Matchmaking Discussion [Merged Threads]



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★

    You just don't get byes anymore anytime you'd match someone "stronger" than you. Want that higher multiplier, go take that spot from another alliance that's actually in that tier

    That argument is invalid because the argument I was just making was that people were missing out on Rewards. They couldn't do that with people actually in that Tier. Not enough to go up. Meanwhile people with lower Champs were, and that's what we call bitterness.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    They WERE fighting people that were actually in that Tier. Quite fairly.
  • SawgatSawgat Member Posts: 4
    This time expectations to have a better experience with War turned out to be a completely opposite experience, we are a gold 2 alliance with an alliance rating of 14.5 mil and prestige of around 6500. Where the 2 opponents we got so far this season are 33 mil, 10k prestige and 21.6 mil 8.5k prestige alliances. On the first war our prestige and rating was even lower 6.2k and 13.8 mil respectively. If such matches made in hell keep on happening just based on war eating alone then I don’t see any scope to enjoy the game alongside old teammates and enjoying the rewards we deserve for the amount of hard efforts we put in.

    I must urge the hardworking personnel at Kabam to look into this issue ASAP, to make this matchmaking actually resemble the word before up and coming alliance like ours loose the interest in wars completely.


  • CaptainGameCaptainGame Member Posts: 369 ★★★

    You just don't get byes anymore anytime you'd match someone "stronger" than you. Want that higher multiplier, go take that spot from another alliance that's actually in that tier

    That argument is invalid because the argument I was just making was that people were missing out on Rewards. They couldn't do that with people actually in that Tier. Not enough to go up. Meanwhile people with lower Champs were, and that's what we call bitterness.
    Yet not competing against the actual better teams in those spots. Now that you are, you can’t compete. And you’re bitter and lashing out on here.
  • anirbanchangderanirbanchangder Member Posts: 2

    This alliance season isn't going as well as it should be and as we summoners had thought, our alliance is facing some such allies which have same war rating but a hell and heaven difference in alliance rating and alliance prestige.
    I would like to draw the developers' attention and ask for some changes real soon or the average hardworking players aren't gonna have fun anymore in war matchmaking.
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★

    We’re wasting our time discussing the old matchmaking system vs new matchmaking system. Anyone who is objective and has common sense knows that the old matchmaking system was extremely unfair. Obviously these lower rated alliances didn’t deserve more 5 and 6 star shards than the higher rated alliances who would totally obliterate them in a head to head matchup (much like we’re witnessing now).

    What we need to be discussing is compensation like Corby11 and SuniDarur mentioned. Think about all the seasons of alliances being shafted with the old system. There are so many alliances who would have placed in platinum, and not gold had the system been fair this whole time. Instead the platinum rewards (so many 5 and 6 star shards) were given to many low rated alliances who had no business being in platinum or maybe even gold 1.

    Should there be compensation for these alliances? If so, how should that compensation be handled.

    Corby11 said:

    The more I think about it the more I feel that alliances like mine - who were robbed of a higher placing in AW because of the grossly unfair system of having everyone share the same prize pool without having the potential to face every opponent of the same AW rank and fighting in the same map tiers - should given compensation. It’s cost some of us thousands of 6* shards finishing Gold 1 when without this handicap we should have been Platinum. This should never have happened in the first place, if kabam had wanted to group alliances by prestige they should have separated the reward tiers in the same manner. This rebalancing of AW is well over due.

    Totally agree with @Corby11. Kabam needs to compensate all the alliances who were impacted due to this system.
    I have 1 crazy idea how we could do that.

    X 2 the rewards everyone will get this season. Except for Masters (maybe give them x 1,5 bc x 2 would prob be too crazy)

    All the alliances that got shafted would get a nice amount of extra shards bc they auto go higher than before.

    The lower ones get a little bit compensated that they have to face unwinnable wars (even tho they dont deserve it, it would make them be quiet)

    I mean its just an idea. Not that I expect kabam to do that :D
  • SawgatSawgat Member Posts: 4
    Yup, we are facing the same issue ! It’s not that hard to make decent matches among alliances to fight. Simply do a weighted average of alliance war rating, prestige and overall alliance rating. That way alliances which are similar to each other regarding just one variable but different in all others shouldn’t be facing each other. Or the war rating can be avoided completely, pit Alliances with similar prestige and alliance ratings with similar number of members/participants, war rating will then be just an indicator of good fair competition.
  • AVINASH_ASH7AVINASH_ASH7 Member Posts: 7
    Worst war matchmaking for this season 19 wars please fix this as soon as possible see this match making

  • Cirrus_01Cirrus_01 Member Posts: 4
    Hi every one, am new to postings on forum , just wondered if anybody could let me know roughly where an alliance with 5.5m rating and 4400 prestige should be in war ranks ?
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,013 ★★★★

    They WERE fighting people that were actually in that Tier. Quite fairly.

    Did you miss quickpiks example, he made it to tier 6 with a 3* alliance, he wasnt fighting anyone in tier 6, they would have to pull low rated opponents from as far away as tier 9 (if I recall the numbers correctly) one bg wars reaching gold 2. I think locking ratings may work long term. But This preseason I think maybe not. i think the smart (non platinum) alliances were climbing anyway, instead Of tanking, they knew things were about to start evening out and alliances like mine who are placed way out of where we should be tried to get to a better multiplier to start the season
  • Kerka00Kerka00 Member Posts: 4

  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,013 ★★★★
    edited July 2020

    I have 1 crazy idea how we could do that.

    X 2 the rewards everyone will get this season. Except for Masters (maybe give them x 1,5 bc x 2 would prob be too crazy)

    All the alliances that got shafted would get a nice amount of extra shards bc they auto go higher than before.

    The lower ones get a little bit compensated that they have to face unwinnable wars (even tho they dont deserve it, it would make them
    be quiet)

    I mean its just an idea. Not that I expect kabam to do that :D

    Maybe just give everyone the rewards from one bracket higher than they place, compensates the inflated teams for losing so much this season, and compensates the deflated teams like mine for the rewards they have been missing out on

    We all know season rewards Below p2 are far from game breaking or even being worth the effort
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,013 ★★★★
    Ps there is a 700 post threads which this will

    Be merged into at the very top of the forums, addressing this. maybe you should wade into there
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,764 ★★★★★
    Is this going to happen Everytime there's a attack phase? Please search the forums before posting. There's a mega thread about this already and dozens of others that are now just cluttering up the forums.
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