Cyber Weekend Sales Feedback [Merged Threads]



  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 706 ★★★
    Nah dude, won't happen, they already said its not gonna happen.
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  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,172 ★★★★★
    edited November 2020
    Wsm10 said:

    Not trying to be rude, but what do you expect to happen when there's 100 posts made about the weekend deals months in advance, and people doing ridiculous "countdown" threads to these offers? When you let a business know you have money to burn, where's the incentive for them to put out the best deals possible??? Everyone should have seen this coming from a mile away. It's unacceptable, but the player base didn't help the situation in the least bit.

    The posts about how eager people were to spend...most of them had expectations attached for what they’d get back. Every single holiday is like this, and Kabam usually does okay-to-great. How’s this for an incentive - you avoid an 800 post topic about how people hate you for treating them like garbage?

    If someone went on this board ten days ago and said, “Even though the meta has way more 6-star shards, t5b, t5cc, and 5-star sig stones, the Cavalier offers will include less of all of those things than they did 5 months ago,” then we would’ve put them in a friggin straitjacket.

    I grinded 5000 units. I kept them. I planned to spend 30-50 dollars. I kept that too.
  • SatsuiNoHadouSatsuiNoHadou Member Posts: 753 ★★★
    Wsm10 said:

    Not trying to be rude, but what do you expect to happen when there's 100 posts made about the weekend deals months in advance, and people doing ridiculous "countdown" threads to these offers? When you let a business know you have money to burn, where's the incentive for them to put out the best deals possible??? Everyone should have seen this coming from a mile away. It's unacceptable, but the player base didn't help the situation in the least bit.

    It’s not that they didn’t see this coming. Sure, they anticipated the TB offers would be damn sweet, but they didn’t expect the cavalier offers to be super underwhelming.
  • DaileyDailey Member Posts: 283 ★★
    These cavalier offers were made for free to play. I highly recommend to become free to play as it is much more enjoyable when you see the offers that do not help you progress as you wish. The bonus is you save your money and watch the whales whale out. Still a very fun game for free to play.
  • HailTheGreat1HailTheGreat1 Member Posts: 40
    As soon as Thronebreaker was announced I figured the new tier offers would be implemented by cyber weekend. I usually buy min 1 Odin and and whatever to offset the cost to get me to 15k units for the deal. I don't have the niche needs for certain gates to get Thronebreaker so decided not to spend when it was announced. Once my cash doesnt go as far as someone elses its a nobrainer decision not to spend. I get these tiers have been around for years now but I'm not getting ripped off unless I'm getting the top value. i honestly think the tier system is fine for units but not real world cash but thats just an opinion. I would imagine Kabam ran the data and saw they stood to maximize profits from the big throne breaker spenders that probably buy everything and some cav players that don't mind getting ripped as opposed to putting a deal out that satisfied most. Remember if your were forced to R3 a trash 6* thats a huge resource you wasted so you are in the hole and the best way to dig yourself out is spending more. Calculated right? Oh well theres alwas july 4th if I'm still playing, already scaled back in AW b/c platinum 2% t5cc are scraps not worth the effort. Stay safe and Happy Holidays
  • redsoxpatsfan89redsoxpatsfan89 Member Posts: 164
    One question for those who did not spend, which is many, would you spend over the next few days, if the offers were beefed up, like more t5cc or t5b added to deals? Got to give some more info just in never know lol. Not likely but who knows
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  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,452 ★★★★★

    One question for those who did not spend, which is many, would you spend over the next few days, if the offers were beefed up, like more t5cc or t5b added to deals? Got to give some more info just in never know lol. Not likely but who knows


    Dr. Zola
  • redsoxpatsfan89redsoxpatsfan89 Member Posts: 164
    edited November 2020

    One question for those who did not spend, which is many, would you spend over the next few days, if the offers were beefed up, like more t5cc or t5b added to deals? Got to give some more info just in never know lol. Not likely but who knows

    If I could get the 6,000 fragments I need to take Doom up, and not being paying $150 for a 1/6 chance at it? Absolutely.

    Not this trash.
    Thats my thought, t5cc frag selector or double the t5cc if its not a selector, and throw in a t5b or 2 and i would be happy
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,172 ★★★★★

    One question for those who did not spend, which is many, would you spend over the next few days, if the offers were beefed up, like more t5cc or t5b added to deals? Got to give some more info just in never know lol. Not likely but who knows

    I would have preferred the July 4 offers to these offers. I’d spend 5000 units for the July 4 deal if given the chance again.
  • SnurrisSnurris Member Posts: 440 ★★★

    One question for those who did not spend, which is many, would you spend over the next few days, if the offers were beefed up, like more t5cc or t5b added to deals? Got to give some more info just in never know lol. Not likely but who knows

    If they did the deals worth it. Yes I would.
  • Mizzle_DizzleMizzle_Dizzle Member Posts: 8
    I know this has been said already but pretty bummed looking at throne breaker and cavalier deals. 30$ bucks for a 6* nexus wouldve been nice or even 50$ for cavalier. This was my first major holiday deal being cavalier. Major let down wanted to try and get at least 1 6* to throne breaker and now thats nonexistent. You got me and I still spent money just trying to get a good 6* roster to move up in the game. I know you "kabam" prefaced your message saying there would be no changes in any way but some type of compensation would be nice. I saved up for this just to be let down just like the other Cav players in here.
  • JamagJamag Member Posts: 6
    What a complete joke. Was looking forward to these offers to treat myself and they are totally trash at cavalier level. Look how good the thronebreaker deals are in comparison yet because I haven’t a r3 despite having the t5 and completed act 6 I don’t qualify since I haven’t a suitable champ to rank because of rng... kabam really need to fix this title and do the right thing and Remove this stupid r3 requirement.
    People want to spend so give us a chance to do something about It and not penalise us. Make the offers fair and available to all.
    I spend around £500/600 on the 4th July deals but you won’t get a penny from me this weekend With these deals so good job there.
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 706 ★★★
    edited November 2020
    Honestly, they could take back every single offer on the Odin and just put a 10% selector and I'd be fine...I'd also be throne breaker than and actually get a good offer afterwards but nope....I guess I'll just rank 5 Hawkeye since I have every other one of my good 5 star ranked 5 already...definitely don't want to start working on any of my 50 six stars...especially since 5 stars are definitely not on there way out...we have proof of this since they've stared giving out generic awakening for free, they would never do that if they weren't permanently relevant, fight???
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