Bans for Exploiting Bugs [MERGED THREADS]



  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    Wouldn’t it be funny if Kabam rallied up all the cheated rewards and gave everyone who didn’t cheat those rewards? I’d die from laughter.

    Make it a common practice. They way people will be more apt to not cheat when an exploit is found.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    Vp14 said:

    The reward for not breaking the rules is freedom from punishment.

    That's the lame reward
    The lame reward is one that gives a week ban, and is removed.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Vp14 said:

    Vp14 said:

    Hopefully seatin makes a video about it
    Then we all get free rewards for being loyal

    I disagree. Not exploiting doesn't show loyalty.

    Also, why should morally good behavior be rewarded?
    If you don't want rewards don't claim it 😝

    Lol exploited people still has advantage over us. Plus we had to wait alot to even play the event and it's still not out

    7 days ban is not enough as compared to 20 5strcrystal. 1 k units and 6str crystal for free
    How do they have an advantage over us? Their resources have been taken away and they're banned. The 2 days that it has been offline couldn't have impacted you much. What have you missed out on? Nothing, since you can just do all runs after it comes out. It's not a daily thing, where you have to complete the quest once per day to get the full rewards.
  • Vp14Vp14 Member Posts: 30

    Wouldn’t it be funny if Kabam rallied up all the cheated rewards and gave everyone who didn’t cheat those rewards? I’d die from laughter.

    Make it a common practice. They way people will be more apt to not cheat when an exploit is found.

    Yesss that's what I'm talking about. That would be hilarious 🤣😜
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Vp14 said:

    Wouldn’t it be funny if Kabam rallied up all the cheated rewards and gave everyone who didn’t cheat those rewards? I’d die from laughter.

    Make it a common practice. They way people will be more apt to not cheat when an exploit is found.

    Yesss that's what I'm talking about. That would be hilarious 🤣😜
    Morally good behavior shouldn't be rewarded, just like morally bad behavior shouldn't be punished.
  • Vp14Vp14 Member Posts: 30
    And plus some alliance got screwed cuz of 7 days ban.
  • DarkEternityDarkEternity Member Posts: 785 ★★★★
    What the actual ****, no we don't get extra for using ethical common sense. Our reward is not getting banned lol
  • Vp14Vp14 Member Posts: 30
    Nakuul said:

    If this is a serious request I have no more hope in early education.

    Good luck
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★

    Vp14 said:

    Wouldn’t it be funny if Kabam rallied up all the cheated rewards and gave everyone who didn’t cheat those rewards? I’d die from laughter.

    Make it a common practice. They way people will be more apt to not cheat when an exploit is found.

    Yesss that's what I'm talking about. That would be hilarious 🤣😜
    Morally good behavior shouldn't be rewarded, just like morally bad behavior shouldn't be punished.
    I think people have watched Mean Girls too many times, and they're waiting for their piece of the tiara. LMAO.
  • BDVMBDVM Member Posts: 67
    I know a bunch of allies thru Line that have a number of people who received rewards so it will be easy to find out if Kabam finds everyone ;)
  • Doctorwho13Doctorwho13 Member Posts: 600 ★★★
    edited September 2020

    Mcord117 said:

    Whatever it’s not my issue I was waiting for the map to come out so I have not run a single path. The burden is on the multi million dollar company to make sure when they release something it’s right. Man would it be great if I got to blame my customers for taking advantage of every time my company messed up. It doesn’t happen that way in business, you own your mistake and you move on

    Wait, I work in retail. So shoplifters stealing is the company's fault as well? Because they didn't test whether someone can walk out the door with it over and over so the company gets what it deserves? The shoplifter isn't to blame because, even though they know what they are doing is wrong, it's the company's fault?

    You sir are something else. 👍
    False equivalency. He specifically said “my company messed up”. Not shop lifting or theft As in marking an item incorrectly at $5 instead of $20. Putting the wrong price on an item is not the consumers fault.

    Whether you agree with that analogy or not is beside the point. It’s the one he used and you tried to switch the narrative
  • Vp14Vp14 Member Posts: 30
    Nakuul said:

    If this is a serious request I have no more hope in early education.

    Good luck

    What the actual ****, no we don't get extra for using ethical common sense. Our reward is not getting banned lol

    But we got punished as some alliance memeber got banned. That's screws aw
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    Vp14 said:

    Wouldn’t it be funny if Kabam rallied up all the cheated rewards and gave everyone who didn’t cheat those rewards? I’d die from laughter.

    Make it a common practice. They way people will be more apt to not cheat when an exploit is found.

    Yesss that's what I'm talking about. That would be hilarious 🤣😜
    Morally good behavior shouldn't be rewarded, just like morally bad behavior shouldn't be punished.
    I think people have watched Mean Girls too many times, and they're waiting for their piece of the tiara. LMAO.
    Not as many times as I have ;). That and Legally Blonde are on repeat in my head 24/7.
  • TalharajpootTalharajpoot Member Posts: 381 ★★
    7 days ban for 150000 6* shards is nothing man
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Superflex said:

    The way this was handled was somewhat jarring. As with most things in life, if there's an opportunity to gain an advantage via a discrepancy or a loophole, some people will exploit it regardless of the consequences.

    I think a warning for first time offenders and a 48 hour ban for past transgressors would have been a more sensible approach. Also, if the content had been properly tested prior to and immediately upon release, this situation would not have occurred. And, it's virtually become the norm for new content to have something go wrong on release, but only on this occasion players had a ridiculous advantage as opposed to being habitually under the cosh.

    Perusing through the comments, some have asserted the situation is analogous to shoplifting or other similar clunky representations. I'm afraid none are even remotely in the same ballpark. Moreover, to even try to compare malfunctioning game content to tangible situations is a pointless exercise. It's much simpler to frame this if we look at problem at its root; to wit, x company has made a mistake and consumers have exploited this. Indeed, there are three recent situations we can apply this to, where the aforementioned occurred:

    i) An airline company had a promotion on flights but released it with incorrect pricing. Thousands took advantage and bought tickets.

    ii) A major retailer's customer loyalty scheme had a special promotion which incorrectly allowed customers to buy items for pennies if they bought just one item from a selected list. Plenty of customers bought a list item and got a basketload of other groceries for much less than what the list item cost.

    iii) A major bank's ATM went haywire and began paying out money even if you had none in your account. Word got out and scores if not hundreds of account holders took advantage before the bank noticed the problem and shut the machine down.

    In the first two instances, the respective companies took ownership of their mistake and allowed the customers to keep their gains. In the final case, the bank had to take the matter to court to retrieve the money from a few account holders. The judgement went their way but the payback terms made the whole exercise a phyrric victory; weekly payments of £1-2 a week as virtually all were unemployed and on benefits.

    Many companies make mistakes when setting up and releasing promotions for their products. When customers take advantage of this, most companies don't bother to clawback their losses as the PR disaster that would emerge as a result could become an existential threat to their future prosperity. Indeed, this is almost always the case, albeit in the ToS of the promotion it will clearly state "we reserve the right to withdraw services and goods at any time" with a plethora of hypothetical scenarios that could make this a possibility. Indeed, not much different to our current predicament.

    On a side note, I'm not affected by this in any way personally or as an alliance member and I have no motivation or ulterior motives; I'm simply expressing my thoughts as a fellow gamer...

    You seem to think ther is some magic amount of testing that is “adequte enough” to find all buts, there is not. In addition the first 2 are mistakes in advertising, and a reasonable person would not have expected them to be incorrect, because you cannot know if those were incorrect or not. The third you mention the payback of the money that was “phyrric”, but that is just the CIVIL acction, you are ignoring the CRIMINAL action against those people.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Mcord117 said:

    Whatever it’s not my issue I was waiting for the map to come out so I have not run a single path. The burden is on the multi million dollar company to make sure when they release something it’s right. Man would it be great if I got to blame my customers for taking advantage of every time my company messed up. It doesn’t happen that way in business, you own your mistake and you move on

    Wait, I work in retail. So shoplifters stealing is the company's fault as well? Because they didn't test whether someone can walk out the door with it over and over so the company gets what it deserves? The shoplifter isn't to blame because, even though they know what they are doing is wrong, it's the company's fault?

    You sir are something else. 👍
    False equivalency. He specifically said “my company messed up”. Not shop lifting or theft As in marking an item incorrectly at $5 instead of $20. Putting the wrong price on an item is not the consumers fault.

    Whether you agree with that analogy or not is beside the point. It’s the one he used and you tried to switch the narrative
    There are more ways to mess up than those. For example leaving the register open, leaving the back door open, leaving items in an area that are not or cannot be monitored. His equivalency is not false, yours it.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    7 days ban for 150000 6* shards is nothing man

    They don't keep those shards.
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    edited September 2020
    Arguing against bieng Punished for exploiting a Bug because it was kabams fault it was there is like arguing that you shouldn't be punished for stealing from a house because someone left the door unlocked
  • TalharajpootTalharajpoot Member Posts: 381 ★★
    I am happy that kabam has taken action against those who took advantage of bug of new side quest my friend is also got banned for 7 days and he got 100000 6* shards and when he open crystal he got 6* doom,corvus,domino,human torch,and rest of them were also god tiers so I think 7 day ban is nothing
  • QfuryQfury Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★

    I am happy that kabam has taken action against those who took advantage of bug of new side quest my friend is also got banned for 7 days and he got 100000 6* shards and when he open crystal he got 6* doom,corvus,domino,human torch,and rest of them were also god tiers so I think 7 day ban is nothing

    Won't they revert the champs though?
  • TalharajpootTalharajpoot Member Posts: 381 ★★
    Qfury said:

    I am happy that kabam has taken action against those who took advantage of bug of new side quest my friend is also got banned for 7 days and he got 100000 6* shards and when he open crystal he got 6* doom,corvus,domino,human torch,and rest of them were also god tiers so I think 7 day ban is nothing

    Won't they revert the champs though?
    Not sure because my friend was also thinking the same so he open 7 crystal and save 3 crystal
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,899 ★★★★★
    100000 6* shards vs 31 AGs, all crazy stuffs.
  • TalharajpootTalharajpoot Member Posts: 381 ★★
    Reference said:

    100000 6* shards vs 31 AGs, all crazy stuffs.

    That's why they are banning
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    I mean if they were allowed to keep those characters after the 7-day ban, I'd (hypothetically speaking) do the same lol
  • TalharajpootTalharajpoot Member Posts: 381 ★★

    Qfury said:

    I am happy that kabam has taken action against those who took advantage of bug of new side quest my friend is also got banned for 7 days and he got 100000 6* shards and when he open crystal he got 6* doom,corvus,domino,human torch,and rest of them were also god tiers so I think 7 day ban is nothing

    Won't they revert the champs though?
    Not sure because my friend was also thinking the same so he open 7 crystal and save 3 crystal
    Yeah they should revert the champs. Having all of those champs is too much
    He is not uncollected yet
  • TalharajpootTalharajpoot Member Posts: 381 ★★

    I mean if they were allowed to keep those characters after the 7-day ban, I'd (hypothetically speaking) do the same lol

    Champions will be revert but about 3 remaining crystal not sure
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,764 ★★★★★
    Mcord117 said:

    Nakuul said:

    Mcord117 said:

    Lormif said:

    Mcord117 said:

    Arsoz said:

    Lormif said:

    Arsoz said:

    Lormif said:

    Arsoz said:

    Arsoz said:

    Arsoz said:

    Nakuul said:

    Bro I was legit ready to actually spend some of my money on some Prof X/Apoc cav crystals (my 2 favorite ever champs released in 1 month, 2nd was doom and mr fantastic but I wasn’t playing at the time) but nah not anymore, not after how Kabam handled this situation. And I’m sure many others are gonna become ftp after this just like me. Not worth giving Kabam my money. I feel bad for the people banned who had the sigil because they’re losing value from it every second.

    I don't feel bad for anyone that exploited. If they played by the rules, they wouldn't be "losing value" from anything.
    I feel bad for them because they have a 1 week ban, their alliances are being massively affected, and rightfully, their rewards are being removed. And if they’ve given money to Kabam before that must hurt even more. I just think that’s too much. The way Kabam handled this situation tells me that I can’t trust them enough with my money. That’s a different decision for everyone else to make but I’ve made up my mind.
    Lol yes evil Kabam for banning for exploits. I bet you think shoplifters and bank robbers shouldn't be arrested and charged either.

    Let the cheaters in the game. Kabam evil, cheaters good.
    Stop comparing crimes to abusing a bug they are not similar at all
    They break rules. They are the same..
    Killing someone and abusing a bug is not similar at this point youre just talking bs
    Where did i say "killing people"
    we are talking about crimes killing people is a crime
    Not all crimes are killing people, you created a straw man argument to accuse him of a false equivalency.
    Yes not all crimes are killing people

    But none of these are comparable to abusing a bug on a mobile game as its just data nothing that will effect the developers compared to shop lifting where you are robbing from a store which will affect the store owner since they dont have an unlimited amount of products unlike in mcoc where its shards and awakening gems are unlimited as its not physical but digital.

    Does not matter how it affects someone, it is still a “crime” In addition that store owner typically has insurance, thefts will be paid back to them, I used to run a dominos pizza, I knew when my drivers went out that even if they were robbed we would still get the money from our insurance so I focused on protecting the drivers.

    In addition cheating for resources does cost MCOC lost revenue.
    Lormif said:

    Rlay02 said:

    Nakuul said:

    They banned the allys to with that desition....all of those that talk in favor of kabam they have a 45 lvl account...we pay a lot of money to lose the season cause KABAMS ban is faster than aegons bug to be fixed....this is disrespect to the allys that be punished without reason....

    It's disrespectful to Kabam to exploit in their game. Maybe tell your members not to cheat.
    Well its their fault for making the bug in the first place ots their fault.
    So if you leave your door open I can come in and rob you and you will not call the cops? If so where do you live?
    Lormif said:

    Rlay02 said:

    Nakuul said:

    They banned the allys to with that desition....all of those that talk in favor of kabam they have a 45 lvl account...we pay a lot of money to lose the season cause KABAMS ban is faster than aegons bug to be fixed....this is disrespect to the allys that be punished without reason....

    It's disrespectful to Kabam to exploit in their game. Maybe tell your members not to cheat.
    Well its their fault for making the bug in the first place ots their fault.
    So if you leave your door open I can come in and rob you and you will not call the cops? If so where do you live?
    When you leave your house you always double check to make sure your door is locked. When a developer finishes an update they should double check to find bugs the only reason why you would forget to close your door is because you are in a rush so then its entirely your fault
    So if I don't tell my murderer that I don't want to be killed, and they kill me, it's my fault?
    Once agains this is just a false equivalency, this bug is like a cop accidentally leaving 10 lbs of meth in a jail cell with addicts and being angry at meth addicts for using it. The game is created with the purpose of addiction. It is how it generates income. Kabam holds the majority of fault here. Test what you release before you release it
    The majority did not exploit the bug, also you cannot test for every bug.
    Not every bug but please do not act like this was a complex one. The game is centered on quest and rewards. There are dozens of paths in act 6 with t2a sitting on them. You don’t get more t2a by redoing paths. This is basic. Players should not be running it more than once but more so, the game developer is responsible to ensure it has a clue what it is doing
    If the bug wasn't complex don't you think they'd have it fixed and the quest back up by now? Depending on the code it could be VERY complex. You have no way of knowing either way.
    Ok I get your point here but in my mind is what you are saying is they screwed up so tremendously that it is taking this long to fix. Every path in 6.4 has t2a. To the best of my knowledge no one is sitting on 1,000 t2a in stash. All the needed coding to prevent this is already in place
    That's not what is happening at all. Some things are harder to fix than others. You think you know what you are talking about but it's obvious you are grasping at straws.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Mcord117 said:

    Once agains this is just a false equivalency, this bug is like a cop accidentally leaving 10 lbs of meth in a jail cell with addicts and being angry at meth addicts for using it. The game is created with the purpose of addiction. It is how it generates income. Kabam holds the majority of fault here. Test what you release before you release it

    You know what this bug is most like? It is like when an exploit shows up in an online game and players exploit it, and then the game company bans them. Honestly, this is not some weird novel situation that has never existed in the world before or that doesn't have decades of history behind it now that we have to struggle with analogies to figure it out.

    Kabam holds *all* the fault for the actual bug. So of course they are the ones fixing it. But the players who exploited the bug are responsible for their own actions, period. If anyone thinks farming rewards in MCOC is in any way analogous to opioid addiction, they should immediately delete the game from their phone. Anything else would be something between hypocrisy and idiocy.

    Everyone is responsible for their own actions. If you're someone who feels that temptation is an excuse for bad behavior, you probably shouldn't be playing mobile games, and honestly probably shouldn't own a phone or be allowed on the internet either.
    I was inclined to respond to that, but I'm amiss at the comparison to meth.
    Even when discussing recovery from addiction, taking responsibility for one's actions is a part of working a program.
    Not that I see any comparison whatsoever.
This discussion has been closed.