Matchmaking Discussion [Merged Threads]



  • 2_Wheeler2_Wheeler Member Posts: 106
    Onmix said:

    Well. Most screenshots show very similar War Rating. Nothing fairer than that.

    The previous matchmaking was extremely flawed. It will correct itself soon and these new “unfair” matches won’t be happening.

    So our alliances just need to sit on the sidelines until Kabamed gets its act together? By the way our alliance was ranked 513 and our opponent ranked 512 of course we’re bronze and they are silver so they got a little edge on us.
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    @GroundedWisdom so how would you fix this without doing this? I don’t Accept the old system was fine. You are right it’s not their fault their ratings inflated under the old system and they benefited BUT it couldn’t be allowed to continue that way.

    Alliances shouldn’t receive uncalibrated rewards they aren’t deserving of due to a broken matchmaking system. A competitive mode needs to be reflective of roster and skill. What other options are there to fix the issue than adjusting and letting the dust settle.
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  • Thanks_D19Thanks_D19 Member Posts: 1,480 ★★★★
    Tbh is anyone here that shocked by this ridiculous matchmaking system? I mean when I heard that they were cutting alliance rating in half first thing I thought is that it would lead to a lot of mismatches and then when they removed prestige, one of the best indicators of an alliance’s strength as a tool for matchmaking, I knew it was gonna be hell
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,184 ★★★★★
    edited July 2020
    walkerdog said:

    MJROCKS said:

    Did not mean to come as offensive but this is really frustrating especially with people trying to tarnish low rated alliance's hard work and calling them out for not playing against "real alliances". I get your point that higher rated alliances wanted better rewards and rightfully so but that doesn't mean that equally skilled but low rated alliances get shafted. Having put in a lot of glory, items, and even ranked up champs I didn' t wanna for AW only to beat by someone who has a better roster feels bad.

    I guess I have raised my concerns in this thread, just hope that everyone gets good rewards at the end of this and a better solution is developed. Cheers

    I feel your pain and it would be good if they duplicated awards across say, the top 20%, and 50% of allies so the "little guys" felt a shot at some of the top rewards without getting them at higher PI allies' expense. Unfortunately I dont know that kabam wants to do that since its paying out more than they would otherwise.

    I do think that at a minimum, someone who plays a full AW season should get 10k 5* shards (or something roughly equivalent).

    We got paired with an alliance with four players above 200k rating. We’re low tier/no items, but those guys placed a map full of 4-stars, many of whom weren’t rank 5. What possible use would they have for T5b, much less t5cc?

    Everyone is talking about featherweights who’ll get slaughtered for two weeks, but no one is acknowledging that all the 25m plus alliances have been cannibalizing each other for months (years?), forced to spend items to compete against each other while relative newbies coast against lighter competition, or to abandon the chase altogether.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,012 ★★★★★
    edited July 2020
    How would I? The FIRST thing I'd do is ensure that the reasons Prestige was used to begin with never happen again by locking ALL Ratings in the off-season. Otherwise all of this is for nothing.
    The second thing I would do is devise a way to reintroduce War Rating in a way that it doesn't affect the most competitive time for everyone in War. That could be anything from making general adjustments to Rating that counter the inflation (not just everyone equally because as we see, that doesn't prevent this), allowing the system to balance itself in a prolonged Off-Season period, reintroducing War Rating gradually by using both for a time, anything at all really. They could have even introduced a Qualifying period before the Season. There are a number of possibilities that could have come about.
    Instead, we have a Season dedicated to the Top relishing people being slaughtered.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Rap said:

    So we watch our ratings get trashed for a season then everything works itself out? All i can say about that is! MAYBE I'LL SEE YA NEXT SEASON! (But i doubt it!)

    Taking a season off is unlikely to be of any real benefit, except for not getting one season of rewards. If your alliance was stronger than your relative rating before the change, all you've done is lost rewards. If your alliance was weaker than your relative rating, then all those alliances of similar rating that were stronger than you will still be waiting for you when you decide to return.

    If you think the new match system is going to cost you losses and rating points, it will do that the moment you step into a rated war. There's nothing special about this season that is different from the following season in that regard. Whether your next war is today, or next season, or next year, it'll be the same. Unless you wait so long that ratings inflation actually puts you into a lower tier, with a lower multiplier and lower season points. Which could take anywhere from months to years.
    Actually, with everyone's war rating cut in half, if they stay out of war for a season, everyone else's war rating will change around them. It won't be the same if they sit out for a bit.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    I was expecting so may threads like this. This should have been phased out over some time. or Kabam should have cancelled the season and made this system work for one month off season after cutting the ratings so that people could settle down on their tiers off season and the season rewards and complaints are not affected. I am not facing that great of an alliance right now. I agree that the system was broken, but, if you want to normalize a system, you don't do it during a season when the stakes are high. People exploiting the system is always a problem, but the effect should have been reduced. This is just going to encourage more shell alliances. Already I am seeing rank 2 alliance last season has 1 member now.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,874 Guardian
    edited July 2020
    (gonna reply in this alternate, for now, smaller thread instead of the main big thread, so that when it gets merged with big thread I don’t get bombarded with constant “Notifications” from all the future replies in that big one. Of which, why no way to turn off Notification for specific threads ??)

    Guess the alternative thing Kabam could have done is just basically “reset” every alliance's War Rating. Or more precisely, assign you a NEW-STARTING W.R. (based on JUST your Ally Prestige), and then start the Season that way.

    That way, would NOT be any of these lopsided matchups. And the only rebalancing that would go on during the first season or 2 would be as Alliances settle down into basically their natural “how badly do we want to commit and spend items, etc, in wars” mentality.

    So Casual (but Strong) Alliances that just play AW for fun would at least be facing similar “Strength” alliances as they gravitate downward to a natural lower Tier they are comfortable with.

    So at least all these matches “during the initial rebalance season or 2) wouldn’t have been such lopsided prestige/strength matches.

    **of course, if they had done this, there still would have been complaints like “not fair that we got moved so far away from where we finished previous seasons”. But actually “would have been” fairer.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,012 ★★★★★

    Soon. Lol. After a whole Season or two of this mess. That's okay though, right? As long as it doesn't mess your Season.

    well yeah. that's the whole point of the new system. I'm sure you benefited from it, which wasn't necessarily your fault, but just a flawed system. imagine those who were in the opposite situation and struggled because of the old systen
    I didn't benefit. I don't know why people keep saying I'm trying to get some unearned outcome. I'm talking about what's fair for EVERYONE. Two wrongs don't make a right, and all I can see is a great deal of hypocritical minimizing of the real issue here. People complain about what they call unfair, but as soon as it becomes unfair for someone else, well that's just correcting. The problem is it shouldn't be unfair to anyone. Otherwise it's not a solution at all.
    Your "everyone" is a very small proportion of us. Just look at this thread and see how many people have explained at lenght why the new system is better, and fairer, than the old for the player base that plays it.

    War is meant to be a competitive mode, not a "Everyone gets a trophy" farce. There will be winners and there will be losers.

    "Why play at all?" You asked. If you think losing is unfair, then yes, you are definitely playing the wrong game mode, pal.
    You can save the "Life's like that." Pep Talk. No one is looking for a Participation Trophy. What they're looking for is a system they can trust that will place them in a War they actually have a chance of winning if they play skillfully and intelligently. When it fails to do so with discrepancies as high as we see here, that is absolutely unfair, and it warrants the reactions you see here.
    A small portion is absolutely not accurate. The small portion is the demographic who aren't going to be negatively affected by this because they're in Alliances that outrank everyone else. The majority number is the portion who are going to be overpowered beyond what they can win against.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,012 ★★★★★

    They played their Wars and earned the Rewards they did based on the way the system was.

    well according to your logic then 'Now everyone play their wars and earn their rewards they did based on the new system is.'
    None of these guys were complaining when they were receiving the good rewards now why come out and do this. Its time to go back where they are supposed to be.

    People keep saying its not their fault how the old matchmaking supported them, then don't bother with complaining about this one either when it doesn't benefit you anymore.
    You enjoyed rewards on a higher bracket for so long now let the pieces fall as they should and get to the tier where everyone belongs. Why is a system which places a better alliance above you so unfair to you?
    You had same war rating you got matched.
    You can beat them. Go up.
    You can't beat them. Go down.
    Simple as it is.
    I didn't enjoy anything higher than myself. Believe it or not, some people are more concerned with what's right than themselves.
    I'm not complaining about my own Match. I'm saying that whole "can't beat them" only applies when both sides have an actual chance of winning. If one side plays better, then they win. That's all fair. When we have Matches where one side can't win no matter how skillful they play, that's a broken system. Doesn't matter if you call the old way broken. They're both broken.
  • 2_Wheeler2_Wheeler Member Posts: 106
    “War is meant to be a competitive mode, not a "Everyone gets a trophy" farce. There will be winners and there will be losers. “ I’ve been AW and won and lost, but I’ve never been drilled like we are currently. Kinda like fighting Godzilla with a pea shooter.
  • JoseOkJoseOk Member Posts: 278 ★★
    Im on a 6 million alliance, we are facing a 40 million alliance... why even waste our time?
  • QuietusDKQuietusDK Member Posts: 57
    We were low/mid G3 last season. Alliance @ 11 mil.

    We just got our first matchup. Enemy alliance was G2 last season, and are @ 34 million. At the time of writing, they've cleared our BG1 with one death, and are down to 2 minibosses and boss in our BG2, with 4 deaths.

    How exactly is this an even remotely *fun* war to fight? According to war rating, there's 2 (!) points difference between an alliance that has about 50% Abyss completions and the rest cavaliers.

    Yes, I'm whining. I'm whining because trying to get your alliance all pumped up for the new season, ready to go, practicing these new horrible nodes (Powerful from Afar + Duped 5/65 OR, funfun...), and we basically run into an alliance that we have no chance at all against.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,012 ★★★★★

    Soon. Lol. After a whole Season or two of this mess. That's okay though, right? As long as it doesn't mess your Season.

    well yeah. that's the whole point of the new system. I'm sure you benefited from it, which wasn't necessarily your fault, but just a flawed system. imagine those who were in the opposite situation and struggled because of the old systen
    I didn't benefit. I don't know why people keep saying I'm trying to get some unearned outcome. I'm talking about what's fair for EVERYONE. Two wrongs don't make a right, and all I can see is a great deal of hypocritical minimizing of the real issue here. People complain about what they call unfair, but as soon as it becomes unfair for someone else, well that's just correcting. The problem is it shouldn't be unfair to anyone. Otherwise it's not a solution at all.
    Your "everyone" is a very small proportion of us. Just look at this thread and see how many people have explained at lenght why the new system is better, and fairer, than the old for the player base that plays it.

    War is meant to be a competitive mode, not a "Everyone gets a trophy" farce. There will be winners and there will be losers.

    "Why play at all?" You asked. If you think losing is unfair, then yes, you are definitely playing the wrong game mode, pal.
    What they're looking for is a system they can trust that will place them in a War they actually have a chance of winning if they play skillfully and intelligently..
    Congrats! They have the very system they are looking for. Now that war rating is doing what it is supposed to do, they will get fair matches as soon as the +/- does its work. It'll get better each week and then it will be balanced.
    No, they don't have that very system. The entire point of this Thread is about the fact that we don't have that very system. That response is either irreverent or smug. Perhaps both.
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