@Lormif By converting them for us, they're essentially forcing us to open the useless crystals instead of being able to convert them to the better crystals that contain useful resources (or let them sit in our inventory forever which is just annoying). When they update the basic pool of champions they don't auto-convert our existing stash of hero crystal shards into full crystals so we don't have access to the expanded pool, do they? So why do that here? Why would you prohibit people from being able to "bulk buy" something when they made the choice to stockpile the resource that is now used as the currency for that item? Stashing shards to wait for a better drop rate or improved selection is a known mechanic in this game. They're buffing PHC's soon too, should they auto-convert all existing PHC shards to full crystals so people who have them stockpiled can't get more chances at the nexus crystal? No. Hoarding a resource has value for people who have specific wants/needs in the game, and I don't understand why they would want to punish it.
@Lormif By converting them for us, they're essentially forcing us to open the useless crystals instead of being able to convert them to the better crystals that contain useful resources (or let them sit in our inventory forever which is just annoying). When they update the basic pool of champions they don't auto-convert our existing stash of hero crystal shards into full crystals so we don't have access to the expanded pool, do they? So why do that here? Why would you prohibit people from being able to "bulk buy" something when they made the choice to stockpile the resource that is now used as the currency for that item? Stashing shards to wait for a better drop rate or improved selection is a known mechanic in this game. They're buffing PHC's soon too, should they auto-convert all existing PHC shards to full crystals so people who have them stockpiled can't get more chances at the nexus crystal? No. Hoarding a resource has value for people who have specific wants/needs in the game, and I don't understand why they would want to punish it.
what is the difference between having thousands and thousands of shards sitting in your inventory and having way less crystals?
These shards are not anything like hero crystal shards, but if you want to use a comparison use featured crystals which work the same way.
Hey Kabam thanks for not letting hoarders get a leg up on everyone else by carrying shards forward, Would’ve been a dumb move.
A leg up how exactly by getting shards from playing the game and waiting until good crystals come out to use them on makes no sense everyone was waiting for this to happen to spend their shards on and kabam knew this so they did it and made up the excuse that it would break the game economy when it wouldn’t at all they cost 10k a pop and the chance of getting a single five star sig stone crystal not even a generic is 5% while t2a or t5b is 1% no ones gonna get anything good out of these crystals anyways so idk how it’d give ppl a leg up especially cuz players earn the shards as a reward for playing the game
not everyone, most people do not hoard like that. It also creates an unfair advantage for those that did not.
Hey Kabam thanks for not letting hoarders get a leg up on everyone else by carrying shards forward, Would’ve been a dumb move.
A leg up how exactly by getting shards from playing the game and waiting until good crystals come out to use them on makes no sense everyone was waiting for this to happen to spend their shards on and kabam knew this so they did it and made up the excuse that it would break the game economy when it wouldn’t at all they cost 10k a pop and the chance of getting a single five star sig stone crystal not even a generic is 5% while t2a or t5b is 1% no ones gonna get anything good out of these crystals anyways so idk how it’d give ppl a leg up especially cuz players earn the shards as a reward for playing the game
not everyone, most people do not hoard like that. It also creates an unfair advantage for those that did not.
Too bad if you didn’t that’s your fault if you didn’t not mine it’s not like anyone is forcing you to play the game or hoard shards or crystals...Ya that’s how it works if you’re patient you may benefit just like if you pay you benefit so it’s problem when someone hoards crystals in anticipation of a better one say like the dual class crystals at better odds to get a champ but it’s okay to spend a bunch of money to get rare things in the game instead of being able to earn those in content ... again makes no sense to me that’s you’re own decision to not hoard no one else’s lol
Its funny how your sense of fairness only kicks in when it is beneficial to you, as soon as it is detrimental to you it goes away.. You should not be penalized by playing the game and opening the rewards when you get them by those rewards magically becoming better later. All that does is encourages hoarding of resources, not actually playing the game.
It was your decision to hoard, no one elses, kabam should not reward you for that.
Hey Kabam thanks for not letting hoarders get a leg up on everyone else by carrying shards forward, Would’ve been a dumb move.
So you are telling me if I start hoarding my 6* shards now, they won't convert to 7* shards in the future?
7*s aren't even on the map yet, so possibly not. Same with these Shards. People have hoarded them for long before there was an upgrade.
I also generally think there is a difference between "hoarding" and simply not opening because the crystals are worthless based on my account. I do the events for the revive and unit milestones. I've never done them for these crystals. I've never not opened them in hopes that they would be more valuable some day. Much like the quest crystals, it would be nice if some day I can exchange them for something slightly more valuable. But I'm not going to complain that I'm not being rewarded because I haven't opened these crystal. Beside, even the new ones don't move the needle. Would it be nice? Sure. Is it a problem? No.
Hey Kabam thanks for not letting hoarders get a leg up on everyone else by carrying shards forward, Would’ve been a dumb move.
A leg up how exactly by getting shards from playing the game and waiting until good crystals come out to use them on makes no sense everyone was waiting for this to happen to spend their shards on and kabam knew this so they did it and made up the excuse that it would break the game economy when it wouldn’t at all they cost 10k a pop and the chance of getting a single five star sig stone crystal not even a generic is 5% while t2a or t5b is 1% no ones gonna get anything good out of these crystals anyways so idk how it’d give ppl a leg up especially cuz players earn the shards as a reward for playing the game
not everyone, most people do not hoard like that. It also creates an unfair advantage for those that did not.
Too bad if you didn’t that’s your fault if you didn’t not mine it’s not like anyone is forcing you to play the game or hoard shards or crystals...Ya that’s how it works if you’re patient you may benefit just like if you pay you benefit so it’s problem when someone hoards crystals in anticipation of a better one say like the dual class crystals at better odds to get a champ but it’s okay to spend a bunch of money to get rare things in the game instead of being able to earn those in content ... again makes no sense to me that’s you’re own decision to not hoard no one else’s lol
Its funny how your sense of fairness only kicks in when it is beneficial to you, as soon as it is detrimental to you it goes away.. You should not be penalized by playing the game and opening the rewards when you get them by those rewards magically becoming better later. All that does is encourages hoarding of resources, not actually playing the game.
It was your decision to hoard, no one elses, kabam should not reward you for that.
wdym that is fairness if you played the game a lot and hoarded for the sole purpose of waiting for a better crystal which is basically why everyone did then yes you should be rewarded over the player that doesn’t play a lot grinding=rewarding and that’s different everyone that keeps up with the game knew the old solo crystals were super outdated and hoarded on purpose even kabam knew that it’s not a reward it’s the fact that those crystals haven’t been worth opening for 3 years now and everyone saved on purpose and kabam knowingly didn’t convert them
Just like it’s everyone else’s decision to pop the crappy old solo crystals and not be patient enough to wait for the new ones it goes both ways it’s funny that you keep insisting everyone should be treated fairly in game when p2w are valued more than F2P and apparently if you don’t play a lot you should be rewarded the same as if you do play a lot the pure lack of logic
You keep using the overgeneralizing fallacy, not everyone did this. And no you should not be rewarded over someone who opened the crystals when they got them, especially since we have known for like forever that they dont want to reward hoarding. I am not the one saying people should be treated equally, that would be YOU...Well until it puts you at a disadvantage.
Hey Kabam thanks for not letting hoarders get a leg up on everyone else by carrying shards forward, Would’ve been a dumb move.
A leg up how exactly by getting shards from playing the game and waiting until good crystals come out to use them on makes no sense everyone was waiting for this to happen to spend their shards on and kabam knew this so they did it and made up the excuse that it would break the game economy when it wouldn’t at all they cost 10k a pop and the chance of getting a single five star sig stone crystal not even a generic is 5% while t2a or t5b is 1% no ones gonna get anything good out of these crystals anyways so idk how it’d give ppl a leg up especially cuz players earn the shards as a reward for playing the game
This game does not allow you to hoard shards “until better crystals come out”. Would be dumb if they did.
If you don’t think the champions I compete against have any affect on me I’m not sure which game you are playing.
Given the idea you can hoard for better crystals and that your champions have no effect on me are you sure you’re posting on the right game’s forums?
Hey Kabam thanks for not letting hoarders get a leg up on everyone else by carrying shards forward, Would’ve been a dumb move.
A leg up how exactly by getting shards from playing the game and waiting until good crystals come out to use them on makes no sense everyone was waiting for this to happen to spend their shards on and kabam knew this so they did it and made up the excuse that it would break the game economy when it wouldn’t at all they cost 10k a pop and the chance of getting a single five star sig stone crystal not even a generic is 5% while t2a or t5b is 1% no ones gonna get anything good out of these crystals anyways so idk how it’d give ppl a leg up especially cuz players earn the shards as a reward for playing the game
not everyone, most people do not hoard like that. It also creates an unfair advantage for those that did not.
Too bad if you didn’t that’s your fault if you didn’t not mine it’s not like anyone is forcing you to play the game or hoard shards or crystals...Ya that’s how it works if you’re patient you may benefit just like if you pay you benefit so it’s problem when someone hoards crystals in anticipation of a better one say like the dual class crystals at better odds to get a champ but it’s okay to spend a bunch of money to get rare things in the game instead of being able to earn those in content ... again makes no sense to me that’s you’re own decision to not hoard no one else’s lol
Its funny how your sense of fairness only kicks in when it is beneficial to you, as soon as it is detrimental to you it goes away.. You should not be penalized by playing the game and opening the rewards when you get them by those rewards magically becoming better later. All that does is encourages hoarding of resources, not actually playing the game.
It was your decision to hoard, no one elses, kabam should not reward you for that.
wdym that is fairness if you played the game a lot and hoarded for the sole purpose of waiting for a better crystal which is basically why everyone did then yes you should be rewarded over the player that doesn’t play a lot grinding=rewarding and that’s different everyone that keeps up with the game knew the old solo crystals were super outdated and hoarded on purpose even kabam knew that it’s not a reward it’s the fact that those crystals haven’t been worth opening for 3 years now and everyone saved on purpose and kabam knowingly didn’t convert them
Just like it’s everyone else’s decision to pop the crappy old solo crystals and not be patient enough to wait for the new ones it goes both ways it’s funny that you keep insisting everyone should be treated fairly in game when p2w are valued more than F2P and apparently if you don’t play a lot you should be rewarded the same as if you do play a lot the pure lack of logic
You keep using the overgeneralizing fallacy, not everyone did this. And no you should not be rewarded over someone who opened the crystals when they got them, especially since we have known for like forever that they dont want to reward hoarding. I am not the one saying people should be treated equally, that would be YOU...Well until it puts you at a disadvantage.
Over generalizing as in ppl that actually keep up with this game why should anyone care ab the players of the game that don’t login a lot or play much lol everyone that plays this game a decent amount and is mid level and up knew this was coming for awhile now and yet kabam shafts us again and I’m talking ab p2w vs F2P equality not grinder vs lazy player those r 2 totally different things smart one
If you actually kept up with the game you would know that kabam has publicly stated they are not going to reward hoarding and knew they would not allow it, but you dont keep up with it near as much as you think you do.
Hey Kabam thanks for not letting hoarders get a leg up on everyone else by carrying shards forward, Would’ve been a dumb move.
A leg up how exactly by getting shards from playing the game and waiting until good crystals come out to use them on makes no sense everyone was waiting for this to happen to spend their shards on and kabam knew this so they did it and made up the excuse that it would break the game economy when it wouldn’t at all they cost 10k a pop and the chance of getting a single five star sig stone crystal not even a generic is 5% while t2a or t5b is 1% no ones gonna get anything good out of these crystals anyways so idk how it’d give ppl a leg up especially cuz players earn the shards as a reward for playing the game
not everyone, most people do not hoard like that. It also creates an unfair advantage for those that did not.
Too bad if you didn’t that’s your fault if you didn’t not mine it’s not like anyone is forcing you to play the game or hoard shards or crystals...Ya that’s how it works if you’re patient you may benefit just like if you pay you benefit so it’s problem when someone hoards crystals in anticipation of a better one say like the dual class crystals at better odds to get a champ but it’s okay to spend a bunch of money to get rare things in the game instead of being able to earn those in content ... again makes no sense to me that’s you’re own decision to not hoard no one else’s lol
Its funny how your sense of fairness only kicks in when it is beneficial to you, as soon as it is detrimental to you it goes away.. You should not be penalized by playing the game and opening the rewards when you get them by those rewards magically becoming better later. All that does is encourages hoarding of resources, not actually playing the game.
It was your decision to hoard, no one elses, kabam should not reward you for that.
wdym that is fairness if you played the game a lot and hoarded for the sole purpose of waiting for a better crystal which is basically why everyone did then yes you should be rewarded over the player that doesn’t play a lot grinding=rewarding and that’s different everyone that keeps up with the game knew the old solo crystals were super outdated and hoarded on purpose even kabam knew that it’s not a reward it’s the fact that those crystals haven’t been worth opening for 3 years now and everyone saved on purpose and kabam knowingly didn’t convert them
Just like it’s everyone else’s decision to pop the crappy old solo crystals and not be patient enough to wait for the new ones it goes both ways it’s funny that you keep insisting everyone should be treated fairly in game when p2w are valued more than F2P and apparently if you don’t play a lot you should be rewarded the same as if you do play a lot the pure lack of logic
You keep using the overgeneralizing fallacy, not everyone did this. And no you should not be rewarded over someone who opened the crystals when they got them, especially since we have known for like forever that they dont want to reward hoarding. I am not the one saying people should be treated equally, that would be YOU...Well until it puts you at a disadvantage.
Over generalizing as in ppl that actually keep up with this game why should anyone care ab the players of the game that don’t login a lot or play much lol everyone that plays this game a decent amount and is mid level and up knew this was coming for awhile now and yet kabam shafts us again and I’m talking ab p2w vs F2P equality not grinder vs lazy player those r 2 totally different things smart one
If you actually kept up with the game you would know that kabam has publicly stated they are not going to reward hoarding and knew they would not allow it, but you dont keep up with it near as much as you think you do.
Never saw them say that on any post and I keep up with nearly everything on here and again what level player are you and what’s ur overall acc rating and prestige out of curiosity bc I’m betting you’re a low level player that knows barely anything ab the game
and you would lose that bet. They have talked about hoarding multiple times, and it blew up in Apr of last year, so obviously you do not know what you are talking about.
Hey Kabam thanks for not letting hoarders get a leg up on everyone else by carrying shards forward, Would’ve been a dumb move.
A leg up how exactly by getting shards from playing the game and waiting until good crystals come out to use them on makes no sense everyone was waiting for this to happen to spend their shards on and kabam knew this so they did it and made up the excuse that it would break the game economy when it wouldn’t at all they cost 10k a pop and the chance of getting a single five star sig stone crystal not even a generic is 5% while t2a or t5b is 1% no ones gonna get anything good out of these crystals anyways so idk how it’d give ppl a leg up especially cuz players earn the shards as a reward for playing the game
This game does not allow you to hoard shards “until better crystals come out”. Would be dumb if they did.
If you don’t think the champions I compete against have any affect on me I’m not sure which game you are playing.
Given the idea you can hoard for better crystals and that your champions have no effect on me are you sure you’re posting on the right game’s forums?
Again thanks Kabam!
“Champions you compete against” the only mode you compete against other players champs competitively is war and a few sig levels on a defender won’t be much if you’re actually good at the game... in what other way besides war do you’re champs have an effect on mine lol it’s only and anyways high tier war is full of whales who buy their way into everything anyways... I’m an endgame player that’s exploring act 6 atm so yes I probably know more ab this game than you what level is you’re account
Lol. He says about one of the more knowledgeable people in the game.
Hey Kabam thanks for not letting hoarders get a leg up on everyone else by carrying shards forward, Would’ve been a dumb move.
A leg up how exactly by getting shards from playing the game and waiting until good crystals come out to use them on makes no sense everyone was waiting for this to happen to spend their shards on and kabam knew this so they did it and made up the excuse that it would break the game economy when it wouldn’t at all they cost 10k a pop and the chance of getting a single five star sig stone crystal not even a generic is 5% while t2a or t5b is 1% no ones gonna get anything good out of these crystals anyways so idk how it’d give ppl a leg up especially cuz players earn the shards as a reward for playing the game
This game does not allow you to hoard shards “until better crystals come out”. Would be dumb if they did.
If you don’t think the champions I compete against have any affect on me I’m not sure which game you are playing.
Given the idea you can hoard for better crystals and that your champions have no effect on me are you sure you’re posting on the right game’s forums?
Again thanks Kabam!
“Champions you compete against” the only mode you compete against other players champs competitively is war and a few sig levels on a defender won’t be much if you’re actually good at the game... in what other way besides war do you’re champs have an effect on mine lol it’s only and anyways high tier war is full of whales who buy their way into everything anyways... I’m an endgame player that’s exploring act 6 atm so yes I probably know more ab this game than you what level is you’re account
Well that’s bunch of nonsense. Sig levels impact arenas, alliance recruitment, legends runs and yes most importantly war where sig levels very much matter. You’d know this as an end game player but you’re still exploring act 6.
Good news is you now have a way to earn sig levels as a ftp player which will allow you to one day fit into the pants you’re currently trying to hold up using shoestrings.
And you still haven’t told me what level player you are and ur acc rating and prestige I’m still curious to know if you have any kind of endgame or high tier war experience
I promise. It's higher than yours. You can just look him up.
I love how it went from "I'm more endgame than you" to "clearly you spend money".
Ya it did Cuz I wasn’t expecting him to be a whale at alland you realize how the whales always defend kabam when all their actions barely have an effect on them cuz they can buy their way into whatever they’d like to compared F2P players
They've always been able to. If you're trying to get everything that people spend get, you're going to fail. People who spend will always have a leg up. That's what they pay for. However, the game provides all the Resources needed for those who play for free. That's just a fact.
So you don’t believe there should be a way for f2p to keep up with p2w that’s the flaw of kabam they care only ab their whales and when they have a chance to give grinders good rewards they don’t do jack
Keep up with them? No, not really. There is no competition between paying Players and free ones. Who would pay if they gave equal amounts to people that don't?
These shards are not anything like hero crystal shards, but if you want to use a comparison use featured crystals which work the same way.
It was your decision to hoard, no one elses, kabam should not reward you for that.
If you don’t think the champions I compete against have any affect on me I’m not sure which game you are playing.
Given the idea you can hoard for better crystals and that your champions have no effect on me are you sure you’re posting on the right game’s forums?
Again thanks Kabam!
Good news is you now have a way to earn sig levels as a ftp player which will allow you to one day fit into the pants you’re currently trying to hold up using shoestrings.