Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • bowser369bowser369 Member Posts: 6
    Onslaught (Mutant/Cosmic)
    That Which Shall Survive
    Signature Move - Astral Assault - Tapping into enormous psychic energies, Onslaught impales his opponent with psionic spikes only to then telekinetically rip his opponent into his grasp to deliver a concussive blast of energy.
  • Cosmos_2002Cosmos_2002 Member Posts: 137

    Passive: Experience charge
    Gain 1 Experience charge for :
    every 5 hits thrown or received and on Well timed blocks.
    Each charge reduces the opponent's ability accuracy ( both offensive and defensive ) by 9%.
    Charges stack infinitely.

    Passive: Taskmaster's ability accuracy cannot be decreased by any means.

    SP1 : Bleeds for 90% of your attack over 3 seconds. Against bleed immune, armor break 30% for 6 seconds.
    SP1 : Bleeds for 200% of your attack over 4 seconds. Against bleed immune, armor break 45% for 9 seconds.
    SP1 : Bleeds for 300% of your attack over 6 seconds. Against bleed immune, armor break 90% for 12 seconds. Once per fight, permanently decrease the opponent's ability accuracy by 10 %.
    ( Successfully applying a bleed or armor break consumes 3 Experience charges)

    Signature Ability(99)

    Intercepting the opponent (intercepting a dash attack or heavy attack) : taskmaster consumes an Experience charge to gain a fury increasing attack by 10% per Experience charge active for 4 seconds.(Up to +1000% damage)

    Intercepting or stunning taskmaster: taskmaster consumes an Experience charge to gain a +50% evasion chance for 2 seconds.

  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,193 ★★★★★
    Hey guys. Just had a thought. Not sure if it's been suggested or not. Cloak And Dagger would make great additions. Perfect for a Monthly Event. :)p9r68cncnal1.png

    I like your thinking.

    They have a series next year, though. So if not now, maybe then.
  • HappynedHappyned Member Posts: 1
    Starlord: Ego’s Son (Cosmic)
  • TAETAE Member Posts: 8
    The Destroyer ! Make it awesome ;)
  • I really want quicksilver in the game....
    You can't get the sister alone in the game(scar.witch)
  • weapon_xtreme83weapon_xtreme83 Member Posts: 110
    I really want quicksilver in the game....
    You can't get the sister alone in the game(scar.witch)

    With the retcon of Scarlet and Quicksilver's origin, it would make since to do a monthly event that added Quicksilver and the High Evolutionary. I just keep waiting for this to happen.
  • adqqedfyvradqqedfyvr Member Posts: 463
    Baby Groot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • edited October 2017
    This content has been removed.
  • FlatFlat Member Posts: 11
    So many character suggestions some of which are awesome some not so much. I personally would like to see the main stream champs that are loved characters be reinvented and updated in their game play and special attacks. Maybe see the game progress a different direction than just adding new champs. Something to balance the power and prestige of older more fan favorite champs with the newer more powerful but less desirable characters. Maybe the next time they do a variant of a champ they can make it an upgrade to the existing champ instead of a standalone version. Maybe give them a 4th special that allows you to use a new upgraded move that will add pi and prestige to the champs that deserve to be at the top of the list. Just a suggestion. I mean the alternative is just adding another star* to the champs every year.....10* champs??? Really? Let’s think of something different before that happens. Lol
  • FlatFlat Member Posts: 11
    I’d love the Fantastic Four, but I believe Marvel sold them off. That’s why you don’t see any of their characters in the game.
  • TurbulentUrFaceTurbulentUrFace Member Posts: 311
    We need Quicksilver, Please!
  • Prof_Arthur101Prof_Arthur101 Member Posts: 39
    How about domino with high chance to evade due to her luck? can release when deadpool2 comes out.
  • Cosmos_2002Cosmos_2002 Member Posts: 137
    Rework the Stark Family

    Previous posts have not gotten enough love.

    Iron man
    Versatility. He needs it.

    All specials
    Stark AI: Target lock
    Opponents cannot trigger passive evades

    SP1: Lasers
    4 hits, each with a 70% chance to deal a 30% bleed over 3 seconds.
    Lasers have 70% block penetration.
    Incinerate bleed immune champs the same amount.

    SP2: missiles
    Deals a 70% armor break lasting 8 seconds
    Dazes for 12 seconds (80% ability accuracy reduction)

    Triggers power gain for 33% max power over 6 seconds.
    Deals a 120% armor break lasting 12 seconds.

    Taser:When the opponent hits full power, he consumes a bar of power to tase his opponent, draining 33% of their max power, dealing 100% shock damage over 5 seconds and paralyzing them for 3 seconds( this has a 24 second cool down and does not trigger if tony has less than one bar of power)

    Adaptive armour: decrease the opponent's offensive ability accuracy by 80% whenever an armour up is active.
    Increase the armor up's duration

    let his sig ability remain the same, decrease its potency of you want in exchange for all this versatility.

    Superior ironman

    Energy control

    After losing more than 8% of his health to energy attacks ( not a single source), he gains 70% energy resistance for the rest of the fight (cannot be nullified)

    Additionally he gains 40% more power from energy attacks

    Every thing else can remain the same

    War Machine

    Give him a fury
    40% for 6 seconds
    12% chance

    His armor ups in Empty the Clip should provide him crit resistance.

    Additionally empty the clip should trigger at 25% health.


    Increase his base damage by a good amount.
    Increase his crit damage to about 200%

    When awakened his armor ups should give him a good amount of crit resistance

    Iron patriot

    Give him a big boost of damage ( maybe +100% damage?) when he falls below 20% health for around 15 seconds. This will be independent of his arc overload and is there even when he is unawakened.

    This will synergize well with his arc overload power gain.

    Looking forward to more constructive suggestions and hopefully a reply from kabam.

  • L_217L_217 Member Posts: 109 ★★
    The Lizard
    Class : Science
    Base Health : High
    Base Attack : Average
    Base Armor : Below Average
    Base Critical Rate : Average
    Base Critical Damage : Above Average
    Base Block Proficiency : Slightly Below Average
    Abilities: Regeneration, Bleed, Resist Physical, Cruelty

    Passive : Regeneration :
    The Lizard's enhanced genes heightens his ability to recover from damage, allowing him to regenerate X(7.5%) of his Health over 7 seconds at the start of the fight.
    Due to this, The Lizard also has 65% Bleed resistance and 35% Tenacity.

    When Blocking : Regeneration :
    Holding block for 1 second generates a cold-blooded charge, which converts to a regeneration buff healing X(5%) health over 5 seconds, when below full health. Up to a maximum of 5 charges can be held at one time.
    If The Lizard is under the effect of Healblock or is at full health, convert the cold-blooded charge into a cruelty buff, increasing critical damage rating by 334.6 for 10 seconds.

    Passive : Resist Physical :
    The Lizard's thick reptilian scales reduce incoming Physical damage, giving him 800 Physical Resistance.

    All Attacks : Bleed :
    All attacks have a 20% chance to inflict bleed on the opponent, dealing X(6.5%) damage over 0.5 seconds. If under the effect of a Cruelty buff, have a 50% chance to inflict Bleed.

    Special Attack 1 : Reptilian Brutality : Cold blooded and ferocious, The Lizard makes sure that the meal never escapes.
    This attack has a 100% chance to inflict bleed, dealing X(470%) over 11.75 seconds. If under the effect of Cruelty buff, increase the duration by 50%.

    Special Attack 2 : Thick Skin, Thick Claws : Using the wounds dealt in battle, The Lizard makes sure the return the favor by shredding the opponent to pieces.
    This attack deals up to 65% more damage based on lost health. If under the effect Regeneration buff, the attack also has a 100% chance be a critical hit.

    Special Attack 3 : Rahhhh! : I don't know what it said, but it can't be good...
    This attack increases attack by X(45%) if under a Cruelty buff.
    This attack reapplies all active bleed effects on the opponent, dealing X(500%) over 20 seconds.
    This attack regenerates X(10%) health over 7.5 seconds if under a regeneration buff.

    Signature Ability : Vengeance :
    The Lizard's want to to devour his opponent increases, giving him an additional cold-blooded charge capacity and enhances his abilities further.
    If under a Regeneration buff, increase Tenacity by (20-65%).
    If under a Cruelty buff, gain (15-20.5%) Offensive Power Gain.
    If the opponent is Bleeding, inflict Deep Wounds upon them if they have less Health points then you, striking away (0.3-0.75%) of their max health away.
    The effectiveness of this Signature ability is based off of Class Relations.

    Base Health : Slightly Below Average
    Base Attack : Average
    Base Armor : Low
    Base Critical Rate : Above Average
    Base Critical Damage : Above Average
    Base Block Proficiency : Average
    Class : Mutant
    Abilities: Evade, Power Gain, Kinetic Rush, Momentum

    Passive : Momentum :
    Quicksilver's mutant physiology allows him to Shrug debuffs 10% faster than usual and a 8% Tenacity per Momentum.

    Momentum : Persistent Charge :
    Start the quest with 0 Momentum, but gain a charge when at full power for more than 5 seconds. May occur only once per fight. Maximum of 7 charges.

    When Dashing : Kinetic Rush :
    Dashing at super sonic speeds, Quicksilver's opponent has a 90% to miss every attack they throw at him. Additionally, Quicksilver instantly gains 5% of a power bar over 10 seconds per Momentum upon the opponent missing.

    Passive : Evade :
    With a more acute sense of perception, Quicksilver has up a 20% Evade based on his power meter.

    Passive : Power Gain :
    With precise control of his speed and power, Quicksilver gains more power at higher power levels.

    Special Attack 1 : Catch me if can : Stole their wallet too.
    This attack applies a Taunt on the opponent for 7 seconds, decreasing power gain by 25% and increasing the chance to activate a Special Attack by 70%.

    Special Attack 2 : Sweet Dreams : Are made of this...
    This attack deals a instant burst of (100% of Attack) as Physical Damage per Momentum charge.

    Special Attack 3 : Whoop, too slow : I wonder what I should draw?
    This attack applies a Taunt on the opponent for 20 seconds, decreasing power gain by 25% and increasing the chance to activate a Special Attack by 70%.

    Signature Ability : Gotta Go Fast :
    Quicksilver starts the quest ready to go, giving him 1 Momentum charge. Additionally, Quicksilver gets faster when the opponent activates a Special Attack, giving him a (6.5-10%) Evade chance per Momentum charge. Taunted opponents increase Evade chance by a Flat 10%.

  • CodornasCodornas Member Posts: 542 ★★
    Emma Frost
    Jessica Jones
    Red Skull
    Nick Fury
    Beta Ray Bill
  • FuacataKimbaoFuacataKimbao Member Posts: 1
    We need:
    • The Fantastic 4
    • Dr Doom
    • Namor
    • Jessica Jones
    • Crystal

    In addition, I would like:
    • Nova (original, not the snotty kid)
    • Multiple Man
    • Mystique
    • Banshee
    • Spiral
    • Black Knight
    • Sersi (we need more Eternals in the game other than Thanos and Hyperion)

  • Bullfighter77Bullfighter77 Member Posts: 68
    I would love to see Mysterio and Dark Phoenix. I know Jessica Jones was involved in the game a couple of years ago but I wish she was a playable character.

    Also Red Skull would be nice.
  • Xcrøss_TRXcrøss_TR Member Posts: 142
    Taserface pls xD
  • ragnarok_ragnarok_ Member Posts: 48
    I think they should add sandman.
  • AlphashotAlphashot Member Posts: 29
    I think we need a speedster
  • PocketComputerPocketComputer Member Posts: 1
    Basically all symbiotes
  • SummonerB2SummonerB2 Member Posts: 556
    Basically all symbiotes

    No... More... SPIDERVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Turns super saiyan.
  • Stevie_Stars1Stevie_Stars1 Member Posts: 253
    In alphabetical order...

    Absorbing man- Mystic
    Adam Warlock- Tech
    Ares- Cosmic (Skill?)
    Attuma- Skill
    Banshee- Mutant
    Bishop- Mutant
    Black Knight- Mystic
    Black Tom Cassidy- Mutant
    Blob- Mutant
    Blue Marvel- Science
    Caliban- Mutant
    Cannonball- Mutant
    Captain Britain- Mystic (Skill?)
    Chamber- Mutant
    Crimson Dynamo- Tech
    Daken- Mutant
    Dazzler- Mutant
    Deathlok- Skill
    Fantomex- Mutant
    Forge- Mutant
    Grim Reaper- Skill (Science?)
    Havok- Mutant
    Hellcat- Mystic
    Hercules- Cosmic
    Hulkling- Cosmic
    Jack of Hearts- Science
    Jocasta- Tech
    Ka-Zar- Skill
    Klaw- Science
    Legion- Mutant
    Living Laser- Science
    Longshot- Mutant
    Machine Man- Science
    Manifold- Mutant
    Miss America- Cosmic
    Mister X- Mutant
    Morgan Le Fay- Mystic
    Mystique- Mutant
    Namor- Mutant
    Nightmask- Cosmic
    Nova- Cosmic
    Omega Red- Mutant
    Polaris- Mutant
    Pyro- Mutant
    Quasar- Cosmic
    Quicksilver- Mutant
    Radioactive Man- Science
    Rage- Science
    Red Queen- Mutant
    Red Skull- Skill
    Rictor- Mutant
    Sabertooth- Mutant
    Sandman- Science
    Sebastian Shaw- Mutant
    Sentry- Cosmic
    Shang-Chi- Skill
    Shatterstar- Mutant
    Skaar- Cosmic
    Spider-Woman- Science
    Star Brand- Cosmic
    Strong Guy- Mutant
    Stryfe- Mutant
    Sunfire- Mutant
    Sunspot- Mutant
    Taskmaster- Skill
    Titania- Science
    Toad- Mutant
    US Agent- Science
    Valkyrie- Cosmic
    Victor Mancha- Tech
    Warpath- Mutant
    White Queen- Mutant
    Wiccan- Mystic
    Wild Child- Mutant
    Wonder Man- Science
    X-Man- Mutant

    I could keep going and should narrow this down but...

  • FugitorFugitor Member Posts: 46
    This would be an excellent addition to the game!
    Odins wife witchcraft and spells and stuff
  • ragnarok_ragnarok_ Member Posts: 48
    They should add... *drum role. Anti venom
  • ReinaReina Member Posts: 280
    Doctor Doom!! Where is he!?
  • ReinaReina Member Posts: 280
    You should add superman.5766160-actioncomics976-gary-frank.jpg

    He’s DC this is a Marvel game
  • ReinaReina Member Posts: 280
    How about we add Jessica Drew
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