is going to place 105 unique champs. If you don't have Kang, we win.

    That is absurd.

    It is broken, and a lame ass response to nerfing MD,
  • CantstopwontstopCantstopwontstop Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2017
    MyTaffy wrote: »
    This thread is basically pointless. If they do, they will tell you. If you find many threads about RDT or AW Div, that probably means NO to your questions.

    Your comment is pointless... if you don't agree with what everyone saying don't comment something completely unconstructive. Cause now it just looks like you're looking for an argument which NO ONE here is gonna give you... just because you're perfectly fine with mediocrity doesn't mean the rest of the community is, sorry.
  • Beholder_VBeholder_V Member Posts: 190
    Spidey076 wrote: »
    Ok now the thing bothering all of us players are in higher tier aw where already magik as 3 mini boss and one boss with md 5/5 kick the butt of even experience player now they have to face 6 magik now?in 4 boss we already have difficulty to defeat the magik bcz of his limbo way too op and that's just ridiculous.
    More mini means more magik and more magik means atleast 2 player on that path to defeat them that means player have to forget exploration.
    Now tell me any answer about that @Kabam Miike which every player really want.

    I think you're barking up the wrong tree. The reason Magik's Limbo seems so OP is because the interaction of Mystic Dispersion and Dexterity is seriously broken right now. It's just as broken for a tough Juggernaut who can literally be permanently unstoppable if you evade his attacks instead of blocking (which on a sub-boss node is going to kill you) you pretty much give him another bar of power by evading by the time his unstoppable ends. But again, that's not a problem with the map, that's a problem with MD and Dex.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    Beholder_V wrote: »
    I like how Kabam Miike is ignoring the main point of the posts he is quoting. Removing defender kills makes them more $$$, plain and simple. Just admit it

    We have addressed that a few times. As we said, that was not the goal with the change. The goal with the removal of Defender kills wasn't to increase the use of Potions or Revives, but to relieve the feeling of defeat that comes with taking one shot at a defender, losing, and feeling that you're now helping the other Alliance, so you stop playing, even though you have 2 perfectly good attackers still there.

    Defender kills was only a factor in deciding wars when things were razor close and one team burned through a ton of revives to take down a boss or sub-boss. The scenario you described I have NEVER seen. I think the general consensus was that your initial 3 champ "lives" are fair game. Reviving, especially without fully healing, made it riskier because you could contribute to the other team's points if you ended up dying again. I think most people actually appreciated this facet of war because it penalized people who tried to "buy" a win, kept it more skill-related. No matter what your true intentions were, it can't be too difficult to see how people might draw the conclusion that this was done specifically as a money grab, since you've removed that penalty from the big spenders.

    I've played in a few different allis and that scenario has def never happened. You fight your best, you take your lumps, you figure out if the node/possible win is important enough to spend resources on or if you have the ability to send help that way. It all played into the overall strategy of war.

    Even reading that scenario is worrisome because it seems like it came out of the ether. And if that's why they implemented these changes, idk what to say. If it was anyone else saying it, I'd say they made it up to create a problem that needed a solution. I will not say that now though. The other thing I might say is that person doesn't war. But again those are only things I might say in other situations and am not saying in this particular situation.
  • KamalaWantsToPlayTooKamalaWantsToPlayToo Member Posts: 112
    Not sure if kabam fully considered my possible feelings of defeat when they instituted The (unit) Collector.

    So true! Why don't we just get unlimited free revives and heal pots when questing?

    As a matter of fact I think we're all being trolled by Kabam right now. So many people complain about "money grabs" that they gone and done a 180 to the point that people are begging for AW to be more difficult.

    When they eventually make it AW again (I'm hoping they do) they're gonna say "remember you all wanted it this way. Don't complain to us"
  • DrFreakyDrFreaky Member Posts: 30
    This new AW system is a joke, Alliance is now wining by defender rating, and high PI. Really? Something is not right here.
  • Beholder_VBeholder_V Member Posts: 190
    To put simply, I've seen diversity make a bigger impact deciding a war in the small number of wars since the update than I ever did with defender kills over the entire time the previous system was in place.
  • NMEONESNMEONES Member Posts: 292 ★★
    For the love of everything sacred in the world... please bring back the old AW.. If that's too much to ask for, then at least bring back the old scoring system. Defender Diversity is horrible. Never mind the scoring of it, just playing vs all these diverse champs is a joke. It's way to easy... some of these champs are not meant to be defenders, no reason we should be forced to use them as such. I said it once before, AW was my favorite part of the game but not anymore.. I feel like it turned into Alliance Quest Wars. Just sucks.
  • JJWJJW Member, Content Creators Posts: 134 Content Creator
    WOK wrote: »
    IMO, @JJW should be immediately given a contract and "headhunted" to become a lucratively paid senior advisor to Kabams game research and development team!

    That's funny! Thank you for the compliment.
  • OnlyOneAboveAllOnlyOneAboveAll Member Posts: 389 ★★
    edited September 2017
    Has anyone managed to beat Juggs on mini boss node 55 with maxed MD yet? Just wondering since my 4 star is max sig at r4 ready for r5 if it's worth putting him there. My alliance has come across him a few times there (5star r4 also) and most have a tough time taking him down. But since defender kills don't matter anymore can some use 15 level 3 team revives til they inch him down and finally beat him since they can afford it. If not send their teammate 15 level 3 team revives as a gift til they do. Is this allowed? Asking all Kabam mods. Thanks. Was going to use "I" but who am I kidding? I can't afford 15 level 3 revives HAHAHA.
  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    Has anyone managed to beat Juggs on mini boss node 55 with maxed MD yet? Just wondering since my 4 star is max sig at r4 ready for r5 if it's worth putting him there. My alliance has come across him a few times there (5star r4 also) and most have a tough time taking him down. But since defender kills don't matter anymore can some use 15 level 3 team revives til they inch him down and finally beat him since they can afford it. If not send their teammate 15 level 3 team revives as a gift til they do. Is this allowed? Asking all Kabam mods. Thanks. Was going to use "I" but who am I kidding? I can't afford 15 level 3 revives HAHAHA.

    Or...just powerlock him?
  • Team_SlyTeam_Sly Member Posts: 97
    I have loved always playing in AW but since the new change has been made I'm finding it very frustrating and you Kabam have now taken away all the excitement of what war use to be, if an alliance has gave it their all and it comes down to the wire why should defender diversity determine the outcome for the win of the war, this is complete cods wallop, who ever thought of this needs to go back and have a good rethink, war is now becoming boring due to this stupid points decision. The fun of playing in a Aw was to take out the other alliance main bosses, then it come down to defender kills, this is now useless, so disappointed in the new changes.
  • Beholder_VBeholder_V Member Posts: 190
    edited September 2017
    Again, Juggs on node 55 may suck if you don't have a way to power lock, but that's not an AW problem. That's an MD/Dex problem. No less relevant, just the wrong thread.
  • nuggznuggz Member Posts: 124
    Seriously. What's the plan here. Everyone in the community has the same champs ranked up for defense. We worked really hard on these champs.

    If we had known this was the direction that war was heading we all would not have ranked these champs. (Spidy, NC, magik, mordo, dormu, juggs, hype, etc....)

    The diversity scheme can be acclimated but all our resources have been used on all the same champs we were already used to having on defense
  • OnlyOneAboveAllOnlyOneAboveAll Member Posts: 389 ★★
    KhanMedina wrote: »
    Has anyone managed to beat Juggs on mini boss node 55 with maxed MD yet? Just wondering since my 4 star is max sig at r4 ready for r5 if it's worth putting him there. My alliance has come across him a few times there (5star r4 also) and most have a tough time taking him down. But since defender kills don't matter anymore can some use 15 level 3 team revives til they inch him down and finally beat him since they can afford it. If not send their teammate 15 level 3 team revives as a gift til they do. Is this allowed? Asking all Kabam mods. Thanks. Was going to use "I" but who am I kidding? I can't afford 15 level 3 revives HAHAHA.

    Or...just powerlock him?

    Better be one heck of an evader since that node is immune to stun and get that power lock on him quick.
  • OnlyOneAboveAllOnlyOneAboveAll Member Posts: 389 ★★
    Beholder_V wrote: »
    Again, Juggs on node 55 may suck if you don't have a way to power lock, but that's not an AW problem. That's an MD/Dex problem. No less relevant, just the wrong thread.

    Actually I am on the right thread seeing how my question was based on defender kills no longer being relevant and one could spend as much items as they could to make the win.
  • WorkingAsIntendedWorkingAsIntended Member Posts: 164 ★★
    All I have to say is if defender diversity stays I want my money back for mystic dispersion sense now the more I used it is is now rendered useless upon placing same champs which everyone in all alliances have. This aforementioned making my choices extremely limited.
    New war plateau stinks like dog you know what and we're all sick of it. Sad when most of my friends are leaving and we're all just sitting here either waiting or just bored out of our minds.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    So we are all placing garbage champs for diversity. Someone screwed up and doubled down on Yellow Jacket so we will probably lose this war even though we will 100% and may have more defensive kills. If only he had placed Kamala instead of Yellow Jacket... what a joke. Fix your garbage war Kabam.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,320 ★★★★★
    TL; DR sorry.

    Was there a post to recommend attack champs diversity?

    Rather than 3 champs restriction to attack, the number should equal to maximum tiles placeable with defender champs. Each champ can only be used once.

    The fourth attack champ will take the HP lost of the first, the seventh attack champ starts with remainder health of the fourth champ.

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  • Darkwolf1981Darkwolf1981 Member Posts: 37
    To me it only made sense to remove attacker kills if your not counting D kills. Instead in comes diversity. Now u have guys in u tube telling everybody to use 3*s even in a 10m Alliance. That's not war, that's a fashion show, and i mean no disrespect by saying that. Most of my alliance which I have lead since March 2015 are not into war since the change. The do not want to go to war because now u can have a 6m against a 10m and if they both 100% the 10m can lose based on diversity. In no way is this fun or realistic and im now sitting on a ton of defense hero's I would not use in the rest of the game, besides Arena. I survived the 12.0 update but I am reaching my limit of changes to the game that effects past rank up decisions based on what was going on at that point, but a 360 occurred eliminating their value. I do not care about sarcastic comments to come in reaction to my opinion on just voicing what actual players are feeling along with myself. But if u don't speak up now u have no right to speak up later on.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    This system is absolute hell on officers. Kabam you made AW a flipping job now. I am so pissed off.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    There are currently 1800 messages in this thread and kabam keeps closing new threads and saying to post in this thread to keep comments in one place, which is fine, except there are a lot of threads that have posed unseeded questions and I have no idea if they have ever been addressed here (bc it would literally take me a day to try to read through everything here I would assume).

    So can anyone answer if kabam has responded to any concerns about:

    1.the ease of tiles in new war

    2. Responses to why defender diversity feels like a poor decision from many players' points of view bc A as it literally punished alliances that focused on a defensive strategy and B it essentially guarantees the alliances that buy the most crystals and resource packages packages win wars (once they "fix" the problem with the diversity scoring being per bg?

    3. Anything about trying to modify the war so alliances can choose between defense vs diversity? Even if slightly weighted for diversity, it still would present a (minor) option if tile difficulty increased and defender kills gave some points (granted with the heavy favor of diversity, defender kills or tile difficulty would have to drastically be increased so not sure if that is an option after all)

    The only response I have seen is:

    1. They screwed up in scoring bc they wanted diversity alliance wife (a messup literally everyone wished they wouldn't fix it seems)
    2. They decreased attack kills to guarantee that defender diversity across the bgs combined with full bg placements and highest defender rating would always win.

    So, if kabam has answered any of the top 3 questions, I would love to know. Perhaps kabam could start a "FAQ" thread so the same questions don't keep getting asked and we can point to those answers somewhere?
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    Well said @Darkwolf1981. Changes likes this make it feel like the hard work and hours you've put into the game have just been stripped away from you overnight. I think that's the main reason for the anger/outrage. That's also lead to people simply leaving the game. Which sucks because for a lot of us, those people are the ones that keep us playing.

    The weird thing about this change is that it took everyone a little time to fully realize the scope of it. Which added a rolling build to said anger/outrage.

    I realize mods can only say so much and giving us false hope would probably be worse overall.. But the response we've gotten hasn't really done much to calm the situation either. It's a bad place for both to be in. Most of us just want a fun, competitive game again. When it's not fun anymore, why continue? Having friends in the game and enjoying the camaraderie only goes so far tbh. Especially when you feel like you accomplished something by growing your account in a certain way to best manage the game and challenges.. Only to have the script flipped.
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