Petition to make no difference in Thronebreaker And Cavalier UNIT-BASED Cyber Weekend Deals!

AO8mileAO8mile Member Posts: 89
Unit-Based Cyber Weekend Deals are the best deals to developing the roster for "FREE TO PLAY" Players
If there be a ThroneBreaker Deal this year it will surely be better than cavalier deals and Will Automatically SCREW the majority of Free To Play Players which are Cavaliers and it will push them further back from getting "Thronebreaker" title
Having the same Deals for cavaliers and thronebreakers in Unit-Based deals sounds fair, I'm looking forward to a fully form t5cc, however, there will be difference but in Money-Based Deals can be different and thronebreakers can buy them
I hope you guys support this petition so kabams officials can see this


  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,488 ★★★★★
    It already scawer most of people can get insan luck and get 10k 6 shard out of the daily thorns breaker cystal
  • AO8mileAO8mile Member Posts: 89
    @Masterpuff Last year the first and second offer of cavalier and uncollected was the same, this year 4th of July also the first deal of cavaliers and uncollected was the same, how about that?
  • AO8mileAO8mile Member Posts: 89
    @Thicco_Mode Imagine if you were going to put T5CC in deals,
    would you put it in cavaliers or Thronebreaker? Thronebreakers doesn't need T5CC as much as Cavaliers need, by separating the offers you PUT The BEST OFFERS IN Thronebreaker and it will absolutely screw 100% cavalier players
  • AO8mileAO8mile Member Posts: 89
    @Masterpuff The 1k Unit-Deal was the same
    But as you saying uncollected was much worse than cavalier, exactly this thing will happen this year at cyber weekend, cavalier offer will be so much worse than thronebreaker
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    Why don't we make conqueror deals same as uncollected then and also proven deals too just for good measure.
  • AO8mileAO8mile Member Posts: 89
    @Thicco_Mode I hope you be right but something in my gut is telling me that cavalier offer will be so much worse than thronebreaker
  • MjolinarMjolinar Member Posts: 157 ★★
    Want access to better deals? Put in the work. I am cavalier, not thronebreaker. Will I make it in time? Probably not. But if I really want it it’s there to go for. You have over a month. It’s your choice.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    AO8mile said:

    @Masterpuff The 1k Unit-Deal was the same
    But as you saying uncollected was much worse than cavalier, exactly this thing will happen this year at cyber weekend, cavalier offer will be so much worse than thronebreaker

    you mean a higher progression level will have better rewards? shocking! why does that matter for the cav players? they will have great deals with great value and thronebreakers, if they even have deals, will have better ones because they are further in progression
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    AO8mile said:

    @Thicco_Mode Imagine if you were going to put T5CC in deals,
    would you put it in cavaliers or Thronebreaker? Thronebreakers doesn't need T5CC as much as Cavaliers need, by separating the offers you PUT The BEST OFFERS IN Thronebreaker and it will absolutely screw 100% cavalier players

    it would not screw anyone, you are not owed anything.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    AO8mile said:

    @Masterpuff The 1k Unit-Deal was the same
    But as you saying uncollected was much worse than cavalier, exactly this thing will happen this year at cyber weekend, cavalier offer will be so much worse than thronebreaker

    you mean a higher progression level will have better rewards? shocking! why does that matter for the cav players? they will have great deals with great value and thronebreakers, if they even have deals, will have better ones because they are further in progression
    AO8mile said:

    @Thicco_Mode I hope you be right but something in my gut is telling me that cavalier offer will be so much worse than thronebreaker

    yes we know it will. that doesn't mean the cav deal will be worse than previous years. It doesn't mean the value will be bad. it's like someone who has only completed act three asking for uc deals to be removed because they are better. that's ridiculous
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    First off, Cav had t5cc last time. And they were insane. If you’re newly cav, you definitely DONT NEED 6* nexus.
  • AO8mileAO8mile Member Posts: 89
    @Gmonkey if i spend my units on act 6 or abyss then I can not buy the offers as I am a free to play player, but also I have 1.15m rating in game I have no horsemen to run abyss not even one of them and don't have backup options either and been hunting them for months now but couldn't accure them
  • AO8mileAO8mile Member Posts: 89
    @Masterpuff cavs needs T5CC to become Thronebreakers lol, how do u say they don't even need it
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    AO8mile said:

    @Gmonkey if i spend my units on act 6 or abyss then I can not buy the offers as I am a free to play player, but also I have 1.15m rating in game I have no horsemen to run abyss not even one of them and don't have backup options either and been hunting them for months now but couldn't accure them

    Yup sounds like you need offers tailored towards 5 stars that will help you progress through that content. That’s not what TBs need.
  • AO8mileAO8mile Member Posts: 89
    @Thicco_Mode a higher progression level which was announced just like 2 months before getting the best offers in the game? that sounds screwy to me
    if it was announced after cyberweekend i would had no problem but we're just right by cyberweekend and you announce new progression title? that will screw players trust me
  • AO8mileAO8mile Member Posts: 89
    @Masterpuff my ingame name is Arshia Oraji check it out
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    AO8mile said:

    @Thicco_Mode a higher progression level which was announced just like 2 months before getting the best offers in the game? that sounds screwy to me
    if it was announced after cyberweekend i would had no problem but we're just right by cyberweekend and you announce new progression title? that will screw players trust me

    you keep using that word, I dont think you know what it means. If they give throne breakers better deals it in no way means those were the same deals they would give to cavs if there were no thronebreakers.
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    Stop complaining bro I'm near FTP and I'm throne breaker, know a bunch of FTP players that are also Throne breaker. Stop complaining, this is like saying Cavalier players and Uncollected players should get the same offers.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    Lormif said:

    AO8mile said:

    @Thicco_Mode a higher progression level which was announced just like 2 months before getting the best offers in the game? that sounds screwy to me
    if it was announced after cyberweekend i would had no problem but we're just right by cyberweekend and you announce new progression title? that will screw players trust me

    you keep using that word, I dont think you know what it means. If they give throne breakers better deals it in no way means those were the same deals they would give to cavs if there were no thronebreakers.
    exactly, I'm not sure what you're thinking or how you think one leads the other
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Now this is some next level nonsense
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,333 ★★★★★
    i am enlightened by this conversation lol
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    AO8mile said:

    @Masterpuff cavs needs T5CC to become Thronebreakers lol, how do u say they don't even need it

    Yes, and you get that through this thing called content. Imagine playing the game, and progressing. Crazy stuff.
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