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  • RKO_meRKO_me Member Posts: 175
    ESF said:

    Actually 30k seems about what I would set it at. 20k for a Class Crystal. 15 for Featured.

    Just because that’s what you would set it doesn’t mean it’s a good value. 20K might be reasonable for a class crystal but 30K is ridiculous for a nexus.
    Exactly — I understand completely that Nexus crystals are cool, they’re a novelty, and they provide additional utility. I am not saying they aren’t a good addition to the game.

    But we need to stop acting like they’re something otherworldly with regard to value.

    It’s still three characters from the Basic pool, you only get to keep one. Yes, it should cost more shards to buy one. Absolutely. But no way in the world does that additional utility equal 20K more shards than a Basic, when no matter how good or how bad the three selections are, you only get to keep one and there is no guarantee whatsoever that it will be a new or useful character for your roster

    Pay more? Yes

    Are they an otherworldly value? No
    Personally, I'm in total agreement that a nexus crystal SHOULD be around 15k. But if I'm in kabam's shoes and are legitimately thinking about implementing nexus crystals into the contest, there would have to be a big cost to dwindling down the amount of RNG. They won't be giving us the magic solution to one of the biggest problems with champ acquisition.I suggested 30k, just due to the fact that there are 3 champs per nexus crystal. In reality, I would imagine that if Kabam would implement these, they would cost between 20k-30k shards. If the value isn't there for some summoners, then they don't have to buy them. Simple as that.
  • LovekLovek Member Posts: 216 ★★★
    Aq/AW 30mins timer ! Have real impact in our life and i many time tought about stop it.

    When we got this 30mins timer all players have been happy and asked you to let it. But you don't..

    So please make this aw/aw 30mins timers permanently
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  • KalamataKalamata Member Posts: 37
    A sincere request to kabam!!..please do something, the game is dying at the top and everyone of us who spent 10 k+ of dollars will eventually quit coz it’s not interesting anymore!!..
    I’ve done every game content and i’d probably still do,but i didn’t have any fun doing it..i just did it all so i can stay at the top..and onyone who is not at top 30-40 alliance won’t even understand what um saying..
    I’ve been playing the game for many years now and i’ve reached to the point where if um going to aw,um gonna use ghost,aq corvus,questing aegon,warlock ghost and that’s it..don’t have any interest into having any more champions except for the 6* versions..maybe coz these champs are overpowered? it because content is so rediculous and expensive to clear with mideocre champs?..maybe..but what i really think is the quality of champions has declined greatly over the last year..only 4-5 great champs we had in 2019 out of 24 and none of them is compared to the likes of aegon,omega,ghost and corvus..
    Brian grant made some great points in his videos and i see them making the game better..but maybe those will take a lot of time and work to do..but would it hurt to release more amazing champions with new abilities to keep us motivated wanting to acquire them?..they won’t be overpowered with this rediculous content you release anyways..
    More than a year passed and cavalier title became a thing,act 6 ended 3 months ago and we still haven’t seen a cavalier difficulty yet..I haven’t even touched uncollected this month coz um so close to autofight it..
    Alliance wars you tried to make it more interesting by introducing defense tactics but truth you actually made it more boring,coz with siphone i always play ghost..and flow guilly,magik and full ghost team..same champions every war for the whole season!!’s that interesting?
    Incursions were fun when they first came out,but people who doesn’t have gold or don’t care about 5 stars would lose interest after 1-2 we didn’t see 6 star incurions crystals?...make them for 50-60-70 or even 80 but give us something to look up for..
    Those are all easy stuff which doesn’t require changing the game meta all over(which will be great btw) but will keep people who actually beat the horrible content you made interested in your game..
    After all i want to say that people play the game at different paces and in different tiers and people who aren’t at the very top won’t get what um saying coz you don’t have the problem we have with the game,and also most of us don’t have your problems too so keep it civil..
    PLEASE KABAM..we need something to keep us interested not punished..
  • SavageSavage Member Posts: 621 ★★★
    edited May 2020
    Here are the main changes suggested by the community that should be prioritized by Kabam:

    1. Nexus 5*/6* and Class 5*/6* crystals becoming a common thing at a similar price to featured
    2. Updated Solo/Alliance Events and Increased Rewards in Solo Crystals based on progression
    3. Reduced AQ/AW timers down to 30 minutes per recharge
    4. Basic 5* arena with a top 10% minimum rank for the 5* champion
    5. Kick Voting System to prevent abusive alliance officers/leaders
    6. More Frequent Champion Rebalances/Reworks
    7. Pre-release champion buffs based on CCP program feedback
    8. Balancing and tuning down of Defense Tactics to make them all similar in power
    9. Reduction in AQ map costs and more ways to obtain gold
    10. Incursion Reward improvement for tier 1, giving more gold and 6* shards instead

    It's not rocket science Kabam, it's just common sense of what needs to happen.
  • tkhan08tkhan08 Member Posts: 189 ★★
    Almost forgot, a player who doesnt want to spend a ton has to grind for units and donations for aq. Map 6/7 costs a lot. Arenas are the most boring part of this game. Yet, expecting them to grind all the time will eventually make players burn out.
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★

    RKO_me said:

    ESF said:

    Actually 30k seems about what I would set it at. 20k for a Class Crystal. 15 for Featured.

    Just because that’s what you would set it doesn’t mean it’s a good value. 20K might be reasonable for a class crystal but 30K is ridiculous for a nexus.
    Exactly — I understand completely that Nexus crystals are cool, they’re a novelty, and they provide additional utility. I am not saying they aren’t a good addition to the game.

    But we need to stop acting like they’re something otherworldly with regard to value.

    It’s still three characters from the Basic pool, you only get to keep one. Yes, it should cost more shards to buy one. Absolutely. But no way in the world does that additional utility equal 20K more shards than a Basic, when no matter how good or how bad the three selections are, you only get to keep one and there is no guarantee whatsoever that it will be a new or useful character for your roster

    Pay more? Yes

    Are they an otherworldly value? No
    Personally, I'm in total agreement that a nexus crystal SHOULD be around 15k. But if I'm in kabam's shoes and are legitimately thinking about implementing nexus crystals into the contest, there would have to be a big cost to dwindling down the amount of RNG. They won't be giving us the magic solution to one of the biggest problems with champ acquisition.I suggested 30k, just due to the fact that there are 3 champs per nexus crystal. In reality, I would imagine that if Kabam would implement these, they would cost between 20k-30k shards. If the value isn't there for some summoners, then they don't have to buy them. Simple as that.
    Honestly, if they sell them for 30K, I don’t think anyone will buy them.
    I mean, seriously. I understand that people are trying to offer suggestions that help the players do better in the future.

    But at some point... I mean...if you had 30K shards and you bought a Nexus crystal, you literally...I mean, come on.

    You bought the Nexus crystal to pick from three characters.

    30K shards is three characters.

    Yes, there’s value in picking a specific character. Absolutely. No one disputes that.

    I wouldn’t do it for 20K, but I could at least fathom it because if you really need a specific character, then the three choices in the Nexus crystal gives you an extra look at getting the one you want. Again, I wouldn’t do it, but I could see it.

    But 30K shards is literally three looks in the Basic pool. And even if they’re trash, you get to keep the three.

    I mean, at some point, the value of choice...I mean, it isn’t all-consuming. At some point, it isn’t more valuable than what you can do normally. It might not sound or look as sexy, but 30K for one Nexus crystal is not good value. It just isn’t
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    So in 4 months or so we lost 2 influence youtuber which are Seatin and Cowhale (you can hate Cowhale but he was a name in our game no matter what) and it doesn't look good at all.

    Imagine one day you don't have any influence youtuber for this game. How sad it will be and it will make this game so irrelevant to the game community and to normal gamers.
  • RoOOtsRoOOts Member Posts: 234 ★★
    Totally agree with Seatin. And if you aren't a whale, this point comes way earlier than now for him.

    I personally stoped caring about AM/AW a few months back when they introduced seasons. It's way to much stress, even if the rewards would be good and they aren't.

    The need to have specific champs for nearly every boss/path in Act 6 is frustrating.

    On top of that the unit grab for all of the new content. Want to one run in abyss? Better have this 3 specific and new champs, that are are just available for people spending hundred of dollars for them and better have units worth a couple hundred dollar. Else don't even try.

    And if you play perfectly, well we got a hitcounter so you have to spent anyway.

    Increasing AW difficulty and releasing pots, which you just get with money.

    Healing pots healing way to less HP for decades. And the availability of revives feels like decreasing, despite you cannot even theoretically survive.

    I play way less now. But I also stopped caring and spending money on this game.
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  • Frostyg02ukFrostyg02uk Member Posts: 49

    Seeing Seatin and some other influencers talking about the state of the game this week you just have to agree with what’s being said in terms of 6*s being given and the game content being put out.
    I am not an absolute end game player but I have done all content with the exception of AOL (I don’t have the must have champs) and the number of useful 6*s I have (and not just me obviously) is utterly ridiculous. I’d love to see any member of Kabam be able to complete paths in act 6 with any combination of the 6*s I have the option of.
    I understand that not every open can be a god tier but basically by my estimate 24 of my 27 are absolutely worthless in any of the games current content. 25 if you include that Aegon needs to be duped to be anywhere near useful.
    I’m using the same 5 champs to steam roll monthly events as a chore, what’s the point of having so many champs in the game? What can I do with 6* cyclops, magneto and miles with any of the games content? What’s their point?
    I know I’m not the only one and I’m sure others will feel their luck is even worse but at my current time in the game I’m stuck in limbo. Unable to progress without slamming units, unable to reach 70-90m in arena to gain new champs and unable to find any challenge with the monthly events. What am I playing for?
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