Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • SummonerB2SummonerB2 Member Posts: 556
    Souravbose wrote: »
    Spiderman stark enched

    Already in here
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
    New Character Idea:


    Sig Ability: Martial Training

    Hellcat lacerates the opponent, Bleeding them by -X for X secs.
    Additionally, Hellcat jumps all over the battlefield, spying on the opponent's attacks, Decreasing Ability Accuracy by X% for each Block and Evade completed.


    Hellcat, Trained as a gymnast knows how to turn a bad situation around.

    Reducing Ability Accuracy for the opponent by X%

    Medium Attacks:

    Hellcat Stuns the opponent for X secs and Bleeds the opponent by -X for X secs

    Heavy Attack:

    Hellcat Dazes the opponent for X secs and gains True Strike for X secs

    Special Attack 2:

    This attack does something new, Heals X% of lost Health based on the opponent.
    If the opponent is Healing, Steal X% of their health and place Heal Block on the opponent for X secs.
    If the opponent is Not Healing, Drain X% of their current power and convert it into health for Hellcat. This also places a Power Lock on the opponent for X secs.

    New Character Idea


    Sig Ability: Celestial Being

    Apocalypse, The world's most powerful mutant after merging with Celestial technology studies the battlefield and reshapes it at will, destroying anything that gets in his way.

    This Ability grants Apocalypse X% Increased Health and Attack for X% of the fight.


    Apocalypse unleashes the Celestial power, placing a Incinerate debuff on the opponent for X secs degrading the opponent's health by X% for X secs.

    For the remaining X sec, Stun the opponent.


    Apocalypse, When hit, studies the attack in quick time and when he has Accrued one bar of the Horseman buff. Apocalypse summons some Power Spikes from the ground to help the opponent unleash his Special Attack.

    Horseman Buff:

    This is triggered by hitting the opponent with a Heavy Attack. This buff activates X% of the time.

    Critical Hits:

    Has a X% chance to nullify all buffs and debuffs and resume the battle with no effects. This activates the Counter buff.

    Counter Buff:

    Apocalypse, stripped of all buffs and debuffs, resumes the fight with X% Extra Strength for X secs, This also reduces opponent Strength by X% for X secs.

    Special Attack 1:

    Apocalypse deals out some of his Celestial technology, granting him X Regen over X secs.

    Special Attack 2:

    This attack automatically generates Extra Power for both opponents, increasing Power by 1 bar.

    Special Attack 3:

    This Attack instantly drains the opponent's health by X% and Stuns them for X secs..

    New Character Idea


    Sig Ability: Physical Phases

    When Shadowcat throws the opponent out of phase, Shadowcat starts to rip her opponent to shreds. Lacerating the weaknesses of the opponent by X for every X% of Health they have, this lasts for X secs.


    Shadowcat throws a Attack at the opponent which Staggers them for X secs and
    Decreases Ability Accuracy by X% for X secs and Shocks them for -X a sec.

    Critical Hits:

    When Shadowcat hits the opponent critically, She gains a Fury buff which is stackable to X and lasts for X secs..

    These are some of my ideas
  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
    edited September 2017
    Adding to the list:

    1. Nova
    2. Lasher symbiote
    3. Darkhawk
    4. Wendigo
    5. Tigra
  • Bumsy_BumBumsy_Bum Member Posts: 17
    If you add Dr. Doom, I don't know wether he'd be tech or mystic. If you play Marvel Heroes, Dr. Doom has a power bar for tech powers and magic powers, so I don't know if Doom should be restricted to just technology based powers or sorcery based powers. Maybe he can be the first class-switching champ? Maybe 2 Dooms in 1 month? You never know...
  • iannes98iannes98 Member Posts: 1
    Halloween Champions Pack:
  • Dark_King888Dark_King888 Member Posts: 227
    I have the rest of the Fantastic Four here, as well as one more character, totaling to 18 suggested characters so far:

    16) Human Torch
    Johnny Storm can light himself on fire, fly, and shoot fire.
    Unique Abilities:
    Human Torch has two combat modes that he can switch by dodging back and blocking for 2 seconds. (There is opportunity for a super awesome animation in this switch.)
    Johnny Storm extinguishes him fire and focuses on precise and damaging combat, gaining Precision and Cruelty until he switches combat modes.
    Johnny Storm's flames are unleashed, igniting him and causing every hit to inflict Incinerate.
    Awakened Ability:
    Heat Wave:
    When switching combat modes, Human Torch releases a heat wave that knocks his enemy back and inflicts Incinerate.
    Other status effects:
    Fixed 5% chance to gain Fury

    17) The Thing
    Benjamin Grimm is covered in rocks, granting him superhuman strength and resistance.
    Unique Abilities:
    Rock Solid:
    Every time a hit lands for either character throughout the fight, The Thing increases his Block Proficiency by 1%.
    Awakened Ability:
    It's Clobberin' Time!:
    When landing a heavy attack, The Thing gains 3 Fury and 3 Physical Resistance to more efficiently clobber his opponent.
    Other status effects:
    5% chance to gain Cruelty

    18) Enchantress
    Sylvie Lushton was given mystical powers by Loki. She is modeled after the original Enchantress, Amora, but has more abilities thanks to Loki. She is enemies with Thor, friends with Loki, and has a champion class of Mystic.
    Unique Abilities:
    Mystic Recovery:
    Enchantress can recover much faster than the average human being. Whenever she has a positive status effect active, Regeneration is also present.
    Awakened Ability:
    Mind Control:
    When an enemy has a status effect, Enchantress's next critical hit Nullifies that effect with a 100% chance.
    Other status effects:
    5% chance to gain Precision when striking the enemy; all special attacks by either champion grant indefinite Energy Resistance

    I'll slowly crank out some more characters. PM me if you have any ideas. If I missed or screwed up something, let me know so I can fix or change it. Thanks for reading!

    You went into extreme detail there. Real nice effort. All i would say is, next AQ boss should be Apocalypse. He would be God Tier like Dormammu.
  • Armaganon00Armaganon00 Member Posts: 741 ★★
    No point, the more we want a champ the weaker it will be.
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    His evade change should be 10-15% and his sig should do every 2 hits instead, but overall you got his abilities down
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    And then opponents should be able to decrease his evade chance by 5% and 15% on specials
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    Confidence is to OP and should be 50-75 cruelty rating on his confidece charges
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    Sig ability

    Quicksilvers speed on his speacials attacks confuses the opponent, reducing attack by 35% and makes all of there heavy medium and light attacks have a 25% percent to miss flat when he uses a special attack, uses a heavy or finishes a 5 hit combo with a swipe attac

    This is sig lvl 99 of cours
  • Danimal_617Danimal_617 Member Posts: 1
    I think we should have Professor X in the contest. No need to discriminate, he has fought in the past. I know he is handicapped but this should be a game of equal opportunity.
  • CacapupuzuluCacapupuzulu Member Posts: 12
    Adam Warlock
    Silver Surfer
    Omega Red
    Lady Deathstrike
    Red Skull
  • Darth_SionDarth_Sion Member Posts: 4
    They should add Mystique, Pyro, Sabretooth, Siniestro, Omega Red, Red Skull, Hobgoblin, Demogoblin, Mysterio, Sandman, Lizard, Bishop.
  • RaaRaa Member Posts: 318 ★★

  • RaaRaa Member Posts: 318 ★★
    We need an OP science champ
  • The_Prankster16The_Prankster16 Member Posts: 84
    Fantastic 4
    Doctor Doom
    Silver Surfer
    Wonder man
    Grim Reaper
    Squirrel Girl
    Emma Frost
    Jean Grey
    Amadeus Cho
    Black Cat
    Red Skull
    Captain Britain
  • The_Prankster16The_Prankster16 Member Posts: 84
    Hydra Cap
    Adam Warlock
    Crystal (Can Use Lockjaw in her attacks)
    Jessica Jones
    Stan Lee
  • The_Prankster16The_Prankster16 Member Posts: 84
    (Sorry I keep on posting them before I remember the other ones I want!)
  • The_Prankster16The_Prankster16 Member Posts: 84
  • The_Prankster16The_Prankster16 Member Posts: 84
  • The_Prankster16The_Prankster16 Member Posts: 84
  • ImranImran Member Posts: 587 ★★★
    edited September 2017
    Man, I just want professor x, apocalypse and mr. sinister as new champion and magneto buff which he deserve.
  • TopazForkTopazFork Member Posts: 12
    Let me just say I am happy with the champions in the game, although some of the first ones should be improved a tad. I also think there aren't enough good science champions, with the exception being some of the spider-men. However, one character i've NEVER seen suggested, is the Silver Samurai.

    Kenuichio Harada, the first one. I think the Silver Samurai could be a cool champion, we have swordsmen and women but I do not think we have any katanas yet! Adding to that, his katana can be enhanced with his Tachyon field. I think you could turn the Tachyons into a sort of bleed/poison effect. In the comics, the Silver Samurai can cut through almost anything, except adamantium and vibranium. Characters like Black Panther and Wolverine could be immune to his Tachyons, and characters like Ultron or Iron Man could take more from it. Silver Samurai is a super cool character, he would be the first;
    a) Samurai character
    b) Big Hero Six member
    c) Katana-wielding character
    He is also of Japanese descent, so it could add some diversity among the lineup. He can easily be introduced as a side-villain in an event quest, where he could be attempting to defeat someone and the Summoner gets in his way. He would be a mutant of course, and I think that if you did him right, you could make him an amazing champion. I've wanted to suggest him for quite a while, but never had any way to. He is my most wanted and I gladly grind the arena for him, the 3 star arena though, not strong enough for four star. I think plenty of people would like him, he isn't that well known outside of his appearence in the Wolverine, so I think people would be interested in him. His armor is also super-strong, being made of (correct me if im wrong please) adamantium. He could use similar defense buffs as Black Panther or Wolverine. These are just my thoughts, and I would love nothing more for you guys to consider adding him. Thank You!
  • TopazForkTopazFork Member Posts: 12
    Another character idea I had was Onslaught, the fusion of Proffesor X and Magneto.

    I feel as though Onslaught could be tied into Silver Samurai (My Most Wanted!!) via an event quest. Similar to how MODOK and Jessica Jones functioned in their event quests, not playable just talkers, Proffesor X could fill in a role like this because I know it would be hard to make him a playble fighter. This event quest could follow some of the X-Men as they try to separate Charles and Magneto, with Silver Samurai being Onslaught's right hand man. Enough with story, here's my ideas for how Onslaught could work.

    Honestly, in my opinion, Onslaught should have been the boss for Act 4: Rebellion, however, Maestro was a nice touch :)
    Onslaught would keep Magneto's basic abilities like magnetize, but would also take psychic abilities from Proffesor X, like a telepathic hit, like Quake's aftershock. In the comics, Onslaught absorbed part of the Phoenix Force, so naturally he should have most of Jean's buffs. I would imagine he would be a hard character to program, which is one of the reasons I feel he should be considered as the boss for Act 6. Onslaught's signature ability would fuse the psychic power of Phoenix with the magnetic powers of Magneto, creating a buff that would not only inflict bleed, but incinerate as well. I do not know too much about Onslaught, so this is all I could scrap up for him. Please consider him for the future, it would make for a fun event quest or boss fight! Thank you!
  • The_Prankster16The_Prankster16 Member Posts: 84
    I think silver samurai would be working for onslaught because onslaught is more powerful
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132
    We need a good counter to Magik. So i'm suggesting Belasco. He's a creature FROM Limbo, so i guess he should be immune to Limbo's effects.
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132

    Horsemen of the Apocalypse:
    If Apocalypse is chosen as the war boss, he grants four of his mini-bosses certain bonuses: (these are just rough concepts but you get the general idea:)

    War -- any offensive ability (fury, +attack, +crit, etc)
    Pestilence -- poison
    Death -- degen and/or enhanced bleed
    Famine -- power drain/lock

    Archangel (if AA is chosen as the Horseman of Death, his bonuses are enhanced)

    Abraham Kieros (aka War): if chosen as the Horseman of War, his bonuses are enhanced.

    Autumn Rolfson (aka Famine): if chosen as the Horseman of Famine, her bonuses are enhanced.

    Plague: if chosen as the Horseman of Pestilence, her bonuses are enhanced.
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132

    This concept was born out of my frustration with dealing with debuff immune Nightcrawler so I guess a lot of people will pay big bucks for this character:

    Signature Ability:
    Enemies have a reduced chance to evade his attacks. The reduced chance equals X-N, (X increases as his sig ability increases, to a maximum of 100%) N = the target's speed. So if the sig ability is at maximum, and the target's speed = 10, the enemy has a 90% reduced chance to evade.

    a new stat to be given to all characters. I think this is an interesting concept and would add a lot of depth to the game.

    Quicksilver will have an evade that is superior to that of NC and Spider-Man. I am aware that this could cause a lot of frustration to players since NC and Spidey are already so difficult to deal with, so this is my suggestion for balance:
    Quicksilver's damage is reduced further than normal by armor and physical resistance. So basically versus high armor and high physical resistance characters, he deals a very low amount of damage. Another idea is to give characters an "Ambush" ability, which could look like: "the first 5 attacks of this character cannot be evaded by characters without extra-sensory abilities and automatically crit." You could give this ability to "hunter" type characters such as Sabretooth and Kraven.
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