Petition to make no difference in Thronebreaker And Cavalier UNIT-BASED Cyber Weekend Deals!

Unit-Based Cyber Weekend Deals are the best deals to developing the roster for "FREE TO PLAY" Players
If there be a ThroneBreaker Deal this year it will surely be better than cavalier deals and Will Automatically SCREW the majority of Free To Play Players which are Cavaliers and it will push them further back from getting "Thronebreaker" title
Having the same Deals for cavaliers and thronebreakers in Unit-Based deals sounds fair, I'm looking forward to a fully form t5cc, however, there will be difference but in Money-Based Deals can be different and thronebreakers can buy them
I hope you guys support this petition so kabams officials can see this
If there be a ThroneBreaker Deal this year it will surely be better than cavalier deals and Will Automatically SCREW the majority of Free To Play Players which are Cavaliers and it will push them further back from getting "Thronebreaker" title
Having the same Deals for cavaliers and thronebreakers in Unit-Based deals sounds fair, I'm looking forward to a fully form t5cc, however, there will be difference but in Money-Based Deals can be different and thronebreakers can buy them
I hope you guys support this petition so kabams officials can see this
This discussion has been closed.
would you put it in cavaliers or Thronebreaker? Thronebreakers doesn't need T5CC as much as Cavaliers need, by separating the offers you PUT The BEST OFFERS IN Thronebreaker and it will absolutely screw 100% cavalier players
But as you saying uncollected was much worse than cavalier, exactly this thing will happen this year at cyber weekend, cavalier offer will be so much worse than thronebreaker
if it was announced after cyberweekend i would had no problem but we're just right by cyberweekend and you announce new progression title? that will screw players trust me