Matchmaking Discussion [Merged Threads]



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  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    Gmonkey said:

    I feel like this should settle this discussion. This alliance finished plat 4 last season. We’ve been stuck in gold 1 for many seasons. Their war rating was higher than ours. They couldn’t even complete the map. It took 10 deaths for them to get through one defender. By the time it was over they had 122 deaths and hadn’t even 100% the map. I think it’s funny that people on this chat are saying this allys like this deserve to be higher, etc. Now that they are playing head to head based on war rating (which why wouldn’t you use war rating as a matching metric since it is created by alliance war win/loss?) They couldn’t hang. We should be thrilled that the contest has addressed this unfair imbalance.

    We ended gold 2 first time ever that low last season. We fought another gold 2 alliance they could not even get into section 2 in all bg’s.
    one can easily reverse engineer this to determine your diversity. assuming you 100% their board. it's 142 & 4260. just saying.
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★

    BuGi said:

    Greekhit said:

    In War, yes. It's all about how they perform in War. If they win more of their Wars, and it's fair Matches, then yes. People keep saying it's more work for higher Prestige, but it isn't really. They're working with stronger Champs. So it's pretty much the same. Ego-bending, I know.

    War isn’t all about how you perform, like the real war, it’s more about firepower.
    Whether you like it or not higher prestige players have worked harder than lower ones. That’s a fact. They are working with stronger champs because grind/paid a lot for them. Do the same if you can.
    If it is a war, no alliance will fight a war that is bound to fail. It should not draw lots to decide the opponent.
    If it's a game, it's fair to compete.
    Then take the loss... stop acting like you’ll always get a never ending stream of bad matchups.
    Bc they dont want to listen to:

    "You guys got too high rewards for seasons."

    The mentality is not that they got more than they should for a long time. No no.

    "They are being robbed their hard earned rewards from kabam." Its just easier to belive this fake story. Its delusional ofc.

    But its a hard pill to swallow that you actuly didnt earn your rewards.

    Im in the same boat btw. We finished 2 x P1 with ~30 million alliance. We will prob get blasted in some of the coming matches. But its fair that way.
  • Mu7zMu7z Member Posts: 25
    edited July 2020
    Imagine a allaince newly formed with 0 war rating with all big players of around of 9k -10k pi.

    And on the other side a lower allaince with 1k- 2k pi players

    Well below is our alliance results.

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,967 ★★★★★
    Speeds80 said:

    If you are campaigning for that broken system to be brought back by saying that all the matches were fair and that my 30m alliance belonged in silver 1 receiving 3 * shards because we couldn’t win as many matches as those 3* alliances exploiting that system And displacing us from rewards we clearly are capable of competing for. then you may as well save your breath just like we may as well save our breath in Responding to you, you continue to antagonise, you don’t bring any solution. But guess what we don’t need a solution, it’s here, all we as a community need is the Entitled 4* alliances who think they deserve gold Rewards to be ignored long enough for The system to right itself, back to the fairest system that was ever in place and clearly didn’t need replacing

    I'm not campaigning for anything. Had the system stayed the way it was, I provided a way to accommodate the Rewards so that Alliances would received Rewards appropriate to what they were working with, but that was overlooked. What I want is for people to stop pretending that the complaints aren't warranted because what people are facing during their Season efforts is Matches they have no chance of winning at all. It should have been handled differently and now people are being forced into Losses just to fix the system. With encouragement no less, by a Special Event. Did I think the Matches were fair before? Absolutely. That's why I said so in this Thread. I don't really care who agrees with me or not. I know what I'm saying. As much as people think Alliances using lower Champs weren't working as hard, that's not the case. They were fighting equal strength Matches in the same Tiers with the same Nodes. I still think that, no matter what anyone's Ego says. Regardless, my real issue is what we're dealing with now, and it's disrespectful for people to keep telling others everything is as it should be. These Matches are ridiculous, so let them complain.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★

    Speeds80 said:

    If you are campaigning for that broken system to be brought back by saying that all the matches were fair and that my 30m alliance belonged in silver 1 receiving 3 * shards because we couldn’t win as many matches as those 3* alliances exploiting that system And displacing us from rewards we clearly are capable of competing for. then you may as well save your breath just like we may as well save our breath in Responding to you, you continue to antagonise, you don’t bring any solution. But guess what we don’t need a solution, it’s here, all we as a community need is the Entitled 4* alliances who think they deserve gold Rewards to be ignored long enough for The system to right itself, back to the fairest system that was ever in place and clearly didn’t need replacing

    I'm not campaigning for anything. Had the system stayed the way it was, I provided a way to accommodate the Rewards so that Alliances would received Rewards appropriate to what they were working with, but that was overlooked. What I want is for people to stop pretending that the complaints aren't warranted because what people are facing during their Season efforts is Matches they have no chance of winning at all. It should have been handled differently and now people are being forced into Losses just to fix the system. With encouragement no less, by a Special Event. Did I think the Matches were fair before? Absolutely. That's why I said so in this Thread. I don't really care who agrees with me or not. I know what I'm saying. As much as people think Alliances using lower Champs weren't working as hard, that's not the case. They were fighting equal strength Matches in the same Tiers with the same Nodes. I still think that, no matter what anyone's Ego says. Regardless, my real issue is what we're dealing with now, and it's disrespectful for people to keep telling others everything is as it should be. These Matches are ridiculous, so let them complain.
    I don't think anyone is claiming these new matchups are fair. We all know they're next to unwinnable in many cases. I think, and I'm guessing that most people would tend to agree, that the old system was far from fair, but I'd rather not go into it again. Obviously, both sides have made up their minds and there's no changing of opinions that'll happen. But again, no one is trying to silence those who are complaining. They're not fair, and it's plain as that. But the new system is in place already and kabam are probably sticking with it.

    On a side note, if you said the old system was fair, would you say the new one is unfair for lower players when the war ratings are relatively stable? Let's say if the season is over and everyone is "where they should be' according to the war rating rankings, which system do you think is better for all players, especially the non-whales who are progressing? If both systems were at a balance, or as balanced as each system could be, which do you think would be better for the game. I genuinely want to know what you think, and I apologize in advance if i sound snide or anything like that. I just want to know where your problems are with the system, whether it's this transition phase or how matchmaking is based off war rating.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,967 ★★★★★
    Speeds80 said:

    You literally went on to say the old matchups were fairer. Like everyone has said we don’t agree that the current matchups are fair for the lower alliance, but they are justified after 8 seasons where they were given unjustifiable advantage at the direct detriment of any alliance with higher prestige than them

    I said even Matches are fair. Yes. I did. If people can't win a fair fight, or only win some and lose some, then how can they judge others winning more fair fights? I don't get how people can't see how an even Match is fair. Whether it's pride based on the fact that their Champs are higher, or entitlement because they're used to dominating the board, or just plain bitterness because they're only winning so many of their own Matches, i don't get it.
    Forget the fact that the bigger guys could crush the smaller guys. That is a comparison that shouldn't have come into the situation. Look at one side fighting Opponents equal to what THEY are bringing to the table. That is fair. It's fair for the little guys and it's fair for the bigger guys. The Matches themselves were fair. I'm sorry, but no argument to the contrary is going to convince me the bigger guys are working harder because what they're working with is also stronger.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,967 ★★★★★

    Two 12 year olds are in a scrap on the playground and the 16 year old jumps in and says they can beat the 12 year old, so they aren't earning the win. That's all I see.

    So the 12 year olds should win prizes for fighting and the 16 year old can’t fight them so he’s clearly inferior and deserves less? Once again, do you realize how stupid that sounds?

    The fact is that you got an unfair advantage and it went away. There are thousands of teams all competing for the same prizes. You can’t beat better stronger teams so you are whining to change it back so you can beat weaker teams to get ahead of stronger teams that you can’t beat.
    Tell me this. If this was about the Rewards, why wasn't that the complaint? Why wasn't that addressed instead of the situation we have here?
    We all know what this was about. The Top wanted to watch them fall, and here we are with an open season of slaughter. That's what this has always been about. The Rewards could have been resolved differently. It's not about that. Some people think these Alliances owe them the pleasure of watching them fail.
  • BuGiBuGi Member Posts: 22
    6M VS 44M

  • Kabam AhabKabam Ahab Moderator Posts: 956
    This is a reminder, please stay on topic. Personal attacks and trolling are not allowed. Thanks!
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    After one or two season small alliances will be pushed back to where they belong and there will be no more complaints as such.
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