Hey there, glad to see everyone is having fun getting to know each other here. We would ask that you please refrain from sharing private information, such as real names and email addresses, here on the forums. This is part of the forum rules and goes a long way toward helping everyone keep their accounts secure.
How did you come up with Zibiit? Did you listen to a frog and say: This could be a great forum username?
Hey there, glad to see everyone is having fun getting to know each other here. We would ask that you please refrain from sharing private information, such as real names and email addresses, here on the forums. This is part of the forum rules and goes a long way toward helping everyone keep their accounts secure.
How did you come up with Zibiit? Did you listen to a frog and say: This could be a great forum username?
Also because I wanted to play arena and I couldn’t think of anything else.