General Game Feedback [Merged Threads]



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  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,302 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020
    Thecurler said:

    I don't know how feasible this is but what about creating forum sections for players at a certain progression level to post in.

    For example a thread for T1-T3 war only accessible to players in those tiers. An Act 6 and beyond thread etc etc.

    Leave it open for anyone to view so they can understand what is being discussed.

    When this current forum replaced the previous, the user was to linked the same id here with the game id. This was supposed to allow different things etc etc but I don't know why it did not take flight.

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  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,436 ★★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    I have seen people suggest lowering Act 6 difficulty so people can follow the story line. I think that option is already there as you only need one run through to get the story. There are no additional dialogues for exploration. So, we can say that completion is easy mode and exploration is hard mode for Act 6.

    In that aspect, only 6.2.2 and 6.2.6 bosses are restrictive and should be looked into. The whole discussion around gates and niche paths and all that go away if you are only playing for the story line.

    Not an unreasonable approach—but I might add Acid Wash Mysterio as a potential boss who could use a tune-up because of restrictiveness.

    Dr. Zola
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  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,436 ★★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    DrZola said:

    Haji_Saab said:

    I have seen people suggest lowering Act 6 difficulty so people can follow the story line. I think that option is already there as you only need one run through to get the story. There are no additional dialogues for exploration. So, we can say that completion is easy mode and exploration is hard mode for Act 6.

    In that aspect, only 6.2.2 and 6.2.6 bosses are restrictive and should be looked into. The whole discussion around gates and niche paths and all that go away if you are only playing for the story line.

    Not an unreasonable approach—but I might add Acid Wash Mysterio as a potential boss who could use a tune-up because of restrictiveness.

    Dr. Zola
    Acid Wash Mysterio is an annoying fight but he is not the boss and can be avoided if not going for the exploration.
    Agh...forgot he wasn’t boss. You’re correct that is a niche fight that can be avoided.

    Dr. Zola
  • arsjumarsjum Member Posts: 413 ★★★
    DrZola said:

    Haji_Saab said:

    I have seen people suggest lowering Act 6 difficulty so people can follow the story line. I think that option is already there as you only need one run through to get the story. There are no additional dialogues for exploration. So, we can say that completion is easy mode and exploration is hard mode for Act 6.

    In that aspect, only 6.2.2 and 6.2.6 bosses are restrictive and should be looked into. The whole discussion around gates and niche paths and all that go away if you are only playing for the story line.

    Not an unreasonable approach—but I might add Acid Wash Mysterio as a potential boss who could use a tune-up because of restrictiveness.

    Dr. Zola
    Acid Wash Mysterio actually not as bad of a fight as everyone says. It is tedious if you don't have a high ranked Man-Thing or King Groot but a number of hard hitting damage dealers can solo that fight. I myself have posted a solo with r5 SL and r5 Guillotine 2099 on my YouTube channel to show it can be done (no boosts and no suicides in both fights). I've seen others solo him with Nick Fury and Proxima. Blade with danger sense can do it too because he can simultaneously chip away Mysterio's health and regenerate.

    That said, I won't fuss over it if Kabam decides to tone it down a little or gives more options to increase your damage output. For example, you deal -90% less damage unless x but you deal x2 damage if you do y.
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    I have seen people suggest lowering Act 6 difficulty so people can follow the story line. I think that option is already there as you only need one run through to get the story. There are no additional dialogues for exploration. So, we can say that completion is easy mode and exploration is hard mode for Act 6.

    In that aspect, only 6.2.2 and 6.2.6 bosses are restrictive and should be looked into. The whole discussion around gates and niche paths and all that go away if you are only playing for the story line.

    I don’t read the story anyway but imo main story arc content should be accessible to all. I don’t mean that a new player can just breeze through but as created the vast majority of the people who play this game will never complete act 6. So that means act 7 as well and so on and so forth. So future story content is the relatively meaningless to a very large percentage of people who play the game. Idk, seems pretty backwards to me
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★
    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    DNA3000 said:

    If someone wants to challenge what I've said, by all means. If they want to ignore the points I made based on where I'm at in the game, that is for lack of a better term, ignorant.

    I would like to challenge what you said about attackers. What specific observations about the attackers players bring into war lead you to this assertion. Since the topic of discussion was how changes to Defense Tactics would affect attacker-side diversity choices, please take me through your thought process, step by step, so I can see what the foundation of that conjecture is.
    I've been playing the game long enough to know what takes place. I've already broken down what happens. The highest on the Attack end, or the Champs that have the best Regen capabilities, are used. Besides my own observations on who Players gravitate towards using, which is visible in War, I've also participated in many discussions over the years which people have suggested and asked for Attack Diversity because it's the same Attackers being used that make Defense monotonous. In fact, I've always made the point that Attack Diversity was never an issue because people could use whoever they chose. Although they didn't. It was whoever people told them was the best to use. In fact, I just made a point this week that Kingpin was an option for Aegis because of Unstoppable Heavy. To which people adamantly shot down because that's "not who you use for that". Do some use whoever they want? Sure. The majority use the same Champs that are used, and I'd conjecture that they have the data on that themselves. Which is why they're introducing ways to mix it up. To be honest, for the most part, people don't just use different choices. They either use the most popular heavy hitters, or the counter that they're told to use. Now that Attack Diversity seems to be a thing, I feel it's pertinent to point out that those opposing it aren't acknowledging the fact that people use the same Champs regardless. Difference is, it's based on popularity and not necessity.
    The way you started the post reminded me of a certain But i digress. The reason for the highest attack champs in attack is because the defence is too stacked with 5/65 and rank 2 or rank 3 6 star champs. Add physical resistance nodes, crit resist nodes and inbuilt abilities like Protection means if you don't want to time out, you need to bring high attack champs and boost them. Many have explained about flow tactics and very little options and I don't want to go into that again. I run path 9 in war and i face aegis heavy and confusion in first two section. Kingpin is bad choice to use in aegis heavy, with that logic Man thing is a good option because his heavy has unstoppable too. But the main reason Kingpin is a bad champ because his damage is very low, if you run into a korg or Mordo, I am sure you can get him down eventually, But the cost is too high in terms of potions. I don't know many people who would bring a regen champ to aw attack. Because we want fights to end quickly. Unlike aq, timeout costs my alliance a bonus. the champs i bring to attack team are Omega red, Caiw, Venom, Ghost, Wasp, Doom, Blade. There you go, six champs that i can bring to counter depending on my path. All are heavy hitters, I love playing with sentinel, but to ramp him up every fight and risk timeout is not something I am going to do
    I have Sentinel over 100 Sig. Ramps up pretty nicely. As for Kingpin, I use him because I don't have Man-Thing as a 5*. He works. I can get 2 Heavies off and start taking down Damage easier than fighting with the AI which pretty much automatically Blocks most Heavies unless they follow a Parry or Stun. To me, that's more valuable than hitting the hardest. In combination with the DoT from the L1 and hits, they go down. Mordo isn't a problem. My point with that was there are other options but people are set in their ways with Champs. Always the same ones everyone else recommends.
    Interesting, I had to check the nodes on T6 wars. You are not considering the health and attack boost the T1-T5 wars get from the local nodes. The fact that you said you would use Man thing makes me believe that you don't understand the champ. His damage is very low. In a timed fight, it is very easy to time out with him. I am not saying we will always time out. But no one wants to risk it because alliance war is a competition. You don't try stuff during the competition.
    If your goal is to win a war, we automatically need to diversify our attack, We have people bringing counters for boss and miniboss. That's how we win a war. In our bg, I have seen at least 20 different attackers. If you want 30 different champs for 1 single bg, thats not happening
    You suggested Man-Thing. That's why I referenced him. He wouldn't be my first choice. I use KP. He works for me. You can see what I'm saying by the reactions that have followed. People use whoever others tell them is the best. I don't follow suit. The second someone mentions an option outside of what everyone else pile.
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  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    Keonex said:

    KABAM definitely NOT listening yo what we want

    3 month plan is laughable

    what we WANT is this

    Cavalier level added to monthly event quest

    Variants released every 2 to 3 months

    New 6* arena its time for Arena to he revamped and an actual arena to win 6*s

    6*s added to incursion crystals

    6* UC added to loyalty store

    6* Punisher added to New Cavalier level arena crystals

    ability to sell t4cc for t5cc shards

    updated Solo events

    increased Inventory across the board especially more revives and potions capacity

    Cavalier crystals should NoT have 3*s

    Who the hell wants a 6 star punisher? And I highly doubt the team can do variants in 2-3 months I think 4-5 is the average but 9 months since the last variant is a little wack
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian

    By the way, team, I had to long term members announce that they'll be taking a longer break from the game today.

    You deleting our treasury without any kind of appropriate notification and without appropriate compensation was the last straw for them. Those two invested a lot into our treasuy over the time they've been here, so that we'll be stacked for whenever we started playing map 6 more regularly.

    And they weren't the only ones who donated a lot and they aren't the only ones extremely p*ssed about this.

    What you've done there was so shortsighted, so incompetent, so detached from the community, it almost feels as if this thread never even existed.

    Wait they deleted everyones treasury?
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    H3t3r said:

    By the way, team, I had to long term members announce that they'll be taking a longer break from the game today.

    You deleting our treasury without any kind of appropriate notification and without appropriate compensation was the last straw for them. Those two invested a lot into our treasuy over the time they've been here, so that we'll be stacked for whenever we started playing map 6 more regularly.

    And they weren't the only ones who donated a lot and they aren't the only ones extremely p*ssed about this.

    What you've done there was so shortsighted, so incompetent, so detached from the community, it almost feels as if this thread never even existed.

    Wait they deleted everyones treasury?
    Man they could have at least told us. I feel like they could have maybe given out three treasury rewards to the alliance? I don’t know if that sounds stupid or not but it’s something
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian

    H3t3r said:

    By the way, team, I had to long term members announce that they'll be taking a longer break from the game today.

    You deleting our treasury without any kind of appropriate notification and without appropriate compensation was the last straw for them. Those two invested a lot into our treasuy over the time they've been here, so that we'll be stacked for whenever we started playing map 6 more regularly.

    And they weren't the only ones who donated a lot and they aren't the only ones extremely p*ssed about this.

    What you've done there was so shortsighted, so incompetent, so detached from the community, it almost feels as if this thread never even existed.

    Wait they deleted everyones treasury?
    Yup, go check. It's all gone, all empty. They deleted everyone's treasury without appropriate communication before the fact in order to change the system used for alliance costs (see aq tickets thread).

    And to add to that shortsighted and awful decision they chose to establish a completely arbitrary 5 months cutoff for compensating donations with aq tickets.

    If your alliance had a completely stacked treasury, all gathered through fair gameplay and over years, then most of that is gone for good now.
    I wouldn't know as i am alliance free. But that bs
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    As a lower level player the treasury means less to me but I am quite annoyed still that they just got rid of the resources of the treasury. My alliance would have one BG that ran Map 5 i still donated even though I wouldn’t participate in Map 5 and just to see all the treasury stuff go down the drain is dumb they should have just given back the resources.
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